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Installing Plesk

Linux The Install Plesk page allows you to install the Plesk control panel in the Container. This page can be accessed by clicking the Install Plesk link on the Control Panels subtab of the Software tab of the Container dashboard, which is displayed if the Plesk template is not installed in the Container. To install Plesk in a Container, you should press the Install button on the Install Plesk page. Just follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. After you have successfully installed the Plesk control panel in the Container, the Plesk Panel link becomes visible on the Container dashboard. Follow this link to start working in Plesk.

Note: For the Plesk installation to be possible, the Plesk application template on the Hardware Node must be compatible with the OS template the current Container is running. Besides, the Container must have the resources available no less than is entered in the vzcpcon.conf configuration file for Plesk installation, i. e. enough to run Plesk on the given Container.

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