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prlctl problem-report

Obtains a problem report for the specified virtual machine and displays it on the screen.


prlctl problem-report ID | name < -d , --dump | -s , --send [ --proxy [ user [: password ]@ proxyhost [: port ]]] [ --no-proxy ]>





The ID of the virtual machine for which to obtain the problem report.


The name of the virtual machine for which to obtain the report. If the name consists of separate words, it must be enclosed in quotes.

-d, --dump

Collect technical data about a virtual machine and display it on the screen. You can also pipe the output to a file and then send it to the Parallels technical support to analyze your problem.

-s, --send

Send the generated problem report to the Parallels technical support.

--proxy user : password @ proxyhost : port

Use the specified information to send the generated report through a proxy server, if you use one to connect to the Internet.


Do not use a proxy server to send the generated report. This is the default behavior, so you can omit this parameter.


General Syntax