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Installing Parallels Workstation Extreme in Linux

Before installing Parallels Workstation Extreme on a Linux computer, make sure that the packages and libraries listed in the system requirements for Linux primary OSs are installed in your system.

Note: You must have the root privileges to be able to install Parallels Workstation Extreme in a Linux operating system.

To install Parallels Workstation Extreme in Linux, you will need a RUN installation package. The RUN package is available:

  • in the Parallels Workstation Extreme installation package that can be downloaded from the Parallels website
  • on the Parallels Workstation Extreme installation disc included in the boxed version of Parallels Workstation Extreme

To install Parallels Workstation Extreme in Linux:

  1. Double-click the Parallels Workstation Extreme RUN package. This will open a terminal and start the installation.
  2. Parallels Workstation Extreme will connect to the Parallels update server and check for available updates. If there is a newer version of Parallels Workstation Extreme available, you will be offered to install the most recent version of Parallels Workstation Extreme. If you do not want to install the most recent version, you may choose to install the version from the installation media.

    Note: If the host computer is accessing the Internet only via a proxy server, configure the proxy server settings to allow Parallels Workstation Extreme to check for available updates during the installation process. For more information on how to configure the proxy server settings, refer to the Troubleshooting subsection below.

    • If you click Next , the most recent version of Parallels Workstation Extreme will be downloaded and installed.
    • If you click Cancel , Parallels Workstation Extreme will be installed from the current installation media.

    If there are no updates available or your host computer is not connected to the Internet, Parallels Workstation Extreme will be installed from the current installation source.

  3. The Parallels Workstation Extreme Installation wizard starts. In the Welcome screen, click Next .
  4. In the License Agreement screen, read the license agreement scrolling it by pressing Spacebar on your keyboard. To accept the agreement, click the Accept button.
  5. In the CEP Agreement screen, you can choose to participate in a program that will help us improve Parallels Workstation Extreme according to your experience. Read carefully the information about the program and click the Yes button if you want to participate in it. Otherwise click No .
  6. When the installation is completed, the Parallels Workstation Extreme Installation completed screen appears. Click the Exit button to close the wizard.
  7. To exit the terminal, enter:



If the host computer is accessing the Internet only via a proxy server, you should configure the proxy server settings to allow Parallels Workstation Extreme to check for available updates during the installation process. To this effect, begin the Parallels Workstation Extreme installation as follows:

  1. Launch a terminal, locate the Parallels Workstation Extreme installation package, and execute the following command to start the installation:

    sudo ./ -- -p proxy_server_host_name:port


    sudo ./ -- -p ip_address:port

    where proxy_server_host_name stands for the proxy server host name, ip_address stands for the proxy server IP address, and port stands for the proxy server port.

  2. Continue the installation as it was described above.

    If the proxy-server requires authentication, you will be prompted to enter your name and password in one of the steps.