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Managing Virtual Networks

A Virtual Network is a Virtuozzo notion denoting the grouping of a number of Containers with bridged network interfaces into a single subnet. Using Virtual Networks is also necessary if you want to single out groups of Containers on a Hardware Node into separate subnets to be invisible to each other. General information on the two network modes in which Containers can operate - namely, host-routed and bridged modes - is provided in Parallels Virtuozzo Containers User's Guide. Only those Containers that operate in the bridged mode can be united into Virtual Networks. The picture below illustrates different scenarios of how Virtual Networks can be used and what are the effects of this or that toponomy.

Virtual Networks

The scheme above illustrates three Virtuozzo Hardware Nodes each having a single Ethernet adapter (eth0). The Ethernet adapters are physically united into a single network. On the Ethernet adapters of Nodes 2 and 3, a VLAN is set up.

Note: Linux On a Linux Node, a VLAN can be set up by standard means of the OS, and Parallels Infrastructure Manager provides an interface for creating VLANs on any network adapter. Windows On Windows Nodes, any suitable third-party tools can be used for creating VLANs. Parallels Infrastructure Manager does not provide an interface to these tools, though it naturally displays the VLAN adapters created in this way.

The steps needed to set up each of the five Virtual Networks shown on the scheme (A-E) are the following:

  1. A Virtual Network is created either on the general Parallels Infrastructure Manager screen for the whole Virtuozzo Group of Hardware Nodes or on the screen related to a particular Hardware Node. Whatever the screen, the created Virtual Network will be available for all the registered Hardware Nodes. If you use a particular Hardware Node for the Virtual Network creation, you can also specify to what network interface card (NIC) of the current Node the Virtual Network will be assigned, if at all.
  2. Containers from one or more Hardware Nodes are added to the Virtual Network, thus creating a separate subnet. Only the bridged interfaces of the Containers are involved in this process; host-routed interfaces cannot be added to Virtual Networks. You should make sure that these Containers can also communicate with each other on the IP level, i.e. their IP addresses/net masks are compatible with each other.
  3. For each Hardware Node that hosts the Containers included in the Virtual Network, the Virtual Network should either be assigned to one of the Node's physical/VLAN adapters or defined locally for the Node (the latter variant is possible if the Containers of only one Node are included in the Virtual Network).

Using the method above, the configuration shown on the scheme can be created. Each of the five Virtual Networks serves to group two or three Containers of one or two Hardware Nodes - this is shown with double-headed arrows connecting the Virtual Network border with the Container bridged interfaces. Each of the Virtual Networks is either local for the Node or bridged to some adapter - the latter case is illustrated with double-headed arrows connecting the Virtual Network border with the Nodes' Ethernet or VLAN interfaces.

Let us see the effects of each of the combinations shown:

Note: Any interface on the Node can be assigned to only one Virtual Network. If you need to create more Virtual Networks on one Node, either use more physical adapters or create VLANs.

In This Section

Listing Virtual Networks on Node

Creating Virtual Network on Node

Viewing Virtual Network Details

Configure Virtual Network Parameters on Node

Listing Virtual Networks in Virtuozzo Group

Creating New Virtual Network

Configuring Virtual Network Parameters

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