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Updating System Files

After the vzup2date utility has checked the repository and found any updates, you are presented the following window:

Updating Virtuozzo Containers - List of Selected Updates

This window displays the list of updates that can be installed on your Parallels server. If you want to update to the latest Parallels Server Bare Metal core and utilities versions, just press Next on this screen, and the vzup2date utility will download and install them asking your confirmation before each action.

On the other hand, if you have a reason not to install the latest updates for both the Parallels Server Bare Metal core and utilities, press Customize . In this case, you will be able to choose whether to perform customization on the Parallels Server Bare Metal core or utilities. This step will be skipped if updates are currently available either only for the core or only for utilities. On the next step, you will be asked to choose the desired core or utilities updates, in case there are many.

Updating Virtuozzo Containers - Select Virtuozzo Core Updates

Notice that the bottommost update includes the functionality of all the other updates. You can select any of the intermediary updates and press Select to go back to the List of Selected Updates screen and read the information on this update. You will be able to perform customization more than once until you finally decide on the set of updates to be applied and press Next .

Downloading and installing the necessary updates is straightforward.