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Parallels Client for Windows Theme Settings

Panes under the Windows client heading allow you to configure theme settings for Parallels Client for Windows. By configuring a Windows client theme, you can make the client appear to end users as your organization requires.


On the Branding pane, specify the following:

  • Company name: Used to create the Start menu hierarchy: Start \ Company Name \ App Name.
  • Application name: Displayed in the app caption and the Start menu entry name.
  • Connection banner: Displayed when a connection is being established.
  • Application icon: The application icon used for the Start menu and by the main app window.


To override the default post-logon message, select the Override post-logon message option and enter a message.

After defining a Windows client theme, you can also create a client package for mass distribution. For more information, see Create Branded Windows Client for Mass Distribution .