Inviting Users to Join a Business Account

As the administrator of a business account, you can invite other users in your organization to join it. Once a user joins the account, you can grant them rights to manage all or specific license keys.

To invite a user to join the business account:

  1. On the Dashboard page, click Business Profile in the upper right and then click Users (also in the upper right).

    35 - Users item.png

  2. The Business Account Users list is displayed:

    36 - Users list.png

  3. Click Invite Users.
  4. In the dialog that opens, select a language of invitation, then type the email address of a user and click Add. Repeat for more users as needed. Once the list of users is complete, click the Send Invitations button.

When a user receives the email, it will contain instructions and a link to join the business account. Clicking on the link will open the following Parallels My Account dialog in a web browser:

37 - Join Any Company - 01.png

If the user already has a personal account, he/she will need to enter their current password. If the user doesn't have an account, they must choose and type a password to create a personal account. The user then clicks Join account to join and log in to Parallels My Account.

Types of business account membership

There are two types of business account membership:

  • Regular Member. When a user accepts the invitation, they are initially granted privileges of a regular member. A regular member cannot manage any of the subscriptions or licenses and must be either promoted to the account administrator (see below for details) or granted rights to manage a particular license key (see Managing License Administrators).
  • Account Administrator. An account administrator has full privileges to administer all of the available subscriptions and licenses.

To promote a user to the administrator of the business account, do the following:

  1. Open the Business Account Users list (see above) and click the user name you want to promote.
  2. The dialog displaying the user membership information opens.

    38 - Promote user.png

  3. Click the Role drop-down menu and select Account Administrator.
  4. Use the Notes box to enter a note if desired and click Save to save the information.

The user needs to log off and then log on again for the new role to take effect.

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