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How Virtual Guests Are Created From a Template

After the RAS Template changes are committed to Parallels Remote Application Server, it will begin creating virtual guests from the template, one guest at a time. The number of guests that will be created is determined by the value specified in the Pre-Created Guests field on the Properties page (see Configuring a RAS Template ).

As soon as a user connection to a virtual guest, Parallels Remote Application Server begins creating a new guest from the template, so the number of pre-created guests remains as configured. Please note that creating a new guest from a template takes some time. If a virtual guest is available when a user tries to connect to it, the user doesn't have to wait for the connection. If a guest is in the middle of being created, and no other guests are available, the user will have to wait.

When a virtual guest is no longer in use, and if the number of existing guests exceeds the "pre-created" value, a guest is deleted after the time period specified in the Delete unused guest after field on the Properties page. If you didn't select that option, a guest is never deleted, but the total number of guests will never exceed the value specified in the Maximum guests field on the Properties page.