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Common Theme Settings

The theme settings described below apply to both, HTML5 client and Windows client themes.


Select General in the left pane and specify the following theme properties:

  • Enable Theme: Enable or disable the theme (the default theme cannot be disabled).
  • Name: Specify a theme name.
  • Description: Specify an optional theme description.
  • Limit access to this theme to members of these Active Directory groups: If this option is cleared, any Parallels RAS user can access the theme if they know its URL. To limit access to a particular group (or groups), select this option and then click Tasks > Add (or click the [+] icon) and select the desired group(s).


Select Messages in the left pane and specify a post-logon message (up to 500 characters). The post-logon message appears as a message box immediately after the user successfully logs in. The message can be overridden for HTML5 client and Windows client individually (see Messages for each client in the subsequent sections).