AVDBrokenReason Enum




AVD Broken Reason

Values Description
Ignore Ignore
MissingObj Azure object not present (possibly deleted)
InvalidTags At least one RAS tag is missing
MissingDAGObj Desktop Application Group is missing
InvalidDAGTags RAS tags missing in Desktop Application Group
MissingDAGRoles Role assignment(s) mismatch in Desktop Application Group more
MissingDAGWorkspaceLink The Desktop Application Group is not linked with the workspace. The linked desktop won't be visible in the wvd client feed.
HostpoolAutomaticAssignment Automatic assignment for personal host pool (expected direct)
MissingRAGObj The RemoteApps Application Group is missing
InvalidRAGTags Tags missing for the RemoteApps Application Group
MissingRAGRoles Role assignment(s) mismatch in RemoteApps Application Group
MissingRAGWorkspaceLink The RemoteApps Application Group is not linked with the workspace. The linked applications won't be visible in the wvd client feed.
MissingRAGRemoteApp RAS app missing in the RemoteApps Application Group (it is admissible as long as the host pool has no host registered)
MissingObjectID Missing Object ID

References to Types
