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Parallels Remote Application Server Logging Per Site

Global logging is always enabled for all servers in a given site, but you have an option to enable or disable extended logging. Extended logs contain more data than default logs and can provide more information needed to resolve an issue or a problem. Please note that extended logs take more disk space compared to default logs.

To configure extended logging globally:

  1. In the RAS Console, navigate to Farm / Site / Settings and click the Global Logging tab.
  2. The tab page lists servers for which you can configure extended logging. The list has the following columns:
    • Server — server name.
    • Type — server type (e.g. Terminal Server, Publishing Agent, Gateway).
    • State — logging state (level). Can be one of the following: Default and Extended (see the first paragraph above).
  3. To enable or disable extended logging, select a server in the list and click the Extended Logging action item. The State column indicates which level is currently set. To switch the level again, click the Extended Logging item one more time.
  4. The Retrieve action item retrieves all logs and saves them to a file (you'll need to specify a file name and location).
  5. The Clear action item clears all logs. Note that once you click this item, the logs will be cleared with no additional warning.