ReportingSettings Class




RAS Reporting Settings





Type Name Description
UInt32 DeltaBandwidth Track bandwidth by user percentage choice.
UInt32 DeltaCpu Minimum CPU change required to track the counter.
UInt32 DeltaLatency Track Latency by user percentage choice.
UInt32 DeltaMemory Minimum Memory change required to track the counter.
UInt32 DeltaUXEvaluator Track UX evaluator by user percentage choice.
Boolean EnableCustomReports Enable or disable custom report.
Boolean Enabled Enable or disable RAS Reporting functionality.
String FolderName Custom report folder name.
UInt32 Port Port used by the service which receives data from the RAS Connection Broker. The default port is 30008.
String Server The FQDN or IP address of the server where RAS Reporting is installed.
Boolean TrackLogonDetails Enable or disable logon details tracking.
UInt32 TrackLogonDetailsTime How long to retain logon details.
Boolean TrackServers Enable or disable Server counters information tracking.
UInt32 TrackServerTime How long the server counters information (such as CPU, Memory and number of sessions) is kept (in seconds).
Boolean TrackSessions Enable or disable Sessions information tracking.
UInt32 TrackSessionTime How long information regarding the sessions opened on your servers is kept (in seconds).
Boolean TrackUserExperience Enable or disable tracking of user experience data.
UInt32 TrackUserExperienceTime How long to retain user experience data.
Boolean UseCredentials Enable or disable Username/Password credentials to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting.
String Username Username to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting (if UseCredentials is enabled).


Type Name Description
Int32 CompareTo (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Boolean Equals (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Int32 GetHashCode () Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Type GetType ()
String ToString ()

References to Commands
