RDSession Class




User session type





Type Name Description
UInt32 AuthenticationDuration Inherited from RDPSession
MainAuthenticationMode AuthenticationType Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 BandwidthAvailability Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 BandwidthUsage Inherited from RDPSession
String ClientIPAddress Inherited from RDPSession
String ClientOS Inherited from RDPSession
String ClientOSVersion Inherited from RDPSession
String ClientVersion Inherited from RDPSession
SessionColorDepth ColourDepth Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 ConnectionDuration Inherited from RDPSession
ConnMode ConnectionMode Inherited from RDPSession
QualityLevel ConnectionQuality Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 DesktopLoadTime Inherited from RDPSession
String DeviceName Inherited from RDPSession
String DisconnectReason Inherited from RDPSession
FSLogixReasonCode FSLogixReasonCode FSLogix Reason Code.
FSLogixStatusCode FSLogixStatusCode FSLogix Status Code.
UInt32 GroupPolicyLoadTime Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 HorizontalResolution Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 HostPreparation Inherited from RDPSession
Nullable<DateTime> IdleStartTime Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 IdleTime Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 IncomingData Inherited from RDPSession
String IP Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 LastReconnects Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 Latency Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 LogonDuration Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 LogonOthersDuration Inherited from RDPSession
DateTime LogonTime Inherited from RDPSession
ProviderType MFAProvider Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 OutgoingData Inherited from RDPSession
String PoolName Group/Pool Name.
SessionProtocol Protocol Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 RASPolicyLookup Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 Reconnects Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 RFICount Inherited from RDPSession
List<RouteFlowInfoEntry> RFIInfoList Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 ServerID Inherited from RDPSession
String SessionHostId Session Host ID to which a Remote Desktop Session is connected to.
String SessionHostName Session Host Name to which a Remote Desktop Session is connected to.
UInt32 SessionID Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 SessionLength Inherited from RDPSession
RDSessionSource Source The type of Remote Desktop Session.
SessionState State Inherited from RDPSession
String TemplateName Template Name.
UInt32 ThemeID Inherited from RDPSession
SessionType Type Inherited from RDPSession
String User Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 UserProfileLoadTime Inherited from RDPSession
UserProfileType UserProfileType Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 UXEvaluator Inherited from RDPSession
UInt32 VerticalResolution Inherited from RDPSession
String VMID VM ID to which a VDI Remote Desktop Session is connected to.
String VMName VM Name to which a VDI Remote Desktop Session is connected to.


Type Name Description
Int32 CompareTo (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Boolean Equals (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Int32 GetHashCode () Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Type GetType ()
String ToString ()

References to Commands
