Parallels RAS - REST API v1.0 API Reference


Parallels RAS comes with various APIs to help you develop custom applications that integrate with it. The RAS REST API is one of them. This guide describes how to use the REST API and documents the available REST resources, complete with request syntax and examples.

Getting Started

Applications communicate with Parallels RAS by sending HTTP or HTTPS requests. Parallels RAS answers with a JSON file in a response to every HTTP request.

All HTTP requests that you will use to retrieve and manage Parallels RAS resources have the following base structure:



  • <API-host> is the IP address or FQDN of the server on which the RAS REST API endpoint is installed.
  • <URI> is a path to a REST resource that you would like to work with. The available resources and their paths and possible parameters are described in the OPERATIONS section. Request body schemas are documented in the SCHEMA DEFINITIONS section.

Logging in and Sending Requests

This section contains an example of RAS REST API usage that can help you quickly get started. The example demonstrates how to:

  1. Login to Parallels RAS and obtain an authentication token.
  2. Retrieve the information about all available RD Session Hosts.
  3. Retrieve the information about a specific RD Session Host.
  4. Modify RD Session Host properties.

Log in to Parallels RAS and obtain an authorization token

Before you can access any of the resources, you need to log in to Parallels RAS using administrator credentials and obtain an authorization token. This is accomplished by sending the following request:

POST https://<API-host>:20443/api/session/logon

Request headers The logon request must contain just the Content-Type request header. Subsequent requests must additionally contain the auth_token header, as you'll see in the examples that follow this one.

Content-Type: application/json; api-version=1.0

Request body The request body must contain the RAS administrator user name and password:

 "username": "USER",
 "password": "PASSWORD"

Response After sending the logon request, you will receive a reply containing the authentication token, which you will use in all subsequent requests:


Throughout this document, AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN refers to the authentication token, which can be obtained from /api/session/logon.

Retrieve information about RD Session Hosts

Now that we have the authentication token, we can send requests to access various resources. In this example we'll first obtain the information about all available RD Session Hosts. In the example that follows, we'll obtain the information about a specific RD Session Host.

To retrieve the RD Session Host info, send the following request:

GET https://<API-host>:20443/api/RDS

Request headers This time the auth_token request header must also be included and must contain the authentication token that we've obtained earlier:

  • Content-Type: application/json; api-version=1.0
  • auth_token: [AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN]

Response The response will look similar to the following (with multiple RD Session Hosts in the farm, each block of the result set will contain the information about an individual server):

"directAddress": "IP_ADDR",
"rasTemplateId": 0,
"inheritDefaultAgentSettings": true,
"inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": true,
"inheritDefaultUPDSettings": true,
"inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": true,
"port": 3389,

"restrictDesktopAccess": false,
"restrictedUsers": [],
"server": "IP_ADDR",
"enabled": true,
"description": "",
"siteId": 1,
"id": 2

Retrieve information about a specific RD Session Host

To retrieve the information about a specific server, we'll use the same request as above but will add the server ID in the end:

GET https://<API-host>:20443/api/RDS/2/

The response will also be similar to the example above and will contain the information just for the specified server.

Modify RD Session Host properties

In this example we'll modify a property of the RD Session Host that we retrieved earlier. For simplicity let's modify the "description" field.

The request to modify properties of an RD Session Host has the following syntax:

PUT https://<API-host>:20443/api/RDS/2/

Note "2" at the end of the request, which specifies the ID of the RD Session Host that we want to modify.

Request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json; api-version=1.0
  • auth_token: [AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN]

Request body

"description": "description was updated!"

Response If the PUT request succeeds, you will get an empty response with code "204: No Content". To verify that the "description" field was in fact modified, let's use the same GET request that we used earlier: GET https://<API-host>:20443/api/RDS/2/

As we can see, the result now contains the updated "description" field:

"directAddress": "IP_ADDR",
"rasTemplateId": 0,
"inheritDefaultAgentSettings": true,

"server": "IP_ADDR",
"enabled": true,
"description": "description was updated!",
"siteId": 1,
"id": 2


Below you can find some samples containing sequences of different types of HTTP requests:

Basic Sample How to start a session, get all sites, get a particular site, get all gateways, add a new GW, get a particular GW, create a RDS server, get the RDS server status, get the RDS server sessions.

RDS Sample How to get all RDS servers, add a new RDS Server, get the its status, get its sessions, add the Server to a RDS Group, update the RDS Group.

Publishing Sample How to manage published resources and use filtering options.

PA & Gateway Sample How to manage Publishing Agents and Gateways.

Licensing Sample How to manage license.

Version: 1.0



GET /api/AdminAccount

Retrieve Admin Account(s).

Name: string
in query

Admin Account Name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "id": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "notify": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "email": "string",
    "mobile": "string",
    "groupName": "string",
    "fullPermissions": "boolean",
    "permissions": "string",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)"


POST /api/AdminAccount

Create a new Admin Account.

Admin Account settings

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "notify": "string",
  "fullPermissions": "boolean",
  "permissions": "string",
  "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
  "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
  "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
  "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
  "allowAllSites": "boolean",
  "allowInSites": [
      "name": "string",
      "licensingSite": "boolean",
      "adminCreate": "string",
      "adminLastMod": "string",
      "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
      "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "notify": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "email": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "groupName": "string",
  "fullPermissions": "boolean",
  "permissions": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)"


GET /api/AdminAccount/{id}

Retrieve an Admin Account by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Admin Account ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "notify": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "email": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "groupName": "string",
  "fullPermissions": "boolean",
  "permissions": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)"


PUT /api/AdminAccount/{id}

Update Admin Account settings.

Admin Account settings

id: integer (int32)
in path

Admin Account ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "email": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "notify": "string",
  "permissions": "string",
  "fullPermissions": "boolean",
  "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
  "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
  "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
  "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
  "allowAllSites": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/AdminAccount/{id}
forceDelete: boolean
in query

Force Delete the Admin Account

id: integer (int32)
in path

Admin Account ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get CustomPermission

GET /api/AdminAccount/{adminId}/CustomPermission

Retrieve the Custom Permissions of an Admin Account by ID.

adminId: integer (int32)
in path

Admin Account ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "sitePermissions": [
      "siteId": "integer (int32)",
      "rdsHosts": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "rdshGroups": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "remotePCs": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "gateways": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "publishingAgents": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "halb": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "themes": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "publishing": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "connection": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "certificate": {
        "sitePermission": {}

Update CustomPermission

PUT /api/AdminAccount/{adminId}/CustomPermission

Update a Custom Permission of an Admin Account. Specifying a SiteId is mandatory except for Monitoring and Reporting. To set a Permission for a specific object, provide an ObjId within the body. To set a Global Permission, do not provide an ObjId within the body.

Custom Permission settings

adminId: integer (int32)
in path

Admin Account ID

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for the permission being set (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "objId": "integer (int32)",
  "objectType": "string",
  "permissions": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get PowerPermission

GET /api/AdminAccount/{adminId}/PowerPermission

Retrieve the Power Permissions of an Admin Account by ID.

adminId: integer (int32)
in path

Admin Account ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "adminId": "integer (int32)",
  "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
  "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
  "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
  "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
  "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
  "allowAllSites": "boolean",
  "allowInSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)"

Update PowerPermission

PUT /api/AdminAccount/{adminId}/PowerPermission

Update a Power Permission of an Admin Account.

Power Permission settings

adminId: integer (int32)
in path

Admin Account ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
  "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
  "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
  "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
  "allowAllSites": "boolean",
  "allowInSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/Agent

Retrieve RAS Agent(s) information.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve RAS Agent information.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All
in query

Server type for which to retrieve the information.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "id": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "serverOS": "string",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "machineId": "string",
    "agentState": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "logLevel": "string"


PUT /api/Agent

Modify RAS Agent.

RAS Agent server

server: string
in query

RAS Agent Server name

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID in which to modify the specified server.

force: boolean
in query

When 'Force' is passed, only the known info will be used and force the operation.

username: string
in query

An administrator account to remotely perform operation on the RAS agent from the server.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "force": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/Agent

Remove RAS Agent.

RAS Agent server

server: string
in query

RAS Agent Server name

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to delete the specified server.

force: boolean
in query

When 'Force' is passed, only the known info will be used and force the operation.

username: string
in query

An administrator account to remotely perform operation on the RAS agent from the server.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "force": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


GET /api/Agent/{server}

Retrieve RAS Agent(s) information.

server: string
in path

RAS Agent Server name

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve RAS Agent information.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "id": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "serverOS": "string",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "machineId": "string",
    "agentState": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "logLevel": "string"

Retrieve Guest Diagnostic

GET /api/Agent/Diagnostic/Guest

Retrieves the agent diagnostic information about an installed RAS Guest Agent.

Server: string
in query

The name of server from which to retrieve Guest Agent information. This must be the actual server name used in the RAS farm.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the specified Guest Agent information (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "state": "string",
  "dhcp": "boolean",
  "protocolVersion": "integer (int32)",
  "rdshMode": "boolean",
  "terminalServicesInstalled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

Retrieve GW Diagnostic

GET /api/Agent/Diagnostic/GW

Retrieves the agent diagnostic information about an installed RAS Gateway Agent.

Server: string
in query

The name of server from which to retrieve Gateway Agent information. This must be the actual server name used in the RAS farm.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the specified Gateway Agent information (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "state": "string",
  "extendedInfo": "string",
  "fipsMode": "string",
  "iPs": [
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

Retrieve HALB Dev. Diagnostic

GET /api/Agent/Diagnostic/HALBDevice

Retrieves the agent diagnostic information about an installed RAS HALB Device Agent.

Server: string
in query

The name of server from which to retrieve HALB Device Agent information. This must be the actual server name used in the RAS farm.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the specified HALB Device Agent information (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "state": "string",
  "initialized": "boolean",
  "ipAddress": "string",
  "logging": "boolean",
  "macAddress": "string",
  "supported": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

Retrieve PA Diagnostic

GET /api/Agent/Diagnostic/PA

Retrieves the agent diagnostic information about an installed RAS PA Agent.

Server: string
in query

The name of server from which to retrieve PA Agent information. This must be the actual server name used in the RAS farm.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the specified PA Agent information (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "state": "string",
  "canTakeover": "boolean",
  "ip": "string",
  "primaryServer": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

Retrieve Provider Diagnostic

GET /api/Agent/Diagnostic/Provider

Retrieves the agent diagnostic information about an installed RAS Provider Agent.

Server: string
in query

The name of server from which to retrieve Provider Agent information. This must be the actual server name used in the RAS farm.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the specified Provider Agent information (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "state": "string",
  "connectedPAIP": "string",
  "providerPort": "integer (int32)",
  "version": "integer (int32)",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

Retrieve RDS Diagnostic

GET /api/Agent/Diagnostic/RDS

Retrieves the agent diagnostic information about an installed RAS RD Session Host Agent.

Server: string
in query

The name of server from which to retrieve RD Session Host Agent information. This must be the actual server name used in the RAS farm.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the specified RD Session Host Agent information (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "state": "string",
  "connectedPAIP": "string",
  "logonStatus": "string",
  "pendingReboot": "boolean",
  "terminalServicesInstalled": "boolean",
  "terminalServicesPort": "integer (int32)",
  "updStatus": "string",
  "version": "integer (int32)",
  "deInstalled": "boolean",
  "wiaServiceEnabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

Retrieve Logs

GET /api/Agent/logs

Retrieve RAS Agent Log(s).

server: string
in query

RAS Agent Server name

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID of the specified server.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice, -1 = All
in query

Server type for which to retrieve the logs.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Clear Logs

DELETE /api/Agent/logs

Clear RAS Agent Log(s).

RAS Agent server

server: string
in query

RAS Agent Server name

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID of the specified server

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice, -1 = All
in query

Server type for which to clear the logs.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "serverType": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Update Log

PUT /api/Agent/Logs

Update RAS Agent Log level.

RAS Agent Log Level

server: string
in query

RAS Agent Server name

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID of the specified server

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice, -1 = All
in query

Server type for which to update the log level.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "logLevel": "string",
  "durationInSec": "integer (int32)",
  "serverType": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


List by Site ID

GET /api/Certificates

Retrieve a list of all the RAS Certificates.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID of which the Certificates will be retrieved (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by certificate name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "status": "string",
    "usage": "string",
    "intermediate": "string",
    "publicKey": "string",
    "request": "string",
    "expirationDate": "string (date-time)",
    "keySize": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "commonName": "string",
    "alternateNames": "string",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/Certificates/{id}

Retrieve a specific RAS Certificate.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Certificate to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "status": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "intermediate": "string",
  "publicKey": "string",
  "request": "string",
  "expirationDate": "string (date-time)",
  "keySize": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/Certificates/{id}

Modify the properties of a RAS Certificate.

The Certificate to be updated

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Certificate to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/Certificates/{id}

Delete a RAS Certificate.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Certificate to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


GET /api/Certificates/{id}/Export

Export a RAS Certificate.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Certificate to be exported

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Generate Request

POST /api/Certificates/GenerateRequest

Generate a new Certificate Request.

The Certificate Request details for a certificate to be requested.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "keySize": "string",
  "countryCode": "string",
  "fullStateOrProvince": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "organisation": "string",
  "organisationUnit": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "status": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "intermediate": "string",
  "publicKey": "string",
  "request": "string",
  "expirationDate": "string (date-time)",
  "keySize": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Generate Self Signed

POST /api/Certificates/GenerateSelfSigned

Generate a new Self Signed Certificate.

The Self Signed Certificate details for a certificate to be generated.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "keySize": "string",
  "countryCode": "string",
  "expireInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "fullStateOrProvince": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "organisation": "string",
  "organisationUnit": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "status": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "intermediate": "string",
  "publicKey": "string",
  "request": "string",
  "expirationDate": "string (date-time)",
  "keySize": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Import a Certificate

POST /api/Certificates/ImportCertificate

This can be used to import a new Certificate file.

Name: string
in formData

The name of the target Certificate.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in formData

Site ID in which to add the Certificate.

Description: string
in formData

A user-defined Certificate description.

Usage: string 0 = None, 2 = Gateway, 4 = HALB
in formData

A set of usages to assign. To form a set of usages 'OR' individual usage enum IDs.

Enabled: boolean
in formData

Whether to enable or disable the certificate being created.

CertificateFile: file
in formData

Certificate file to be uploaded.

PrivateKeyFile: file
in formData

Privatekey file to be uploaded.

201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "status": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "intermediate": "string",
  "publicKey": "string",
  "request": "string",
  "expirationDate": "string (date-time)",
  "keySize": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Import a Pfx file

POST /api/Certificates/ImportPfx

This can be used to import a Pfx file. If the pfx password is used (optional), the file has to be in a pfx format and will be used as a Certificate file, as well.

Name: string
in formData

The name of the target Certificate.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in formData

Site ID in which to add the Certificate.

Description: string
in formData

A user-defined Certificate description.

Usage: string 0 = None, 2 = Gateway, 4 = HALB
in formData

A set of usages to assign. To form a set of usages 'OR' individual usage enum IDs.

Enabled: boolean
in formData

Whether to enable or disable the certificate being created.

PfxPassword: string
in formData

Password of the pfx File to be uploaded.

PfxFile: file
in formData

Private Key File to be uploaded.

201 Created


401 Unauthorized


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "status": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "intermediate": "string",
  "publicKey": "string",
  "request": "string",
  "expirationDate": "string (date-time)",
  "keySize": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Import Public Key

PUT /api/Certificates/{id}/ImportPublicKey

This can be used to Import the Public Key of a Requested Certificate.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Certificate to be updated.

PublicKeyFile: file
in formData

Public Key file to be uploaded.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


Update Intermediate

PUT /api/Certificates/{id}/UpdateIntermediate

This can be used to Update the Intermediate of an Imported Certificate.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Certificate to be updated.

IntermediateFile: file
in formData

Intermediate file to be uploaded.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized




GET /api/ClientPolicies

Retrieve client policy/ies.

name: string
in query

Client policy name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "description": "string",
    "order": "integer (int32)",
    "usersGroups": [
        "account": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "sid": "string"
    "allowedOSes": {
      "chrome": "boolean",
      "android": "boolean",
      "htmL5": "boolean",
      "iOS": "boolean",
      "linux": "boolean",
      "mac": "boolean",
      "windows": "boolean"
    "gwRule": "string",
    "gwList": [
    "macRule": "string",
    "macList": [
    "clientPolicy": {
      "redirection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "gateway": "string",
        "mode": "string",
        "serverPort": "integer (int32)",
        "altGateway": "string"
      "session": {
        "primaryConnection": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "name": "string",
          "autoLogin": "boolean",
          "authenticationType": "string",
          "savePassword": "boolean",
          "domain": "string"
        "secondaryConnections": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "connectionList": [
              "mode": "string",
              "server": "string",
              "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
        "reconnection": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "enableReconnection": "boolean",
          "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
          "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)"
        "computerName": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "overrideComputerName": "string"
        "connectionAdvancedSettings": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
          "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
          "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)"
        "webAuthentication": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
          "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean"
        "multiFactorAuthentication": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean"
        "sessionPreLaunch": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "preLaunchMode": "string",
          "preLaunchExclude": [
        "localProxyAddress": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean"
        "settings": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "colorDepths": "string",
          "graphicsAcceleration": "string"
        "multiMonitor": {
          "enabled": "boolean",
          "useAllMonitors": "boolean"


POST /api/ClientPolicies

Add a new client policy.

Client policy

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "gwRule": "string",
  "macRule": "string",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "order": "integer (int32)",
  "usersGroups": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "gwRule": "string",
  "gwList": [
  "macRule": "string",
  "macList": [
  "clientPolicy": {
    "redirection": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "gateway": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "serverPort": "integer (int32)",
      "altGateway": "string"
    "session": {
      "primaryConnection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "name": "string",
        "autoLogin": "boolean",
        "authenticationType": "string",
        "savePassword": "boolean",
        "domain": "string"
      "secondaryConnections": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "connectionList": [
            "mode": "string",
            "server": "string",
            "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
      "reconnection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "enableReconnection": "boolean",
        "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
        "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)"
      "computerName": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "overrideComputerName": "string"
      "connectionAdvancedSettings": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
        "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
        "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)"
      "webAuthentication": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
        "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean"
      "multiFactorAuthentication": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean"
      "sessionPreLaunch": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "preLaunchMode": "string",
        "preLaunchExclude": [
      "localProxyAddress": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean"
      "settings": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "colorDepths": "string",
        "graphicsAcceleration": "string"
      "multiMonitor": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "useAllMonitors": "boolean"


GET /api/ClientPolicies/{id}

Retrieve a specific client policy by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client Policy ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "order": "integer (int32)",
  "usersGroups": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "gwRule": "string",
  "gwList": [
  "macRule": "string",
  "macList": [
  "clientPolicy": {
    "redirection": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "gateway": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "serverPort": "integer (int32)",
      "altGateway": "string"
    "session": {
      "primaryConnection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "name": "string",
        "autoLogin": "boolean",
        "authenticationType": "string",
        "savePassword": "boolean",
        "domain": "string"
      "secondaryConnections": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "connectionList": [
            "mode": "string",
            "server": "string",
            "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
      "reconnection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "enableReconnection": "boolean",
        "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
        "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)"
      "computerName": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "overrideComputerName": "string"
      "connectionAdvancedSettings": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
        "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
        "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)"
      "webAuthentication": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
        "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean"
      "multiFactorAuthentication": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean"
      "sessionPreLaunch": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "preLaunchMode": "string",
        "preLaunchExclude": [
      "localProxyAddress": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean"
      "settings": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "colorDepths": "string",
        "graphicsAcceleration": "string"
      "multiMonitor": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "useAllMonitors": "boolean"


PUT /api/ClientPolicies/{id}

Update settings of a client policy. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

Client policy

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client policy ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "newName": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "order": "integer (int32)",
  "gwRule": "string",
  "macRule": "string",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "primaryConnectionEnabled": "boolean",
  "connectionName": "string",
  "autoLogin": "boolean",
  "authenticationType": "string",
  "savePassword": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "secondaryConnectionsEnabled": "boolean",
  "reconnectIfDropped": "boolean",
  "reconectionEnabled": "boolean",
  "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
  "reconnectionConnectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
  "computerNameEnabled": "boolean",
  "overrideComputerName": "string",
  "connectionAdvancedSettEnabled": "boolean",
  "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionAdvancedSettConnectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
  "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "webAuthenticationEnabled": "boolean",
  "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
  "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean",
  "multiFactorAuthenticationEnabled": "boolean",
  "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean",
  "sessionPreLaunchEnabled": "boolean",
  "preLaunchMode": "string",
  "localProxyAddressEnabled": "boolean",
  "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean",
  "preLaunchExclude": [
  "browserEnabled": "boolean",
  "browserOpenIn": "string",
  "desktopOptionsEnabled": "boolean",
  "smartSizing": "string",
  "embedDesktop": "boolean",
  "spanDesktops": "boolean",
  "fullScreenBar": "string",
  "multiMonitorEnabled": "boolean",
  "useAllMonitors": "boolean",
  "publishedApplicationsEnabled": "boolean",
  "usePrimaryMonitor": "boolean",
  "settingsEnabled": "boolean",
  "colorDepths": "string",
  "graphicsAcceleration": "string",
  "printingEnabled": "boolean",
  "defaultPrinterTech": "string",
  "redirectPrinters": "string",
  "redirectPrintersList": [
  "scanningEnabled": "boolean",
  "scanTech": "string",
  "scanRedirect": "string",
  "scanListTwain": [
  "scanListWia": [
  "audioEnabled": "boolean",
  "audioModes": "string",
  "audioQuality": "string",
  "audioRec": "boolean",
  "keyboardEnabled": "boolean",
  "keyboardWindow": "string",
  "sendUnicodeChars": "boolean",
  "clipboardEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "devicesEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectDevices": "boolean",
  "dynamicDevices": "boolean",
  "useAllDevices": "boolean",
  "redirectToDevices": [
  "diskDrivesEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectDrives": "boolean",
  "dynamicDrives": "boolean",
  "redirectToDrives": [
  "useAllDrives": "boolean",
  "fileTransferEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectFileTrans": "boolean",
  "portsEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectCOMPorts": "boolean",
  "smartCardsEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectSmartCards": "boolean",
  "windowsTouchInputEnabled": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/ClientPolicies/{id}

Delete a Client policy.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client policy ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


POST /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/Duplicate

Duplicate a Client policy.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the client policy to duplicate

201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "order": "integer (int32)",
  "usersGroups": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "gwRule": "string",
  "gwList": [
  "macRule": "string",
  "macList": [
  "clientPolicy": {
    "redirection": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "gateway": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "serverPort": "integer (int32)",
      "altGateway": "string"
    "session": {
      "primaryConnection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "name": "string",
        "autoLogin": "boolean",
        "authenticationType": "string",
        "savePassword": "boolean",
        "domain": "string"
      "secondaryConnections": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "connectionList": [
            "mode": "string",
            "server": "string",
            "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
      "reconnection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "enableReconnection": "boolean",
        "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
        "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)"
      "computerName": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "overrideComputerName": "string"
      "connectionAdvancedSettings": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
        "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
        "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)"
      "webAuthentication": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
        "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean"
      "multiFactorAuthentication": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean"
      "sessionPreLaunch": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "preLaunchMode": "string",
        "preLaunchExclude": [
      "localProxyAddress": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean"
      "settings": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "colorDepths": "string",
        "graphicsAcceleration": "string"
      "multiMonitor": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "useAllMonitors": "boolean"


POST /api/ClientPolicies/export

Export a RAS client policy to xml file.

Name: string
in query

Name of the client policy

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Add GW filter

POST /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/GWFilters

Add a new GW to a client policy list.

Client policy

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client policy ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ip": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Remove GW filter

DELETE /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/GWFilters

Remove a GW from the list of a client policy.

Client policy

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client policy ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ip": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


POST /api/ClientPolicies/import

Import a Client Policy from a xml file.

Client policy

FilePath: string
in query

FilePath (including filename) of the client policy to be imported

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "filePath": "string",
  "inputMethod": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Add MAC filter

POST /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/MACFilters

Add a new MAC address to a client policy list.

Client policy

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client policy ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "mac": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Remove MAC filter

DELETE /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/MACFilters

Remove a MAC address from the list of a client policy.

Client policy

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client policy ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "mac": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Update Order

PUT /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/order

Increase or decrease the order for a specified RAS Client Policy.

RAS Client Policy

id: integer (int32)
in path

RAS Client Policy ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "direction": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Sec. Connections

GET /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/SecondaryConnections

Retrieve the list of secondary connections of the specified client policy with ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client Policy ID.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "mode": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "serverPort": "integer (int32)"

Add Sec. Connection

POST /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/SecondaryConnections

Add a connection to the list of secondary connections of the specified client policy with ID.

The secondary connection configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client Policy ID.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "mode": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


Delete Sec. Connection

DELETE /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/SecondaryConnections

Delete a connection to the list of secondary connections of the specified client policy with ID.

The secondary connection configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client Policy ID.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "mode": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get User Group

GET /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/UserGroup

Retrieves the user group list of the client policy settings with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client Policy ID.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add User Group

POST /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/UserGroup

Adds a user to the user group list of the client policy settings.

The user group configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client Policy ID.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove User Group

DELETE /api/ClientPolicies/{id}/UserGroup

Remove a user from the user group list of the client policy settings.

The user group configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Client Policy ID.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/ConnectionAllowedDevices

Retrieve a list of all the settings for RAS allowed devices

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve all the settings for RAS allowed devices (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "allowClientWithSecurityPatchesOnly": "boolean",
    "allowClient2XOS": "boolean",
    "allowClientBlackberry": "boolean",
    "allowClientChromeApp": "boolean",
    "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
    "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
    "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
    "allowClientJava": "boolean",
    "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
    "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
    "allowClientMode": "string",
    "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
    "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
    "allowClientWinPhone": "boolean",
    "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
    "replicateSettings": "boolean",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuild2XOS": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildBlackberry": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildChromeApp": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildAndroid": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildHTML5": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildIOS": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildJava": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildLinux": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildMAC": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildWebPortal": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildWindows": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildWinPhone": "integer (int32)",
    "minBuildWyse": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/ConnectionAllowedDevices

Update settings of a RAS allowed device

RAS allowed device settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the RAS Allowed device settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "allowClientWithSecurityPatchesOnly": "boolean",
  "allowClientMode": "string",
  "allowClient2XOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientBlackberry": "boolean",
  "allowClientChromeApp": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientJava": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWinPhone": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean",
  "minBuild2XOS": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildBlackberry": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildChromeApp": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildAndroid": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildHTML5": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildIOS": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildJava": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildLinux": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildMAC": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWebPortal": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWindows": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWinPhone": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWyse": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/ConnectionAuthentication

Retrieve a list of all the settings for RAS authentication

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve all the settings for RAS authentication (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "authType": "string",
  "allTrustedDomains": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "useClientDomain": "boolean",
  "forceNetBIOSCreds": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/ConnectionAuthentication

Update RAS authentication settings

RAS allowed device settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the RAS authentication settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "authType": "string",
  "allTrustedDomains": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "useClientDomain": "boolean",
  "forceNetBIOSCreds": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


List 2FA Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "deepnetSettings": {
    "activateEmail": "boolean",
    "activateSMS": "boolean",
    "app": "string",
    "appID": "string",
    "authMode": "string",
    "deepnetAgent": "string",
    "deepnetType": "string",
    "defaultDomain": "string",
    "ssl": "boolean",
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "tokenType": "string"
  "safeNetSettings": {
    "authMode": "string",
    "otpServiceURL": "string",
    "userRepository": "string",
    "tmsWebApiURL": "string"
  "radiusSettings": {
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"
  "azureRadiusSettings": {
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"
  "duoRadiusSettings": {
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string"

Update 2FA Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA

Update multi-factor authentication settings.

Multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "provider": "string",
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeClientIPs": "boolean",
  "excludeClientMAC": "boolean",
  "excludeClientGWIPs": "boolean",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Azure Radius Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/AzureRadius

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication Azure Radius settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication Azure Radius settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Azure Radius Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/AzureRadius

Update multi-factor authentication Azure Radius settings.

Multi-factor authentication Azure Radius settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication Azure Radius settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "passwordEncoding": "string",
  "retries": "integer (int32)",
  "secretKey": "string",
  "timeout": "integer (int32)",
  "typeName": "string",
  "usernameOnly": "boolean",
  "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
  "backupServer": "string",
  "haMode": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Deepnet Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/Deepnet

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication Deepnet settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication Deepnet settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "activateEmail": "boolean",
    "activateSMS": "boolean",
    "app": "string",
    "appID": "string",
    "authMode": "string",
    "deepnetAgent": "string",
    "deepnetType": "string",
    "defaultDomain": "string",
    "ssl": "boolean",
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "tokenType": "string"

Update Deepnet Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/Deepnet

Update multi-factor authentication Deepnet settings.

Multi-factor authentication Deepnet settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication Deepnet settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "activateEmail": "boolean",
  "activateSMS": "boolean",
  "app": "string",
  "appID": "string",
  "deepnetAuthMode": "string",
  "deepnetAgent": "string",
  "deepnetType": "string",
  "defaultDomain": "string",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "tokenType": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Duo Radius Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/DuoRadius

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication Duo Radius settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication Duo Radius settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Duo Radius Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/DuoRadius

Update multi-factor authentication Duo Radius settings.

