RASAllowedDevicesSetting Class




RAS Allowed Devices Settings





Type Name Description
Boolean AllowClient2XOS Whether 2XOS clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientAndroid Whether Android clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientBlackberry Whether Blackberry clients are allowed or not
Boolean AllowClientChromeApp Whether ChromeApp clients are allowed or not
Boolean AllowClientHTML5 Whether HTML5 clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientIOS Whether IOS clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientJava Whether Java clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientLinux Whether Linux clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientMAC Whether MAC clients are allowed or not.
AllowClientMode AllowClientMode Permission mode for allowing types of clients.
Boolean AllowClientWebPortal Whether Web clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientWindows Whether Windows clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientWinPhone Whether WindowsPhone clients are allowed or not.
Boolean AllowClientWithSecurityPatchesOnly Whether clients with security patches installed are only allowed to connect.
Boolean AllowClientWyse Whether Wyse clients are allowed or not.
UInt32 MinBuild2XOS Represents the minimum build required for the 2XOS client.
UInt32 MinBuildAndroid Represents the minimum build required for the Android client.
UInt32 MinBuildBlackberry Represents the minimum build required for the Blackberry client.
UInt32 MinBuildChromeApp Represents the minimum build required for the ChromeApp client.
UInt32 MinBuildHTML5 Represents the minimum build required for the HTML5 client.
UInt32 MinBuildIOS Represents the minimum build required for the IOS client.
UInt32 MinBuildJava Represents the minimum build required for the Java client.
UInt32 MinBuildLinux Represents the minimum build required for the Linux client.
UInt32 MinBuildMAC Represents the minimum build required for the MAC client.
UInt32 MinBuildWebPortal Represents the minimum build required for the Web client.
UInt32 MinBuildWindows Represents the minimum build required for the Windows client.
UInt32 MinBuildWinPhone Represents the minimum build required for the Windows Phone client.
UInt32 MinBuildWyse Represents the minimum build required for the Wyse client.
Boolean ReplicateSettings Whether replication of settings to other sites is enabled or not.
UInt32 SiteId The site ID to which the allowed device settings refer.


Type Name Description
Int32 CompareTo (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Boolean Equals (Object obj) Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Int32 GetHashCode () Inherited from RASSerilazableObj
Type GetType ()
String ToString ()

References to Commands
