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prlctl exec, enter

These commands are used to run arbitrary commands in a Container being authenticated as root on the server.


prlctl exec < CT_ID|CT_name > < command >

prlctl enter < CT_ID|CT_name >

where command is a string to be executed in the Container. If command is specified as “ - ” then the commands for execution will be read from the standard input until the end of file or “exit” is encountered.




<CT_ID | CT_name>

Container ID or name.

When using exec , remember that the shell parses the command-line and, if your command has shell meta-characters in it, you should escape or quote them.

prlctl enter is similar to prlctl exec /bin/bash . The difference between the two is that prlctl enter makes the shell interpreter believe that it is connected to a terminal. As such, you receive a shell prompt and are able to execute multiple commands as if you were logged in to the Container.