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prlctl backup

Backs up a virtual machine.


prlctl backup vm_id | vm_name [-f,--full] [-i,--incremental]

[ -s , --storage user [[ : passwd ] @ server [ : port ]]

[ --description desc ]




vm_id | vm_name

The UUID or the name of the virtual machine to back up.

-s , --storage

This option is used to specify the backup server connection and login parameters. If this option is omitted, the backup will be saved on the default backup server. The default backup server can be configured using the prlsrvctl set command .


The name of the user on a remote backup server.


The user password. If omitted, the user will be prompted to enter a password.


Server hostname or IP address.


Port number. If omitted, the default port number will be used.

--description desc

Backup description.

-f , --full

Create a full backup of the virtual machine. A full backup contains all virtual machine data.

-i , --incremental

Create an incremental backup of the virtual machine. An incremental backup contains only the files changed since the previous full or incremental backup. This is the default backup type.


General Syntax