Multi-factor authentication Duo Radius settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication Duo Radius settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "passwordEncoding": "string",
  "retries": "integer (int32)",
  "secretKey": "string",
  "timeout": "integer (int32)",
  "typeName": "string",
  "usernameOnly": "boolean",
  "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
  "backupServer": "string",
  "haMode": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Exclude GWs

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeGW

Retrieve a list of excluded GW for multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the exclude list of GW for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add GW to Exclude List

POST /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeGW

Add a GW to the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

GW IP to be added to the list that is excluded from multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the exclude GW list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ip": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Delete GW from Exclude List

DELETE /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeGW

Remove a GW from the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

GW IP to be deleted from the list that is excluded from multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the exclude GW address list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ip": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Exclude IPs

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeIP

Retrieve a list of excluded IP for multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the exclude list of IP addresses for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

IPType: string 0 = Version4, 1 = Version6, 2 = BothVersions
in query

Represents the type of IP. Valid values are: 0 for v4 and 1 for v6 (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"

Add IP to Exclude List

POST /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeIP

Add an IP address to the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

IP to be added to the list that is excluded from multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the exclude IP list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ip": "string",
  "ipType": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Delete IP from Exclude List

DELETE /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeIP

Remove an IP address from the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

IP to be deleted from the list that is excluded from multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the exclude IP address list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ip": "string",
  "ipType": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Exclude MACs

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeMAC

Retrieve a list of excluded MAC for multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the exclude list of MAC addresses for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add MAC to Exclude List

POST /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeMAC

Add a MAC address to the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

MAC address to be added to the list that is excluded from multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the exclude MAC address list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "macAddress": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Delete MAC from Exclude List

DELETE /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeMAC

Remove a MAC address from the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

MAC address to be deleted from list that is excluded from multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the exclude MAC address list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "macAddress": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Exclude Users/Groups

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeUserGroup

Retrieve a list of excluded Users/Groups for multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the exclude list of Users/Groups for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add User/Group to Exclude List

POST /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeUserGroup

Add a User/Group to the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

User/Group to be added to the list that is excluded from multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the exclude Users/Groups list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "type": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Delete User/Group from Exclude List

DELETE /api/ConnectionMFA/ExcludeUserGroup

Remove a User/Group from the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

GW IP to be deleted from the list that is excluded from multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the exclude Users/Groups list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "type": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Forti Radius Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/FortiRadius

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication Forti Radius settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication Forti Radius settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Forti Radius Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/FortiRadius

Update multi-factor authentication Forti Radius settings.

Multi-factor authentication Forti Radius settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication Forti Radius settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "passwordEncoding": "string",
  "retries": "integer (int32)",
  "secretKey": "string",
  "timeout": "integer (int32)",
  "typeName": "string",
  "usernameOnly": "boolean",
  "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
  "backupServer": "string",
  "haMode": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Radius Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/Radius

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication Radius settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication Radius settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Radius Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/Radius

Update multi-factor authentication Radius settings.

Multi-level authentication Radius settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication Radius settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "passwordEncoding": "string",
  "retries": "integer (int32)",
  "secretKey": "string",
  "timeout": "integer (int32)",
  "typeName": "string",
  "usernameOnly": "boolean",
  "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
  "backupServer": "string",
  "haMode": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Radius Attributes

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/RadiusAttr

Retrieve a list of excluded Radius Attributes for multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the list of Radius Attributes for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

RadiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius
in query

Radius Type (optional). If the parameter is omitted, the Radius provider will be used by default.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
    "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
    "attributeType": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "vendor": "string",
    "value": "string"

Add Radius Attribute

POST /api/ConnectionMFA/RadiusAttr

Add a Radius Attribute to the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

Radius Attribute to be added to the list that applies for multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the Radius Attribute list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

RadiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius
in query

Radius Type (optional). If the parameter is omitted, the Radius provider will be used by default.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
  "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
  "value": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "vendor": "string",
  "attributeType": "string",
  "radiusType": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Delete Radius Attribute

DELETE /api/ConnectionMFA/RadiusAttr

Remove a Radius Attribute from the exclude list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

Radius Attribute to be removed from the list that applies for multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the Radius Attribute list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional)

RadiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius
in query

Radius Type (optional). If the parameter is omitted, the Radius provider will be used by default.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
  "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
  "value": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "vendor": "string",
  "attributeType": "string",
  "radiusType": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Radius Automation

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/RadiusAuto

Retrieve a list of Radius Automations from multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the list of Radius Automations for multi-factor authentication settings (optional). If omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.

RadiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius
in query

Radius Type (optional). If the parameter is omitted, the Radius provider will be used by default.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "autoSend": "boolean",
    "command": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "image": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "actionMessage": "string",
    "title": "string",
    "priority": "integer (int32)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"

Add Radius Automation

POST /api/ConnectionMFA/RadiusAuto

Add a Radius Automation to the Radius Automation list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

Radius Automation to be added to the list that applies for multi-factor authentication settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the Radius Automation list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional). If omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.

RadiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius
in query

Radius Type (optional). If the parameter is omitted, the Radius provider will be used by default.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "command": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "image": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "actionMessage": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "radiusType": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Get Radius Automation

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/RadiusAuto/{id}

Retrieve a Radius Automation from multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the Radius Automation for multi-factor authentication settings (optional). If omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.

RadiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius
in query

Radius Type (optional). If the parameter is omitted, the Radius provider will be used by default.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Radius Automation item for which to retrieve information.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "autoSend": "boolean",
  "command": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "image": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "actionMessage": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Modify Radius Automation

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/RadiusAuto/{id}

Modify a Radius Automation from the Radius Automation list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

Radius Automation settings to be modified

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the Radius Automation list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional). If omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.

RadiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius
in query

Radius Type (optional). If the parameter is omitted, the Radius provider will be used by default.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Radius Automation item for which to modify information.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "autoSend": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "image": "string",
  "command": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "priority": "string",
  "actionMessage": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "radiusType": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete Radius Automation

DELETE /api/ConnectionMFA/RadiusAuto/{id}

Remove a Radius Automation from the Radius Automation list for the multi-factor authentication settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the Radius Automation list for multi-factor authentication settings (optional). If omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.

RadiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius
in query

Radius Type (optional). If the parameter is omitted, the Radius provider will be used by default.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Radius Automation item to remove.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Safenet Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/Safenet

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication Safenet settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication Safenet settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "authMode": "string",
    "otpServiceURL": "string",
    "userRepository": "string",
    "tmsWebApiURL": "string"

Update Safenet Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/Safenet

Update multi-factor authentication Safenet settings.

Multi-factor authentication Safenet settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication Safenet settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "safeNetAuthMode": "string",
  "otpServiceURL": "string",
  "userRepository": "string",
  "tmsWebApiURL": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Tek Radius Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/TekRadius

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication Tek Radius settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication Tek Radius settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Tek Radius Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/TekRadius

Update multi-factor authentication Tek Radius settings.

Multi-factor authentication Tek Radius settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication Tek Radius settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "passwordEncoding": "string",
  "retries": "integer (int32)",
  "secretKey": "string",
  "timeout": "integer (int32)",
  "typeName": "string",
  "usernameOnly": "boolean",
  "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
  "backupServer": "string",
  "haMode": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List TOTP Settings

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/TOTP

Retrieve a list of all the multi-factor authentication TOTP settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve multi-factor authentication TOTP settings (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "type": "string",
    "userEnrollment": "string",
    "untilDateTime": "string (date-time)",
    "tolerance": "integer (int32)"

Update TOTP Settings

PUT /api/ConnectionMFA/TOTP

Update multi-factor authentication TOTP settings.

Multi-factor authentication TOTP settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the multi-factor authentication TOTP settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "totpType": "string",
  "userEnrollment": "string",
  "untilDateTime": "string (date-time)",
  "tolerance": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Find TOTP users

GET /api/ConnectionMFA/TOTP/User

Find TOTP users by matching substring.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID where the users will be searched.

Like: string
in query

Like pattern. Note that this is not a regex pattern, but instead is a substring that might be matching existing users.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Import TOTP users.

POST /api/ConnectionMFA/TOTP/User

Import TOTP users from a CSV file. Contents of the file must conform to this format: user,secret

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID where the users will be reset.

UsersCsv: file
in formData

Users to be reset/

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Reset specific TOTP users

DELETE /api/ConnectionMFA/TOTP/User

Reset specific TOTP users

Users to be reset

AllUsers: boolean
in query

Boolean value. When supplied, all users will be reset.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID where the users will be reset.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "users": [
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/ConnectionSettings

Retrieve a list of all remote session settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve all remote session settings (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "fipsMode": "string",
  "remoteIdleSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "logoffIdleSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "cachedSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/ConnectionSettings

Update settings of a remote session

Remote session settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site for which the remote session settings will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "remoteIdleSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "logoffIdleSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "cachedSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "fipsMode": "string",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Clear Session Cache

POST /api/ConnectionSettings/ClearSessionCache

Clear the cached sessions for authenticated RAS Clients, and they're forced to reauthenticate on the next connection.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Get CPU Optimization Settings

GET /api/CPUOptimizationSettings

Retrieve Parallels RAS CPU Optimization Settings.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID for which to retrieve the Parallels RAS CPU Optimization settings. (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "enableCPUOptimization": "boolean",
  "startUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "criticalUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "idleUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "replicate": "boolean",
  "cpuExcludeList": [
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

Update CPU Optimization Settings

PUT /api/CPUOptimizationSettings

Update Parallels RAS CPU Optimization Settings.

CPU Optimization settings.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID for which to modify the Parallels RAS CPU Optimization settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "cpuExcludeList": [
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "startUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "criticalUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "idleUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "enableCPUOptimization": "boolean",
  "replicate": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/CustomRoutes

Retrieve information about one or multiple custom routes.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the custom route information (optional).

Name: string
in query

The name of the custom route for which to retrieve the information.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "description": "string",
    "publicAddress": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"


POST /api/CustomRoutes

Create a new custom route.

Custom route settings

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/CustomRoutes/{id}

Retrieve information about one custom route by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a custom route for which to retrieve the information.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/CustomRoutes/{id}

Modify properties of a custom route.

Custom route settings

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the custom route to modify.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/CustomRoutes/{id}

Remove a custom route from a site.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a custom route to remove from the site.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Get Prof. Cont. Settings

GET /api/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature Site Settings.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature settings.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "installType": "string",
  "installOnlineURL": "string",
  "networkDrivePath": "string",
  "installerFileName": "string",
  "replicate": "boolean"

Update Prof. Cont. Settings

PUT /api/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Update the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature Site Settings.

FSLogix Features settings.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "installType": "string",
  "installOnlineURL": "string",
  "networkDrivePath": "string",
  "installerFilePath": "string",
  "replicate": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Upload Installer File

PUT /api/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UploadInstaller

Upload an FSLogix Installer file to the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature Site Settings.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature settings.

InstallerFile: file
in formData

(no description)

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



List by Site ID

GET /api/GW

Retrieve a list of all the RAS Secure Client Gateway Servers.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID of which the Gateway Servers will be retrieved (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "publicAddress": "string",
    "ipVersion": "string",
    "iPs": "string",
    "bindV4Addresses": "string",
    "optimizeConnectionIPv4": "string",
    "bindV6Addresses": "string",
    "optimizeConnectionIPv6": "string",
    "inheritDefaultModeSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultNetworkSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultSslTlsSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultHTML5Settings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultWyseSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultSecuritySettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultWebSettings": "boolean",
    "gwMode": "string",
    "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
    "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
    "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
    "forwardHttpServers": "string",
    "enableGWPort": "boolean",
    "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
    "enableRDP": "boolean",
    "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
    "broadcast": "boolean",
    "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
    "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
    "dosPro": "boolean",
    "enableSSL": "boolean",
    "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
    "minSSLVersion": "string",
    "cipherStrength": "string",
    "cipher": "string",
    "cipherPreference": "boolean",
    "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
    "enableHSTS": "boolean",
    "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
    "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
    "hstsPreload": "boolean",
    "enableHTML5": "boolean",
    "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
    "launchMethod": "string",
    "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
    "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
    "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
    "allowEmbed": "boolean",
    "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
    "fileTransferMode": "string",
    "allowClipboard": "boolean",
    "clipboardDirection": "string",
    "allowCORS": "boolean",
    "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
    "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
    "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
    "alternateNLBHost": "string",
    "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
    "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
    "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
    "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
    "securityMode": "string",
    "macAllowExcept": [
    "macAllowOnly": [
    "webRequestsURL": "string",
    "webCookie": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "description": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"


POST /api/GW

Create a new RAS Secure Client Gateway Server.

The Gateway server to be created

noInstall: boolean
in query

If this parameter is included, the Gateway software will not be installed on the target server. The parameter should only be included if the server already has the software installed. If you need to install the software, omit this parameter. When installing the Gateway software, your RAS admin credentials will be used to push install the software. These are the credentials you used to connect to the RAS farm. If needed, you can specify different credentials using the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

An administrator account to push install the Gateway software on the target server. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

noRestart: boolean
in query

Specifies not to restart the server after the RAS Gateway is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the server will be restarted if required.

noFireWallRules: boolean
in query

Specifies not to add firewall rules to allow the RD Session Host Agent to communicate. If this parameter is omitted, the firewall rules will not be added.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "iPs": "string",
  "bindV4Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv4": "string",
  "bindV6Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv6": "string",
  "inheritDefaultModeSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultNetworkSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSslTlsSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultHTML5Settings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWyseSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWebSettings": "boolean",
  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/GW/{id}

Retrieve a specified RAS Secure Client Gateway Server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Gateway server to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "iPs": "string",
  "bindV4Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv4": "string",
  "bindV6Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv6": "string",
  "inheritDefaultModeSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultNetworkSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSslTlsSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultHTML5Settings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWyseSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWebSettings": "boolean",
  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/GW/{id}

Modify the properties of a RAS Secure Client Gateway Server.

The Gateway server to be updated

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Gateway server to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "iPs": "string",
  "bindV4Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv4": "string",
  "bindV6Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv6": "string",
  "inheritDefaultModeSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultNetworkSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSslTlsSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultHTML5Settings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWyseSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWebSettings": "boolean",
  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "autoCertificate": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



DELETE /api/GW/{id}

Delete a RAS Secure Client Gateway Server.

noUninstall: boolean
in query

When this parameter is included, the Gateway software will not be removed from the server. If you want to remove the software, omit this parameter. When removing the software, your RAS admin credentials will be used to remotely execute the uninstaller on the target server. You can specify different credentials if needed using the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

An administrator account name to remotely uninstall the Gateway software from the server. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Gateway server to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Upload a Certificate file

POST /api/GW/{id}/Certificate

This can be used to upload a Certificate file for a specified GW server. If the pfx password is used (optional), the file has to be in a pfx format and will be used as a Private Key file, as well.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Gateway server to be updated.

certificateFile: file
in formData

Certificate file to be uploaded.

privateKeyFile: file
in formData

Privatekey file to be uploaded.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Upload a Private Key file

POST /api/GW/{id}/PrivateKey

This can be used to upload a Private Key file for a specified GW server. If the pfx password is used (optional), the file has to be in a pfx format and will be used as a Certificate file, as well.

pfxPassword: string
in query

Password of the pfx File to be uploaded.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Gateway server to be updated.

pfxFile: file
in formData

Private Key File to be uploaded.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



List Status

GET /api/GW/status

Retrieve a list of the summary and state information for all RAS Secure Client Gateways.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which the summary and state information of all Gateway Servers will be retrieved (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "gwMode": "string",
    "cipherStrength": "string",
    "cipherStr": "string",
    "cipherPreference": "boolean",
    "availableIPs": "string",
    "preferredPA": "string",
    "clientConns": "integer (int32)",
    "maxClientConns": "integer (int32)",
    "clientSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
    "maxClientSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
    "httpRedirs": "integer (int32)",
    "httpsRedirs": "integer (int32)",
    "maxHTTPRedirs": "integer (int32)",
    "maxHTTPSRedirs": "integer (int32)",
    "wyseConns": "integer (int32)",
    "maxWyseConns": "integer (int32)",
    "wyseSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
    "maxWyseSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
    "htmL5Conns": "integer (int32)",
    "htmL5SSLConns": "integer (int32)",
    "maxHTML5Conns": "integer (int32)",
    "maxHTML5SSLConns": "integer (int32)",
    "deviceMgrTCPConns": "integer (int32)",
    "deviceMgrTCPSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
    "maxDeviceMgrTCPConns": "integer (int32)",
    "maxDeviceMgrTCPSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
    "activeRDPSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "activeRDPSSLSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "maxRDPSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "maxRDPSSLSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "rdpudpTunnels": "integer (int32)",
    "rdpudpdtlsTunnels": "integer (int32)",
    "maxRDPUDPTunnels": "integer (int32)",
    "maxRDPUDPDTLSTunnels": "integer (int32)",
    "totalConnections": "integer (int32)",
    "cachedSockets": "integer (int32)",
    "activeThreads": "integer (int32)",
    "idleThreads": "integer (int32)",
    "securityMode": "string",
    "gatewayTCPSock": "string",
    "rdptcpSock": "string",
    "sslVersion": "string",
    "gatewaySSLTCPSock": "string",
    "deviceManagerUDPSock": "string",
    "htmL5TCPSock": "string",
    "broadcastUDPSock": "string",
    "rdpTunnelUDPSock": "string",
    "rdpTunnelSSLUDPSock": "string",
    "serverMessage": "string",
    "fipsMode": "string",
    "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
    "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "id": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "serverOS": "string",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "machineId": "string",
    "agentState": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "logLevel": "string"

Get Status

GET /api/GW/{id}/status

Retrieve summary and state information about a specified RAS Secure Client Gateway Server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Gateway server of which summary and state information will be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "gwMode": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipherStr": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "availableIPs": "string",
  "preferredPA": "string",
  "clientConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxClientConns": "integer (int32)",
  "clientSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxClientSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "httpRedirs": "integer (int32)",
  "httpsRedirs": "integer (int32)",
  "maxHTTPRedirs": "integer (int32)",
  "maxHTTPSRedirs": "integer (int32)",
  "wyseConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxWyseConns": "integer (int32)",
  "wyseSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxWyseSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "htmL5Conns": "integer (int32)",
  "htmL5SSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxHTML5Conns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxHTML5SSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceMgrTCPConns": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceMgrTCPSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxDeviceMgrTCPConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxDeviceMgrTCPSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "activeRDPSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "activeRDPSSLSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "maxRDPSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "maxRDPSSLSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "rdpudpTunnels": "integer (int32)",
  "rdpudpdtlsTunnels": "integer (int32)",
  "maxRDPUDPTunnels": "integer (int32)",
  "maxRDPUDPDTLSTunnels": "integer (int32)",
  "totalConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "cachedSockets": "integer (int32)",
  "activeThreads": "integer (int32)",
  "idleThreads": "integer (int32)",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "gatewayTCPSock": "string",
  "rdptcpSock": "string",
  "sslVersion": "string",
  "gatewaySSLTCPSock": "string",
  "deviceManagerUDPSock": "string",
  "htmL5TCPSock": "string",
  "broadcastUDPSock": "string",
  "rdpTunnelUDPSock": "string",
  "rdpTunnelSSLUDPSock": "string",
  "serverMessage": "string",
  "fipsMode": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"



GET /api/GWDefaultSettings

Retrieve the Gateway Default settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve GW Default settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string"


PUT /api/GWDefaultSettings

Update the Gateway default settings. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

GW settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the GW Default settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "autoCertificate": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found




Retrieve a list of the HALB Virtual Server settings.

Name: string
in query

The name of te HALB Virtual Server

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

The site ID from where to retrieve the HALB Virtual Server Settings (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "description": "string",
    "publicAddress": "string",
    "enableGWPayload": "boolean",
    "enableSSLPayload": "boolean",
    "enableHALBInstance": "boolean",
    "enableDeviceManagement": "boolean",
    "ipVersion": "string",
    "virtualIPV4": "string",
    "subNetMask": "string",
    "virtualIPV6": "string",
    "prefixIPV6": "integer (int32)",
    "devices": [
        "deviceIP": "string",
        "deviceId": "integer (int32)"
    "enableUDPTunneling": "boolean",
    "maxTCPConnections": "integer (int32)",
    "algorithm": "string",
    "clientIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "gwConnectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "clientQueueTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "gatewayIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionsRate": "integer (int32)",
    "gwHealthCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "virtualRouterID": "integer (int32)",
    "vrrpBroadcastInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "vrrpHealthCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "vrrpHealthCheckTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "osUpdate": "boolean",
    "vrrpAdvertInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "keepLBProxyConfig": "boolean",
    "keepVRRPConfig": "boolean",
    "clientManagementConfig": {
      "gateways": "object"
    "gatewayConfig": {
      "port": "integer (int32)",
      "gateways": "object"
    "sslConfig": {
      "minSSLVersion": "string",
      "sslMode": "string",
      "sslCustomCipher": "string",
      "sslCipherStrength": "string",
      "sslCipherPreference": "boolean",
      "certID": "integer (int32)",
      "gatewayConfig": {
        "port": "integer (int32)",
        "gateways": "object"
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"



Create a new entry for the HALB Virtual Server settings

The HALB Virtual Server settings

noInstall: boolean
in query

Set it to true if HALB Devices should be initialized after being added. (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "deviceIPs": [
  "enableGWPayload": "boolean",
  "enableSSLPayload": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagement": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "virtualIPv4": "string",
  "subnetMask": "string",
  "virtualIPv6": "string",
  "prefixIPV6": "integer (int32)",
  "enableTunneling": "boolean",
  "maxTCPConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpAuthenticationPassword": "string",
  "clientIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gwConnectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "clientQueueTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gatewayIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionRate": "integer (int32)",
  "gwHealthCheckIntervals": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpVirtualRouterID": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpBroadcastInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthScriptCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthScriptCheckTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpAdvertisementInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableOSUpdates": "boolean",
  "keepLBProxyConfig": "boolean",
  "keepVRRPConfig": "boolean",
  "lbGateways": [
  "lbGatewayPort": "integer (int32)",
  "sslMode": "string",
  "lbsslGateways": [
  "lbsslGatewayPort": "integer (int32)",
  "acceptedSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "sslCustomCipher": "string",
  "certificateID": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceManagerGateways": [
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "enableGWPayload": "boolean",
  "enableSSLPayload": "boolean",
  "enableHALBInstance": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagement": "boolean",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "virtualIPV4": "string",
  "subNetMask": "string",
  "virtualIPV6": "string",
  "prefixIPV6": "integer (int32)",
  "devices": [
      "deviceIP": "string",
      "deviceId": "integer (int32)"
  "enableUDPTunneling": "boolean",
  "maxTCPConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "algorithm": "string",
  "clientIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gwConnectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "clientQueueTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gatewayIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionsRate": "integer (int32)",
  "gwHealthCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "virtualRouterID": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpBroadcastInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthCheckTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "osUpdate": "boolean",
  "vrrpAdvertInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "keepLBProxyConfig": "boolean",
  "keepVRRPConfig": "boolean",
  "clientManagementConfig": {
    "gateways": "object"
  "gatewayConfig": {
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "gateways": "object"
  "sslConfig": {
    "minSSLVersion": "string",
    "sslMode": "string",
    "sslCustomCipher": "string",
    "sslCipherStrength": "string",
    "sslCipherPreference": "boolean",
    "certID": "integer (int32)",
    "gatewayConfig": {
      "port": "integer (int32)",
      "gateways": "object"
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/HALB/{id}

Retrieve a specific HALB Virtual Server

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Virtual Server

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "enableGWPayload": "boolean",
  "enableSSLPayload": "boolean",
  "enableHALBInstance": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagement": "boolean",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "virtualIPV4": "string",
  "subNetMask": "string",
  "virtualIPV6": "string",
  "prefixIPV6": "integer (int32)",
  "devices": [
      "deviceIP": "string",
      "deviceId": "integer (int32)"
  "enableUDPTunneling": "boolean",
  "maxTCPConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "algorithm": "string",
  "clientIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gwConnectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "clientQueueTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gatewayIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionsRate": "integer (int32)",
  "gwHealthCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "virtualRouterID": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpBroadcastInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthCheckTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "osUpdate": "boolean",
  "vrrpAdvertInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "keepLBProxyConfig": "boolean",
  "keepVRRPConfig": "boolean",
  "clientManagementConfig": {
    "gateways": "object"
  "gatewayConfig": {
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "gateways": "object"
  "sslConfig": {
    "minSSLVersion": "string",
    "sslMode": "string",
    "sslCustomCipher": "string",
    "sslCipherStrength": "string",
    "sslCipherPreference": "boolean",
    "certID": "integer (int32)",
    "gatewayConfig": {
      "port": "integer (int32)",
      "gateways": "object"
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/HALB/{id}

Modify the settings of the specific HALB Virtual Server

The HALB Virtual Server settings

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Virtual Server

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "enableGWPayload": "boolean",
  "enableSSLPayload": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagement": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "virtualIPv4": "string",
  "subnetMask": "string",
  "virtualIPv6": "string",
  "prefixIPV6": "integer (int32)",
  "enableTunneling": "boolean",
  "maxTCPConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpAuthenticationPassword": "string",
  "clientIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gwConnectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "clientQueueTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gatewayIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionRate": "integer (int32)",
  "gwHealthCheckIntervals": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpVirtualRouterID": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpBroadcastInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthScriptCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthScriptCheckTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpAdvertisementInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableOSUpdates": "boolean",
  "keepLBProxyConfig": "boolean",
  "keepVRRPConfig": "boolean",
  "lbGateways": [
  "lbGatewayPort": "integer (int32)",
  "sslMode": "string",
  "lbsslGateways": [
  "lbsslGatewayPort": "integer (int32)",
  "acceptedSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "sslCustomCipher": "string",
  "certificateID": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceManagerGateways": [
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/HALB/{id}

Remove the specific HALB Virtual Server settings and un-initialize any HALB Devices used by it.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Virtual Server

noUnInstall: boolean
in query

If specified the HALB devices will not be un-initialized.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Devices

GET /api/HALB/{HALBId}/Device

Return a list of HALB Devices used by the specific HALB Virtual Server

HALBId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Virtual Server (mandatory)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "deviceIP": "string",
    "deviceId": "integer (int32)"

Add Device

PUT /api/HALB/{HALBId}/Device

Add an HALB Device to a specific HALB Virtual Server.

The HALB Devices to add.

HALBId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Virtual Server

noInstall: boolean
in query

If specified the HALB devices will not be initialized.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "deviceIP": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Device

GET /api/HALB/{HALBId}/Device/{deviceId}

Return the HALB Devices used by the specific HALB Virtual Server

HALBId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Virtual Server (mandatory)

deviceId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Device (mandatory)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "deviceIP": "string",
  "deviceId": "integer (int32)"

Update Device Priority

PUT /api/HALB/{HALBId}/Device/{deviceId}

Change the priority of HALB Device.

The HALB Device priority settings

HALBId: integer (int32)
in path

The HALB Virtual Server ID.

deviceId: integer (int32)
in path

The HALB Device ID.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "direction": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete Device

DELETE /api/HALB/{HALBId}/Device/{deviceId}

Remove the specific HALB Devices used by the HALB Virtual Server.

HALBId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Virtual Server

deviceId: integer (int32)
in path

The HALB Device ID used by the HALB Virtual Server that need to be removed.

noUnInstall: boolean
in query

If specified the HALB devices will not be un-initialized.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Status

GET /api/HALB/{id}/status

Retrieve the runtime state of the HALB Virtual Server (amalgamation of all HALB Device states).

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the HALB Virtual Server


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "deviceID": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceIP": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

List Status

GET /api/HALB/status

Retrieve the runtime state of the HALB Virtual Server (amalgamation of all HALB Device states).

Name: string
in query

The name of the HALB Virtual Server

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

The site ID where the HALB Virtual Server resides


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "deviceID": "integer (int32)",
    "deviceIP": "string",
    "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
    "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "id": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "serverOS": "string",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "machineId": "string",
    "agentState": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "logLevel": "string"


Get LB Settings

GET /api/LBSettings

Retrieve Parallels RAS LB Settings.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID for which to retrieve the Parallels RAS LB settings. (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "method": "string",
  "cpuCounter": "boolean",
  "memoryCounter": "boolean",
  "sessionsCounter": "boolean",
  "reconnectDisconnect": "boolean",
  "reconnectUsingIPOnly": "boolean",
  "reconnectUser": "boolean",
  "disableRDSLB": "boolean",
  "deadTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "refreshTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "maxConnectionRequests": "integer (int32)",
  "replicate": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

Update LB Settings

PUT /api/LBSettings

Modify Parallels RAS LB Settings.

LB settings.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID for which to modify the Parallels RAS LB settings. (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "method": "string",
  "cpuCounter": "boolean",
  "memoryCounter": "boolean",
  "sessionsCounter": "boolean",
  "reconnectDisconnect": "boolean",
  "reconnectUsingIPOnly": "boolean",
  "reconnectUser": "boolean",
  "disableRDSLB": "boolean",
  "deadTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "refreshTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "replicate": "boolean",
  "enableCPULB": "boolean",
  "maxConnectionRequests": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/License

Retrieve the current license setting.

UseCache: boolean
in query

Specifies whether to retrieve the number of current licensed users from cache or calculate it on demand.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "licenseType": "string",
  "expiryDate": "string",
  "installedUsers": "string",
  "usersPeak": "string",
  "usersLicenseInfo": "string",
  "gracePeriodState": "string",
  "gracePeriodDaysLeft": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "needsAttention": "boolean",
  "statusMessage": "string",
  "alertMessage": "string"


POST /api/License/activate

Activate Parallels RAS using a valid license key. Also allows to activate Parallels RAS as a trial version. Trial version will be activated if the key is empty.

License settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "key": "string",
  "macAddress": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



POST /api/License/deactivate

Deactivate the current license key used by Parallels RAS.

License settings

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Get Mailbox Settings

GET /api/MailboxSettings

Retrieves Parallels RAS mailbox settings.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "useTLS": "string",
  "requireAuth": "boolean",
  "smtpServer": "string",
  "senderAddress": "string",
  "username": "string"

Update Mailbox Settings

PUT /api/MailboxSettings

Modifies Parallels RAS mailbox settings.

Modifies the Parallels RAS mailbox configuration settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "smtpServer": "string",
  "senderAddress": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "requireAuth": "boolean",
  "useTLS": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Send Test Email

POST /api/MailboxSettings/Test

Sends a test email using the current configuration of the Parallels RAS mailbox.

