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Using an RDP Connection

After adding a Standard Remote Desktop connection, double-click it (or right-click > Connect) to establish a connection with the remote computer.

You can have multiple active connections at the same time (both standard RDP and Remote Application Server). To switch between active connections in Parallels Client, click a connection in the left pane or click the corresponding tab page in the right pane.

Right-click the tab of an active RDP connection in the right pane to perform the following actions:

  • Send Ctrl+Alt+Del. Send the Ctrl+Alt+Del command to the remote computer.
  • Smart-sizing. If enabled, smart-sizing will resize the remote desktop so it fits the available area.
  • Disembed from Launcher. This will move the remote desktop to a new window (it will float outside the main Parallels Client window). To  return the remote desktop back to the Parallels Client window, right-click its title bar and then click Embed Client into Launcher.