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vzps, vztop

These two utilities can be run on the server just as the standard Linux ps and top utilities. For information on the ps and top utilities, consult their man pages. The vzps and vztop utilities provide certain additional functionality related to monitoring separate Containers running on the server.

The vzps utility has the following functionality added:

  • The -E <CT_ID> command-line switch can be used to show only the processes running inside the Container with the specified ID.

The vztop utility has the following functionality added:

  • The - E <CT_ID> command-line switch can be used to show only the processes running inside the Container with the ID specified. If -1 is specified as <CT_ID> , the processes of all running Containers are displayed.
  • The e interactive command (the key pressed while top is running) can be used to show/hide the CTID column, which displays the Container where a particular process is running ( 0 stands for the server itself).
  • The E interactive command can be used to select another Container the processes of which are to be shown. If -1 is specified, the processes of all running Containers are displayed.