Virtual DesktopsThe Virtual Desktops page lists the available VDI desktops (guest VMs). It can be opened from a number of locations in the RAS Web Admin Console. To view the page, do one of the following:
All of the above open the same Server - Virtual Desktops page: The Virtual Desktops page contains the following information (table columns):
Some of the columns could be hidden. To show or hide columns, click the "gear" icon in the upper right-hand corner above the list and select or clear the desired columns. You can filter the list by any of the available column. To do so, select a checkbox in front of the server name and then click the "funnel" icon at the top. In the dialog that opens, select a desired column and specify criteria. You can add more columns if needed. The drop-down menu to the left of the Search field allows you to apply a predefined filter to the list. The available options are:
The Actions drop-down menu (or right-clicking on a VM) allows you to perform the following actions on a virtual desktop:
Virtual desktop information To view the information about a particular virtual desktop, click its name in the Server column. The page that opens displays the virtual desktop information similar to what is displayed in the Virtual Desktops list with some additional items added. Active sessions and running processes To view active sessions and running processes for the virtual desktop, click the corresponding link in the sidebar on the left. When managing sessions, the Actions menu (or right-clicking on a VM) allows you to perform the following tasks:
When managing running processes, the list contains processes running in active user sessions on the selected virtual desktop. The following information is displayed for a process: