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prlctl restore

Restores a virtual machine from a backup.


prlctl restore {{ vm_id | vm_name } | -t , --tag backup_id }

[ -s , --storage user [[ : passwd ] @ server [ : port ]]

[ -n , --name new_name ] [--dst path ]




vm_id | vm_name

The UUID or the name of the virtual machine. If this option is specified, the command will restore it from the latest available backup. To restore a virtual machine from a specific backup, omit this option and specify the backup ID using the --tag option (described below).

-t,--tag backup_id

The backup ID from which to restore a virtual machine.


The backup server connection and login parameters. If this option is omitted, the backups will be searched for on the default backup server. The default backup server can be configured using the prlsrvctl set command .


The name of the backup server user.


The user password.


The backup server hostname or IP address.


Port number. If  omitted, the default port will be used.

-n, --name new_name

A new name to assign to the restored virtual machine. If omitted, the virtual machine will be restored with the original name.


Restore the virtual machine to the specified directory on the Parallels server. If you omit this option, the virtual machine will be restored to /var/parallels/ vm_name .


General Syntax