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Managing Virtual Devices

The prlctl set command allows to add virtual devices to a virtual machine and to modify and delete existing virtual devices.

General Syntax

prlctl set ID | VM_name --device-add dev_ type options

prlctl set ID | VM_name --device-set name options

prlctl set ID | VM_name --device-del name





The virtual machine ID.


The virtual machine name.

--device-add dev_type options

Adds a virtual device to the specified virtual machine.

The dev_type parameter specifies the virtual device type ( hdd , cdrom , fdd , net , etc.).

The options parameters specifies device-type specific options.

--device-set name options

Modifies the configuration of an existing virtual device in the specified virtual machine.

The name parameter specifies the virtual device name.

The options parameters specifies device-type specific options.

--device-del name

Deletes a virtual device from the virtual machine. The name parameter specifies the name of the virtual device to delete.


All device-related parameters can be subdivided into the following categories:

Each group of parameters is explained in the following subsections in detail.


All operations on virtual machine devices (adding, modifying, or removing a device) must be performed on a stopped virtual machine. An attempt to perform any of these operations on a running virtual machine will result in error.