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prlsrvctl set

Allows to modify Parallels Desktop preferences.


prlsrvctl set [ --mem-limit auto | size ]

[ -s , --min-security-level low | normal | high ]

[ -c , --cep on | off ]

[ --mng-settings allow | deny ]

[{ --device device --assignment host | vm }]

[ --backup-storage user [[ : passwd ] @ server [ : port ]]]

[ --backup-path path ]

[ --default-encryption-plugin plugin-id ] |

[ --reset-default-encryption-plugin ]

[ --allow-attach-screenshots on|off ]





Sets the upper limit of the memory size that can be reserved for Parallels Desktop operations. The following options are available:

  • auto -- if this option is used, the memory size will be calculated automatically.
  • size -- user-defined memory size, in megabytes.


The lowest allowable security level that can be used to connect to the Parallels Desktop. The following options are available:

  • low -- plain TCP/IP (no encryption).
  • normal -- most important data is sent and received using SSL over TCP/IP (user credentials during login, guest OS clipboard, etc.) Other data is sent and received using plain TCP/IP with no encryption.
  • high -- all of the data is sent and received using SSL.


Enables/disables  the participation in the Customer Experience Program. The following options are available:

  • on -- enables CEP.
  • off -- disables CEP.


Allows to grant or deny permission to new users to modify Parallels Desktop preferences. By default, only administrators of the host OS can modify Parallels Desktop preferences. When a new Parallels Desktop user profile is created (this happens when a user logs in to Parallels Desktop for the first time), he/she will be granted or denied this privilege based on the default setting. This parameter allows to set that default setting. Please note that this parameter only affects new users (the users that will be created in the future). The profiles of the existing users will not be modified.

--device device --assignment

Allows to set the assignment mode for the specified VTd device. The following options are available:

  • host -- assign the device to host.
  • vm -- assign the device to virtual machines.


The default backup server where virtual machine backups will be stored.


Name of the user on the backup server.


The user password.


The backup server IP address or hostname.


Port number. If omitted, the default port number will be used.

--backup-path path

Name and path of the default directory on the backup server where virtual machines backups will be stored.

--default-encryption-plugin plugin-id

Allows to specify which encryption plug-in should be used by default. An encryption plug-in implements an encryption algorithm, which is used to encrypt a virtual machine. Use this option to specify the ID of the plug-in, which should be used by default.


Resets the default encryption plug-in assignment and sets the built-in plug-in to be used by default.


Specifies whether to attach screenshots to problem reports:

  • on -- attach screenshots.
  • off -- do not attach screenshots.


General Syntax