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Merge the Guest OS and the Host OS

You can set a Windows virtual machine and the host operating system to work seamlessly together, as if they were part of a single operating system. In this mode, called "Coherence" mode, the Windows guest OS desktop is hidden and Windows guest OS programs appear on the host OS desktop next to your host OS programs.

Note: To enable the Coherence view mode, Parallels Tools must be installed.

To switch from Window mode to Coherence mode, do one of the following:

  • Choose View > Coherence .
  • Choose Coherence from the View menu available in the status bar .

To switch from Full Screen mode to Coherence mode, move the pointer to the upper-left corner of the screen and click the mouse. The virtual machine switches to the Window view mode . Then choose View > Coherence .

Note: In Full Screen, the upper-left corner of the screen is configured to switch to the Window view mode . You can change the default settings of the screen active corners in the Full Screen pane of Virtual Machine Configuration.

For information on adjusting settings related to Coherence mode, see Coherence .

Windows System Tray

In Parallels Workstation for Windows, when a Windows virtual machine is working in Coherence mode, the Windows guest OS system tray icons are available in the Windows host OS taskbar.

You can use these system tray icons just as you would from the Windows guest OS desktop.