Sends a test email using the current configuration of the Parallels RAS mailbox.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "email": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict




GET /api/NotificationDefaultSettings

Retrieve the notification default settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve notification default settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"


PUT /api/NotificationDefaultSettings

Modify the notification default settings.

Notification default settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the notification default settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/Notifications

Retrieves all notification configurations.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve notifications (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "threshold": "integer (int32)",
    "direction": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "hasThreshold": "boolean",
    "type": "string",
    "recipients": "string",
    "executeScript": "boolean",
    "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
    "sendEmail": "boolean",
    "useDefaults": "boolean",
    "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
    "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
    "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
    "enableInterval": "boolean",
    "interval": "integer (int32)",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/Notifications/{id}

Retrieves a notification configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Notification ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "hasThreshold": "boolean",
  "type": "string",
  "recipients": "string",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Delete Notification

DELETE /api/Notifications/{id}

Delete a notification by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Notification ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Event Notification

GET /api/Notifications/Events

Retrieves all notification events configurations

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve notification events (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "hasThreshold": "boolean",
    "type": "string",
    "recipients": "string",
    "executeScript": "boolean",
    "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
    "sendEmail": "boolean",
    "useDefaults": "boolean",
    "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
    "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
    "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
    "enableInterval": "boolean",
    "interval": "integer (int32)",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"

Create new Event Notification

POST /api/Notifications/Events

A configuration of an event notification such as license activation, agent disconnect/connect etc

Creates notifications for events such as license activation, agent disconect/connect etc.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "type": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "recipients": [
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "hasThreshold": "boolean",
  "type": "string",
  "recipients": "string",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Get Event Notification

GET /api/Notifications/{id}/Events

Retrieves a notification event by ID

id: integer (int32)
in path

Notification event ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "hasThreshold": "boolean",
  "type": "string",
  "recipients": "string",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Event Notification

PUT /api/Notifications/{id}/Events

Update event notification by ID.

Set event notification

id: integer (int32)
in path

Event notification ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "recipients": [
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete Event Notification

DELETE /api/Notifications/{id}/Events

Delete an event notification by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Event notification ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Resource Notification

GET /api/Notifications/Resources

Retrieves all resource notifications configurations.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve notifications (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "threshold": "integer (int32)",
    "direction": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "hasThreshold": "boolean",
    "type": "string",
    "recipients": "string",
    "executeScript": "boolean",
    "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
    "sendEmail": "boolean",
    "useDefaults": "boolean",
    "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
    "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
    "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
    "enableInterval": "boolean",
    "interval": "integer (int32)",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"

Create new Resource Notification

POST /api/Notifications/Resources

A configuration of a resource notification such as high/low RAM/CPU usage etc.

Creates a resource notification such as high/low RAM/CPU usage etc.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "type": "string",
  "threshold": "integer (int32)",
  "direction": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "recipients": [
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "threshold": "integer (int32)",
  "direction": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "hasThreshold": "boolean",
  "type": "string",
  "recipients": "string",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Get Resource Notification

GET /api/Notifications/{id}/Resources

Retrieve a specific resource notification by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Notification resource ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "threshold": "integer (int32)",
  "direction": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "hasThreshold": "boolean",
  "type": "string",
  "recipients": "string",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Resource Notification

PUT /api/Notifications/{id}/Resources

Update resource notification by ID.

Set resource notification

id: integer (int32)
in path

Resource notification ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "threshold": "integer (int32)",
  "direction": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "recipients": [
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete Resource Notification

DELETE /api/Notifications/{id}/Resources

Delete a resource notification by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Resource notification ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/NotificationScripts

Retrieves a list of notification script information

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve notification scripts (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by notification name (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "command": "string",
    "arguments": "string",
    "initialDirectory": "string",
    "username": "string",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"


POST /api/NotificationScripts

Creates a new notification script

A script can be attached to any of the notifications.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "command": "string",
  "arguments": "string",
  "initialDirectory": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "command": "string",
  "arguments": "string",
  "initialDirectory": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/NotificationScripts/{id}

Retrieves a notification script by ID

id: integer (int32)
in path

Notification script ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "command": "string",
  "arguments": "string",
  "initialDirectory": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/NotificationScripts/{id}

Update script notification by ID.

Set script notification

id: integer (int32)
in path

Script notification ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "command": "string",
  "arguments": "string",
  "initialDirectory": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/NotificationScripts/{id}

Delete a script notification by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Script notification ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found




GET /api/PA

Retrieve information about a list of RAS Publishing Agent servers.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the RAS Publishing Agent server information (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "priority": "integer (int32)",
    "ip": "string",
    "alternativeIPs": "string",
    "standby": "boolean",
    "markedForDeletion": "boolean",
    "server": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "description": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"


POST /api/PA

Add a new RAS Publishing Agent server to a site. The agent software will be installed on the server by default. You can optionally skip the agent installation by including the noInstall parameter.

RAS Publishing Agent server

noInstall: boolean
in query

Specifies not to install the agent software on the server. If you omit this parameter, the agent will be push installed on the server using your RAS admin credentials To specify different credentials, include the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

An administrator account for push installing the agent on the server. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username and password will be used.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

noRestart: boolean
in query

Specifies not to restart the server after the RAS Publishing Agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the server will be restarted if required.

noFireWallRules: boolean
in query

Specifies not to add firewall rules to allow the RD Session Host Publishing Agent to communicate. If this parameter is omitted, the firewall rules will not be added.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "alternativeIPs": "string",
  "standby": "boolean",
  "markedForDeletion": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/PA/{id}

Retrieve a specific Publishing Agent by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

RAS Publishing Agent server ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "alternativeIPs": "string",
  "standby": "boolean",
  "markedForDeletion": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/PA/{id}

Modify settings of a RAS Publishing Agent server. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

RAS Publishing Agent server

id: integer (int32)
in path

RAS Publishing Agent server ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "ip": "string",
  "alternativeIPs": "string",
  "standby": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



DELETE /api/PA/{id}

Delete a RAS Publishing Agent server from a site. The RAS Publishing Agent server will be uninstalled from the server by default. You can optionally keep it by including the noUninstall parameter.

noUninstall: boolean
in query

Include this parameter if you wish to keep the RAS Publishing Agent software on the server. To uninstall the agent software, omit this parameter. When uninstalling the agent, your RAS admin credentials will be used by default. You can specify different credentials by including the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

A username that will be used to remotely uninstall the RAS Publishing Agent software from the target server. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username and password will be used by default.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

id: integer (int32)
in path

RAS Publishing Agent server ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Update Priority

PUT /api/PA/{id}/priority

Increase or decrease the priority for a specified RAS Publishing Agent server.

RAS Publishing Agent server

id: integer (int32)
in path

RAS Publishing Agent server ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "direction": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



POST /api/PA/{id}/promote

Promote a RAS Publishing Agent server to master.The license key used must be registered in Parallels My Account. To activate Parallels RAS as a trial, omit the key parameter.

RAS Publishing Agent server

id: integer (int32)
in path

RAS Publishing Agent server ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "paUsername": "string",
  "paPassword": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


List Status

GET /api/PA/status

Retrieve a list of RAS Publishing Agent servers with status information.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the RAS Publishing Agent server information (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
    "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "id": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "serverOS": "string",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "machineId": "string",
    "agentState": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "logLevel": "string"

Get Status

GET /api/PA/{id}/status

Retrieve status information for a specified RAS Publishing Agent server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

RAS Publishing Agent server ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"



GET /api/PerformanceMonitor

Retrieve the Performance Monitor Settings.

401 Unauthorized


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/PerformanceMonitor

Modify the Performance Monitor Settings.

Performance Monitor Settings model

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/PrintingSettings

Retrieve information about RAS printing settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the RAS universal printing settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "embedFonts": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterFont": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterPattern": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterDrivers": "boolean",
  "driverAllowMode": "string",
  "printerRetention": "string",
  "printerDriversArray": [
  "excludedFontsArray": [
  "autoInstallFonts": [
  "printerNamePattern": "string"


PUT /api/PrintingSettings

Modify printing settings of a Site. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

RAS Printing settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "printerDriversArray": [
  "excludedFontsArray": [
  "printerNamePattern": "string",
  "embedFonts": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterFont": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterPattern": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterDrivers": "boolean",
  "driverAllowMode": "string",
  "printerRetention": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Auto Install Fonts

GET /api/PrintingSettings/AutoInstallFonts

Retrieve information about RAS printing settings font of a site.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the RAS printing settings font (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add Auto Install Font

POST /api/PrintingSettings/AutoInstallFonts

Add a new RAS Printing settings font to a site.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site to which the font will be added (optional)

fontFile: file
in formData

Font file to be uploaded.

201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Delete Auto Install Fonts

DELETE /api/PrintingSettings/AutoInstallFonts

Delete a RAS Printing settings font from a site.

RAS Printing settings font

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the site from which the font will be deleted (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "fontName": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


List Provider

GET /api/Provider

Retrieve a list of Provider settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve Provider settings (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "directAddress": "string",
    "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "type": "string",
    "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
    "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
    "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
    "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
    "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
    "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
    "fileTransferMode": "string",
    "fileTransferLocation": "string",
    "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
    "enablePrinting": "boolean",
    "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
    "enableWIA": "boolean",
    "vdiUsername": "string",
    "vdiAgent": "string",
    "vdiPort": "integer (int32)",
    "useDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
    "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "printerNameFormat": "string",
    "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
    "useDedicatedVDIAgent": "boolean",
    "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
    "azureInfo": {
      "authenticationURL": "string",
      "managementURL": "string",
      "resourceURI": "string",
      "subscriptionID": "string",
      "tenantID": "string"
    "remotePCStaticList": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "mac": "string",
        "subnet": "string"
    "server": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "description": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"

Create Provider

POST /api/Provider

Create a new Provider server to a site. The VDI agent will be installed on the server by default. You can optionally skip the agent installation by including the noInstall parameter.

Provider settings

noInstall: boolean
in query

Specifies not to install the VDI agent on the server. If this parameter is omitted, the agent will be push installed on the server using your RAS admin credentials. To specify different credentials for push installation, specify the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

An administrator account for push installing the VDI agent on the server. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

noRestart: boolean
in query

Specifies not to restart the server after the RAS VDI Agent is installed when installing the VDI Agent. If this parameter is omitted, the server will be restarted if required.

noFireWallRules: boolean
in query

Specifies not to add firewall rules to allow the RAS VDI Agent to communicate when installing the VDI Agent. If this parameter is omitted, the firewall rules will not be added.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "vdiUsername": "string",
  "vdiPassword": "string",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "directAddress": "string",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "enablePrinting": "boolean",
  "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
  "enableWIA": "boolean",
  "vdiUsername": "string",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "vdiPort": "integer (int32)",
  "useDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "useDedicatedVDIAgent": "boolean",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "azureInfo": {
    "authenticationURL": "string",
    "managementURL": "string",
    "resourceURI": "string",
    "subscriptionID": "string",
    "tenantID": "string"
  "remotePCStaticList": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "mac": "string",
      "subnet": "string"
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Get Provider

GET /api/Provider/{id}

Retrieve a specific Provider by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "directAddress": "string",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "enablePrinting": "boolean",
  "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
  "enableWIA": "boolean",
  "vdiUsername": "string",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "vdiPort": "integer (int32)",
  "useDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "useDedicatedVDIAgent": "boolean",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "azureInfo": {
    "authenticationURL": "string",
    "managementURL": "string",
    "resourceURI": "string",
    "subscriptionID": "string",
    "tenantID": "string"
  "remotePCStaticList": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "mac": "string",
      "subnet": "string"
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Provider

PUT /api/Provider/{id}

Modify Provider server settings. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

Provider settings

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "directAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "vdiUsername": "string",
  "vdiPassword": "string",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "vdiPort": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete Provider

DELETE /api/Provider/{id}

Delete a Provider server from a site. The VDI agent will be uninstalled from the server by default. You can optionally keep it by including the noUninstall parameter.

noUninstall: boolean
in query

If this parameter is included, the VDI agent will not be uninstalled from the server. To uninstall the agent, omit this parameter. When uninstalling the agent, your RAS admin credentials will be used by default. You can specify different credentials if needed using the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

An administrator account to remotely uninstall the VDI agent from the server. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used by default.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Remote PC Static

GET /api/Provider/{id}/RemotePCStatic

Retrieve the Remote PC Static list of a Provider.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "mac": "string",
    "subnet": "string"

Add Remote PC Static

POST /api/Provider/{id}/RemotePCStatic

Add a Remote PC Static to a Provider.

Remote PC Static configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "remotePCStaticName": "string",
  "mac": "string",
  "subnet": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Update Remote PC Static

PUT /api/Provider/{id}/RemotePCStatic/{remotePCStaticId}

Update a Remote PC Static of a Provider.

Remote PC Static configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

remotePCStaticId: string
in path

Remote PC Static ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "remotePCStaticName": "string",
  "mac": "string",
  "subnet": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Remove Remote PC Static

DELETE /api/Provider/{id}/RemotePCStatic/{remotePCStaticId}

Remove a Remote PC Static from a Provider.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

remotePCStaticId: string
in path

Remote PC Static ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Import Remote PC Static

POST /api/Provider/{id}/RemotePCStatic/Import

Import a list of Remote PC Static to a Provider from a file.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

CsvFile: file
in formData

Specify a CSV file path containing a list of Remote PCs. The columns in the file must be: hostname, MAC address.

201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


List Status

GET /api/Provider/Status

Retrieve a list of Provider servers with status information.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which Provider servers with status information will be retrieved (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "preferredPA": "string",
    "activeConnections": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiAgent": "string",
    "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
    "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "id": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "serverOS": "string",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "machineId": "string",
    "agentState": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "logLevel": "string"

Get Status

GET /api/Provider/{id}/Status

Retrieve the Provider status information for the server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "preferredPA": "string",
  "activeConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

List VMs

GET /api/Provider/VM

Retrieve a list of VM information.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve VM information (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "id": "string",
    "providerId": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "nativePoolId": "string",
    "isGuest": "boolean",
    "isTemplate": "boolean",
    "ip": "string"

List Provider VMs

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM

Retrieve a list of VM information of a specific Provider by ID.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "id": "string",
    "providerId": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "nativePoolId": "string",
    "isGuest": "boolean",
    "isTemplate": "boolean",
    "ip": "string"

Get VM

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}

Retrieve a specific VM by ID from a specific Provider by ID.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

id: string
in path


200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "id": "string",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "isGuest": "boolean",
  "isTemplate": "boolean",
  "ip": "string"

List Guests

GET /api/Provider/VM/Guest

Retrieve the guest VM list in real-time.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the guest VM list (optional).

VDITemplateId: integer (int32)
in query

The ID of the VDI Template for which to retrieve the guests of (optional).

User: string
in query

The username assigned to Guest (optional). If empty square brackets ([]) are passed, the guest list will be filtered with those with an assigned user.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "computerName": "string",
    "ignoreGuest": "boolean",
    "osVersion": "string",
    "osType": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVersion": "string",
    "templateId": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
    "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
    "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionAction": "string",
    "performAction": "string",
    "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string",
          "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
          "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
          "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
          "outlookCachedMode": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
          "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
          "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
          "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
          "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
          "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
          "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
          "roamSearch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
          "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
          "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
          "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "sidDirSDDL": "string",
          "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
          "vhdNameMatch": "string",
          "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
          "vhdNamePattern": "string",
          "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
          "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
          "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
          "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
        "locationType": "string",
        "vhdLocations": [
        "ccdLocations": [
        "profileDiskFormat": "string",
        "allocationType": "string",
        "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
        "userInclusionList": [
            "account": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "sid": "string"
        "userExclusionList": [
            "account": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "sid": "string"
        "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
        "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
        "folderInclusionList": [

List Guests by Provider ID

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/Guest

Retrieve the guest VM list from a Provider in real-time.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to obtain the VM list.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "computerName": "string",
  "ignoreGuest": "boolean",
  "osVersion": "string",
  "osType": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "templateId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
      "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
      "folderInclusionList": [

Get Guest

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Guest

Retrieve the specified guest VM from a Provider in real-time.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the specified VM.

id: string
in path

The ID of a guest VM for which to retrieve the information.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "computerName": "string",
  "ignoreGuest": "boolean",
  "osVersion": "string",
  "osType": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "templateId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
      "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
      "folderInclusionList": [

Update Guest

PUT /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Guest

Modify settings of a guest VM. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

VDI Guest settings

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server on which the target VM resides.

id: string
in path

The ID of the target guest VM.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ignoreGuest": "boolean",
  "computerName": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDIUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Create Guest

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Guest

Install the RAS Guest Agent in a VM, which makes it ready to host published resources in Parallels RAS.

username: string
in query

An administrator account for push installing the RAS Guest Agent in the VM. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

computerName: string
in query

The FQDN or IP address of the target VM.

noInstall: boolean
in query

Specifies not to install the RAS Guest Agent on the server. If this parameter is omitted, the agent will be push installed in the VM using your RAS admin credentials. To specify different credentials for push installation, use the Username and Password parameters. This parameter can be used in situations when the RAS Guest Agent is already installed in a VM, but the VM is powered down. By including this parameter, you will simply power up the VM and make it available for Parallels RAS operations.

noRestart: boolean
in query

Specifies not to restart the server after the RAS Guest Agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the server will be restarted if required.

noFireWallRules: boolean
in query

Specifies not to add firewall rules to allow the RAS Guest Agent to communicate. If this parameter is omitted, the firewall rules will not be added.

noDesktopExperience: boolean
in query

Specifies not to install the Desktop Experience after the RAS Guest Agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the Desktop Experience is installed.

noTerminalServices: boolean
in query

Specifies not to install the Terminal Services role when adding an RD Session Host Server after the RAS Guest Agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the Terminal Services role will be installed.

noAllowRemoteConnections: boolean
in query

Specifies not to enable allow remote connection when the RAS Guest Agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, remote connections are enabled.

addUsersToRDSUsers: string
in query

Specifies the list of users or groups in UPN or SID format to be added to the RDSUsers Group in csv format.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server on which the target VM resides.

id: string
in path

The ID of the target VM.

201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "computerName": "string",
  "ignoreGuest": "boolean",
  "osVersion": "string",
  "osType": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "templateId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
      "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
      "folderInclusionList": [

Delete Guest

DELETE /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Guest

Remove a RAS Guest Agent from a guest VM, thus making it a plain VM, not a guest VM recognized by Parallels RAS.

noUninstall: boolean
in query

If this parameter is included, the VDI Guest agent will not be uninstalled from the server. To uninstall the agent, omit this parameter. When uninstalling the agent, your RAS admin credentials will be used by default. You can specify different credentials if needed using the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

An administrator account to remotely uninstall the RAS Guest Agent from the VM. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username and password will be used by default.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server where the target guest VM resides.

id: string
in path

The ID of the target guest VM.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Disconnect Session

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/Disconnect

Invoke the VDI Session to send the Disconnect command to the VDI Guest with specified VM ID.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the provider.

vmId: string
in path


204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Profile

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings by ID.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "advancedSettings": {
    "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
    "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
    "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "profileDirSDDL": "string",
    "useProfileType": "boolean",
    "profileType": "string",
    "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
    "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
    "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
    "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
    "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
    "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
    "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
    "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
    "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
    "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
    "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
    "keepLocalDir": "string",
    "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
    "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
    "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
    "outlookCachedMode": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
    "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
    "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
    "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
    "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
    "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
    "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
    "roamSearch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
    "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
    "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
    "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "sidDirSDDL": "string",
    "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
    "vhdNameMatch": "string",
    "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
    "vhdNamePattern": "string",
    "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
    "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
    "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
    "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
  "locationType": "string",
  "vhdLocations": [
  "ccdLocations": [
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "userInclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "userExclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "folderInclusionList": [
  "folderExclusionList": [
      "folder": "string",
      "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

Update Profile Container

PUT /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Update the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

FSLogix Profile Container settings.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "locationType": "string",
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
  "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
  "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
  "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
  "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
  "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
  "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
  "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
  "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
  "keepLocalDir": "string",
  "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
  "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
  "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
  "outlookCachedMode": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
  "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
  "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
  "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
  "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
  "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
  "roamSearch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
  "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
  "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
  "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "sidDirSDDL": "string",
  "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
  "vhdNameMatch": "string",
  "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
  "vhdNamePattern": "string",
  "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
  "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
  "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
  "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)",
  "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
  "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
  "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "profileDirSDDL": "string",
  "useProfileType": "boolean",
  "profileType": "string",
  "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
  "setTempToLocalPath": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Profile CCDLocation

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Retrieve the CCDLocation List of the Profile Container.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add Profile CCDLocation

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Add a CCDLocation to the CCDLocation List of the Profile Container.

CCDLocation configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove Profile CCDLocation

DELETE /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Remove a CCDLocation from the CCDLocation List of the Profile Container.

CCDLocation configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Profile Folder Excl.

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Retrieve the Folder Exclusion List of the Profile Container.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Set Profile Folder Excl.

PUT /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Modify an item in the folder exclusion list of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string",
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Add Profile Folder Excl.

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Exclusion List of the Profile Container.

Folder configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string",
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove Profile Folder Excl.

DELETE /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Exclusion List of the Profile Container.

Folder configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Profile Folder Incl.

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Retrieve the Folder Inclusion List of the Profile Container.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add Profile Folder Incl.

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Inclusion List of the Profile Container.

Folder configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove Profile Folder Incl.

DELETE /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Inclusion List of the Profile Container.

Folder configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Profile User Excl.

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Retrieve the User Exclusion List of the Profile Container.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add Profile User Excl.

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Add a user to the User Exclusion List of the Profile Container.

User configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove Profile User Excl.

DELETE /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Remove a user from the User Exclusion List of the Profile Container.

User configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Profile User Incl.

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Retrieve the User Inclusion List of the Profile Container.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add Profile User Incl.

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Add a user to the User Inclusion List of the Profile Container.

User configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove Profile User Incl.

DELETE /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Remove a user from the User Inclusion List of the Profile Container.

User configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Profile VHDLocation

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Retrieve the VHDLocation List of the Profile Container.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add Profile VHDLocation

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Add a VHDLocation to the VHDLocation List of the Profile Container.

VHDLocation configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove Profile VHDLocation

DELETE /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vdiGuestId}/Guest/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Remove a VHDLocation from the VHDLocation List of the Profile Container.

VHDLocation configuration.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a Provider server from which to retrieve the VDIGuest.

vdiGuestId: string
in path

The VDIGuest ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

LogOff Session

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/LogOff

Invoke the VDI Session to send the LogOff command to the VDI Guest with specified VM ID.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the provider.

vmId: string
in path


204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Processes by Site ID

GET /api/Provider/VM/Guest/Process

Retrieve the list of all processes for all the VDI Guest sessions.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the specified Provider server information (optional).

Server: string
in query

The name of the Provider server for which to retrieve the information (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "process": "string",
    "pid": "integer (int32)",
    "user": "string",
    "session": "integer (int32)"

List Processes by Provider ID

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/Guest/Process

Retrieve the list of all processes for all the sessions of a specified Provider.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "process": "string",
    "pid": "integer (int32)",
    "user": "string",
    "session": "integer (int32)"

List Processes by Provider and VM ID

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/Process

Retrieve the list of all processes for a specified VDI Guest of a specified Provider.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server.

vmId: string
in path



401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "process": "string",
    "pid": "integer (int32)",
    "user": "string",
    "session": "integer (int32)"

Get Process

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/Process/{pId}

Retrieve a specified process for a specified session of a specified Provider.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server.

vmId: string
in path


pId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the process to be retrieved


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "appName": "string",
  "process": "string",
  "pid": "integer (int32)",
  "user": "string",
  "session": "integer (int32)"

Kill Process

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/Process/{id}/Kill

Invoke the VDI Process Command to send the Kill command to the Process with specified Process ID.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the provider.

vmId: string
in path


id: integer (int32)
in path

Process ID.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Send Message Session

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/SendMsg

Invoke the VDI Session to send a message to the RD Session Host Session with specified Session ID.

VDI Session

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the provider.

vmId: string
in path


Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "msgTitle": "string",
  "message": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


List Guest Statuses by Site ID

GET /api/Provider/VM/Guest/Status

Retrieve the list of all statuses.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID of which the sessions will be retrieved (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "connection": "string",
    "templateName": "string",
    "templateID": "integer (int32)",
    "templateType": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "ip": "string",
    "vdiGuestID": "string",
    "providerID": "integer (int32)",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "logLevel": "string",
    "session": {
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
      "ip": "string",
      "serverID": "integer (int32)",
      "type": "string",
      "user": "string",
      "themeID": "integer (int32)",
      "connectionMode": "string",
      "authenticationType": "string",
      "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
      "mfaProvider": "string",
      "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
      "rfiInfoList": [
          "type": "string",
          "ip": "string"
      "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
      "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
      "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
      "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
      "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
      "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
      "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
      "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
      "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
      "userProfileType": "string",
      "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
      "connectionQuality": "string",
      "latency": "integer (int32)",
      "protocol": "string",
      "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
      "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
      "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
      "disconnectReason": "string",
      "state": "string",
      "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
      "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
      "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
      "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
      "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
      "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
      "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
      "colourDepth": "string",
      "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
      "deviceName": "string",
      "clientIPAddress": "string",
      "clientOS": "string",
      "clientOSVersion": "string",
      "clientVersion": "string"
    "isMaintenance": "boolean",
    "isTemplate": "boolean",
    "agentState": "string"

List Guest Statuses by Provider ID

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/Guest/Status

Retrieve a list of statuses for a specific Provider.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "connection": "string",
    "templateName": "string",
    "templateID": "integer (int32)",
    "templateType": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "ip": "string",
    "vdiGuestID": "string",
    "providerID": "integer (int32)",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "logLevel": "string",
    "session": {
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
      "ip": "string",
      "serverID": "integer (int32)",
      "type": "string",
      "user": "string",
      "themeID": "integer (int32)",
      "connectionMode": "string",
      "authenticationType": "string",
      "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
      "mfaProvider": "string",
      "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
      "rfiInfoList": [
          "type": "string",
          "ip": "string"
      "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
      "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
      "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
      "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
      "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
      "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
      "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
      "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
      "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
      "userProfileType": "string",
      "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
      "connectionQuality": "string",
      "latency": "integer (int32)",
      "protocol": "string",
      "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
      "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
      "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
      "disconnectReason": "string",
      "state": "string",
      "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
      "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
      "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
      "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
      "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
      "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
      "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
      "colourDepth": "string",
      "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
      "deviceName": "string",
      "clientIPAddress": "string",
      "clientOS": "string",
      "clientOSVersion": "string",
      "clientVersion": "string"
    "isMaintenance": "boolean",
    "isTemplate": "boolean",
    "agentState": "string"

Get Guest Status

GET /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/Status

Retrieve a specific VDI Guest Status.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server.

vmId: string
in path


200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "connection": "string",
  "templateName": "string",
  "templateID": "integer (int32)",
  "templateType": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "ip": "string",
  "vdiGuestID": "string",
  "providerID": "integer (int32)",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "logLevel": "string",
  "session": {
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
    "ip": "string",
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "type": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "themeID": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionMode": "string",
    "authenticationType": "string",
    "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
    "mfaProvider": "string",
    "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
    "rfiInfoList": [
        "type": "string",
        "ip": "string"
    "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
    "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
    "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "userProfileType": "string",
    "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionQuality": "string",
    "latency": "integer (int32)",
    "protocol": "string",
    "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
    "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
    "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
    "disconnectReason": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
    "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
    "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
    "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
    "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
    "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
    "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
    "colourDepth": "string",
    "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
    "deviceName": "string",
    "clientIPAddress": "string",
    "clientOS": "string",
    "clientOSVersion": "string",
    "clientVersion": "string"
  "isMaintenance": "boolean",
  "isTemplate": "boolean",
  "agentState": "string"

Update Guest User

PUT /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/User

Modify a guest user VM rule.

VDI Guest User settings

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server on which the target Guest resides.

vmId: string
in path

The ID of the guest VM.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "user": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete Guest User

DELETE /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Guest/User

Remove a guest user VM rule.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the Provider server on which the target Guest resides.

vmId: string
in path

The ID of the guest VM.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Reset VM

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Reset

Reset a virtual machine.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

id: string
in path


204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Restart VM

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Restart

Restart a virtual machine.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

id: string
in path


204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Start VM

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Start

Start a virtual machine.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

id: string
in path


204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Stop VM

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Stop

Stop a virtual machine.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

id: string
in path


204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Suspend VM

POST /api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/Suspend

Suspend a virtual machine.

providerId: integer (int32)
in path

Provider ID

id: string
in path


204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/PubDefaultSettings

Retrieve default settings used to configure published resources for a specific Site

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the defaults


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "startPath": "string",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"


PUT /api/PubDefaultSettings

Modify default settings used to configure published resources for a specific Site

Publishing defaults configuration

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to update the defaults

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


List Items

GET /api/PubItems

Retrieve a list of all the published resources

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve published resources (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
  "iconId": "integer (int32)",
  "hdIconId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Get Item

GET /api/PubItems/{id}

Retrieve a specified published resource

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
  "iconId": "integer (int32)",
  "hdIconId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Delete Item

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}

Delete a published resource

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Create App File Extension

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/FileExtensions

Add a file extension for the specified published RD Session Host application.

File extension for published RD Session Host application to be added

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "extension": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Update App File Extension

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/FileExtensions/{extension}

Modify properties of a file extension for the specified published RD Session Host application.

File extension for published RD Session Host application to be updated

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application to be updated

extension: string
in path

Name of the file extension that will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "parameters": "string",
  "extension": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete App File Extension

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/FileExtensions/{extension}

Remove a file extension from the specified published RD Session Host application.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application to be updated

extension: string
in path

The file extension that will be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List RDSApps

GET /api/PubItems/Apps/RDS

Retrieve a list of all the published RD Session Host applications

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve all the published RD Session Host applications (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "publishFromServer": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromGroup": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "perServerAttributes": [
      "parameters": "string",
      "startIn": "string",
      "target": "string",
      "serverId": "integer (int32)"
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "enableFileExtensions": "boolean",
  "inheritDisplayDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "inheritLicenseDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateFileExtensionSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDefaultServerSettings": "boolean",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "fileExtensions": [
      "extension": "string",
      "parameters": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean"
  "winType": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [

Create RDSApp

POST /api/PubItems/Apps/RDS

Add a published RD Session Host application to a site.


Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "publishFromGroupIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromServerIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "target": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "winType": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "publishFromServer": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromGroup": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "perServerAttributes": [
      "parameters": "string",
      "startIn": "string",
      "target": "string",
      "serverId": "integer (int32)"
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "enableFileExtensions": "boolean",
  "inheritDisplayDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "inheritLicenseDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateFileExtensionSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDefaultServerSettings": "boolean",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "fileExtensions": [
      "extension": "string",
      "parameters": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean"
  "winType": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [

Get RDSApp

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/RDS

Retrieve a specified published RD Session Host application

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "publishFromServer": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromGroup": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "perServerAttributes": [
      "parameters": "string",
      "startIn": "string",
      "target": "string",
      "serverId": "integer (int32)"
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "enableFileExtensions": "boolean",
  "inheritDisplayDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "inheritLicenseDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateFileExtensionSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDefaultServerSettings": "boolean",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "fileExtensions": [
      "extension": "string",
      "parameters": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean"
  "winType": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [

Update RDSApp

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/RDS

Modify properties of a published RD Session Host application.

Published RD Session Host application configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "publishFromGroupIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromServerIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "inheritDisplayDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "inheritLicenseDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "enableFileExtensions": "boolean",
  "replicateFileExtensionSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDefaultServerSettings": "boolean",
  "fileExtensions": "string",
  "serverId": "integer (int32)",
  "target": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "winType": "string",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete RDSApp

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/RDS

Delete a published application from a site.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Update RDSApp Server Attribute

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/RDS/ServerAttr/{serverId}

Add a Server Attribute for the specified published RD Session Host application.

Specifies the Server Attribute that will be modified

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application for which the Server Attribute will be updated

serverId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the RD Session Host Server for which the attribute will be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "target": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Create RDSApp Server Attribute

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/RDS/ServerAttr/{serverId}

Add a Server Attribute for the specified published RD Session Host application.

Specifies the Server Attribute that will be added

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application for which the Server Attribute will be added

serverId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the RD Session Host Server to which the attribute will be added

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "target": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete RDSApp Server Attribute

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/RDS/ServerAttr/{serverId}

Remove a Server Attribute for the specified published RD Session Host application.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application for which the Server Attribute will be deleted

serverId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the RD Session Host Server for which the attribute will be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get RDSApp Server Attribute

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/RDS/ServerAttr

Retrieve Server Attributes for the specified published RD Session Host application.

Specifies the RD Session Host Application for which Server Attributes will be shown

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host application from which the Server Attribute will be shown

serverId: integer (int32)
in query

ID of the RD Session Host Server from which attributes will be shown

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "serverId": "integer (int32)",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "parameters": "string",
    "startIn": "string",
    "target": "string",
    "serverId": "integer (int32)"

List VDIApps

GET /api/PubItems/Apps/VDI

Retrieve a list of all the published VDI applications

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve all the published VDI applications (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "selectedGuests": [
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "vdiGuestName": "string",
      "providerId": "integer (int32)",
      "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
      "providerName": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "winType": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string"

Create VDIApp

POST /api/PubItems/Apps/VDI

Add a published VDI application to a site.


Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "target": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "winType": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "selectedGuests": [
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "vdiGuestName": "string",
      "providerId": "integer (int32)",
      "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
      "providerName": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "winType": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string"

Get VDIApp

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/VDI

Retrieve a specified published VDI application

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published VDI application to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "selectedGuests": [
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "vdiGuestName": "string",
      "providerId": "integer (int32)",
      "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
      "providerName": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "winType": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string"

Update VDIApp

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/VDI

Modify properties of a published VDI application.

Published VDI application configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published VDI application to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiPool": {
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "description": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "poolMemberIndex": "integer (int32)",
    "wildCard": "string",
    "members": [
        "id": "integer (int32)",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"
  "vdiTemplate": {
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "templateType": "string",
    "providerId": "integer (int32)",
    "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
    "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
    "guestsToCreate": "integer (int32)",
    "unusedGuestDurationMins": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "physicalHostId": "string",
    "physicalHostName": "string",
    "folderId": "string",
    "folderName": "string",
    "subFolderName": "string",
    "guestNameFormat": "string",
    "nativePoolId": "string",
    "nativePoolName": "string",
    "cloneMethod": "string",
    "linkedClone": "boolean",
    "useDefAgentSettings": "boolean",
    "deleteUnusedGuests": "boolean",
    "licenseKeyType": "string",
    "isMAK": "boolean",
    "licKeys": [
        "licenseKey": "string",
        "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"
    "imagePrepTool": "string",
    "isRASPrep": "boolean",
    "computerName": "string",
    "ownerName": "string",
    "organization": "string",
    "administrator": "string",
    "domain": "string",
    "domainOrgUnit": "string",
    "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
    "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionAction": "string",
    "performAction": "string",
    "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
    "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
    "groupType": "string",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete VDIApp

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/Apps/VDI

Delete a published application from a site.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published VDI application to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get Client filter

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/ClientFilters

Retrieve the filtered client device names for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be acquired.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add Client filter

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/ClientFilters

Add a client device name to the filter of type 'Client Device Name' for the specified published resource.

Published item client filter configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "client": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Delete Client filter

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/ClientFilters/{client}

Delete a client device name to the filter of type 'Client Device Name' for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

client: string
in path

Name of the Client filter to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Copy Item

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/Copy

Copy (duplicate) a published item.

The Published item to be copied.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of Pub item to duplicate.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
  "iconId": "integer (int32)",
  "hdIconId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

List RDSDesktops

GET /api/PubItems/Desktops/RDS

Retrieve a list of all the published RD Session Host desktops

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve all the published RD Session Host desktops (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "connectToConsole": "boolean",
  "publishFromServer": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromGroup": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"

Create RDSDesktop

POST /api/PubItems/Desktops/RDS

Add a published RD Session Host desktop to a site.


Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "connectToConsole": "boolean",
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "publishFromGroupIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromServerIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "connectToConsole": "boolean",
  "publishFromServer": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromGroup": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"

Get RDSDesktop

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/Desktops/RDS

Retrieve information about a specified published RD Session Host desktop.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host desktop to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "connectToConsole": "boolean",
  "publishFromServer": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromGroup": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"

Update RDSDesktop

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/Desktops/RDS

Modify properties of a specified published desktop.

Published RD Session Host desktop configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host desktop to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "connectToConsole": "boolean",
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "publishFromGroupIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromServerIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete RDSDesktop

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/Desktops/RDS

Delete a published RD Session Host desktop

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published RD Session Host desktop to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List VDIDesktops

GET /api/PubItems/Desktops/VDI

Retrieve a list of all the published VDI desktops

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve all the published VDI desktops (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "selectedGuests": [
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "vdiGuestName": "string",
      "providerId": "integer (int32)",
      "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
      "providerName": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string"

Create VDIDesktop

POST /api/PubItems/Desktops/VDI

Add a published VDI desktop to a site.


Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "selectedGuests": [
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "vdiGuestName": "string",
      "providerId": "integer (int32)",
      "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
      "providerName": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string"

Get VDIDesktop

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/Desktops/VDI

Retrieve information about a specified published VDI desktop.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published VDI desktop to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "selectedGuests": [
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "vdiGuestName": "string",
      "providerId": "integer (int32)",
      "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
      "providerName": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string"

Update VDIDesktop

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/Desktops/VDI

Modify properties of a specified published desktop.

Published VDI desktop configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published VDI desktop to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete VDIDesktop

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/Desktops/VDI

Delete a published VDI desktop

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published VDI desktop to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Folders

GET /api/PubItems/Folders

Retrieve a list of all the published folders

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve all the published RD Session Host folders (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "adminOnly": "boolean",
    "maintenanceMessages": {
      "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
      "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
    "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
    "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "parentId": "integer (int32)",
    "previousId": "integer (int32)",
    "description": "string",
    "enabledMode": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "publishToSite": [
      "integer (int32)"
    "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
    "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
    "allowedUsers": [
        "account": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "sid": "string"
    "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
    "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
    "allowedClients": [
    "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
    "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
    "allowedIP4s": [
        "from": "string",
        "to": "string"
    "allowedIP6s": [
        "from": "string",
        "to": "string"
    "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
    "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
    "allowedMACs": [
    "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
    "allowedGWs": [
    "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
    "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
    "allowedOSes": {
      "chrome": "boolean",
      "android": "boolean",
      "htmL5": "boolean",
      "iOS": "boolean",
      "linux": "boolean",
      "mac": "boolean",
      "webPortal": "boolean",
      "wyse": "boolean",
      "windows": "boolean"
    "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
    "preferredRoutes": [
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "referenceType": "string",
        "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"
    "iconId": "integer (int32)",
    "hdIconId": "integer (int32)",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"

Create Folder

POST /api/PubItems/Folders

Add a published folder to a site.

Published folder configuration

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "adminOnly": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "adminOnly": "boolean",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
  "iconId": "integer (int32)",
  "hdIconId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Get Folder

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/Folders

Retrieve information about a specified published folder.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published folder to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "adminOnly": "boolean",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
  "iconId": "integer (int32)",
  "hdIconId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

Update Folder

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/Folders

Modify properties of a published folder.

Published folder configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published folder to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "adminOnly": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Delete Folder

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/Folders

Delete a published folder

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published folder to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Sort Folders

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/Folders/sort

SortFolder: sort PubFolders by folder name in the Published Resources tree.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of Pub item to invoke.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


Get GW filter

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/GWFilters

Retrieve the filtered Gateways for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be acquired.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add GW filter

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/GWFilters

Add a RAS Secure Client Gateway to the filter of type 'Gateway' for the specified published resource.

Published item GW filter configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ip": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Delete GW filter

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/GWFilters/{ip}

Delete a RAS Secure Client Gateway from the filter of type 'Gateway' for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

ip: string
in path

IP of the Gateway filter to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Download Icon

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/Icon

Save the published resource icon to a specified directory. The command returns the full path (with filename) of the saved published resource icon.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource of which the icon will be retrieved

format: string 0 = ICO, 1 = PNG
in query

The format of the icon to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Update Icon

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/Icon

Publish a resource icon file name. Can be an executable (.exe), a .dll or a .ico file.

IconIndex: integer (int32)
in query

Index of the icon to be loaded from the binary specified in the Icon property(optional)

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource for which the icon will be updated

iconfile: file
in formData

File that will be used as the new icon

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get IP filter

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/IPFilters

Retrieve the IP address list for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"

Add IP filter

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/IPFilters

Add an IP address to the filter of type 'IP Address' for the specified published resource.

Published item IP filter configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ip": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Delete IP filter

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/IPFilters/{ip}

Delete an IP address from the filter of type 'IP Address' for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

ip: string
in path

IP to be deleted from the IP filter

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get MAC filter

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/MACFilters

Retrieve the filtered MAC addresses for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be acquired.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add MAC filter

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/MACFilters

Add a MAC address to the filter of type 'MAC Address' for the specified published resource.

Published item MAC filter configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "mac": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Delete MAC filter

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/MACFilters/{mac}

Delete a MAC address from the filter of type 'MAC Address' for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

mac: string
in path

MAC address to be deleted from the filter

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Move Item

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/move

Move a published item to a specified node in the Published Resources tree.

The Published item to be moved.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of Pub item to move.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Update Client OS filter

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/OSFilters

Add an OS filter for the specified published resource.

Published item client OS filter configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


List Preferred Route

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/PreferredRoute

Retrieve a list of preferred routes for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be acquired.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "referenceType": "string",
    "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
    "priority": "integer (int32)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"

Add Preferred Route

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/PreferredRoute

Add a preferred route to the specified published resource.

Published item preferred route configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "referenceType": "string",
  "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Update Preferred Route

PUT /api/PubItems/{id}/PreferredRoute/{preferredRouteId}

Update the specified preferred route for the specified published resource.

Published item preferred route configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

preferredRouteId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the preferred route to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "referenceType": "string",
  "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
  "priority": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Delete Preferred Route

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/PreferredRoute/{preferredRouteId}

Delete a preferred route from the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

preferredRouteId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the preferred route to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Status

GET /api/PubItems/status

Retrieve the status information of one or multiple applications, from different session sources such as RD Session Host and VDI.

Id: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the app status information (optional).

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the app status information (optional).

Source: string 1 = RDS, 2 = VDI, 63 = WVDProvider, 81 = RPC, -1 = All
in query

Source from which to retrieve the app status information.

SessionHostId: string
in query

The Host ID of the server for which to retrieve the app status information (optional).

SessionHostName: string
in query

The name of the server to filter the app status information (optional).

State: string 0 = Active, 1 = Connected, 2 = ConnectQuery, 3 = Shadow, 4 = Disconnected, 5 = Idle, 6 = Listen, 7 = Reset, 8 = Down, 9 = Init, -1 = All
in query

Session State to filter the app status information (optional).

User: string
in query

User to filter the app status information(optional).

IP: string
in query

IP Address to filter the app status information (optional).

ThemeId: integer (int32)
in query

The Theme ID for which to retrieve the app status information (optional).

GroupId: integer (int32)
in query

The RD Session Host Group ID for which to retrieve the app status information (optional).

Session: integer (int32)
in query

The RD Session ID for which to retrieve the app status information (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "id": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "executablePath": "string",
    "sessionType": "string",
    "source": "string",
    "sessionHostId": "string",
    "sessionHostName": "string",
    "poolName": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "parentProcessID": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiGuestRuntimeId": "integer (int32)",
    "ip": "string",
    "themeID": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionState": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "process": "string",
    "pid": "integer (int32)",
    "session": "integer (int32)"

Get Status

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/status

Retrieve the published item status information.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Pub Item ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "id": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "executablePath": "string",
    "sessionType": "string",
    "source": "string",
    "sessionHostId": "string",
    "sessionHostName": "string",
    "poolName": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "parentProcessID": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiGuestRuntimeId": "integer (int32)",
    "ip": "string",
    "themeID": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionState": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "process": "string",
    "pid": "integer (int32)",
    "session": "integer (int32)"

Get User filter

GET /api/PubItems/{id}/UserFilters

Retrieve the filtered user accounts device names for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be acquired.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add User filter

POST /api/PubItems/{id}/UserFilters

Add a User account to the filter of type 'User' for the specified published resource.

Published item user filter configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Delete User filter

DELETE /api/PubItems/{id}/UserFilters/{account}

Delete a User account from the filter of type 'User' for the specified published resource.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the published resource to be updated

account: string
in path

Account of User to be deleted from the filter

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found




GET /api/RDS

Retrieve a list of RD Session Host settings. The result set contains only the major properties of a group; it does not include the complete list of settings supported in RAS.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve RD Session Host settings (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "directAddress": "string",
    "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
    "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
    "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
    "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
    "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
    "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
    "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
    "fileTransferMode": "string",
    "fileTransferLocation": "string",
    "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
    "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
    "dragAndDropMode": "string",
    "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
    "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
    "enablePrinting": "boolean",
    "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
    "enableWIA": "boolean",
    "printerNameFormat": "string",
    "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string",
          "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
          "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
          "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
          "outlookCachedMode": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
          "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
          "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
          "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
          "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
          "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
          "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
          "roamSearch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
          "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
          "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
          "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "sidDirSDDL": "string",
          "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
          "vhdNameMatch": "string",
          "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
          "vhdNamePattern": "string",
          "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
          "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
          "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
          "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
        "locationType": "string",
        "vhdLocations": [
        "ccdLocations": [
        "profileDiskFormat": "string",
        "allocationType": "string",
        "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
        "userInclusionList": [



Create a new RD Session Host server to a site. The RD Session Host agent will be installed on the server by default. You can optionally skip the agent installation by including the noInstall parameter.

RD Session Host settings

noInstall: boolean
in query

Specifies not to install the RD Session Host agent on the server. If this parameter is omitted, the agent will be push installed on the server using your RAS admin credentials. To specify different credentials for push installation, specify the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

An administrator account for push installing the RD Session Host agent on the server. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

noRestart: boolean
in query

Specifies not to restart the server after the RD Session Host agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the server will be restarted if required.

noFireWallRules: boolean
in query

Specifies not to add firewall rules to allow the RD Session Host Agent to communicate. If this parameter is omitted, the firewall rules will not be added.

noDesktopExperience: boolean
in query

Specifies not to install the Desktop Experience after the RD Session Host agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the Desktop Experience is installed.

noTerminalServices: boolean
in query

Specifies not to install the Terminal Services role after the RD Session Host agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the Terminal Services role will be installed.

addUsersToRDSUsers: string
in query

Specifies the list of users or groups in UPN or SID format to be added to the RDSUsers Group in csv format.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "addUsersToRDSUsers": [
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "directAddress": "string",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "enablePrinting": "boolean",
  "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
  "enableWIA": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [


GET /api/RDS/{id}

Retrieve a specific RD Session Host by ID. The result set contains only the major properties of a group; it does not include the complete list of settings supported in RAS.

id: integer (int32)
in path

RD Session Host ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "directAddress": "string",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "enablePrinting": "boolean",
  "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
  "enableWIA": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [


PUT /api/RDS/{id}

Update RD Session Host server settings. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

RD Session Host settings

id: integer (int32)
in path

RD Session Host ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "directAddress": "string",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "enablePrinting": "boolean",
  "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
  "enableWIA": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "updMode": "string",
  "updRoamingMode": "string",
  "upDiskPath": "string",
  "maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB": "integer (int32)",
  "includeFolderPath": [
  "includeFilePath": [
  "excludeFolderPath": [
  "excludeFilePath": [
  "restrictDesktopAccess": "boolean",
  "restrictedUsers": [
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



DELETE /api/RDS/{id}

Delete a RD Session Host server from a site. The RD Session Host agent will be uninstalled from the server by default. You can optionally keep it by including the noUninstall parameter.

noUninstall: boolean
in query

If this parameter is included, the RD Session Host agent will not be uninstalled from the server. To uninstall the agent, omit this parameter. When uninstalling the agent, your RAS admin credentials will be used by default. You can specify different credentials if needed using the Username and Password parameters.

username: string
in query

An administrator account to remotely uninstall the RD Session Host agent from the server. If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used by default.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter.

id: integer (int32)
in path

RD Session Host ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Cancel Disabled State

POST /api/RDS/{id}/CancelDisabledState

Cancel the disabled state set by RAS Scheduler

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Cancel Pending Reboot

POST /api/RDS/{id}/CancelPendingReboot

Cancel a pending reboot set by RAS Scheduler

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Disable Logons And Reconnections

POST /api/RDS/{id}/DisableLogonsAndReconnections

Disable logons and reconnections on RD Session Host with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Drain RD Session Host Server

POST /api/RDS/{id}/Drain

Drain the RD Session Host server with specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Drain Until Reboot

POST /api/RDS/{id}/DrainUntilReboot

Drain until reboot of the RD Session Host server with specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Enable Logons

POST /api/RDS/{id}/EnableLogons

Enable logons on the RD Session Host server with specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Get FSLogix Prof. Cont.

GET /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "advancedSettings": {
    "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
    "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
    "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "profileDirSDDL": "string",
    "useProfileType": "boolean",
    "profileType": "string",
    "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
    "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
    "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
    "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
    "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
    "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
    "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
    "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
    "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
    "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
    "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
    "keepLocalDir": "string",
    "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
    "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
    "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
    "outlookCachedMode": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
    "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
    "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
    "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
    "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
    "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
    "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
    "roamSearch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
    "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
    "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
    "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "sidDirSDDL": "string",
    "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
    "vhdNameMatch": "string",
    "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
    "vhdNamePattern": "string",
    "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
    "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
    "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
    "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
  "locationType": "string",
  "vhdLocations": [
  "ccdLocations": [
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "userInclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "userExclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "folderInclusionList": [
  "folderExclusionList": [
      "folder": "string",
      "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

Update FSLogix Prof. Cont.

PUT /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Update the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a session server with the specified ID.

FSLogix Profile Container settings.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "locationType": "string",
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
  "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
  "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
  "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
  "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
  "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
  "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
  "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
  "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
  "keepLocalDir": "string",
  "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
  "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
  "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
  "outlookCachedMode": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
  "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
  "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
  "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
  "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
  "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
  "roamSearch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
  "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
  "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
  "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "sidDirSDDL": "string",
  "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
  "vhdNameMatch": "string",
  "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
  "vhdNamePattern": "string",
  "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
  "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
  "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
  "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)",
  "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
  "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
  "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "profileDirSDDL": "string",
  "useProfileType": "boolean",
  "profileType": "string",
  "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
  "setTempToLocalPath": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

GET /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container CCDLocation List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

POST /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Add a folder to the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict



Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

DELETE /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Remove a folder from the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

GET /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Exclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Set FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

PUT /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Modify an item in the folder exclusion list of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string",
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict



Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

POST /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string",
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict



Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

DELETE /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

GET /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Inclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

POST /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict



Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

DELETE /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

GET /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Exclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

POST /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Add a user to the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict



Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

DELETE /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Remove a user from the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

GET /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Inclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

POST /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Add a user to the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict



Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

DELETE /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Remove a user from the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

GET /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container VHDLocation List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

POST /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Add a folder to the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict



Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

DELETE /api/RDS/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Remove a folder from the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Install RD Session Host Role

POST /api/RDS/{id}/InstallRDSRole

Invoke RD Session Host role installation on RD Session Host with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Reboot RD Session Host Host

POST /api/RDS/{id}/Reboot

Reboot RD Session Host with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



List Sessions by Site ID

GET /api/RDS/sessions

Retrieve the list of all sessions.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID of which the sessions will be retrieved (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
    "ip": "string",
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "type": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "themeID": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionMode": "string",
    "authenticationType": "string",
    "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
    "mfaProvider": "string",
    "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
    "rfiInfoList": [
        "type": "string",
        "ip": "string"
    "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
    "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
    "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "userProfileType": "string",
    "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionQuality": "string",
    "latency": "integer (int32)",
    "protocol": "string",
    "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
    "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
    "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
    "disconnectReason": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
    "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
    "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
    "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
    "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
    "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
    "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
    "colourDepth": "string",
    "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
    "deviceName": "string",
    "clientIPAddress": "string",
    "clientOS": "string",
    "clientOSVersion": "string",
    "clientVersion": "string"

List Sessions Status by Server ID

GET /api/RDS/{id}/sessions

Retrieve a list of sessions for a specified RDS.

id: integer (int32)
in path

RD Session Host ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "themeID": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionMode": "string",
  "authenticationType": "string",
  "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
  "mfaProvider": "string",
  "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
  "rfiInfoList": [
      "type": "string",
      "ip": "string"
  "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
  "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
  "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileType": "string",
  "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionQuality": "string",
  "latency": "integer (int32)",
  "protocol": "string",
  "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
  "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "disconnectReason": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
  "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
  "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
  "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
  "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
  "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "colourDepth": "string",
  "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceName": "string",
  "clientIPAddress": "string",
  "clientOS": "string",
  "clientOSVersion": "string",
  "clientVersion": "string"

Get Sessions Status

GET /api/RDS/{id}/sessions/{sessionId}

Retrieve a specific session.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the RD Session Host server.

sessionId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a specific session.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "themeID": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionMode": "string",
  "authenticationType": "string",
  "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
  "mfaProvider": "string",
  "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
  "rfiInfoList": [
      "type": "string",
      "ip": "string"
  "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
  "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
  "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileType": "string",
  "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionQuality": "string",
  "latency": "integer (int32)",
  "protocol": "string",
  "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
  "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "disconnectReason": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
  "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
  "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
  "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
  "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
  "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "colourDepth": "string",
  "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceName": "string",
  "clientIPAddress": "string",
  "clientOS": "string",
  "clientOSVersion": "string",
  "clientVersion": "string"

Disconnect Session

POST /api/RDS/{rdsId}/sessions/{id}/disconnect

Invoke the RD Session Host Session to send the Disconnect command to the RD Session Host Session with specified Session ID.

rdsId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Session ID of the Session to be Disconnected.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


LogOff Session

POST /api/RDS/{rdsId}/sessions/{id}/logoff

Invoke the RD Session Host to send the LogOff command to the session with specified ID.

rdsId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Session ID of the Session to be Logged Off.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


List Processes by Site ID

GET /api/RDS/sessions/processes

Retrieve the list of all processes for all the RD Session Host sessions.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which processes for all the RD Session Host sessions will be retrieved (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "process": "string",
    "pid": "integer (int32)",
    "user": "string",
    "session": "integer (int32)"

List Processes by Server ID

GET /api/RDS/{id}/sessions/processes

Retrieve the list of all processes for all the sessions of a specified RDS.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Server ID for which processes for all the RD Session Host sessions will be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "process": "string",
    "pid": "integer (int32)",
    "user": "string",
    "session": "integer (int32)"

List Processes by Server ID and Session ID

GET /api/RDS/{id}/sessions/{sessionId}/processes

Retrieve the list of all processes for a specified session of a specified RDS.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Server ID for which processes of a specified RD Session Host session will be retrieved

sessionId: integer (int32)
in path

Session ID for which all processes will be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "appName": "string",
    "process": "string",
    "pid": "integer (int32)",
    "user": "string",
    "session": "integer (int32)"

Get Process

GET /api/RDS/{id}/sessions/{sessionId}/processes/{pid}

Retrieve a process with a specified PID for a specified session of a specified RD Session Host.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Server ID for which a process of a specified RD Session Host session will be retrieved

sessionId: integer (int32)
in path

Session ID for which a specified process will be retrieved

pid: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the process to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "appName": "string",
  "process": "string",
  "pid": "integer (int32)",
  "user": "string",
  "session": "integer (int32)"

Kill Process

POST /api/RDS/{rdsId}/sessions/processes/{id}/kill

Invoke the RD Session Host to send the kill command to a process with the specified ID.

rdsId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

RD Session Host Process ID of the RD Session Host Process to be killed.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


Send Message Session

POST /api/RDS/{rdsId}/sessions/{id}/sendmsg

Invoke the RD Session Host Session to send a message to the RD Session Host Session with specified Session ID.

RD Session Host Session

rdsId: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Session ID of the Session to be sent a message.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "msgTitle": "string",
  "message": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



Shutdown RD Session Host Server

POST /api/RDS/{id}/Shutdown

Invoke a shutdown on the RD Session Host server with specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of an RD Session Host server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



List Status

GET /api/RDS/status

Retrieve a list of RD Session Host servers with status information.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which RD Session Host servers with status information will be retrieved (optional)

Server: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "preferredPA": "string",
    "activeSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "disconnectedSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "activeConnections": "integer (int32)",
    "ip": "string",
    "loginStatus": "string",
    "updStatus": "string",
    "pendingSchedule": "string",
    "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
    "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "id": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "serverOS": "string",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "machineId": "string",
    "agentState": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "logLevel": "string"

Get Status

GET /api/RDS/{id}/status

Retrieve the RD Session Host status information for the server.

id: integer (int32)
in path

RD Session Host ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "preferredPA": "string",
  "activeSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "disconnectedSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "activeConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "loginStatus": "string",
  "updStatus": "string",
  "pendingSchedule": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"



GET /api/RDSDefaultSettings

Retrieve the RD Session Host Default settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve RD Session Host Default settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string"


PUT /api/RDSDefaultSettings

Modify the RD Session Host server default settings. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

RD Session Host settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the RD Session Host Default settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "updMode": "string",
  "updRoamingMode": "string",
  "upDiskPath": "string",
  "maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB": "integer (int32)",
  "includeFolderPath": [
  "includeFilePath": [
  "excludeFolderPath": [
  "excludeFilePath": [
  "restrictDesktopAccess": "boolean",
  "restrictedUsers": [
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont.

GET /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "advancedSettings": {
    "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
    "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
    "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "profileDirSDDL": "string",
    "useProfileType": "boolean",
    "profileType": "string",
    "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
    "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
    "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
    "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
    "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
    "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
    "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
    "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
    "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
    "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
    "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
    "keepLocalDir": "string",
    "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
    "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
    "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
    "outlookCachedMode": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
    "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
    "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
    "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
    "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
    "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
    "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
    "roamSearch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
    "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
    "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
    "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "sidDirSDDL": "string",
    "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
    "vhdNameMatch": "string",
    "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
    "vhdNamePattern": "string",
    "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
    "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
    "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
    "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
  "locationType": "string",
  "vhdLocations": [
  "ccdLocations": [
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "userInclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "userExclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "folderInclusionList": [
  "folderExclusionList": [
      "folder": "string",
      "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

Update FSLogix Prof. Cont.

PUT /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Update the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a Site Defaults object.

FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "locationType": "string",
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
  "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
  "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
  "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
  "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
  "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
  "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
  "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
  "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
  "keepLocalDir": "string",
  "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
  "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
  "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
  "outlookCachedMode": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
  "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
  "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
  "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
  "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
  "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
  "roamSearch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
  "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
  "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
  "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "sidDirSDDL": "string",
  "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
  "vhdNameMatch": "string",
  "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
  "vhdNamePattern": "string",
  "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
  "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
  "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
  "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)",
  "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
  "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
  "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "profileDirSDDL": "string",
  "useProfileType": "boolean",
  "profileType": "string",
  "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
  "setTempToLocalPath": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

GET /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container CCDLocation List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

POST /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Add a CCDLocation to the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

DELETE /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Remove a CCDLocation from the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

GET /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Exclusion List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Set FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

PUT /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Modify an item in the folder exclusion list of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string",
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

POST /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string",
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

DELETE /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

GET /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Inclusion List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

POST /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

DELETE /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

GET /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Exclusion List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

POST /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Add a user to the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

DELETE /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Remove a user from the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

GET /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Inclusion List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

POST /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Add a user to the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

DELETE /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Remove a user from the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

GET /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container VHDLocation List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

POST /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Add a VHDLocation to the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

DELETE /api/RDSDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Remove a VHDLocation from the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/RDSession

Retrieve one or multiple RD Sessions, from different sources such as RD Session Host and VDI.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the RD session information (optional).

