AgentState Enum




Agent State

Values Description
Unknown No agent state information available
NeedsUpdate Agent version is less than the RAS Server version
NotVerified Agent not connected to RAS Connection Broker and cannot be used
ServerDeleted Agent was removed from configuration.
DisabledFromSettings Agent was disabled from configuration but it's still available in the runtime
Disconnected Agent is not connected to any RAS Connection Broker
OK Agent is working correctly
EnumSessionsFailed Failed to get sessions information from the agent
RDSRoleDisabled RD Session Host disabled or denying connections
MaxNonCompletedSessions Maximum number of non-completed sessions limit reached
RASScheduleInProgress Disabled (scheduler)
ConnectionFailed Agent cannot connect to the host
InvalidCredentials Connection to host failed because of invalid credentials
NeedsSysprep Guest agent needs Sysprep answer file
SysPrepInProgress SysPrep in progress on machine
CloningFailed Cloning process failed
Synchronising Synchronizing agent settings is in progress
LogonDrainUntilRestart New logons disabled (drain mode) until restart
LogonDrain New logons disabled (drain mode)
LogonDisabled Disable user login from sessions
ForcedDisconnect Agent forced to disconnect
CloningCanceled Cloning is being cancelled
RASprepInProgress RASprep in progress on machine
InstallingRDSRole Installation of RDS role is in progress
RebootPending Reboot of machine is pending
PortMismatch Port mismatch found on the agent because it's already in use
NeedsDowngrade Agent version is greater than the RAS Connection Broker version
NotApplied Agent settings not applied
CloningInProgress Cloning for RAS Template is in progress
MarkedForDeletion Agent is marked for deletion
StandBy Agent is in standby mode
UnsupportedVDIType Provider type is not supported
FreeESXLicenseNotSupported Free ESX License is not supported with RAS
ManagedESXNotSupported Managed ESX License is not supported by RAS
InvalidHostVersion Invalid Provider version
NotJoined Tenant is invited to join or has been added to the Farm but not yet joined.
LicenseExpired The Tenant License has expired.
JoinBroken The Tenant failed to connect to Tenant Broker.
InUse Agent is already connected to another farm
NotInUse Agent is not connect to any farm
Unsupported Agent version is no longer supported or agent's OS no longer supported
NoAvailableGateways There are no RAS Secure Gateways that the Tenant Broker can use to process connections.
EnrollServerNotInitialized Enrollment agent not initialized (i.e. waiting for new settings)
EnrollmentUnavailable Enrollment agent certificated was not created
InvalidCAConfig Invalid Certificate Authority configuration
InvalidEAUserCredentials Invalid enrollment agent credentials
InvalidESSettings Invalid Enrollment Agent Settings
FSLogixNotAvail FSLogix is not available
NoDevices HALB Instance: No HALB devices are configured
NeedsAttention HALB Instance: One or more HALB devices are not configured OR WVD HostPool is empty (no hosts assigned)
ImageOptimizationPending Image optimization is in pending state
ImageOptimization Image optimization is in active state
Unavailable Agent is not available since depending objects are not available or empty
UnderConstruction Agent under construction
Broken Agent broken state
NonRAS Non RAS agent (AVD related agents)
Provisioning A clone is being provisioned from the assigned template
Invalid AVD object data corrupted
FSLogixNeedsUpdate Version of installed FSLogix older than the one in configuration
NoMembersAvailable No members in the host pool
MembersNeedUpdate One or more members in the host pool is in need update state
FailedPerfCounters Performance counters failed to initialize
PendingRecreation Machine will be recreated on the last user logoff
RemovingMembers Guest being removed from the host pool
ScalingIn Deprecated: use RemovingMembers instead
AddingMembers Guest being added to the host pool
ScalingOut Deprecated: use AddingMembers instead
DeleteInProgress A delete is currently in progress
JoiningToHostPool A host is current being joined to a host pool
AutoUpdateInProgress A host is current performing an agent service update automatically
AutoUpdateFailed A host has failed to update the agent service automatically
AutoUpdateLimitReached A host has reached the attempt limit for automatically updationg. Host will need ot be updated manually

References to Types
