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HTML5 Client Theme Settings

Panes under the HTML5 client heading allow you to configure theme settings for Parallels HTML5 client. These settings affect how the HTML5 client looks and behaves in a web browser.

Note: To see how your HTML5 client theme looks, click the Preview HTML5 Theme button in the lower left-hand corner of the dialog at any time.


On the URLs pane, specify the following properties:

  • Theme login page: This field is populated automatically with the theme name when you save the theme. You can replace it with a name of your choice if you wish. The complete name (including the read-only https://FQDN/RASHTML5Gateway/?theme= part) forms a URL of the theme login page. Users will enter this URL in their web browsers and see the customized Parallels HTML5 Client login page.

    For example, if you enter MyTheme in this field, the complete URL becomes https://FQDN/RASHTML5Gateway/?theme=MyTheme . When you give the URL to end users, replace the "FQDN" part with the actual FQDN or IP address of the RAS Secure Client Gateway server where you have HTML5 connectivity enabled.

    Hint: The https://FQDN/RASHTML5Gateway part is the same as the URL found on the HTML5 tab page of the RAS Secure Client Gateway Properties dialog .

  • Show Parallels Client download URL . If selected, users will see the Download Client link on the HTML5 client page, which can be used to download, install, and configure Parallels Client on users' computers.
  • Override download URL for branded Parallels Client (Windows): Specifies a location from which your Windows users will download Parallels Client for Windows. By default, Parallels Client is downloaded from the Parallels web site. If you use a branded version of Parallels Client, you can specify its location in this field.
  • Footer URLs . This option allows you to specify custom URLs that will be placed in the HTML5 client footer. To add a URL, click Tasks > Add and specify a URL, a text that will appear on the page footer, and a tooltip text. When entering similar URLs, you can duplicate an existing one by right-clicking it and choosing Duplicate (or select an entry and click the "duplicate" icon next to the [-] icon). If you've added multiple URLs, you can reorder them by clicking the up or down arrow icons or selecting Up or Down items in the Tasks menu. The URLs will appear in the footer in the order listed (you can click the Preview HTML4 Theme button to see how it looks).


The Branding pane allows you to specify the title for HTML5 client web page and customize the graphics displayed on the page header.

Select the Branding pane and specify the following:

  • Title: Specifies the web page title.
  • Company logo: Displays the image which is displayed on the HTML5 client page header. To change the image, select browse and then specify the image file. Note that changing the logo image also removes the default Remote Application Server part from the page header.
  • Favicon icon: Displays the currently set favicon icon. To change the icon, click Browse and select an icon file.


Specify the desired colors for the HTML5 client header and footer.


On this pane, you can specify pre-logon and post-logon messages:

  • A pre-logon message will appear on the Log in page.
  • To override the default post-logon message (see Messages in the beginning of this topic), select the Override post-logon message option and enter a message.

The messages must be 500 characters or less.

Language Bar

Select languages that will appear in the language selector on the Parallels HTML5 Client page. The selector appears as a language flag icon on the page header to the right of the user name.