Source: string 1 = RDS, 2 = VDI, 63 = WVDProvider, 81 = RPC, -1 = All
in query

Source from which to retrieve the RD Session information.

ServerId: integer (int32)
in query

The Host ID of the server for which to retrieve the information (optional).

Server: string
in query

The name of the server to filter the RD Session information (optional).

State: string 0 = Active, 1 = Connected, 2 = ConnectQuery, 3 = Shadow, 4 = Disconnected, 5 = Idle, 6 = Listen, 7 = Reset, 8 = Down, 9 = Init, -1 = All
in query

State to filter the RD Session information (optional).

User: string
in query

User to filter the RD Session information (optional).

IP: string
in query

IP Address to filter the RD Session information (optional).

ThemeId: integer (int32)
in query

The Theme ID for which to retrieve the information (optional).

GroupId: integer (int32)
in query

The RD Session Host Group ID for which to retrieve the RD session information (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "source": "string",
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "vdiGuestName": "string",
    "sessionHostId": "string",
    "sessionHostName": "string",
    "poolName": "string",
    "templateName": "string",
    "fsLogixReasonCode": "string",
    "fsLogixStatusCode": "string",
    "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
    "ip": "string",
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "type": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "themeID": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionMode": "string",
    "authenticationType": "string",
    "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
    "mfaProvider": "string",
    "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
    "rfiInfoList": [
        "type": "string",
        "ip": "string"
    "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
    "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
    "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "userProfileType": "string",
    "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionQuality": "string",
    "latency": "integer (int32)",
    "protocol": "string",
    "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
    "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
    "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
    "disconnectReason": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
    "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
    "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
    "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
    "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
    "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
    "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
    "colourDepth": "string",
    "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
    "deviceName": "string",
    "clientIPAddress": "string",
    "clientOS": "string",
    "clientOSVersion": "string",
    "clientVersion": "string"


List by Site ID

GET /api/RDSGroups

Retrieve a list of the RD Session Host server groups

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the RD Session Host server groups (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "description": "string",
    "useRASTemplate": "boolean",
    "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
    "minServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
    "maxServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
    "workLoadThreshold": "integer (int32)",
    "serversToAddPerRequest": "integer (int32)",
    "workLoadToDrain": "integer (int32)",
    "drainRemainsBelowSec": "integer (int32)",
    "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
    "rdsDefSettings": {
      "port": "integer (int32)",
      "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
      "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
      "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
      "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
      "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
      "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
      "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
      "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
      "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
      "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
      "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
      "fileTransferMode": "string",
      "fileTransferLocation": "string",
      "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
      "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
      "dragAndDropMode": "string",
      "printerNameFormat": "string",
      "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
      "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
      "technology": "string",
      "fsLogix": {
        "profileContainer": {
          "advancedSettings": {
            "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
            "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
            "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
            "profileDirSDDL": "string",
            "useProfileType": "boolean",
            "profileType": "string",
            "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
            "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
            "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
            "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
            "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
            "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
            "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
            "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
            "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
            "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
            "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
            "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
            "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
            "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
            "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
            "keepLocalDir": "string",
            "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
            "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
            "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
            "outlookCachedMode": "string",
            "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
            "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
            "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
            "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
            "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
            "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
            "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
            "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
            "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
            "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
            "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
            "roamSearch": "string",
            "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
            "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
            "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
            "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
            "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
            "sidDirSDDL": "string",
            "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
            "vhdNameMatch": "string",
            "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
            "vhdNamePattern": "string",
            "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
            "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
            "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
            "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"


POST /api/RDSGroups

Create a new RD Session Host server group

RD Session Host Group

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "useRASTemplate": "boolean",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "maxServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadThreshold": "integer (int32)",
  "serversToAddPerRequest": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadToDrain": "integer (int32)",
  "drainRemainsBelowSec": "integer (int32)",
  "rdsIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "updMode": "string",
  "updRoamingMode": "string",
  "upDiskPath": "string",
  "maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB": "integer (int32)",
  "includeFolderPath": [
  "includeFilePath": [
  "excludeFolderPath": [
  "excludeFilePath": [
  "restrictDesktopAccess": "boolean",
  "restrictedUsers": [
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "useRASTemplate": "boolean",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "minServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "maxServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadThreshold": "integer (int32)",
  "serversToAddPerRequest": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadToDrain": "integer (int32)",
  "drainRemainsBelowSec": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "rdsDefSettings": {
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
    "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
    "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
    "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
    "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
    "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
    "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
    "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
    "fileTransferMode": "string",
    "fileTransferLocation": "string",
    "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
    "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
    "dragAndDropMode": "string",
    "printerNameFormat": "string",
    "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string",
          "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
          "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
          "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
          "outlookCachedMode": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
          "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
          "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
          "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
          "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
          "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
          "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
          "roamSearch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
          "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
          "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
          "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "sidDirSDDL": "string",
          "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
          "vhdNameMatch": "string",
          "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
          "vhdNamePattern": "string",
          "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
          "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
          "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
          "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
        "locationType": "string"


GET /api/RDSGroups/{id}

Retrieve information about a RD Session Host server group.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the RD Session Host server group to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "useRASTemplate": "boolean",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "minServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "maxServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadThreshold": "integer (int32)",
  "serversToAddPerRequest": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadToDrain": "integer (int32)",
  "drainRemainsBelowSec": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "rdsDefSettings": {
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
    "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
    "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
    "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
    "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
    "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
    "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
    "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
    "fileTransferMode": "string",
    "fileTransferLocation": "string",
    "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
    "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
    "dragAndDropMode": "string",
    "printerNameFormat": "string",
    "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string",
          "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
          "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
          "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
          "outlookCachedMode": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
          "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
          "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
          "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
          "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
          "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
          "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
          "roamSearch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
          "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
          "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
          "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "sidDirSDDL": "string",
          "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
          "vhdNameMatch": "string",
          "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
          "vhdNamePattern": "string",
          "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
          "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
          "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
          "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
        "locationType": "string"


PUT /api/RDSGroups/{id}

Modify the properties of a RD Session Host server group

The RD Session Host server group to be updated

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the RD Session Host server group to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "useRASTemplate": "boolean",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "maxServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadThreshold": "integer (int32)",
  "serversToAddPerRequest": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadToDrain": "integer (int32)",
  "drainRemainsBelowSec": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "updMode": "string",
  "updRoamingMode": "string",
  "upDiskPath": "string",
  "maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB": "integer (int32)",
  "includeFolderPath": [
  "includeFilePath": [
  "excludeFolderPath": [
  "excludeFilePath": [
  "restrictDesktopAccess": "boolean",
  "restrictedUsers": [
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/RDSGroups/{id}

Delete a RD Session Host server group

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the RD Session Host server group to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont.

GET /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "advancedSettings": {
    "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
    "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
    "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "profileDirSDDL": "string",
    "useProfileType": "boolean",
    "profileType": "string",
    "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
    "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
    "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
    "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
    "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
    "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
    "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
    "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
    "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
    "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
    "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
    "keepLocalDir": "string",
    "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
    "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
    "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
    "outlookCachedMode": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
    "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
    "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
    "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
    "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
    "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
    "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
    "roamSearch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
    "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
    "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
    "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "sidDirSDDL": "string",
    "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
    "vhdNameMatch": "string",
    "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
    "vhdNamePattern": "string",
    "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
    "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
    "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
    "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
  "locationType": "string",
  "vhdLocations": [
  "ccdLocations": [
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "userInclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "userExclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "folderInclusionList": [
  "folderExclusionList": [
      "folder": "string",
      "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

Update FSLogix Prof. Cont.

PUT /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Update the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a session server with the specified ID.

FSLogix Profile Container settings.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "locationType": "string",
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
  "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
  "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
  "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
  "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
  "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
  "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
  "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
  "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
  "keepLocalDir": "string",
  "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
  "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
  "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
  "outlookCachedMode": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
  "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
  "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
  "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
  "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
  "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
  "roamSearch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
  "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
  "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
  "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "sidDirSDDL": "string",
  "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
  "vhdNameMatch": "string",
  "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
  "vhdNamePattern": "string",
  "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
  "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
  "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
  "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)",
  "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
  "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
  "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "profileDirSDDL": "string",
  "useProfileType": "boolean",
  "profileType": "string",
  "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
  "setTempToLocalPath": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

GET /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container CCDLocation List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

POST /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Add a folder to the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

DELETE /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Remove a folder from the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

GET /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Exclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Set FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

PUT /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Modify an item in the folder exclusion list of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string",
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

POST /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string",
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

DELETE /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

GET /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Inclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

POST /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

DELETE /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

GET /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Exclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

POST /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Add a user to the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

DELETE /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Remove a user from the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

GET /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Inclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

POST /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Add a user to the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

DELETE /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Remove a user from the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

GET /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container VHDLocation List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

POST /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Add a folder to the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

DELETE /api/RDSGroups/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Remove a folder from the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Members by Group ID

GET /api/RDSGroups/{groupId}/Members

Retrieve the list of RD Session Host servers which are members of the specified group.

groupId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the RD Session Host server group of which members information will be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "directAddress": "string",
    "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
    "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
    "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
    "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
    "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
    "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
    "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
    "fileTransferMode": "string",
    "fileTransferLocation": "string",
    "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
    "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
    "dragAndDropMode": "string",
    "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
    "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
    "enablePrinting": "boolean",
    "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
    "enableWIA": "boolean",
    "printerNameFormat": "string",
    "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string",
          "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
          "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
          "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
          "outlookCachedMode": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
          "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
          "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
          "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
          "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
          "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
          "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
          "roamSearch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
          "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
          "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
          "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "sidDirSDDL": "string",
          "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
          "vhdNameMatch": "string",
          "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
          "vhdNamePattern": "string",
          "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
          "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
          "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
          "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
        "locationType": "string",
        "vhdLocations": [
        "ccdLocations": [
        "profileDiskFormat": "string",
        "allocationType": "string",
        "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
        "userInclusionList": [

Add Member

POST /api/RDSGroups/{groupId}/Members

Add a member to a RD Session Host server group.

RD Session Host group member configuration

groupId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the member to be added to an RD Session Host server group

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "rdsIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


Delete Member

DELETE /api/RDSGroups/{groupId}/Members/{rdsid}

Delete a member from a RD Session Host server group.

groupId: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the member of an RD Session Host server group to be deleted

rdsid: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the RD Session Host server group of which the member will be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/Reporting

Retrieve the Reporting Settings.


401 Unauthorized


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "deltaCpu": "integer (int32)",
  "deltaMemory": "integer (int32)",
  "enableCustomReports": "boolean",
  "folderName": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "server": "string",
  "useCredentials": "boolean",
  "username": "string",
  "trackServerTime": "integer (int32)",
  "trackServers": "boolean",
  "trackSessionTime": "integer (int32)",
  "trackSessions": "boolean"


PUT /api/Reporting

Modify the Reporting Settings.

Reporting Configuration Settings model

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "deltaCpu": "integer (int32)",
  "deltaMemory": "integer (int32)",
  "enableCustomReports": "boolean",
  "folderName": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "server": "string",
  "useCredentials": "boolean",
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "trackServerTime": "integer (int32)",
  "trackServers": "boolean",
  "trackSessionTime": "integer (int32)",
  "trackSessions": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/ScanningSettings

Retrieve information about RAS scanning settings.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve the RAS universal scanning settings (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "twainNamePattern": "string",
  "replicateTWAINPattern": "boolean",
  "wiaNamePattern": "string",
  "replicateWIAPattern": "boolean",
  "twainApps": [
  "replicateTWAINApps": "boolean"


PUT /api/ScanningSettings

Update scanning settings of a Site. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.

RAS Scanning settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "wiaNamePattern": "string",
  "replicateWIAPattern": "boolean",
  "twainNamePattern": "string",
  "replicateTWAINPattern": "boolean",
  "twainApps": [
  "replicateTWAINApps": "boolean"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/Session

Retrieve a list of admin sessions. State=1 means that a session is Connected, while State=4 means that a session is Disconnected.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "userId": "integer (int32)",
    "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
    "ip": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "computerName": "string",
    "language": "string",
    "id": "integer (int32)"

Get Current Admin Permission

GET /api/Session/CurrentAdminPermissions

Retrieve the Permissions of the logged Admin.


401 Unauthorized


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "adminName": "string",
  "adminType": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "groupName": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "sid": "string",
  "permissions": "string",
  "runtimeSitesList": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "farmMode": "string",
  "monitoring": "boolean",
  "reporting": "boolean",
  "licensing": "boolean",
  "quickKeypad": "boolean",
  "policies": "boolean",
  "sectionPermissions": {
    "sectionPermissionsList": [
        "siteId": "integer (int32)",
        "tenants": "boolean",
        "rdpServers": "boolean",
        "rdpGroups": "boolean",
        "rdpScheduler": "boolean",
        "rdpSessionMgmnt": "boolean",
        "providers": "boolean",
        "vdiPools": "boolean",
        "vdiTemplates": "boolean",
        "vdiDesktops": "boolean",
        "vdiSessionMgmnt": "boolean",
        "gateways": "boolean",
        "tunnellingPolicies": "boolean",
        "pCs": "boolean",
        "pubAgents": "boolean",
        "autoPromote": "boolean",
        "halb": "boolean",
        "auditing": "boolean",
        "globalLogging": "boolean",
        "redirURL": "boolean",
        "notifications": "boolean",
        "globalClientSetts": "boolean",
        "siteFeatures": "boolean",
        "themes": "boolean",
        "certificates": "boolean",
        "enrollmentServers": "boolean",
        "adIntegration": "boolean",
        "loadBalancer": "boolean",
        "publishing": "boolean",
        "universalPrinting": "boolean",
        "universalScanning": "boolean",
        "connection": "boolean",
        "connAuthenticate": "boolean",
        "connSettings": "boolean",
        "connMFAuthenticate": "boolean",
        "saml": "boolean",
        "connAllowedDevices": "boolean",
        "deviceManager": "boolean",
        "devices": "boolean",
        "winDeviceGroups": "boolean",
        "devicesOptions": "boolean",
        "devicesSchedule": "boolean",
        "administration": "boolean",
        "farmFeatures": "boolean"
  "powerPermission": {
    "adminId": "integer (int32)",
    "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
    "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
    "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
    "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
    "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
    "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
    "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
    "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
    "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
    "allowAllSites": "boolean",
    "allowInSiteIds": [
      "integer (int32)"
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)"
  "customPermission": {
    "sitePermissions": [
        "siteId": "integer (int32)",
        "rdsHosts": {
          "sitePermission": {
            "permissions": "string"
          "objectPermissions": [
              "objId": "integer (int32)"

Log off

POST /api/Session/logoff

Log off user. User must be authenticated first.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


LogOff Other Admin

POST /api/Session/{SessionId}/logoff

Invoke the RAS Admin Session to send the LogOff command for the Admin with specified Session ID.

SessionId: integer (int32)
in path

Session ID of the Admin to be Disconnected.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


Log on

POST /api/Session/logon

Authenticate the user. When successful, an authorization token will be generated.

Contains the information about the session.

localAuth: boolean
in query

Authenticate with local machine to configure local Web Admin Settings. NOTE: Only localhost connections are allowed.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string"
200 OK


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "authToken": "string",
  "localAuth": "boolean",
  "userId": "integer (int32)",
  "applySettingsEnabled": "boolean",
  "connectedSiteId": "integer (int32)",
  "settingsId": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionId": "integer (int32)",
  "connectedServer": "string",
  "licensingServer": "string",
  "primaryPAConnection": "boolean",
  "licensingServerConnection": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "farmName": "string",
  "farmGUID": "string"



POST /api/Settings/apply

After any of the Parallels RAS farm settings modifications, settings must be applied to commit the changes. This is equivalent of clicking the Apply button on the main Parallels RAS Console window.

fullSync: boolean
in query

Specifies if waiting for all PAs to sync is needed.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



GET /api/Settings/export

Export the complete Parallels RAS farm configuration to a file available for download. This functionality can be used to back up farm settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized



POST /api/Settings/import

This can be used to import/restore farm configuration.

file: file
in formData

File with database configuration.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized




GET /api/Site

Retrieve the list of all the available Sites.

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "licensingSite": "boolean",
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"


POST /api/Site

Add a new site to the RAS farm.

The Site to be created

noInstall: boolean
in query

If this parameter is included, the Publishing Agent software will not be installed on the target server. You may use this option if the server already has the Publishing Agent installed.

username: string
in query

A username to log in to the target server and push install the Publishing Agent on it. You must also specify the Password parameter. If you've included the NoInstall parameter, you don't have to include the Username and Password parameters.

password: string
in query

The password for the user specified in the Username parameter.

noRestart: boolean
in query

Specifies not to add firewall rules to allow the RAS Agent to communicate. If this parameter is omitted, the firewall rules will not be added.

noFireWallRules: boolean
in query

Specifies not to restart the server after the RAS agents are installed. If this parameter is omitted, the server will be restarted if required.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "server": "string",
  "name": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "licensingSite": "boolean",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/Site/{id}

Retrieve a Site.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Site to be retrieved

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "licensingSite": "boolean",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/Site/{id}

Modify the Site properties.

The Site to be updated

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Site to be updated

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/Site/{id}

Delete a Site from the RAS farm.

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Site to be deleted

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Status

GET /api/Site/status

Retrieve a list of the Sites summary and state information.

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by server name (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "priority": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
    "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
    "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "id": "string",
    "server": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "serverOS": "string",
    "serviceStartTime": "string",
    "systemBootTime": "string",
    "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
    "machineId": "string",
    "agentState": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "logLevel": "string"

Get Status

GET /api/Site/{id}/status

Retrieve summary and state information about a Site

id: integer (int32)
in path

ID of the Site of which summary and state information will be retrieved.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"


Download System Report

GET /api/Support/DownloadReport

Downloads a RAS system report to be sent to Parallels support

Company: string
in formData

Company of administrator requesting support

Fullname: string
in formData

Full name of administrator requesting support

Message: string
in formData

The message query for support

Subject: string
in formData

Subject of request

Attachment: file
in formData

The attachment to be sent to Parallels support.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


Send Support Request

POST /api/Support/SendSupportRequest

Sends a support request to Parallels support by email

Company: string
in formData

Company of administrator requesting support

Fullname: string
in formData

Full name of administrator requesting support

Message: string
in formData

The message query for support

Subject: string
in formData

Subject of request

Attachment: file
in formData

The attachment to be sent to Parallels support


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "reportId": "string"

Send System Report

POST /api/Support/SendSystemReport

Sends a RAS system report to Parallels support

Company: string
in formData

Company of administrator requesting support

Fullname: string
in formData

Full name of administrator requesting support

Message: string
in formData

The message query for support

Subject: string
in formData

Subject of request

Attachment: file
in formData

The attachment to be sent to Parallels support


401 Unauthorized


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "reportId": "string"



GET /api/Theme

Retrieve information about a list of Themes.

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by Theme name (optional)

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to retrieve Theme(s) (optional)

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "overrideAuthenticationDomain": "boolean",
    "domain": "string",
    "groupEnabled": "boolean",
    "groupFilters": [
        "name": "string",
        "sid": "string"
    "postLogonMessage": "string",
    "htmL5Client": {
      "url": {
        "loginPageURLPath": "string",
        "showDownloadURL": "boolean",
        "overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL": "string",
        "footerURLs": [
            "url": "string",
            "text": "string",
            "tooltip": "string"
      "branding": {
        "webpageTitle": "string",
        "loginTo": "string"
      "color": {
        "headerBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
        "subHeaderBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
        "subHeaderTextColor": "integer (int32)",
        "workAreaBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
        "workAreaTextColor": "integer (int32)",
        "buttonsBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
        "buttonsTextColor": "integer (int32)",
        "selectionHighlightingColor": "integer (int32)",
        "alertBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
        "alertTextColor": "integer (int32)"
      "languageBar": {
        "default": "string",
        "de_DE": "boolean",
        "en_US": "boolean",
        "es_ES": "boolean",
        "fr_FR": "boolean",
        "it_IT": "boolean",
        "ja_JP": "boolean",
        "ko_KR": "boolean",
        "nl_NL": "boolean",
        "pt_BR": "boolean",
        "ru_RU": "boolean",
        "zh_CN": "boolean",
        "zh_TW": "boolean"
      "message": {
        "preLogonMessage": "string",
        "overridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
        "htmL5PostLogonMessage": "string"
      "inputPrompt": {
        "de_DE": {
          "loginHint": "string",
          "passwordHint": "string"
        "en_US": {
          "loginHint": "string",
          "passwordHint": "string"
        "es_ES": {
          "loginHint": "string",
          "passwordHint": "string"
        "fr_FR": {
          "loginHint": "string",
          "passwordHint": "string"
        "it_IT": {
          "loginHint": "string",
          "passwordHint": "string"
        "ja_JP": {
          "loginHint": "string",
          "passwordHint": "string"
        "ko_KR": {
          "loginHint": "string",
          "passwordHint": "string"
        "nl_NL": {
          "loginHint": "string",
          "passwordHint": "string"
        "pt_BR": {}


POST /api/Theme

Add a new Theme to a site.


Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "overrideAuthenticationDomain": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "groupEnabled": "boolean",
  "groupFilters": [
      "name": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "postLogonMessage": "string",
  "htmL5Client": {
    "url": {
      "loginPageURLPath": "string",
      "showDownloadURL": "boolean",
      "overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL": "string",
      "footerURLs": [
          "url": "string",
          "text": "string",
          "tooltip": "string"
    "branding": {
      "webpageTitle": "string",
      "loginTo": "string"
    "color": {
      "headerBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "subHeaderBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "subHeaderTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "workAreaBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "workAreaTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "buttonsBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "buttonsTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "selectionHighlightingColor": "integer (int32)",
      "alertBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "alertTextColor": "integer (int32)"
    "languageBar": {
      "default": "string",
      "de_DE": "boolean",
      "en_US": "boolean",
      "es_ES": "boolean",
      "fr_FR": "boolean",
      "it_IT": "boolean",
      "ja_JP": "boolean",
      "ko_KR": "boolean",
      "nl_NL": "boolean",
      "pt_BR": "boolean",
      "ru_RU": "boolean",
      "zh_CN": "boolean",
      "zh_TW": "boolean"
    "message": {
      "preLogonMessage": "string",
      "overridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
      "htmL5PostLogonMessage": "string"
    "inputPrompt": {
      "de_DE": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "en_US": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "es_ES": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "fr_FR": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "it_IT": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "ja_JP": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "ko_KR": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "nl_NL": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "pt_BR": {
        "loginHint": "string"


GET /api/Theme/{id}

Retrieve a specific Theme by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "overrideAuthenticationDomain": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "groupEnabled": "boolean",
  "groupFilters": [
      "name": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "postLogonMessage": "string",
  "htmL5Client": {
    "url": {
      "loginPageURLPath": "string",
      "showDownloadURL": "boolean",
      "overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL": "string",
      "footerURLs": [
          "url": "string",
          "text": "string",
          "tooltip": "string"
    "branding": {
      "webpageTitle": "string",
      "loginTo": "string"
    "color": {
      "headerBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "subHeaderBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "subHeaderTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "workAreaBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "workAreaTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "buttonsBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "buttonsTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "selectionHighlightingColor": "integer (int32)",
      "alertBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "alertTextColor": "integer (int32)"
    "languageBar": {
      "default": "string",
      "de_DE": "boolean",
      "en_US": "boolean",
      "es_ES": "boolean",
      "fr_FR": "boolean",
      "it_IT": "boolean",
      "ja_JP": "boolean",
      "ko_KR": "boolean",
      "nl_NL": "boolean",
      "pt_BR": "boolean",
      "ru_RU": "boolean",
      "zh_CN": "boolean",
      "zh_TW": "boolean"
    "message": {
      "preLogonMessage": "string",
      "overridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
      "htmL5PostLogonMessage": "string"
    "inputPrompt": {
      "de_DE": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "en_US": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "es_ES": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "fr_FR": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "it_IT": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "ja_JP": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "ko_KR": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "nl_NL": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "pt_BR": {
        "loginHint": "string"


PUT /api/Theme/{id}

Modify settings of a Theme. For each setting, the request has a corresponding parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.


id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "newName": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "overrideAuthenticationDomain": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "groupEnabled": "boolean",
  "postLogonMessage": "string",
  "loginPageURLPath": "string",
  "showDownloadURL": "boolean",
  "overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL": "string",
  "webpageTitle": "string",
  "loginTo": "string",
  "headerBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "subHeaderBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "subHeaderTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "workAreaBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "workAreaTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "buttonsBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "buttonsTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "selectionHighlightingColor": "integer (int32)",
  "alertBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "alertTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "languageBar_Default": "string",
  "languageBar_de_DE": "boolean",
  "languageBar_en_US": "boolean",
  "languageBar_es_ES": "boolean",
  "languageBar_fr_FR": "boolean",
  "languageBar_it_IT": "boolean",
  "languageBar_ja_JP": "boolean",
  "languageBar_ko_KR": "boolean",
  "languageBar_nl_NL": "boolean",
  "languageBar_pt_BR": "boolean",
  "languageBar_ru_RU": "boolean",
  "languageBar_zh_CN": "boolean",
  "languageBar_zh_TW": "boolean",
  "preLogonMessage": "string",
  "htmL5PostLogonMessage": "string",
  "overridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
  "loginHint_de_DE": "string",
  "passwordHint_de_DE": "string",
  "loginHint_en_US": "string",
  "passwordHint_en_US": "string",
  "loginHint_es_ES": "string",
  "passwordHint_es_ES": "string",
  "loginHint_fr_FR": "string",
  "passwordHint_fr_FR": "string",
  "loginHint_it_IT": "string",
  "passwordHint_it_IT": "string",
  "loginHint_ja_JP": "string",
  "passwordHint_ja_JP": "string",
  "loginHint_ko_KR": "string",
  "passwordHint_ko_KR": "string",
  "loginHint_nl_NL": "string",
  "passwordHint_nl_NL": "string",
  "loginHint_pt_BR": "string",
  "passwordHint_pt_BR": "string",
  "loginHint_ru_RU": "string",
  "passwordHint_ru_RU": "string",
  "loginHint_zh_CN": "string",
  "passwordHint_zh_CN": "string",
  "loginHint_zh_TW": "string",
  "passwordHint_zh_TW": "string",
  "overrideGWSettings": "boolean",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "pre2000Cred": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "allowCookieConsent": "boolean",
  "allowEULA": "boolean",
  "companyName": "string",
  "applicationName": "string",
  "windowsClientOverridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
  "windowsClientPostLogonMessage": "string",
  "menuItem": "string",
  "command": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/Theme/{id}

Delete a Theme from a site.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Retrieve Footer URLs

GET /api/Theme/{id}/FooterURL

Retrieve the footer URLs from the Theme.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "url": "string",
    "text": "string",
    "tooltip": "string"

Add Footer URL

POST /api/Theme/{id}/FooterURL

Add the specified footer URL to the Theme.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "url": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "tooltip": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Remove Footer URL

DELETE /api/Theme/{id}/FooterURL

Remove the specified footer URL from the Theme.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "url": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "tooltip": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Retrieve Group Filters

GET /api/Theme/{id}/GroupFilter

Retrieve the group filters from the Theme

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add Group Filter

POST /api/Theme/{id}/GroupFilter

Add the specified group filter to the Theme.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "groupName": "string",
  "groupSID": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Remove Group Filter

DELETE /api/Theme/{id}/GroupFilter

Remove the specified group filter from the Theme

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "groupName": "string",
  "groupSID": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Retrieve Image

GET /api/Theme/{id}/Image

Retrieve the image(s) of the Theme specified by ID. If more than 1 image is requested, a compressed .zip file is returned containing all the images.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID.

ImageType: string 1 = CompanyLogo, 2 = FaviconIcon, 4 = ConnectionBanner, 8 = ApplicationIcon, 15 = All
in query

The Theme image type. By default, all images will be retrieved.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Update Image

PUT /api/Theme/{id}/Image

Update an Image with specified ImageType of the Theme specified by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Theme ID.

ImageType: string 1 = CompanyLogo, 2 = FaviconIcon, 4 = ConnectionBanner, 8 = ApplicationIcon
in query

The Theme image file type.

Reset: boolean false
in query

Whether to reset the image file type specified or not. By default, it is set to false.

ImageFile: file
in formData

Image file to be uploaded.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized




GET /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings

Retrieve default settings used to configure a RAS Guest Agent.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the information (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
      "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
      "folderInclusionList": [
      "folderExclusionList": [
          "folder": "string",
          "excludeFolderCopy": "string"


PUT /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings

Modify default settings used to configure a guest VM. For each setting, the cmdlet has a corresponding input parameter. To modify a setting, specify a parameter and its value. Default settings are defined on a site level and are applied to a guest VM when it is initially added to a site.

VDI Guest default settings

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which to update the VDI Guest Default settings (optional)

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont.

GET /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "advancedSettings": {
    "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
    "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
    "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "profileDirSDDL": "string",
    "useProfileType": "boolean",
    "profileType": "string",
    "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
    "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
    "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
    "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
    "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
    "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
    "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
    "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
    "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
    "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
    "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
    "keepLocalDir": "string",
    "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
    "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
    "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
    "outlookCachedMode": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
    "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
    "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
    "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
    "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
    "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
    "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
    "roamSearch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
    "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
    "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
    "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "sidDirSDDL": "string",
    "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
    "vhdNameMatch": "string",
    "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
    "vhdNamePattern": "string",
    "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
    "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
    "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
    "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
  "locationType": "string",
  "vhdLocations": [
  "ccdLocations": [
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "userInclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "userExclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "folderInclusionList": [
  "folderExclusionList": [
      "folder": "string",
      "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

Update FSLogix Prof. Cont.

PUT /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Update the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a Site Defaults object.

FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "locationType": "string",
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
  "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
  "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
  "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
  "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
  "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
  "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
  "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
  "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
  "keepLocalDir": "string",
  "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
  "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
  "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
  "outlookCachedMode": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
  "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
  "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
  "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
  "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
  "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
  "roamSearch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
  "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
  "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
  "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "sidDirSDDL": "string",
  "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
  "vhdNameMatch": "string",
  "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
  "vhdNamePattern": "string",
  "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
  "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
  "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
  "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)",
  "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
  "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
  "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "profileDirSDDL": "string",
  "useProfileType": "boolean",
  "profileType": "string",
  "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
  "setTempToLocalPath": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

GET /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container CCDLocation List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

POST /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Add a CCDLocation to the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

DELETE /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Remove a CCDLocation from the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

GET /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Exclusion List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Set FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

PUT /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Modify an item in the folder exclusion list of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string",
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

POST /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string",
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

DELETE /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

GET /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Inclusion List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

POST /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

DELETE /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

GET /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Exclusion List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

POST /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Add a user to the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

DELETE /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Remove a user from the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

GET /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Inclusion List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

POST /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Add a user to the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

DELETE /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Remove a user from the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

GET /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container VHDLocation List of a Site Defaults object.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

POST /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Add a VHDLocation to the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

DELETE /api/VDIGuestDefaultSettings/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Remove a VHDLocation from the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

siteId: integer (int32)
in query

The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/VDIPool

Retrieve information about one or multiple VDI Pools.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID from which to retrieve the VDI Pool information (optional).

Name: string
in query

The name of the VDI Pool for which to retrieve the information. This must be the actual VDI Pool name used in the RAS farm.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "description": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "poolMemberIndex": "integer (int32)",
    "wildCard": "string",
    "members": [
        "id": "integer (int32)",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"


POST /api/VDIPool

Create a new VDI Pool.

VDI Pool settings

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "poolMemberIndex": "integer (int32)",
  "wildCard": "string",
  "members": [
      "id": "integer (int32)",
      "name": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


GET /api/VDIPool/{id}

Retrieve information about one VDI Pool by ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a VDI Pool for which to retrieve the information.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "poolMemberIndex": "integer (int32)",
  "wildCard": "string",
  "members": [
      "id": "integer (int32)",
      "name": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"


PUT /api/VDIPool/{id}

Modify properties of a VDI Pool.

VDI Pool settings

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the VDIPool to modify.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "wildCard": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/VDIPool/{id}

Remove a VDI Pool from a site.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a VDIPool to remove from the site.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Members

GET /api/VDIPool/{vdiPoolId}/Members

Retrieve the list of VDI Pool Members from a VDI Pool.

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)
in path

The VDI Pool ID.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "id": "integer (int32)",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string"

Add Member

POST /api/VDIPool/{vdiPoolId}/Members

Add one VDI Pool Member to an existing VDI Pool.

VDI pool member configuration

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)
in path

The VDI Pool ID.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "type": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


Get Member

GET /api/VDIPool/{vdiPoolId}/Members/{id}

Retrieve a VDI Pool Member from a VDI Pool.

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)
in path

The VDI Pool ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The VDI Pool Member ID.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string"

Delete Member

DELETE /api/VDIPool/{vdiPoolId}/Members/{id}

Remove a VDI Pool Member from a VDI Pool.

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)
in path

The VDI Pool ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The VDI Pool Member ID.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found



GET /api/VDITemplate

Retrieve settings about RAS Templates.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

The site ID from which to retrieve the RAS Template info (optional).

Name: string
in query

RAS Template name.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "templateType": "string",
    "providerId": "integer (int32)",
    "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
    "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
    "guestsToCreate": "integer (int32)",
    "unusedGuestDurationMins": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "physicalHostId": "string",
    "physicalHostName": "string",
    "folderId": "string",
    "folderName": "string",
    "subFolderName": "string",
    "guestNameFormat": "string",
    "nativePoolId": "string",
    "nativePoolName": "string",
    "cloneMethod": "string",
    "linkedClone": "boolean",
    "useDefAgentSettings": "boolean",
    "deleteUnusedGuests": "boolean",
    "licenseKeyType": "string",
    "isMAK": "boolean",
    "licKeys": [
        "licenseKey": "string",
        "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"
    "imagePrepTool": "string",
    "isRASPrep": "boolean",
    "computerName": "string",
    "ownerName": "string",
    "organization": "string",
    "administrator": "string",
    "domain": "string",
    "domainOrgUnit": "string",
    "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
    "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionAction": "string",
    "performAction": "string",
    "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
    "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
    "groupType": "string",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string",
          "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
          "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
          "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
          "outlookCachedMode": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
          "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
          "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
          "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
          "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
          "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
          "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
          "roamSearch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
          "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
          "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
          "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "sidDirSDDL": "string"


POST /api/VDITemplate

Create a RAS Template.

VDI Template settings

username: string
in query

An administrator account for push installing the RD Session Host agent on the server (Used only for RDSH Templates). If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used.

password: string
in query

The password of the account specified in the Username parameter (Used only for RDSH Templates).

noRestart: boolean
in query

Specifies not to restart the server after the RD Session Host agent is installed. If this parameter is omitted, the server will be restarted if required. This parameter applies only for RDSH Templates.

computerName: string
in query

The FQDN or IP address of the target VM.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "templateType": "string",
  "guestNameFormat": "string",
  "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "guestsToCreate": "integer (int32)",
  "imagePrepTool": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "organization": "string",
  "domain": "string",
  "administrator": "string",
  "domainPassword": "string",
  "adminPassword": "string",
  "cloneMethod": "string",
  "folderId": "string",
  "folderName": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "nativePoolName": "string",
  "physicalHostId": "string",
  "physicalHostName": "string",
  "targetOU": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


409 Conflict


Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (201 Created)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "templateType": "string",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "guestsToCreate": "integer (int32)",
  "unusedGuestDurationMins": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "physicalHostId": "string",
  "physicalHostName": "string",
  "folderId": "string",
  "folderName": "string",
  "subFolderName": "string",
  "guestNameFormat": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "nativePoolName": "string",
  "cloneMethod": "string",
  "linkedClone": "boolean",
  "useDefAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "deleteUnusedGuests": "boolean",
  "licenseKeyType": "string",
  "isMAK": "boolean",
  "licKeys": [
      "licenseKey": "string",
      "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"
  "imagePrepTool": "string",
  "isRASPrep": "boolean",
  "computerName": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "organization": "string",
  "administrator": "string",
  "domain": "string",
  "domainOrgUnit": "string",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean"


GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}

Retrieve settings of a RAS Template.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a RAS Template for which to retrieve the information.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "templateType": "string",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "guestsToCreate": "integer (int32)",
  "unusedGuestDurationMins": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "physicalHostId": "string",
  "physicalHostName": "string",
  "folderId": "string",
  "folderName": "string",
  "subFolderName": "string",
  "guestNameFormat": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "nativePoolName": "string",
  "cloneMethod": "string",
  "linkedClone": "boolean",
  "useDefAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "deleteUnusedGuests": "boolean",
  "licenseKeyType": "string",
  "isMAK": "boolean",
  "licKeys": [
      "licenseKey": "string",
      "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"
  "imagePrepTool": "string",
  "isRASPrep": "boolean",
  "computerName": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "organization": "string",
  "administrator": "string",
  "domain": "string",
  "domainOrgUnit": "string",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean"


PUT /api/VDITemplate/{id}

Modify properties of a RAS Template.

VDI Template settings

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a RAS Template to modify.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "guestNameFormat": "string",
  "deleteUnusedGuests": "boolean",
  "unusedGuestDurationMins": "integer (int32)",
  "imagePrepTool": "string",
  "licenseKeyType": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "organization": "string",
  "domain": "string",
  "domainPassword": "string",
  "administrator": "string",
  "adminPassword": "string",
  "folderId": "string",
  "folderName": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "nativePoolName": "string",
  "physicalHostId": "string",
  "physicalHostName": "string",
  "targetOU": "string",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDIUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found


DELETE /api/VDITemplate/{id}

Remove a VDI Template from a site.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Removes a RAS Template from a site.

deleteAllCreatedGuests: boolean
in query

Specifies whether to delete all created guest VMs. If this parameter is omitted, all created guest VMs will be kept on the server.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Create Guests

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/CreateGuests

Create Guests from the specified RAS Template.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the target RAS Template.

noOfGuestsToCreate: integer (int32)
in query

The number of guests to create from the specified RAS Template. Default: 1.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Enter Maintenance

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/EnterMaintenance

Enter Maintenance Mode.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the target RAS Template.

forceStopUpdateGuests: boolean
in query

Force stopping/updating of guest VMs.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Exit Maintenance

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/ExitMaintenance

Exit Maintenance Mode.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the target RAS Template.

forceStopUpdateGuests: boolean
in query

Force stopping/updating of guest VMs.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont.

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "advancedSettings": {
    "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
    "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
    "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "profileDirSDDL": "string",
    "useProfileType": "boolean",
    "profileType": "string",
    "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
    "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
    "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
    "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
    "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
    "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
    "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
    "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
    "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
    "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
    "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
    "keepLocalDir": "string",
    "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
    "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
    "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
    "outlookCachedMode": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
    "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
    "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
    "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
    "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
    "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
    "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
    "roamSearch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
    "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
    "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
    "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "sidDirSDDL": "string",
    "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
    "vhdNameMatch": "string",
    "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
    "vhdNamePattern": "string",
    "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
    "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
    "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
    "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
  "locationType": "string",
  "vhdLocations": [
  "ccdLocations": [
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "userInclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "userExclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "folderInclusionList": [
  "folderExclusionList": [
      "folder": "string",
      "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

Update FSLogix Prof. Cont.

PUT /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer

Update the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a session server with the specified ID.

FSLogix Profile Container settings.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "locationType": "string",
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
  "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
  "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
  "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
  "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
  "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
  "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
  "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
  "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
  "keepLocalDir": "string",
  "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
  "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
  "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
  "outlookCachedMode": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
  "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
  "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
  "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
  "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
  "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
  "roamSearch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
  "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
  "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
  "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "sidDirSDDL": "string",
  "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
  "vhdNameMatch": "string",
  "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
  "vhdNamePattern": "string",
  "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
  "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
  "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
  "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)",
  "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
  "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
  "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "profileDirSDDL": "string",
  "useProfileType": "boolean",
  "profileType": "string",
  "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
  "setTempToLocalPath": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container CCDLocation List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Add a folder to the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. CCDLocation

DELETE /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/CCDLocations

Remove a folder from the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

CCDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "ccdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Exclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Set FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

PUT /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Modify an item in the folder exclusion list of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string",
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string",
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Excl.

DELETE /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderExclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Inclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Add a folder to the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. Folder Incl.

DELETE /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/FolderInclusion

Remove a folder from the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Folder configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "folder": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Exclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Add a user to the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Excl.

DELETE /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserExclusion

Remove a user from the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Inclusion List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "account": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "sid": "string"

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Add a user to the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. User Incl.

DELETE /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/UserInclusion

Remove a user from the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

User configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Get FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container VHDLocation List of a session server with the specified ID.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)

Add FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Add a folder to the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

409 Conflict


Remove FSLogix Prof. Cont. VHDLocation

DELETE /api/VDITemplate/{id}/FSLogix/ProfileContainer/VHDLocations

Remove a folder from the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

VHDLocation configuration.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a session server for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "vhdLocation": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Guests from Template

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/Guests

List VDI Guests originating from the specified RAS Template.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a RAS Template for which to retrieve the information.

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "computerName": "string",
    "ignoreGuest": "boolean",
    "osVersion": "string",
    "osType": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "agentVersion": "string",
    "templateId": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
    "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
    "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionAction": "string",
    "performAction": "string",
    "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string",
          "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
          "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
          "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
          "outlookCachedMode": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
          "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
          "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
          "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
          "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
          "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
          "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
          "roamSearch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
          "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
          "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
          "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "sidDirSDDL": "string",
          "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
          "vhdNameMatch": "string",
          "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
          "vhdNamePattern": "string",
          "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
          "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
          "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
          "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
        "locationType": "string",
        "vhdLocations": [
        "ccdLocations": [
        "profileDiskFormat": "string",
        "allocationType": "string",
        "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
        "userInclusionList": [
            "account": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "sid": "string"
        "userExclusionList": [
            "account": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "sid": "string"
        "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
        "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
        "folderInclusionList": [

Get License Key

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/LicenseKey

Retrieve the list RAS Template license keys.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a RAS Template to obtain information from.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "licenseKey": "string",
    "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"

Add License Key

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/LicenseKey

Modify properties of a RAS Template license key.

VDI Template License Key configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of a RAS Template to modify.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "key": "string",
  "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"
201 Created


401 Unauthorized


Delete License Key

DELETE /api/VDITemplate/{id}/LicenseKey

Delete the specified license key info from the specified RAS Template configuration.

VDI Template License Key configuration

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the RAS Template to remove license key from.

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "key": "string"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Recreate Guests

POST /api/VDITemplate/{id}/RecreateGuests

Recreate All Guests or a specific Guest.

id: integer (int32)
in path

The ID of the target RAS Template.

vdiGuestId: string
in query

The ID of a guest VM to be recreated (optional).

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

List Status

GET /api/VDITemplate/status

Retrieve a list of templates with status information.

SiteId: integer (int32)
in query

Site ID for which the template with status information will be retrieved (optional)

Name: string
in query

Filter the result by name (optional)


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "serverType": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "providerId": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "agentVer": "string",
    "templateHasClones": "boolean",
    "templateVMExist": "boolean"

Get Status

GET /api/VDITemplate/{id}/status

Retrieve the template status information.

id: integer (int32)
in path

Template ID


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "templateHasClones": "boolean",
  "templateVMExist": "boolean"


Get Settings

GET /api/WebService/settings

Retrieve the Web Admin settings. A local administrator on the Web Server or a RAS Root administrator can call this command.


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Response Content-Types: text/plain; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0
Response Example (200 OK)
  "allowedHosts": "string",
  "kestrel": {
    "endPoints": {
      "httpsDefaultCert": {
        "url": "string",
        "certificate": {
          "path": "string",
          "encryptedPassword": "string"
  "webAdminService": {
    "webConsole": {
      "enable": "boolean",
      "basePath": "string",
      "pollingInterval": "integer (int32)",
      "logLevel": "integer (int32)"
    "rest": {
      "enable": "boolean"
    "rasServer": {
      "licenseServer": "string",
      "secondaryServers": [
    "session": {
      "expire": "integer (int32)",
      "disconnectDelay": "integer (int32)"
  "Logging": {
    "WebAdmin": {
      "LogLevel": "object"
  "reRoutes": [
      "downstreamPathTemplate": "string",
      "downstreamScheme": "string",
      "downstreamHostAndPorts": [
          "host": "string",
          "port": "integer (int32)"
      "upstreamPathTemplate": "string"

Update Settings

PUT /api/WebService/settings

Modify the Web Admin settings. A local administrator on the Web Server or a RAS Root administrator can call this command.

Web Admin settings

Request Content-Types: application/json-patch+json; api-version=1.0, application/json; api-version=1.0, text/json; api-version=1.0, application/*+json; api-version=1.0
Request Example
  "allowedHosts": "string",
  "httpsUrl": "string",
  "enableWebConsole": "boolean",
  "webConsoleBasePath": "string",
  "webConsolePollingInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableREST": "boolean",
  "rasLicensingServer": "string",
  "rasSecondaryServers": [
  "sessionExpire": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionDisconnectDelay": "integer (int32)"
204 No Content


401 Unauthorized


404 Not Found

Not Found

Import Settings Certificate

PUT /api/WebService/settings/ImportCertificate

This can be used to Import and change the PFX Certificate within Web Admin settings. A local administrator on the Web Server or a RAS Root administrator can call this command.

CertificatePassword: string
in formData

The PFX Certificate Password.

CertificateFile: file
in formData

The PFX Certificate to be uploaded.

204 No Content


401 Unauthorized



GET /api/WebService/version

Retrieve the version of the Remote Application Server Web Service.

200 OK


Schema Definitions

Add2FAExcludeGWIP: object

Add a Gateway IP exclusion to Multi-factor authentication settings

ip: string (up to 255 chars)

Value that represents the Gateway IP address.

  "ip": "string"

Add2FAExcludeIPList: object

Add a Client IP exclusion to Multi-factor authentication settings

ip: string (up to 255 chars)

Value that represents the IP

ipType: string 0 = Version4, 1 = Version6, 2 = BothVersions

Represents the type of IP

  "ip": "string",
  "ipType": "string"

Add2FAExcludeMACList: object

Add a Client MAC exclusion to Multi-factor authentication settings

macAddress: string (up to 17 chars)

A string value representing a MAC address.

  "macAddress": "string"

Add2FAExcludeUserGroupList: object

Add a User/Group exclusion to Multi-factor authentication settings

account: string (1 to 255 chars)

A string value representing the ldap of a User/Group.

type: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = User, 2 = Group, 3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal

The type of account (User/Group) being excluded, defaults to User.

  "account": "string",
  "type": "string"

Add2FARadiusAttr: object

Add 2FA RADIUS attribute

vendorID: integer (int32)

RADIUS attribute vendor ID

attributeID: integer (int32)

RADIUS attribute ID

value: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS attribute value The value has many forms:IP, Number, String, and Time. When setting the time it is expected that the time value is in epoch time.

name: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS attribute name

vendor: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS attribute vendor name

attributeType: string 0 = Number, 1 = String, 2 = IP, 3 = Time

RADIUS attribute type. IP, string, number, or time

radiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius

RADIUS Type If the parameter is omitted, the RADIUS provider will be used by default.

  "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
  "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
  "value": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "vendor": "string",
  "attributeType": "string",
  "radiusType": "string"

Add2FARadiusAuto: object

Add 2FA RADIUS Automation

command: string (up to 100 chars)

RADIUS Automation command

enabled: boolean

Whether the RADIUS Automation is enabled/disabled

image: string 100 = Alert, 101 = Message, 102 = Email, 103 = Call, 104 = Chat, 105 = Flag

RADIUS Automation image

title: string (up to 20 chars)

RADIUS Automation title

actionMessage: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS Automation action message

description: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS Automation description

radiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius

RADIUS Type If the parameter is omitted, the RADIUS provider will be used by default.

  "command": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "image": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "actionMessage": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "radiusType": "string"

AddClientPolicyConnection: object

Add a new connection to the secondary connections list

mode: string 0 = GatewayMode, 1 = GatewaySSLMode, 2 = DirectMode, 3 = DirectSSLMode

The mode type of connection.

server: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Server which the user is going to connect to.

serverPort: integer (int32)

The port of the Server.

  "mode": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "serverPort": "integer (int32)"

AddClientPolicyGW: object

Add a new Gateway criteria to the Client Policy

ip: string (1 to 255 chars)

The IP address of the Gateway to add to the client policy list.

  "ip": "string"

AddClientPolicyMAC: object

Add a new MAC address criteria to the Client Policy

mac: string (1 to 255 chars)

The MAC address to add to the client policy list.

  "mac": "string"

AddClientPolicyUserGroup: object

Add a new User/Group criteria to the Client Policy

account: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the user/group account.

sid: string (1 to 255 chars)

The SID of the user/group account.

  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"

AddFSLogixCCDLocation: object

Add a new CCDLocation to the FSLogix CCDLocation list

ccdLocation: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'CCDLocation' path to add to the CCDLocation List.

  "ccdLocation": "string"

AddFSLogixFolderExclusion: object

Add FSLogix Folder Exclusion

excludeFolderCopy: string 0 = None, 1 = CopyBase, 2 = CopyBack

Specifies the 'Exclude Folder Copy', in case of adding to the Exclude Folder List.

folder: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Folder' path to add to the Include/Exclude Folder List.

  "excludeFolderCopy": "string",
  "folder": "string"

AddFSLogixFolderInclusion: object

Add a new folder to the FSLogix folder inclusion list

folder: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Folder' path to add to the Include/Exclude Folder List.

  "folder": "string"

AddFSLogixUser: object

Add a user or group account to the FSLogix user inclusion/exclusion list

account: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.

sid: string (1 to 255 chars)

The SID of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.

  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"

AddFSLogixVHDLocation: object

Add a new VHDLocation to the FSLogix VHDLocation list

vhdLocation: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'VHDLocation' path to add to the VHDLocation List.

  "vhdLocation": "string"

AddHALBDevice: object

deviceIP: string
  "deviceIP": "string"

AddProviderRemotePCStatic: object

Add a new Remote PC Static to a Provider

remotePCStaticName: string (1 to 255 chars)

Remote PC Static Name.

mac: string (1 to 17 chars)

Remote PC Static MAC Address.

subnet: string (1 to 255 chars)

Remote PC Static Subnet. Default:

  "remotePCStaticName": "string",
  "mac": "string",
  "subnet": "string"

AddPubItemClientFilter: object

Add a client device name to the filter of type 'Client Device Name' for the specified published resource

client: string (1 to 255 chars)

FQDN, computer name, or IP address of the client to add to the filter.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "client": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

AddPubItemGWFilter: object

Add a RAS Secure Client Gateway to the filter of type 'Gateway' for the specified published resource

ip: string (1 to 255 chars)

The IP address of the RAS Secure Client Gateway to add to the filter.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "ip": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

AddPubItemIPFilter: object

Add an IP address to the filter of type 'IP Address' for the specified published resource

ip: string (1 to 255 chars)

The IP address to add to the filter.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "ip": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

AddPubItemMACFilter: object

Add a MAC address to the filter of type 'MAC Address' for the specified published resource

mac: string (1 to 255 chars)

The MAC address to add to the filter.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "mac": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

AddPubItemPreferredRoute: object

Add a client device name to the filter of type 'Client Device Name' for the specified published resource

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Name of the Preferred Route

description: string

Description of the Preferred Route

enabled: boolean

Whether the Preferred Route is enabled or not

referenceType: string 3 = Gateway, 51 = HALB, 83 = Custom

Reference Type of the Preferred Route

referenceId: integer (int32)

Reference ID of the Preferred Route

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "referenceType": "string",
  "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

AddPubItemUserFilter: object

Add a user or group account to the filter of type 'User' for the specified published resource

account: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the user/group account to add to the filter.

sid: string (1 to 255 chars)

The SID of the user/group account to add to the filter.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

AddPubRDSAppServerAttr: object

Add a server to the list of servers where the Publishing is being hosted

serverID: integer (int32)

RDS server ID on which the attributes will be updated.

target: string (up to 255 chars)

Application target file. (i.e. calc.exe, file.txt, etc.)

startIn: string (up to 255 chars)

Application working directory.

parameters: string (up to 255 chars)

Application parameters.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "target": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

AddRDSGroupMember: object

Add a member to the RD Session Host group

rdsIds: integer[]

The IDs of RD Session Host servers to be added to the specified group.

integer (int32)
  "rdsIds": [
    "integer (int32)"

AddThemeFooterURL: object

Add a footer URL in the RAS Theme

url: string (1 to 255 chars)


text: string (1 to 255 chars)

The text

tooltip: string (up to 255 chars)

The tooltip

  "url": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "tooltip": "string"

AddThemeGroupFilter: object

Add a group filter in the RAS Theme

groupName: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the group list

groupSID: string (1 to 255 chars)

The group SID

  "groupName": "string",
  "groupSID": "string"

AddVDIPoolMember: object

Add a VDI Pool member



name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The VDI Pool Member Name.

providerId: integer (int32)

The VDI Pool Member Provider ID. This parameter is only accepted with Types: ALLGUESTSONPROVIDER, GUEST or NATIVEPOOL.

vdiGuestId: string (1 to 255 chars)

The VDI Pool Member Guest ID. This parameter is only accepted with Type: GUEST.

nativePoolId: string (1 to 255 chars)

The VDI Pool Member Native Pool ID. This parameter is only accepted with Type: NATIVEPOOL.

vdiTemplateId: integer (int32)

The VDI Pool Member Template ID. This parameter is only accepted with Type: TEMPLATEGUEST.

  "type": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)"

AddVDITemplateLicenseKey: object

Add a license key to the VDI Template license keys list

key: string (1 to 255 chars)

The license key.

keyLimit: integer (int32)

The max limit for the license key.

  "key": "string",
  "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"

AdminAccount: object

RAS Admin

id: integer (int32)

Parallels RAS administrator account ID.

name: string

Parallels RAS administrator user or group name.

type: string 0 = User, 1 = Group, 2 = UserGroup

Admin Type: 0 = User, 1 = Group, 2 = User Group

notify: string 0 = None, 1 = Email

Admin Notification type. 0 = None, 1 = Email

enabled: boolean

Whether this administrator is enabled or disabled in the farm.

email: string

The user email address.

mobile: string

The user mobile phone number.

groupName: string

Group name.

fullPermissions: boolean

Whether the "Full Permissions" option is enabled or disabled.

permissions: string 0 = PowerAdmin, 1 = RootAdmin, 2 = CustomAdmin

Specifies the type of permissions that are used.

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "notify": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "email": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "groupName": "string",
  "fullPermissions": "boolean",
  "permissions": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)"

AdminSession: object

RAS Admin Session

userId: integer (int32)

ID of the user of the session.

logonTime: string (date-time)

Session Logon Time.

ip: string

IP of the session.

state: string 0 = Active, 1 = Connected, 2 = ConnectQuery, 3 = Shadow, 4 = Disconnected, 5 = Idle, 6 = Listen, 7 = Reset, 8 = Down, 9 = Init, -1 = All

State of session.

computerName: string

Computer name of the session.

language: string 1 = English, 2 = German, 3 = Japanese, 4 = Russian, 5 = French, 6 = Spanish, 7 = Italian, 8 = Portuguese, 9 = ChineseSimplified, 10 = ChineseTraditional, 11 = Korean

Language of the session

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "userId": "integer (int32)",
  "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
  "ip": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "computerName": "string",
  "language": "string",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

AdvancedSettings: object

Sessions Advanced Settings Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Advanced Settings policy is enabled or not

useClientColors: boolean

Make use of the system client colours

useClientSettings: boolean

Make use of the system client settings

createShrtCut: boolean

Creates the shortcuts on the configured server

registerExt: boolean

Register file extensions associated from the server

urlRedirection: boolean

Will redirect url to the client device

mailRedirection: boolean

Will redirect the mail to the client devices

credAlwaysAsk: boolean

Will always ask for the credentials

allowSrvCmd: boolean

Will allow server commands to be executed by the client

promptSrvCmd: boolean

Will confirm the server commands before executing them

credSSP: boolean

Will allow for network level authentication

redirPOS: boolean

Will redirect pos devices

pre2000Cred: boolean

Will use pre windows 2000 format

disableRUDP: boolean

Will disable rdp-udp gateway connections

doNotShowDriveRedirectionDlg: boolean

Does not show the redirection drive dialog

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "useClientColors": "boolean",
  "useClientSettings": "boolean",
  "createShrtCut": "boolean",
  "registerExt": "boolean",
  "urlRedirection": "boolean",
  "mailRedirection": "boolean",
  "credAlwaysAsk": "boolean",
  "allowSrvCmd": "boolean",
  "promptSrvCmd": "boolean",
  "credSSP": "boolean",
  "redirPOS": "boolean",
  "pre2000Cred": "boolean",
  "disableRUDP": "boolean",
  "doNotShowDriveRedirectionDlg": "boolean"

AllowedIPs: object

IP Address filter

allowedIP4s: IP4Range

Lists the IPv4 addresses.

allowedIP6s: IP6Range

Lists the IPv6 addresses.

  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"

AllowedOperatingSystems: object

Allowed Operating Systems

chrome: boolean

Whether Chrome is allowed or not.

android: boolean

Whether Android is allowed or not.

htmL5: boolean

Whether HTML5 is allowed or not.

iOS: boolean

Whether iOS is allowed or not.

linux: boolean

Whether Linux is allowed or not.

mac: boolean

Whether MAC OS is allowed or not.

webPortal: boolean

Whether Web Portal is allowed or not.

wyse: boolean

Whether Wyse is allowed or not.

windows: boolean

Whether Windows is allowed or not.

  "chrome": "boolean",
  "android": "boolean",
  "htmL5": "boolean",
  "iOS": "boolean",
  "linux": "boolean",
  "mac": "boolean",
  "webPortal": "boolean",
  "wyse": "boolean",
  "windows": "boolean"

Audio: object

Sessions Audio Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Audio policy is enabled or not

audioModes: string 0 = BringToThisComputer, 1 = DoNotPlay, 2 = LeaveAtRemoteComputer

The Audio Mode Chosen.

audioQuality: string 0 = AdjustDynamically, 1 = UseMediumQuality, 2 = UseUncompressedQuality

The Audio quality which was chosen

audioRec: boolean

Allow Audio Recording if box is ticked.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "audioModes": "string",
  "audioQuality": "string",
  "audioRec": "boolean"

BaseAgentLog: object

RAS Agent log

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice, -1 = All

Specifies the server type for which to retrieve the information. Acceptable values: ALL (Default), RDS, Provider, Gateway, PA, HALB Device.

server: string

The name of the RAS agent server. The name can be either FQDN or IP address, but you have to enter the actual name this server has in the RAS farm.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID in which to modify the specified server. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

  "serverType": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

Browser: object

Sessions Browser Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Display Settings Browser is enabled or not

browserOpenIn: string 0 = SameTab, 1 = NewTab

Will open the applications depending on what the client selected

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "browserOpenIn": "string"

Certificate: object

The Certificates

name: string

Certificate Name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of the site.

enabled: boolean

Whether the certificate is enabled or not.

status: string 0 = SelfSigned, 1 = Request, 2 = Imported

Whether the certificate is Self-Signed, Imported or Requested.

usage: string 0 = None, 2 = Gateway, 4 = HALB

A set of assigned certificate usages. To form a set of usages 'OR' individual usage enums.

intermediate: string

The intermediate.

publicKey: string

The public key.

request: string

The certificate request.

expirationDate: string (date-time)

The expiration date of the certificate.

keySize: string 0 = KeySize1024, 1 = KeySize2048, 2 = KeySize4096, 3 = KeySize3072, 255 = KeySizeUnknown

The certificate key size.

description: string

The description of the certificate.

commonName: string

The common name of the certificate.

alternateNames: string

The alternate names of the certificate.

