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prlctl register, unregister

The register command is used to register a virtual machine with Parallels Service.

The unregister command removes a virtual machine from the Parallels Service registry.


prlctl register path

prlctl unregister ID | name





An absolute path to the virtual machine directory.

ID | name

The ID or the name of the virtual machine to remove from the Parallels Service registry.


Use the register command when you have a virtual machine on the host that doesn't show up in the list of the virtual machines registered with the Parallels Service. This can be a machine that was previously removed from the registry or a machine that was manually copied from another location.

The unregister command removes a virtual machine from the Parallels Service registry but does not delete the virtual machine files from the host. You can re-register such a machine with the Parallels Service later using the register command.


General Syntax