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Export the Windows image

Once you've created and configured a Parallels Desktop Windows image, you need to export it as an archive and then make the archive available for download to Chrome OS users.

To export a Windows image, in the Chrome browser press Ctrl+Alt+T to open the crosh terminal. In the terminal, type the following command:

vmc export -d PvmDefault <>


  • PvmDefault is the default source image name (the name was used to create the image earlier using the vmc create command). It must be typed as is.
  • <> is a name of the target archive file.
  • The -d option calculates the SHA-256 checksum of the archive and saves it as a text file in the same folder. You will need to specify the checksum later in the Google Admin console.

    Note: The -d option is important. Please make a note of it. The SHA-256 checksum is required when specifying the Windows image in the Google Admin console (described later in this guide).


vmc export -d PvmDefault

When you execute the command above, the following will happen:

  • The image is exported to the Downloads folder in Chrome OS. The image file is a ZIP archive with the ".pvm" bundle inside (.pvm is the extension that Parallels Desktop uses for its virtual machine bundles).
  • The SHA-256 checksum file is also created in the same folder and is named It is a text file containing the SHA256 hash string.