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "status": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "intermediate": "string",
  "publicKey": "string",
  "request": "string",
  "expirationDate": "string (date-time)",
  "keySize": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

CertificateConfig: object

The Certificate Policy

path: string

Path where the certificate lies.

encryptedPassword: string

Encrypted Password of the certificate.

  "path": "string",
  "encryptedPassword": "string"

ClientOptions: object

Client Options Policy

connection: Connection

The Client Options connection policy.

logging: Logging

The Client Options logging policy.

pcKeyboard: PCKeyboard

The Client Options PC Keyboard policy.

update: Update

The Client Options update policy.

singleSignOn: SingleSignOn

The Client Options Single-Sign-On policy.

global: GlobalPolicy

The Client Options Global Policy.

language: Languages

The Client Options Language Policy.

printing: ClientOptionsPrinting

The Client Options Printing Policy.

windowsClient: WindowsClient

The Client Options Printing Policy.

remoteFxUsbRedirection: RemoteFxUsbRedirection

The Client Options RemoteFX USB Redirection.

  "connection": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "connectionBannerType": "string",
    "autoRefreshFarms": "boolean",
    "autoRefreshTime_Mins": "integer (int32)"
  "logging": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "logLevel": "string",
    "loggingStartDateTime": "string (date-time)",
    "loggingDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "allowViewLog": "boolean",
    "allowClearLog": "boolean"
  "pcKeyboard": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "forcePCKeybd": "boolean",
    "pcKeybd": "string"
  "update": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "checkForUpdateOnLaunch": "boolean",
    "updateClientXmlUrl": "string"
  "singleSignOn": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "forceThirdPartySSO": "boolean",
    "ssoProvGUID": "string"
  "global": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "alwaysOnTop": "boolean",
    "showFolders": "boolean",
    "minimizeToTrayOnClose": "boolean",
    "graphicsAccel": "boolean",
    "clientWorkAreaBackground": "boolean",
    "sslNoWarning": "boolean",
    "swapMouse": "boolean",
    "dpiAware": "boolean",
    "autoAddFarm": "boolean",
    "dontPromptAutoAddFarm": "boolean",
    "suppErrMsgs": "boolean",
    "clearCookies": "boolean"
  "language": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "lang": "string"
  "printing": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "printInstallFonts": "boolean",
    "printAddCustomPapers": "boolean",
    "printRawSupport": "boolean",
    "allowEMFRasterization": "boolean",
    "printUseCache": "boolean",
    "printRefreshCache": "boolean",
    "printUseFontsCache": "boolean"
  "windowsClient": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "autohide": "boolean",
    "autoLaunch": "boolean"
  "remoteFxUsbRedirection": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "remoteFXUSBRedir": "boolean"

ClientOptionsPrinting: object

Client Options Printing Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Printing policy is enabled or not.

printInstallFonts: boolean

Will install any missing fonts automatically.

printAddCustomPapers: boolean

Will redirect custom paper sizes when a server preference is selected.

printRawSupport: boolean

Will allow for raw printing support.

allowEMFRasterization: boolean

Will convert non distributable fonts data to images.

printUseCache: boolean

Will cache printer hardware information.

printRefreshCache: boolean

Will refresh printer hardware information every 30 days.

printUseFontsCache: boolean

Will allow for the RAS universal printing embedded fonts.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "printInstallFonts": "boolean",
  "printAddCustomPapers": "boolean",
  "printRawSupport": "boolean",
  "allowEMFRasterization": "boolean",
  "printUseCache": "boolean",
  "printRefreshCache": "boolean",
  "printUseFontsCache": "boolean"

ClientPolicy: object

Client Policy

redirection: Redirection

Redirection Policy

session: SessionPolicy

Session Policy

clientOptions: ClientOptions

Client Options

controlSettings: ControlSettings

Control Settings

  "redirection": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "gateway": "string",
    "mode": "string",
    "serverPort": "integer (int32)",
    "altGateway": "string"
  "session": {
    "primaryConnection": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "name": "string",
      "autoLogin": "boolean",
      "authenticationType": "string",
      "savePassword": "boolean",
      "domain": "string"
    "secondaryConnections": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "connectionList": [
          "mode": "string",
          "server": "string",
          "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
    "reconnection": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "enableReconnection": "boolean",
      "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
      "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)"
    "computerName": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "overrideComputerName": "string"
    "connectionAdvancedSettings": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
      "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
      "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)"
    "webAuthentication": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
      "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean"
    "multiFactorAuthentication": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean"
    "sessionPreLaunch": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "preLaunchMode": "string",
      "preLaunchExclude": [
    "localProxyAddress": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean"
    "settings": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "colorDepths": "string",
      "graphicsAcceleration": "string"
    "multiMonitor": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "useAllMonitors": "boolean"
    "publishedApplications": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "usePrimaryMonitor": "boolean"
    "desktopOptions": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "smartSizing": "string",
      "embedDesktop": "boolean",
      "spanDesktops": "boolean",
      "fullScreenBar": "string"
    "browser": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "browserOpenIn": "string"
    "printing": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "defaultPrinterTech": "string",
      "redirectPrinters": "string",
      "redirectPrintersList": [
    "scanning": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "scanTech": "string",
      "scanRedirect": "string",
      "scanListTwain": [

ClientPolicyAllowedOperatingSystems: object

Client Policy - Allowed Operating Systems

chrome: boolean

Whether Chrome is allowed or not.

android: boolean

Whether Android is allowed or not.

htmL5: boolean

Whether HTML5 is allowed or not.

iOS: boolean

Whether iOS is allowed or not.

linux: boolean

Whether Linux is allowed or not.

mac: boolean

Whether MAC OS is allowed or not.

windows: boolean

Whether Windows is allowed or not.

  "chrome": "boolean",
  "android": "boolean",
  "htmL5": "boolean",
  "iOS": "boolean",
  "linux": "boolean",
  "mac": "boolean",
  "windows": "boolean"

ClientRules: object

Client Rules

name: string

Name of the client policy.

enabled: boolean

Whether the client policy is enabled or disabled.

description: string

Description of the client policy.

order: integer (int32)

Order of the client policy.

usersGroups: UserFilter

Users and groups that the client policy applies to.

allowedOSes: ClientPolicyAllowedOperatingSystems

Allowed Operating Systems.

gwRule: string 0 = AnyGW, 1 = ConnectedToGWs, 2 = NotConnectedToGWs

GW Rule.

gwList: string[]

GW List.

macRule: string 0 = AnyMAC, 1 = AllowedMACs, 2 = NotAllowedMACs

MAC Rule.

macList: string[]

MAC List.

clientPolicy: ClientPolicy

Users and groups that the client policy applies to.

version: integer (int32)


adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "order": "integer (int32)",
  "usersGroups": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "gwRule": "string",
  "gwList": [
  "macRule": "string",
  "macList": [
  "clientPolicy": {
    "redirection": {
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "gateway": "string",
      "mode": "string",
      "serverPort": "integer (int32)",
      "altGateway": "string"
    "session": {
      "primaryConnection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "name": "string",
        "autoLogin": "boolean",
        "authenticationType": "string",
        "savePassword": "boolean",
        "domain": "string"
      "secondaryConnections": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "connectionList": [
            "mode": "string",
            "server": "string",
            "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
      "reconnection": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "enableReconnection": "boolean",
        "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
        "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)"
      "computerName": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "overrideComputerName": "string"
      "connectionAdvancedSettings": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
        "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
        "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)"
      "webAuthentication": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
        "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean"
      "multiFactorAuthentication": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean"
      "sessionPreLaunch": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "preLaunchMode": "string",
        "preLaunchExclude": [
      "localProxyAddress": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean"
      "settings": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "colorDepths": "string",
        "graphicsAcceleration": "string"
      "multiMonitor": {
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "useAllMonitors": "boolean"
      "publishedApplications": {}

Clipboard: object

Settings about the Clipboard of the Local Devices

enabled: boolean

Whether clipboard policy is enabled or not.

clipboardDirection: string 0 = None, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Clipboard direction.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string"

Colors: object

Theme HTML5 Colors Settings

headerBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The header background color. Returns the sRGB value.

subHeaderBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The sub header background color. Returns the sRGB value.

subHeaderTextColor: integer (int32)

The sub header text color. Returns the sRGB value.

workAreaBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The work area background color. Returns the sRGB value.

workAreaTextColor: integer (int32)

The work area text color. Returns the sRGB value.

buttonsBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The buttons background and link color. Returns the sRGB value.

buttonsTextColor: integer (int32)

The buttons text color. Returns the sRGB value.

selectionHighlightingColor: integer (int32)

The selection highlighting color. Returns the sRGB value.

alertBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The alert background color. Returns the sRGB value.

alertTextColor: integer (int32)

The alert text color. Returns the sRGB value.

  "headerBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "subHeaderBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "subHeaderTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "workAreaBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "workAreaTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "buttonsBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "buttonsTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "selectionHighlightingColor": "integer (int32)",
  "alertBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "alertTextColor": "integer (int32)"

Compression: object

Experience Compression Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Compression policy is enabled or not

compress: boolean

Allow for rdp compression

scanningCompression: string 0 = CompressionDisabled, 1 = BestSpeed, 2 = BestSize, 3 = BasedOnConnectionSpeed

Allow for scanning compression

printingCompression: string 0 = CompressionDisabled, 1 = BestSpeed, 2 = BestSize, 3 = BasedOnConnectionSpeed

Allow for printing compression

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "compress": "boolean",
  "scanningCompression": "string",
  "printingCompression": "string"

ComputerName: object

Sessions Computer Name Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Reconnection is enabled or not.

overrideComputerName: string

The computer name which can be overridden.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "overrideComputerName": "string"

Connection: object

Client Options Connection Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Client Options Connection policy is enabled or not.

connectionBannerType: string 0 = SplashWindow, 1 = TaskBarToastWindow, 2 = None

The type of connection banner used.

autoRefreshFarms: boolean

Will automatically refresh the farm every given minutes.

autoRefreshTime_Mins: integer (int32)

The given minutes to refresh the farm.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "connectionBannerType": "string",
  "autoRefreshFarms": "boolean",
  "autoRefreshTime_Mins": "integer (int32)"

ConnectionAdvancedSettings: object

Sessions Connection Advanced Settings Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Connection Advanced Settings is enabled or not.

connectionTimeout: integer (int32)

The total number of seconds where the connection will timeout.

connectionBannerDelay: integer (int32)

If connection is not established after an amount of seconds given the banner shows.

showDesktopTimeout: integer (int32)

If published application does not start after several seconds a banner shows.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
  "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)"

Connections: object

Control Settings Connections Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Control Settings Connections policy is enabled or not.

dontAddNewASXGConns: boolean

Will not be able to add a new ras connections.

dontAddNewStdConns: boolean

Will not be able to add a new rdp connections.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "dontAddNewASXGConns": "boolean",
  "dontAddNewStdConns": "boolean"

ControlSettings: object

Control Settings Policy

controlSettingsConnections: Connections

The control setting connections policy.

password: Password

The control setting password policy.

importExport: ImportExport

The control setting import export policy.

  "controlSettingsConnections": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "dontAddNewASXGConns": "boolean",
    "dontAddNewStdConns": "boolean"
  "password": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "dontSavePwds": "boolean",
    "dontChangePwds": "boolean"
  "importExport": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "dontImportExport": "boolean"

CopyPubItem: object

Copy a published item

parentId: integer (int32)

ID of a new parent published item. To obtain the published item ID, use the Get-PubItem command.

previousId: integer (int32)

ID of a sibling item after which to place the specified published item. To obtain the sibling item ID, use the Get-PubItem command.

  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)"

CPUOptimizationSettings: object

RAS CPU Optimization Setting

enableCPUOptimization: boolean

Whether the "CPU Optimization" option is enabled or disabled.

startUsage: integer (int32)

The CPU usage percentage above which the CPU Optimization will start working.

criticalUsage: integer (int32)

The CPU usage percentage above which a process will be set to idle priority.

idleUsage: integer (int32)

The CPU usage percentage below which a process will be set to realtime priority.

replicate: boolean

Whether the "Replicate settings" option (replicate settings to all sites) is enabled or disabled.

cpuExcludeList: string[]

Specifies items in the CPUExclude list

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which the RAS CPU Optimization settings refer.

  "enableCPUOptimization": "boolean",
  "startUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "criticalUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "idleUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "replicate": "boolean",
  "cpuExcludeList": [
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

CurrentAdminPermissions: object

The current administrator permissions

adminName: string

The current admin name

adminType: string 0 = User, 1 = Group, 2 = UserGroup

The current admin type (User, Group, or User Group)

email: string

Email address of the current admin

groupName: string

The group name

mobile: string

Mobile number of the current admin

sid: string

The SID of the current admin

permissions: string 0 = PowerAdmin, 1 = RootAdmin, 2 = CustomAdmin

Type of permissions of the current admin (Root, Power, or Custom)

runtimeSitesList: integer[]

List of Runtime Sites for the current admin

integer (int32)
farmMode: string 0 = Standard, 1 = TenantBroker

Farm mode of the current admin (Standard or Tenant Broker)

monitoring: boolean

Whether monitoring is enabled or not for the current admin

reporting: boolean

Whether reporting is enabled or not for the current admin

licensing: boolean

Whether licensing is enabled or not for the current admin

quickKeypad: boolean

Whether quick keypad is enabled or not for the current admin

policies: boolean

Whether policies are enabled or not for the current admin

sectionPermissions: SectionPermissions

The section permissions list for the current admin

powerPermission: RASPowerPermission

The power permissions list for the current admin

customPermission: CustomPermission

The custom permissions list for the current admin

  "adminName": "string",
  "adminType": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "groupName": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "sid": "string",
  "permissions": "string",
  "runtimeSitesList": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "farmMode": "string",
  "monitoring": "boolean",
  "reporting": "boolean",
  "licensing": "boolean",
  "quickKeypad": "boolean",
  "policies": "boolean",
  "sectionPermissions": {
    "sectionPermissionsList": [
        "siteId": "integer (int32)",
        "tenants": "boolean",
        "rdpServers": "boolean",
        "rdpGroups": "boolean",
        "rdpScheduler": "boolean",
        "rdpSessionMgmnt": "boolean",
        "providers": "boolean",
        "vdiPools": "boolean",
        "vdiTemplates": "boolean",
        "vdiDesktops": "boolean",
        "vdiSessionMgmnt": "boolean",
        "gateways": "boolean",
        "tunnellingPolicies": "boolean",
        "pCs": "boolean",
        "pubAgents": "boolean",
        "autoPromote": "boolean",
        "halb": "boolean",
        "auditing": "boolean",
        "globalLogging": "boolean",
        "redirURL": "boolean",
        "notifications": "boolean",
        "globalClientSetts": "boolean",
        "siteFeatures": "boolean",
        "themes": "boolean",
        "certificates": "boolean",
        "enrollmentServers": "boolean",
        "adIntegration": "boolean",
        "loadBalancer": "boolean",
        "publishing": "boolean",
        "universalPrinting": "boolean",
        "universalScanning": "boolean",
        "connection": "boolean",
        "connAuthenticate": "boolean",
        "connSettings": "boolean",
        "connMFAuthenticate": "boolean",
        "saml": "boolean",
        "connAllowedDevices": "boolean",
        "deviceManager": "boolean",
        "devices": "boolean",
        "winDeviceGroups": "boolean",
        "devicesOptions": "boolean",
        "devicesSchedule": "boolean",
        "administration": "boolean",
        "farmFeatures": "boolean"
  "powerPermission": {
    "adminId": "integer (int32)",
    "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
    "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
    "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
    "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
    "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
    "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
    "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
    "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
    "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
    "allowAllSites": "boolean",
    "allowInSiteIds": [
      "integer (int32)"
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)"
  "customPermission": {
    "sitePermissions": [
        "siteId": "integer (int32)",
        "rdsHosts": {
          "sitePermission": {
            "permissions": "string"
          "objectPermissions": [
              "objId": "integer (int32)",
              "permissions": "string"

CustomMenu: object

Theme Windows Client Custom Menu Settings

menuItem: string

The Menu Item

command: string

The Command

  "menuItem": "string",
  "command": "string"

CustomPermission: object

The custom permissions list

sitePermissions: SitePermission

List of the site permissions

globalPermissions: GlobalPermissions

The global permissions

  "sitePermissions": [
      "siteId": "integer (int32)",
      "rdsHosts": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "rdshGroups": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "remotePCs": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "gateways": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "publishingAgents": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "halb": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "themes": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "publishing": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "connection": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"
        "objectPermissions": [
            "objId": "integer (int32)",
            "permissions": "string"
      "certificate": {
        "sitePermission": {
          "permissions": "string"

CustomRoute: object

Custom Route

name: string

Name of the Custom Route

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

description: string

Description of the Custom Route

publicAddress: string

Public Address of the Custom Route

port: integer (int32)

Port of the Custom Route

sslPort: integer (int32)

SSL Port of the Custom Route

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

DeepnetSettings: object

The Deepnet settings

activateEmail: boolean

Whether the activation email is enabled or disabled.

activateSMS: boolean

Whether the activation SMS is enabled or disabled.

app: string

A value that represents the application name.

appID: string

A value that represents the application ID.

authMode: string 0 = MandatoryForAllUsers, 1 = CreateTokenForDomainAuthenticatedUsers, 2 = UsersWithDeepnetAcc

Authentication mode which defines the type of user for which a token will be created.

deepnetAgent: string

A value that represents the name of Deepnet Agent.

deepnetType: string 0 = DualShield, 1 = Deepnet

Represents the Deepnet type (Dual Shield or Deepnet).

defaultDomain: string

A value that represents the Default Domain.

ssl: boolean

Whether SSL is allowed or not.

server: string

The server of the second level authentication provider.

port: integer (int32)

The port number of the second level authentication provider.

tokenType: string 0 = FlashID, 1 = MobileID, 2 = GridID, 3 = QuickID

Token Type (Flash ID, Mobile ID, Grid ID, or Quick ID).

  "activateEmail": "boolean",
  "activateSMS": "boolean",
  "app": "string",
  "appID": "string",
  "authMode": "string",
  "deepnetAgent": "string",
  "deepnetType": "string",
  "defaultDomain": "string",
  "ssl": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "tokenType": "string"

DesktopOptions: object

Sessions Desktop Options Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Display Settings Options is enabled or not

smartSizing: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Scale, 2 = Resize

The smart-sizing mode

embedDesktop: boolean

If box is checked the desktop will always be fixed

spanDesktops: boolean

If box is checked the desktop will spanned across all other monitors

fullScreenBar: string 0 = DoNotShow, 1 = ShowPinned, 2 = ShowUnPinned

Show the connection bar in fullscreen

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "smartSizing": "string",
  "embedDesktop": "boolean",
  "spanDesktops": "boolean",
  "fullScreenBar": "string"

Devices: object

Settings about the Devices of the Local Devices

enabled: boolean

Whether Devices policy is enabled or not

redirectDevices: boolean

If box is checked allow devices redirection

dynamicDevices: boolean

If box is checked allow the use of other devices that are plugged in later

useAllDevices: boolean

Use all devices that are available

redirectToDevices: string[]

Redirect to all available devices

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "redirectDevices": "boolean",
  "dynamicDevices": "boolean",
  "useAllDevices": "boolean",
  "redirectToDevices": [

DiskDrives: object

Settings about the Disk Drives of the Local Devices

enabled: boolean

Whether Disk Drives policy is enabled or not

redirectDrives: boolean

Whether Drives Redirection is enabled or not

dynamicDrives: boolean

Whether Drives that are plugged in later on are dynamically connected or not

redirectToDrives: string[]

The drives to redirect to.

useAllDrives: boolean

Will use all the drives that are available, if set to true

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "redirectDrives": "boolean",
  "dynamicDrives": "boolean",
  "redirectToDrives": [
  "useAllDrives": "boolean"

EmailSupportRequest: object

reportId: string
  "reportId": "string"

EndPoint: object

host: string

Server hosting RAS Performance Monitor

port: integer (int32)

Port where the server is hosting RAS Performance Monitor

  "host": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)"

EndPointsConfig: object

The endpoints configuration

httpsDefaultCert: HttpsDefaultCertConfig

The HTTPS default certificate configuration.

  "httpsDefaultCert": {
    "url": "string",
    "certificate": {
      "path": "string",
      "encryptedPassword": "string"

ExecuteAgent: object

Execute an action in a RAS Agent

server: string

The name of the RAS agent server. The name can be either FQDN or IP address, but you have to enter the actual name this server has in the RAS farm.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID in which to modify the specified server. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

force: boolean false

When 'Force' is passed, only the known info will be used and force the operation. If the parameter is omitted, the RAS Agent info is retrieved with the supplied info.

  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "force": "boolean"

FileAggregateReRoute: object

reRouteKeys: string[]
upstreamPathTemplate: string
upstreamHost: string
reRouteIsCaseSensitive: boolean
aggregator: string
upstreamHttpMethod: string[]
priority: integer (int32)
  "reRouteKeys": [
  "upstreamPathTemplate": "string",
  "upstreamHost": "string",
  "reRouteIsCaseSensitive": "boolean",
  "aggregator": "string",
  "upstreamHttpMethod": [
  "priority": "integer (int32)"

FileAuthenticationOptions: object

authenticationProviderKey: string
allowedScopes: string[]
  "authenticationProviderKey": "string",
  "allowedScopes": [

FileCacheOptions: object

ttlSeconds: integer (int32)
region: string
  "ttlSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "region": "string"

FileConfiguration: object

  "reRoutes": [
      "downstreamPathTemplate": "string",
      "upstreamPathTemplate": "string",
      "upstreamHttpMethod": [
      "addHeadersToRequest": "object",
      "upstreamHeaderTransform": "object",
      "downstreamHeaderTransform": "object",
      "addClaimsToRequest": "object",
      "routeClaimsRequirement": "object",
      "addQueriesToRequest": "object",
      "requestIdKey": "string",
      "fileCacheOptions": {
        "ttlSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "region": "string"
      "reRouteIsCaseSensitive": "boolean",
      "serviceName": "string",
      "downstreamScheme": "string",
      "qoSOptions": {
        "exceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking": "integer (int32)",
        "durationOfBreak": "integer (int32)",
        "timeoutValue": "integer (int32)"
      "loadBalancerOptions": {
        "type": "string",
        "key": "string",
        "expiry": "integer (int32)"
      "rateLimitOptions": {
        "clientWhitelist": [
        "enableRateLimiting": "boolean",
        "period": "string",
        "periodTimespan": "number (double)",
        "limit": "integer (int64)"
      "authenticationOptions": {
        "authenticationProviderKey": "string",
        "allowedScopes": [
      "httpHandlerOptions": {
        "allowAutoRedirect": "boolean",
        "useCookieContainer": "boolean",
        "useTracing": "boolean",
        "useProxy": "boolean"
      "downstreamHostAndPorts": [
          "host": "string",
          "port": "integer (int32)"
      "upstreamHost": "string",
      "key": "string",
      "delegatingHandlers": [
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "timeout": "integer (int32)",
      "dangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator": "boolean",
      "securityOptions": {
        "ipAllowedList": [
        "ipBlockedList": [
  "dynamicReRoutes": [
      "serviceName": "string",
      "rateLimitRule": {
        "clientWhitelist": [
        "enableRateLimiting": "boolean",
        "period": "string",
        "periodTimespan": "number (double)",
        "limit": "integer (int64)"
  "aggregates": [
      "reRouteKeys": [
      "upstreamPathTemplate": "string",
      "upstreamHost": "string",
      "reRouteIsCaseSensitive": "boolean",
      "aggregator": "string",
      "upstreamHttpMethod": [
      "priority": "integer (int32)"
  "globalConfiguration": {
    "requestIdKey": "string",
    "serviceDiscoveryProvider": {
      "host": "string",
      "port": "integer (int32)"

FileDynamicReRoute: object

serviceName: string
rateLimitRule: FileRateLimitRule
  "serviceName": "string",
  "rateLimitRule": {
    "clientWhitelist": [
    "enableRateLimiting": "boolean",
    "period": "string",
    "periodTimespan": "number (double)",
    "limit": "integer (int64)"

FileGlobalConfiguration: object

requestIdKey: string
serviceDiscoveryProvider: FileServiceDiscoveryProvider
rateLimitOptions: FileRateLimitOptions
qoSOptions: FileQoSOptions
baseUrl: string
loadBalancerOptions: FileLoadBalancerOptions
downstreamScheme: string
httpHandlerOptions: FileHttpHandlerOptions
  "requestIdKey": "string",
  "serviceDiscoveryProvider": {
    "host": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "type": "string",
    "token": "string",
    "configurationKey": "string",
    "pollingInterval": "integer (int32)"
  "rateLimitOptions": {
    "clientIdHeader": "string",
    "quotaExceededMessage": "string",
    "rateLimitCounterPrefix": "string",
    "disableRateLimitHeaders": "boolean",
    "httpStatusCode": "integer (int32)"
  "qoSOptions": {
    "exceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking": "integer (int32)",
    "durationOfBreak": "integer (int32)",
    "timeoutValue": "integer (int32)"
  "baseUrl": "string",
  "loadBalancerOptions": {
    "type": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "expiry": "integer (int32)"
  "downstreamScheme": "string",
  "httpHandlerOptions": {
    "allowAutoRedirect": "boolean",
    "useCookieContainer": "boolean",
    "useTracing": "boolean",
    "useProxy": "boolean"

FileHostAndPort: object

host: string
port: integer (int32)
  "host": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)"

FileHttpHandlerOptions: object

allowAutoRedirect: boolean
useCookieContainer: boolean
useTracing: boolean
useProxy: boolean
  "allowAutoRedirect": "boolean",
  "useCookieContainer": "boolean",
  "useTracing": "boolean",
  "useProxy": "boolean"

FileLoadBalancerOptions: object

type: string
key: string
expiry: integer (int32)
  "type": "string",
  "key": "string",
  "expiry": "integer (int32)"

FileQoSOptions: object

exceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking: integer (int32)
durationOfBreak: integer (int32)
timeoutValue: integer (int32)
  "exceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking": "integer (int32)",
  "durationOfBreak": "integer (int32)",
  "timeoutValue": "integer (int32)"

FileRateLimitOptions: object

clientIdHeader: string
quotaExceededMessage: string
rateLimitCounterPrefix: string
disableRateLimitHeaders: boolean
httpStatusCode: integer (int32)
  "clientIdHeader": "string",
  "quotaExceededMessage": "string",
  "rateLimitCounterPrefix": "string",
  "disableRateLimitHeaders": "boolean",
  "httpStatusCode": "integer (int32)"

FileRateLimitRule: object

clientWhitelist: string[]
enableRateLimiting: boolean
period: string
periodTimespan: number (double)
limit: integer (int64)
  "clientWhitelist": [
  "enableRateLimiting": "boolean",
  "period": "string",
  "periodTimespan": "number (double)",
  "limit": "integer (int64)"

FileReRoute: object

downstreamPathTemplate: string
upstreamPathTemplate: string
upstreamHttpMethod: string[]
addHeadersToRequest: object
upstreamHeaderTransform: object
downstreamHeaderTransform: object
addClaimsToRequest: object
routeClaimsRequirement: object
addQueriesToRequest: object
requestIdKey: string
fileCacheOptions: FileCacheOptions
reRouteIsCaseSensitive: boolean
serviceName: string
downstreamScheme: string
qoSOptions: FileQoSOptions
loadBalancerOptions: FileLoadBalancerOptions
rateLimitOptions: FileRateLimitRule
authenticationOptions: FileAuthenticationOptions
httpHandlerOptions: FileHttpHandlerOptions
downstreamHostAndPorts: FileHostAndPort
upstreamHost: string
key: string
delegatingHandlers: string[]
priority: integer (int32)
timeout: integer (int32)
dangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator: boolean
securityOptions: FileSecurityOptions
  "downstreamPathTemplate": "string",
  "upstreamPathTemplate": "string",
  "upstreamHttpMethod": [
  "addHeadersToRequest": "object",
  "upstreamHeaderTransform": "object",
  "downstreamHeaderTransform": "object",
  "addClaimsToRequest": "object",
  "routeClaimsRequirement": "object",
  "addQueriesToRequest": "object",
  "requestIdKey": "string",
  "fileCacheOptions": {
    "ttlSeconds": "integer (int32)",
    "region": "string"
  "reRouteIsCaseSensitive": "boolean",
  "serviceName": "string",
  "downstreamScheme": "string",
  "qoSOptions": {
    "exceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking": "integer (int32)",
    "durationOfBreak": "integer (int32)",
    "timeoutValue": "integer (int32)"
  "loadBalancerOptions": {
    "type": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "expiry": "integer (int32)"
  "rateLimitOptions": {
    "clientWhitelist": [
    "enableRateLimiting": "boolean",
    "period": "string",
    "periodTimespan": "number (double)",
    "limit": "integer (int64)"
  "authenticationOptions": {
    "authenticationProviderKey": "string",
    "allowedScopes": [
  "httpHandlerOptions": {
    "allowAutoRedirect": "boolean",
    "useCookieContainer": "boolean",
    "useTracing": "boolean",
    "useProxy": "boolean"
  "downstreamHostAndPorts": [
      "host": "string",
      "port": "integer (int32)"
  "upstreamHost": "string",
  "key": "string",
  "delegatingHandlers": [
  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "timeout": "integer (int32)",
  "dangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator": "boolean",
  "securityOptions": {
    "ipAllowedList": [
    "ipBlockedList": [

FileSecurityOptions: object

ipAllowedList: string[]
ipBlockedList: string[]
  "ipAllowedList": [
  "ipBlockedList": [

FileServiceDiscoveryProvider: object

host: string
port: integer (int32)
type: string
token: string
configurationKey: string
pollingInterval: integer (int32)
  "host": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "token": "string",
  "configurationKey": "string",
  "pollingInterval": "integer (int32)"

FileTransfer: object

Settings about the File Transfer of the Local Devices

enabled: boolean

Whether File Transfer policy is enabled or not

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string"

FolderExclusion: object

FSLogix Folder Exclusion Settings

folder: string

Specifies the 'Folder' path.

excludeFolderCopy: string 0 = None, 1 = CopyBase, 2 = CopyBack

Specifies the 'Exclude Folder Copy'.

