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prlctl encrypt, decrypt

Encrypt and decrypt a virtual machine.


prlctl encrypt ID | name [ --dry-run ]

prlctl decrypt ID | name [ --dry-run ]





The ID of the virtual machine to encrypt or decrypt.


The name of the virtual machine to encrypt or decrypt.


Allows to run the encryption or decryption operation using a simulation. Use this option to verify that the operation can be performed  and that there are no current limitations with the host computer or the virtual machine that can make the operation invalid. For example, if you don't have enough space on the host computer, the simulated run will inform you of this, so you can correct it before running the actual operation.


The encrypt command will encrypt the specified virtual machine and all its data. A user will be prompted to enter an encryption password after the command is executed from the command line.

The decrypt command will decrypt the specified virtual machine. A user will have to enter a password that was selected when the virtual machine was encrypted.

The encryption password can be modified for an encrypted virtual machine using the change-passwd command .


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