After upgrading to Parallels Desktop 4 or 5, the X Server may fail to start in Linux virtual machines. To fix the problem, you need to install Parallels Tools in text mode.
Note: If the Install Parallels Tools option is grayed out, make sure that Parallels Tools can be installed in your guest operating system. To see the list of guest OSs supported by Parallels Tools, refer to the Parallels Tools Overview section in Parallels Desktop User's Guide .
image file will be connected to the virtual machine's CD/DVD-ROM drive.
mount | grep iso9660
If this command does not return anything, proceed to the next step.
If this command returns anything like
/dev/cdrom on /media/cdrom type iso9660 (ro,exec,nosuid,nodev,uid=0),
skip the next step and proceed to the following one.
If this command returns anything like
/dev/cdrom on /media/cdrom type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,uid=0)
with the
option present in parentheses, you need to unmount the disc using the following command and then proceed to the next step:
umount /dev/cdrom
mount -o exec /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
is the virtual machine's CD/DVD-ROM drive and
is the mount point for this device. In some of the Linux operating systems the virtual CD/DVD-ROM drive may appear as
and the mount point
. Some Linux OSs do not have the CD/DVD-ROM mount point. In this case, you should create the mount point directory manually.
cd /media/cdrom/
You must have the
privileges to run this command.
For general information about installing Parallels Tools in Linux, refer to Installing Parallels Tools in a Linux Guest OS .