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Managing the Virtual Hard Disk Properties

With Parallels Image Tool, you can manage the properties of your virtual machine hard disk. You can change the virtual hard disk type from plain to expanding and vice versa, split or merge the disk parts, or merge snapshots of the virtual machine that uses this virtual hard disk.

To change the type of the virtual hard disk:

  1. Launch Parallels Image Tool.
  2. In the Introduction window, click Continue.
  3. Specify the source image file of the virtual hard disk in the Source Virtual Disk Image File window. You may type the path and file name or use the Choose button to locate the file. The virtual hard disk image file can be found inside the virtual machine's PVM bundle. In Mac OS X, PVM bundles are stored by default in the /<Username>/Documents/Parallels/ folder.

    Note: The virtual machine using this virtual hard disk should be stopped before proceeding.

  4. Select the Manage disk properties option in the Select Action window.
  5. In the Select Operations window, choose one or several of the following operations to perform on the disk and click Start:

    Note: The operations with the virtual hard disk are irreversible.

  6. After the disk image has been successfully modified, the Execution is Completed window appears. Click Finish to close Parallels Image Tool.

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