If you're having trouble using Parallels Desktop, check this section for possible solutions.
If you can't find a solution to your problem in this guide, check out our online knowledge base which can be found at . If you can't find the solution to your problem there, contacting our technical support may help: .
In This Section
Install Parallels Tools for Seamless Operation Between Windows and macOS
Find Settings
Restore Virtual Machine Default Settings
Memory Usage Problems
Windows Seems Slow
Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del
My Password Isn't Working
Boot Windows Securely
My Virtual Machine Doesn't Boot
I'm Having Problems Connecting to the Internet
I'm Having Problems with Antivirus Software
A Password is Required to Open the Virtual Machine Configuration
Windows or Windows Applications Ask for Reactivation
Manage Virtual Machines via Command Line Interface
Change Password in Windows via Command Line Interface
Checking the Build Number
Send Technical Data to Parallels
Understanding Shared Folders