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The Welcome Window

When you start Parallels Desktop for the first time, the Parallels Desktop Switch to Mac welcome window appears. A short introduction video starts, and a Parallels expert welcomes you and tells you what you can do in this window. This window provides you with a fast access to the most common Parallels Desktop dialogs and assistants, which is especially useful when making your first steps in Parallels Desktop.

Later on, if you do not want to see this window again, just disable the Show this screen at startup? option at the left bottom corner of the screen. Next time you start Parallels Desktop, you will see the Parallels Virtual Machines dialog if you have one or more virtual machines registered in Parallels Desktop or New Virtual Machine Assistant if you have no virtual machines registered.

Note: If you have disabled the Welcome screen, you will not be able to restore it in future.

PD STM - Welcome Screen

From the welcome window, you can navigate between the following options:

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