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Prepare a Parallels Desktop Windows Image

Parallels Desktop Windows image is a virtual machine running Windows as a guest operating system. The image must first be created and then uploaded to a corporate network storage from where it can be downloaded to Chrome devices. The image settings must also be specified in the Google Admin console for users to be able to download it to their Chrome devices.

Note: For special cases, a Windows ISO image can be hosted on a network storage instead of a prepared virtual machine. For example, if you are a small company or a company who would like to enable Parallels Desktop for a small group of professionals (e.g. administrators or developers), you may want to consider creating a virtual machine from a Window ISO image manually on each Chrome device. For more information, please see Set up Parallels Desktop from a Windows ISO Image.

In This Section

Enable Parallels Desktop

Create a Windows image

Configure Shared Profile

Export the Windows image

Testing a Windows image

Upload the Windows image

Configure Parallels Desktop settings

Disable or enable command line for users