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Modifying Virtual Machine Configuration

The prlctl set command can be used to modify virtual machine configuration parameters, including virtual CPU availability, RAM and video memory size, startup and shutdown options, and some others.


prlctl set ID | name [ --cpus number ] [ --memsize number ]

[ --videosize number ] [ --description description ]

[ --autostart on | off | auto ] [ --autostart-delay number ]

[ --autostop stop | suspend ]

[ --start-as-user administrator | owner | user : passwd ]

[ --tools-autoupdate on | off ]

[--userpasswd os_user:new_pass]

[--asset-id tag]





Target virtual machine ID.


Target virtual machine name.

--cpus number

Number of virtual CPUs in the virtual machine. If the host has more than one CPU, this option allows to set the number of virtual CPUs to be available in the virtual machine.

--memsize number

The amount of memory (RAM) available to the virtual machine, in megabytes.

--videosize number

The amount of video memory available to the virtual machine graphics card.

--description VM_description

Short description of the virtual machine.

--autostart on|off|auto

Defines the virtual machine start-up options:

  • on --  the virtual machine is started automatically on the Parallels Service startup.
  • off -- the autostart is off. This is the default virtual machine start-up mode.
  • auto -- resume the virtual machine state prior to the Parallels Service shutdown.

If you set this option to on or auto , you must additionally specify the --start-as-user option (see below).

--autostart-delay number

Sets the time delay used during the virtual machine automatic startup.

--autostop stop|suspend

Sets the automatic shutdown mode for the specified virtual machine:

  • stop -- the virtual machine is stopped when you shut down the Parallels Service.
  • suspend -- the virtual machine is suspended when the Parallels Service is shut down.

--start-as-user administrator|owner| user : passwd

Specifies the account to use to autostart the virtual machine:

  • administrator -- start the virtual machine as the administrator of the host operating system.
  • owner -- start the virtual machine as the virtual machine owner.
  • user:passwd -- start the virtual machine as the specified user.

--tools-autoupdate on|off

Turns on/off automatic updating of Parallels Tools in the guest operating system. If this option is set to ON, Parallels Tools updates will be performed automatically every time an update is available for your Parallels Desktop. If this option is set to OFF, no automatic Parallels Tools updates will be performed, so that you can do it manually at a convenient time.

--userpasswd os_user : new_pass

Resets the password for the specified user of the guest OS running in a virtual machine. The parameters are:

os_user -- guest OS user name.

new_pass -- new password.

--asset-id ID

Sets an asset ID (aka asset tag) in the virtual machine BIOS. Asset IDs are used for computer identification and inventory purposes.


General Syntax