Gateway Class




RAS Secure Gateway





Type Name Description
String AdminCreate Inherited from RASListObj
String AdminLastMod Inherited from RASListObj
Boolean AllowAppsInNewTab Allow users to start applications in a new browser tab.
Boolean AllowClipboard Whether the 'Allow Clipboard' option is enabled or disabled. (deprecated)
Boolean AllowCORS Allow cross-origin resource sharing.
List<String> AllowedDomainsForCORS Allowed domains for cross-origin resource sharing.
Boolean AllowEmbed Allow embedding of Web Client into other web pages.
Boolean AllowFileTransfer Whether the 'Allow file transfer' option is enabled or disabled. (deprecated)
Boolean AllowLaunchMethod Allow users to select a resource launch method.
String AlternateNLBHost Alternate NLB Host name.
UInt32 AlternateNLBPort Alternate NLB Port number.
String BindV4Addresses IPv4 address to bind to.
String BindV6Addresses IPv6 address to bind to.
Boolean Broadcast Whether the 'Broadcast RAS Secure Gateway Address' option is enabled or disabled.
UInt32 BrowserCacheTimeInMonths How long should the browser preserve the cache (in months).
UInt32 CertificateId The ID of the specific Certificate to be used.
String Cipher Cipher string.
Boolean CipherPreference Enable or disable Use ciphers according to server preference.
CipherStrength CipherStrength Cipher strength.
ClipboardDirections ClipboardDirection Clipboard direction.
String Description
Boolean DisableWyseCertWarn Whether warning if server certificate is not verified is enabled or disabled.
Boolean DOSPro Whether the 'RDP DOS Attack Filter' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableAlternateNLBHost Whether alternate NLB Host is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableAlternateNLBPort Whether alternate NLB Port is enabled or disabled.
Boolean Enabled
Boolean EnableDeviceManagerPort Whether the 'Device Manager Port' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableGatewayPort Whether a custom RAS Secure Gateway port is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableHSTS Whether HSTS is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableRDP Whether a custom RDP port is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableRDPUDP Whether the 'RDP UDP Data Tunneling' option is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableSSL Whether SSL is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableUserPortal Whether User Portal connectivity on the RAS Secure Gateway is enabled or disabled.
Boolean EnableWyseSupport Whether support for Wyse Thin Client OS is enabled or disabled.
FileTransferControlMode FileTransferMode Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.
String ForwardGatewayServers One or multiple (separated by comma) RAS Forwarding Secure Gateway Servers.
String ForwardHttpServers One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding HTTP Servers.
UInt32 GatewayPort A custom RAS Secure Gateway port number.
Boolean HSTSIncludeSubdomains Whether HSTS to include subdomains option is enabled or disabled.
UInt32 HSTSMaxAge Set Maximum Age of HSTS.
Boolean HSTSPreload Whether HSTS to preload option is enabled or disabled.
UInt32 Id
Boolean InheritDefaultModeSettings Whether default mode settings are enabled or disabled.
Boolean InheritDefaultNetworkSettings Whether default network settings are enabled or disabled.
Boolean InheritDefaultSecuritySettings Whether default security settings are enabled or disabled.
Boolean InheritDefaultSslTlsSettings Whether default SSL/TLS settings are enabled or disabled.
Boolean InheritDefaultUserPortalSettings Whether default User Portal settings are enabled or disabled.
Boolean InheritDefaultWebSettings Whether default web settings are enabled or disabled.
Boolean InheritDefaultWyseSettings Whether default wyse settings are enabled or disabled.
String IPs One or multiple (separated by comma) IP addresses.
IPVersion IPVersion The IP version for the RAS Secure Gateway to use.
LaunchMethod LaunchMethod Launch method.
List<String> MACAllowExcept Lists all the Security 'MAC Allow Except' MAC addresses.
List<String> MACAllowOnly Lists all the Security 'MAC Allow Only' MAC addresses.
AcceptedSSLVersion MinSSLVersion Minimum SSL version.
GatewayMode Mode RAS Secure Gateway mode: Normal or Forwarding.
Boolean NormalModeForwarding Whether forwarding requests to HTTP server are enabled or disabled.
Boolean OnlyAllowAcmeHttp Whether to ignore all incoming requests except for Acme ones received on 'GatewayPort'
String OptimizeConnectionIPv4 Optimize connection for the list of IPv4 (comma separated values).
String OptimizeConnectionIPv6 Optimize connection for the list of IPv6 (comma separated values).
UInt32 PreferredBrokerId ID of the Preferred Connection Broker.
String PublicAddress The Public Address of the RAS Secure Gateway.
UInt32 RDPPort A custom RDP port number.
GatewaySecurityMode SecurityMode RAS Secure Gateway Security Mode.
String Server
UInt32 SiteId
UInt32 SSLPort SSL port number.
DateTime TimeCreate Inherited from RASListObj
DateTime TimeLastMod Inherited from RASListObj
Boolean UsePreWin2000LoginFormat Whether the 'Use Pre Windows 2000 Login Format' option is enabled or disabled.
UInt32 UserPortalPort A custom User Portal port number.
Boolean UseSecureWebCookie Adds the secure attribute to the cookie to the Web Cookie.
String WebCookie The Web Cookie Name used by RAS.
String WebRequestsURL The URL for Web requests.


Type Name Description
Int32 CompareTo (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Boolean Equals (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Int32 GetHashCode () Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Type GetType ()
String ToString ()

References to Commands
