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Changing Container Root/Administrator Password

A Virtuozzo server(s) administrator can benefit from the Change Password option on the screen where, to perform this operation, you should enter a new root/Administrator password for the current Container into the fields provided and click Change.

Note that Parallels Infrastructure Manager does not check the entered password as to its length and non-conformity to dictionary entries, so choosing a simple password rests entirely at your own risk. It is recommended to use a chaotic set of lowercase (a-z) and uppercase (A-Z) letters, digits (0-9), and punctuation marks as root/administrator password. The following punctuation marks are allowed: ! " $ % & , ( ) * + - . / ; : < = > ? [ \ ] ^ _ { | }. The space character, #, and @ symbols are not allowed. The password should not be less than 5 or more than 14 characters.

Note: The password of the Virtuozzo server(s) administrator proper can be changed on the Personal Settings tab of the User Profile screen which is displayed through the User Profile link on the right of the Infrastructure Manager toolbar.

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