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Creating Virtual Network on Node

Every Virtual Network on the Hardware Node is a class of Containers which can be joined together into a Virtuozzo Virtual Network to have common network configuration. More precisely, each Container can be provided with several virtual interfaces, and each of the latter assigned to a Virtual Network.

On the New Virtual Network screen (which can be accessed by clicking the Network tab on the Hardware Node dashboard, clicking the Virtual Networks subtab, and following the New Virtual Network link at the top of the displayed window), you can create a new Virtuozzo Virtual Network. To this effect, you should provide the information in the following fields:

The Assign Interface section enables you to configure the following Virtual Network parameters:

Note: To learn more about the notion of Virtuozzo Virtual Networks and their relation to physical adapters, VLAN adapters, and Containers, please refer to the Managing Virtual Networks section.

After you have entered the necessary information, click the Submit button to start making the Virtual Network. After a while, the newly created Virtual Network will be displayed in the Connections table on the Virtual Networks subtab.

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