  "folder": "string",
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

FooterURL: object

RAS Footer URL

url: string

The URL link

text: string

The URL text

tooltip: string

The URL tool tip

  "url": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "tooltip": "string"

FSLogixFeaturesSettings: object

FSLogix Features Settings

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID to which the FSLogix settings are applied

installType: string 0 = Manually, 1 = Online, 2 = NetworkDrive, 3 = UploadInstall

Install Type (Manually, Online, Network Drive, or Upload Install)

installOnlineURL: string

URL for Online installation

networkDrivePath: string

Path for the Network Drive

installerFileName: string

Name of the Installer file

replicate: boolean

Whether the replication of the settings to other sites is enabled or not

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "installType": "string",
  "installOnlineURL": "string",
  "networkDrivePath": "string",
  "installerFileName": "string",
  "replicate": "boolean"

FSLogixSettings: object

FXLogix Settings

profileContainer: ProfileContainerSettings

Specifies the 'Profile Container'.

  "profileContainer": {
    "advancedSettings": {
      "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
      "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
      "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
      "profileDirSDDL": "string",
      "useProfileType": "boolean",
      "profileType": "string",
      "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
      "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
      "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
      "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
      "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
      "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
      "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
      "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
      "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
      "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
      "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
      "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
      "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
      "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
      "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
      "keepLocalDir": "string",
      "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
      "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
      "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
      "outlookCachedMode": "string",
      "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
      "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
      "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
      "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
      "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
      "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
      "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
      "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
      "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
      "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
      "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
      "roamSearch": "string",
      "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
      "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
      "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
      "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
      "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
      "sidDirSDDL": "string",
      "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
      "vhdNameMatch": "string",
      "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
      "vhdNamePattern": "string",
      "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
      "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
      "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
      "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
    "locationType": "string",
    "vhdLocations": [
    "ccdLocations": [
    "profileDiskFormat": "string",
    "allocationType": "string",
    "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
    "userInclusionList": [
        "account": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "sid": "string"
    "userExclusionList": [
        "account": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "sid": "string"
    "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
    "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
    "folderInclusionList": [
    "folderExclusionList": [
        "folder": "string",
        "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

GenerateCertificateRequest: object

Generate a certificate request

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the target Certificate.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID in which to add the Certificate.

description: string

A user-defined Certificate description.

usage: string 0 = None, 2 = Gateway, 4 = HALB

A set of usages to assign. To form a set of usages 'OR' individual usage enum IDs.

enabled: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the certificate being created.

keySize: string 0 = KeySize1024, 1 = KeySize2048, 2 = KeySize4096, 3 = KeySize3072, 255 = KeySizeUnknown

The Key Size for the certificate to be generated.

countryCode: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Country Code for the certificate to be generated. By default, the country code from the PowerShell region information is used.

fullStateOrProvince: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Full State or Province for the certificate to be generated.

city: string (1 to 255 chars)

The City for the certificate to be generated.

organisation: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Organisation for the certificate to be generated.

organisationUnit: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Organisation Unit for the certificate to be generated.

email: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Email for the certificate to be generated.

commonName: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Common Name for the certificate to be generated.

alternateNames: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Alternate Names for the certificate to be generated.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "keySize": "string",
  "countryCode": "string",
  "fullStateOrProvince": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "organisation": "string",
  "organisationUnit": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string"

GenerateSelfSignedCertificate: object

Generate a self signed certificate

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the target Certificate.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID in which to add the Certificate.

description: string

A user-defined Certificate description.

usage: string 0 = None, 2 = Gateway, 4 = HALB

A set of usages to assign. To form a set of usages 'OR' individual usage enum IDs.

enabled: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the certificate being created.

keySize: string 0 = KeySize1024, 1 = KeySize2048, 2 = KeySize4096, 3 = KeySize3072, 255 = KeySizeUnknown

The Key Size for the certificate to be generated.

countryCode: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Country Code for the certificate to be generated. By default, the country code from the PowerShell region information is used.

expireInMonths: integer (int32)

Specifies the length of validity of the certificate being generated.

fullStateOrProvince: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Full State or Province for the certificate to be generated.

city: string (1 to 255 chars)

The City for the certificate to be generated.

organisation: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Organisation for the certificate to be generated.

organisationUnit: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Organisation Unit for the certificate to be generated.

email: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Email for the certificate to be generated.

commonName: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Common Name for the certificate to be generated.

alternateNames: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Alternate Names for the certificate to be generated.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "keySize": "string",
  "countryCode": "string",
  "expireInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "fullStateOrProvince": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "organisation": "string",
  "organisationUnit": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "commonName": "string",
  "alternateNames": "string"

GetPubRDSAppServerAttr: object

Get a list of individual servers the published application is published from

serverId: integer (int32)

RDS server ID for which the attributes will be acquired.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "serverId": "integer (int32)",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

GlobalPermission: object

The global permission

permissions: string 0 = None, 1 = View, 2 = Modify, 4 = ManageSessions, 8 = Add, 16 = Delete, 32 = Control

Flags for this global permission

  "permissions": "string"

GlobalPermissions: object

The global permissions

monitoring: GlobalPermission

The global permission for monitoring

reporting: GlobalPermission

The global permission for reporting

  "monitoring": {
    "permissions": "string"
  "reporting": {
    "permissions": "string"

GlobalPolicy: object

Client Options Global Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Advanced Global policy is enabled or not

alwaysOnTop: boolean

The client is always on top

showFolders: boolean

Show the connection trees

minimizeToTrayOnClose: boolean

Minimize to tray on close or escape

graphicsAccel: boolean

Enable the graphics acceleration for the chrome client

clientWorkAreaBackground: boolean

Enable the work area background for the chrome client

sslNoWarning: boolean

Do not warn if the server certificate is not verified

swapMouse: boolean

Swap the mouse buttons

dpiAware: boolean

Enable the dpi aware

autoAddFarm: boolean

Add the RAS Connections automatically when starting web or shortcut items

dontPromptAutoAddFarm: boolean

No messages are prompted when auto adding ras connections

suppErrMsgs: boolean

Close any errors automatically

clearCookies: boolean

Clear session cookies on exit.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "alwaysOnTop": "boolean",
  "showFolders": "boolean",
  "minimizeToTrayOnClose": "boolean",
  "graphicsAccel": "boolean",
  "clientWorkAreaBackground": "boolean",
  "sslNoWarning": "boolean",
  "swapMouse": "boolean",
  "dpiAware": "boolean",
  "autoAddFarm": "boolean",
  "dontPromptAutoAddFarm": "boolean",
  "suppErrMsgs": "boolean",
  "clearCookies": "boolean"

GroupFilter: object

RAS Group Filter

name: string

The group name

sid: string

The group SID

  "name": "string",
  "sid": "string"

GuestAgentDiagnostic: object

Guest Agent Diagnostic

state: string 0 = StartCheck, 1 = NotVerified, 2 = Pending, 3 = Error, 4 = OK, 5 = NeedsUpdate, 6 = PortMismatch, 7 = Synchronising, 8 = TSDisabled, 9 = PreChecking, 10 = RebootPending, 11 = TSInstalling, 13 = Rebooting, 15 = LogonDrainUntilReboot, 16 = LogonDrain, 17 = LogonDisable, 18 = SchedRebootPending, 19 = DisabledScheduler, 20 = StartCheckUDP, 21 = Disabled, 22 = NotFound, 23 = FIPSModeFailed, 24 = FIPSModeUnsupported, 25 = FSLogixNotAvail, 26 = OSNotSupported, 256 = NotInstalled

Guest Agent Diagnostic State.

dhcp: boolean

Whether DHCP is enabled or not.

protocolVersion: integer (int32)

Protocol Version.

rdshMode: boolean

Whether RDSH Mode is enabled or not.

terminalServicesInstalled: boolean

Whether Terminal Services are installed or not.

server: string

Server name.

agentDiagnosticType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice

Type of agent diagnostic.

agentVersion: string

Agent Version.

osVersion: string

Operating System Version.

  "state": "string",
  "dhcp": "boolean",
  "protocolVersion": "integer (int32)",
  "rdshMode": "boolean",
  "terminalServicesInstalled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

GW: object

RAS Gateway

publicAddress: string

The Public Address of the Gateway.

ipVersion: string 0 = Version4, 1 = Version6, 2 = BothVersions

The IP version for the Gateway to use.

iPs: string

One or multiple (separated by comma) IP addresses.

bindV4Addresses: string

IPv4 address to bind to.

optimizeConnectionIPv4: string

Optimize connection for the list of IPv4 (comma separated values).

bindV6Addresses: string

IPv6 address to bind to.

optimizeConnectionIPv6: string

Optimize connection for the list of IPv6 (comma separated values).

inheritDefaultModeSettings: boolean

Whether default mode settings are enabled or disabled.

inheritDefaultNetworkSettings: boolean

Whether default network settings are enabled or disabled.

inheritDefaultSslTlsSettings: boolean

Whether default SSL/TLS settings are enabled or disabled.

inheritDefaultHTML5Settings: boolean

Whether default HTML5 settings are enabled or disabled.

inheritDefaultWyseSettings: boolean

Whether default wyse settings are enabled or disabled.

inheritDefaultSecuritySettings: boolean

Whether default security settings are enabled or disabled.

inheritDefaultWebSettings: boolean

Whether default web settings are enabled or disabled.

gwMode: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Forwarding

Gateway mode: Normal or Forwarding.

normalModeForwarding: boolean

Whether forwarding requests to HTTP server are enabled or disabled.

forwardGatewayServers: string

One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding Gateway Servers.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

ID of the Preferred Publishing Agent.

forwardHttpServers: string

One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding HTTP Servers.

enableGWPort: boolean

Whether a custom RAS Secure Client Gateway port is enabled or disabled.

gwPort: integer (int32)

A custom Gateway port number.

enableRDP: boolean

Whether a custom RDP port is enabled or disabled.

rdpPort: integer (int32)

A custom RDP port number.

broadcast: boolean

Whether the 'Broadcast RAS Secure Client Gateway Address' option is enabled or disabled.

enableRDPUDP: boolean

Whether the 'RDP UDP Data Tunneling' option is enabled or disabled.

enableDeviceManagerPort: boolean

Whether the 'Device Manager Port' option is enabled or disabled.

dosPro: boolean

Whether the 'RDP DOS Attack Filter' option is enabled or disabled.

enableSSL: boolean

Whether SSL is enabled or disabled.

sslPort: integer (int32)

SSL port number.

minSSLVersion: string 0 = SSLv2, 1 = SSLv3, 2 = TLSv1, 3 = TLSv1_1, 4 = TLSv1_2

Minimum SSL version.

cipherStrength: string 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Custom

Cipher strength.

cipher: string

Cipher string.

cipherPreference: boolean

Enable or disable Use ciphers according to server preference.

certificateId: integer (int32)

The ID of the specific Certificate to be used.

enableHSTS: boolean

Whether HSTS is enabled or disabled.

hstsMaxAge: integer (int32)

Set Maximum Age of HSTS.

hstsIncludeSubdomains: boolean

Whether HSTS to include subdomains option is enabled or disabled.

hstsPreload: boolean

Whether HSTS to preload option is enabled or disabled.

enableHTML5: boolean

Whether HTML5 connectivity on the Gateway is enabled or disabled.

htmL5Port: integer (int32)

A custom HTML5 port number.

launchMethod: string 0 = ParallelsClientAndHTML5, 1 = ParallelsClient, 2 = HTML5

Launch method: 0=ParallelsClientAndHTML5, 1=ParallelsClient, 2=HTML5.

allowLaunchMethod: boolean

Allow users to select a resource launch method.

allowAppsInNewTab: boolean

Allow users to start applications in a new browser tab.

usePreWin2000LoginFormat: boolean

Whether the 'Use Pre Windows 2000 Login Format' option is enabled or disabled.

allowEmbed: boolean

Allow embedding of Web Client into other web pages.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Whether the 'Allow file transfer' option is enabled or disabled. (deprecated)

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

allowClipboard: boolean

Whether the 'Allow Clipboard' option is enabled or disabled. (deprecated)

clipboardDirection: string 0 = None, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Clipboard direction.

allowCORS: boolean

Allow cross-origin resource sharing.

browserCacheTimeInMonths: integer (int32)

How long should the browser preserve the cache (in months).

allowedDomainsForCORS: string[]

Allowed domains for cross-origin resource sharing.

enableAlternateNLBHost: boolean

Whether alternate NLB Host is enabled or disabled.

alternateNLBHost: string

Alternate NLB Host name.

enableAlternateNLBPort: boolean

Whether alternate NLB Port is enabled or disabled.

alternateNLBPort: integer (int32)

Alternate NLB Port number.

enableWyseSupport: boolean

Whether support for Wyse Thin Client OS is enabled or disabled.

disableWyseCertWarn: boolean

Whether warning if server certificate is not verified is enabled or disabled.

securityMode: string 0 = AllowAllExcept, 1 = AllowOnly

GW Security Mode: 0=Allow All Except, 1=Allow Only.

macAllowExcept: string[]

Lists all the Security 'MAC Allow Except' MAC addresses.

macAllowOnly: string[]

Lists all the Security 'MAC Allow Only' MAC addresses.

webRequestsURL: string

The URL for Web requests.

webCookie: string

The Web Cookie Name used by RAS.

server: string

Server name.

enabled: boolean

Whether the server is enabled or not.

description: string

Description of the server.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of the site.

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "publicAddress": "string",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "iPs": "string",
  "bindV4Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv4": "string",
  "bindV6Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv6": "string",
  "inheritDefaultModeSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultNetworkSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSslTlsSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultHTML5Settings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWyseSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWebSettings": "boolean",
  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

GWAgentDiagnostic: object

GW Agent Diagnostic

state: string 0 = StartCheck, 1 = NotVerified, 2 = Pending, 3 = Error, 4 = OK, 5 = NeedsUpdate, 6 = PortMismatch, 7 = Synchronising, 8 = TSDisabled, 9 = PreChecking, 10 = RebootPending, 11 = TSInstalling, 13 = Rebooting, 15 = LogonDrainUntilReboot, 16 = LogonDrain, 17 = LogonDisable, 18 = SchedRebootPending, 19 = DisabledScheduler, 20 = StartCheckUDP, 21 = Disabled, 22 = NotFound, 23 = FIPSModeFailed, 24 = FIPSModeUnsupported, 25 = FSLogixNotAvail, 26 = OSNotSupported, 256 = NotInstalled

GW Agent Diagnostic Agent State.

extendedInfo: string

Extended info.

fipsMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Failed, 3 = Unsupported

FIPS Mode.

iPs: string[]

Gateway IP List.

server: string

Server name.

agentDiagnosticType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice

Type of agent diagnostic.

agentVersion: string

Agent Version.

osVersion: string

Operating System Version.

  "state": "string",
  "extendedInfo": "string",
  "fipsMode": "string",
  "iPs": [
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

GWDefaultSiteSettings: object

GW Default Site Settings

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID to which the default settings are applied.

gwMode: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Forwarding

Gateway mode: Normal or Forwarding.

normalModeForwarding: boolean

Whether forwarding requests to HTTP server are enabled or disabled.

forwardGatewayServers: string

One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding Gateway Servers.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

ID of the Preferred Publishing Agent.

forwardHttpServers: string

One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding HTTP Servers.

enableGWPort: boolean

Whether a custom RAS Secure Client Gateway port is enabled or disabled.

gwPort: integer (int32)

A custom Gateway port number.

enableRDP: boolean

Whether a custom RDP port is enabled or disabled.

rdpPort: integer (int32)

A custom RDP port number.

broadcast: boolean

Whether the 'Broadcast RAS Secure Client Gateway Address' option is enabled or disabled.

enableRDPUDP: boolean

Whether the 'RDP UDP Data Tunneling' option is enabled or disabled.

enableDeviceManagerPort: boolean

Whether the 'Device Manager Port' option is enabled or disabled.

dosPro: boolean

Whether the 'RDP DOS Attack Filter' option is enabled or disabled.

enableSSL: boolean

Whether SSL is enabled or disabled.

sslPort: integer (int32)

SSL port number.

minSSLVersion: string 0 = SSLv2, 1 = SSLv3, 2 = TLSv1, 3 = TLSv1_1, 4 = TLSv1_2

Minimum SSL version.

cipherStrength: string 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Custom

Cipher strength.

cipher: string

Cipher string.

cipherPreference: boolean

Enable or disable Use ciphers according to server preference.

certificateId: integer (int32)

The ID of the specific Certificate to be used.

enableHSTS: boolean

Whether HSTS is enabled or disabled.

hstsMaxAge: integer (int32)

Set Maximum Age of HSTS.

hstsIncludeSubdomains: boolean

Whether HSTS to include subdomains option is enabled or disabled.

hstsPreload: boolean

Whether HSTS to preload option is enabled or disabled.

enableHTML5: boolean

Whether HTML5 connectivity on the Gateway is enabled or disabled.

htmL5Port: integer (int32)

A custom HTML5 port number.

launchMethod: string 0 = ParallelsClientAndHTML5, 1 = ParallelsClient, 2 = HTML5

Launch method: 0=ParallelsClientAndHTML5, 1=ParallelsClient, 2=HTML5.

allowLaunchMethod: boolean

Allow users to select a resource launch method.

allowAppsInNewTab: boolean

Allow users to start applications in a new browser tab.

usePreWin2000LoginFormat: boolean

Whether the 'Use Pre Windows 2000 Login Format' option is enabled or disabled.

allowEmbed: boolean

Allow embedding of Web Client into other web pages.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Whether the 'Allow file transfer' option is enabled or disabled. (deprecated)

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

allowClipboard: boolean

Whether the 'Allow Clipboard' option is enabled or disabled. (deprecated)

clipboardDirection: string 0 = None, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Clipboard direction.

allowCORS: boolean

Allow cross-origin resource sharing.

browserCacheTimeInMonths: integer (int32)

How long should the browser preserve the cache (in months).

allowedDomainsForCORS: string[]

Allowed domains for cross-origin resource sharing.

enableAlternateNLBHost: boolean

Whether alternate NLB Host is enabled or disabled.

alternateNLBHost: string

Alternate NLB Host name.

enableAlternateNLBPort: boolean

Whether alternate NLB Port is enabled or disabled.

alternateNLBPort: integer (int32)

Alternate NLB Port number.

enableWyseSupport: boolean

Whether support for Wyse Thin Client OS is enabled or disabled.

disableWyseCertWarn: boolean

Whether warning if server certificate is not verified is enabled or disabled.

securityMode: string 0 = AllowAllExcept, 1 = AllowOnly

GW Security Mode: 0=Allow All Except, 1=Allow Only.

macAllowExcept: string[]

Lists all the Security 'MAC Allow Except' MAC addresses.

macAllowOnly: string[]

Lists all the Security 'MAC Allow Only' MAC addresses.

webRequestsURL: string

The URL for Web requests.

webCookie: string

The Web Cookie Name used by RAS.

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string"

GWSysInfo: object

Gateway System Information

gwMode: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Forwarding

The Gateway mode: Normal or Forwarding.

cipherStrength: string 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Custom

Cipher strength: 0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High, 3=Custom.

cipherStr: string

Cipher string.

cipherPreference: boolean

Enable or disable Use ciphers according to server preference.

availableIPs: string

Local IP list.

preferredPA: string

Preferred Publishing Agent.

clientConns: integer (int32)

Number of client connections.

maxClientConns: integer (int32)

Number of maximum client connections.

clientSSLConns: integer (int32)

Number of client SSL connections.

maxClientSSLConns: integer (int32)

Number of maximum client SSL connections.

httpRedirs: integer (int32)

Number of HTTP redirections.

httpsRedirs: integer (int32)

Number of HTTPS redirections.

maxHTTPRedirs: integer (int32)

Number of maximum HTTP redirections.

maxHTTPSRedirs: integer (int32)

Number of maximum HTTPS redirections.

wyseConns: integer (int32)

Number of WYSE connections.

maxWyseConns: integer (int32)

Number of maximum WYSE connections.

wyseSSLConns: integer (int32)

Number of WYSE SSL connections.

maxWyseSSLConns: integer (int32)

Number of maximum WYSE SSL connections.

htmL5Conns: integer (int32)

Number of HTML5 connections.

htmL5SSLConns: integer (int32)

Number of HTML5 SSL connections.

maxHTML5Conns: integer (int32)

Number of maximum HTML5 connections.

maxHTML5SSLConns: integer (int32)

Number of maximum HTML5 SSL connections.

deviceMgrTCPConns: integer (int32)

Number of device manager TCP connections.

deviceMgrTCPSSLConns: integer (int32)

Number of device manager TCP SSL connections.

maxDeviceMgrTCPConns: integer (int32)

Number of maximum device manager TCP connections.

maxDeviceMgrTCPSSLConns: integer (int32)

Number of maximum device manager TCP SSL connections.

activeRDPSessions: integer (int32)

Number of active Remote Desktop sessions.

activeRDPSSLSessions: integer (int32)

Number of active Remote Desktop SSL sessions.

maxRDPSessions: integer (int32)

Number of maximum Remote Desktop sessions.

maxRDPSSLSessions: integer (int32)

Number of maximum Remote Desktop SSL sessions.

rdpudpTunnels: integer (int32)

Number of RDP UDP tunnels.

rdpudpdtlsTunnels: integer (int32)

Number of RDP UDP DTLS tunnels.

maxRDPUDPTunnels: integer (int32)

Number of maximum RDP UDP tunnels.

maxRDPUDPDTLSTunnels: integer (int32)

Number of maximum RDP UDP DTLS tunnels.

totalConnections: integer (int32)

Number of total connections.

cachedSockets: integer (int32)

Number of cached sockets.

activeThreads: integer (int32)

Number of active threads.

idleThreads: integer (int32)

Number of idle threads.

securityMode: string 0 = AllowAllExcept, 1 = AllowOnly

Gateway security mode: 0=Allow All Except, 1=Allow Only.

gatewayTCPSock: string

Gateway TCP socket.

rdptcpSock: string

RDP TCP socket.

sslVersion: string 0 = SSLv2, 1 = SSLv3, 2 = TLSv1, 3 = TLSv1_1, 4 = TLSv1_2

SSL version.

gatewaySSLTCPSock: string

Gateway SSL TCP socket.

deviceManagerUDPSock: string

Device manager UDP socket.

htmL5TCPSock: string

HTML5 TCP socket.

broadcastUDPSock: string

Broadcast UDP socket.

rdpTunnelUDPSock: string

RDP tunnel UDP socket.

rdpTunnelSSLUDPSock: string

RDP tunnel SSL UDP socket.

serverMessage: string

Server message.

fipsMode: string

FIPS mode: 0=Disabled, 1=FIPS 140-2, 2=FIPS encryption failed, 3=FIPS is not supported.

cpuLoad: integer (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoad: integer (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskRead: integer (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWrite: integer (int32)

Disk Write.

enabled: boolean

Whether the object is enabled or not.

id: string

ID of RAS Agent.

server: string

Server name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of Site.

agentVer: string

Agent Version.

serverOS: string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTime: string

Service start time.

systemBootTime: string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptions: integer (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineId: string

Id of the machine

agentState: string 0 = OK, 1 = EnumSessionsFailed, 2 = RDSRoleDisabled, 3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions, 4 = RASScheduleInProgress, 5 = ConnectionFailed, 6 = InvalidCredentials, 7 = NeedsSysprep, 8 = SysPrepInProgress, 9 = CloningFailed, 10 = Synchronising, 13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart, 14 = LogonDrain, 15 = LogonDisabled, 16 = ForcedDisconnect, 17 = CloningCanceled, 18 = RASprepInProgress, 20 = InstallingRDSRole, 21 = RebootPending, 22 = PortMismatch, 23 = NeedsDowngrade, 24 = NotApplied, 25 = CloningInProgress, 26 = MarkedForDeletion, 27 = StandBy, 28 = UnsupportedVDIType, 29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 30 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 31 = HotfixKB2580360NotInstalled, 32 = InvalidHostVersion, 33 = NotJoined, 35 = LicenseExpired, 36 = JoinBroken, 37 = InUse, 38 = NotInUse, 39 = Unsupported, 40 = BrokerNoAvailableGWs, 41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized, 42 = EnrollmentUnavailable, 43 = InvalidCAConfig, 44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials, 45 = InvalidESSettings, 46 = FSLogixNotAvail, 47 = NoDevices, 48 = NeedsAttention, 49 = ImageOptimizationPending, 50 = ImageOptimization, 51 = Unavailable, 52 = UnderConstruction, 53 = Broken, 54 = NonRAS, 55 = Provisioning, 56 = Invalid, 57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate, 58 = NoMembersAvailable, 59 = MembersNeedUpdate, -6 = Unknown, -5 = NeedsUpdate, -4 = NotVerified, -3 = ServerDeleted, -2 = DisabledFromSettings, -1 = Disconnected

Agent State.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All

Type of server.

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

Level of logging: 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard (Information), 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose (Trace).

  "gwMode": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipherStr": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "availableIPs": "string",
  "preferredPA": "string",
  "clientConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxClientConns": "integer (int32)",
  "clientSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxClientSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "httpRedirs": "integer (int32)",
  "httpsRedirs": "integer (int32)",
  "maxHTTPRedirs": "integer (int32)",
  "maxHTTPSRedirs": "integer (int32)",
  "wyseConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxWyseConns": "integer (int32)",
  "wyseSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxWyseSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "htmL5Conns": "integer (int32)",
  "htmL5SSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxHTML5Conns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxHTML5SSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceMgrTCPConns": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceMgrTCPSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxDeviceMgrTCPConns": "integer (int32)",
  "maxDeviceMgrTCPSSLConns": "integer (int32)",
  "activeRDPSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "activeRDPSSLSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "maxRDPSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "maxRDPSSLSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "rdpudpTunnels": "integer (int32)",
  "rdpudpdtlsTunnels": "integer (int32)",
  "maxRDPUDPTunnels": "integer (int32)",
  "maxRDPUDPDTLSTunnels": "integer (int32)",
  "totalConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "cachedSockets": "integer (int32)",
  "activeThreads": "integer (int32)",
  "idleThreads": "integer (int32)",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "gatewayTCPSock": "string",
  "rdptcpSock": "string",
  "sslVersion": "string",
  "gatewaySSLTCPSock": "string",
  "deviceManagerUDPSock": "string",
  "htmL5TCPSock": "string",
  "broadcastUDPSock": "string",
  "rdpTunnelUDPSock": "string",
  "rdpTunnelSSLUDPSock": "string",
  "serverMessage": "string",
  "fipsMode": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

HALBClientManagerConfigSettings: object

HALB Device Manager configuration settings

gateways: object

Dictionary of Gateways for these settings

  "gateways": "object"

HALBDevice: object

HALB Device

deviceIP: string

IP of the HALB Device

deviceId: integer (int32)

ID of the HALB Device

  "deviceIP": "string",
  "deviceId": "integer (int32)"

HALBDeviceAgentDiagnostic: object

HALB Device Agent Status

state: string 0 = StartCheck, 1 = NotVerified, 2 = Pending, 3 = Error, 4 = OK, 5 = NeedsUpdate, 6 = PortMismatch, 7 = Synchronising, 8 = TSDisabled, 9 = PreChecking, 10 = RebootPending, 11 = TSInstalling, 13 = Rebooting, 15 = LogonDrainUntilReboot, 16 = LogonDrain, 17 = LogonDisable, 18 = SchedRebootPending, 19 = DisabledScheduler, 20 = StartCheckUDP, 21 = Disabled, 22 = NotFound, 23 = FIPSModeFailed, 24 = FIPSModeUnsupported, 25 = FSLogixNotAvail, 26 = OSNotSupported, 256 = NotInstalled

HALB Device Agent Diagnostic State.

initialized: boolean

Whether the HALB Device is initialized or not.

ipAddress: string

IP Address.

logging: boolean

Whether Logging is enabled or not.

macAddress: string


supported: boolean

Whether the HALB Device is supported or not.

server: string

Server name.

agentDiagnosticType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice

Type of agent diagnostic.

agentVersion: string

Agent Version.

osVersion: string

Operating System Version.

  "state": "string",
  "initialized": "boolean",
  "ipAddress": "string",
  "logging": "boolean",
  "macAddress": "string",
  "supported": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

HALBGWConfigSettings: object

HALB GW configuration settings

port: integer (int32)

Gateway Port

gateways: object

Dictionary of Gateways for these settings

  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "gateways": "object"

HALBSettings: object

HALB Virtual Server settings

name: string

Appliance name.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID of this HALB Virtual Server.

description: string

Appliance description.

publicAddress: string

The Public Address of the HALB.

enableGWPayload: boolean

Whether the Gateway payload is enabled or not.

enableSSLPayload: boolean

Whether the SSL payload is enabled or not.

enableHALBInstance: boolean

Whether the HALB instance is enabled or not.

enableDeviceManagement: boolean

Whether the Device Management is enabled or not.

ipVersion: string 0 = Version4, 1 = Version6, 2 = BothVersions

IP Version (Version 4, Version 6 or Both Versions).

virtualIPV4: string

Virtual IP Version 4

subNetMask: string

SubNet Mask

virtualIPV6: string

Virtual IP Version 6

prefixIPV6: integer (int32)

Prefix for IP Version 6

devices: HALBDevice

A collection of HALB Devices

enableUDPTunneling: boolean

Whether RDP UDP tunneling is enabled or not.

maxTCPConnections: integer (int32)

Maximum number of TCP connections.

algorithm: string 0 = SourceIP, 1 = Cookie

Load balancing algorithm

clientIdleTimeout: integer (int32)

Client inactivity timeout

gwConnectionTimeout: integer (int32)

Gateway connection timeout

clientQueueTimeout: integer (int32)

Client connection queue timeout

gatewayIdleTimeout: integer (int32)

Gateway inactivity timeout

sessionsRate: integer (int32)

Amount of TCP connections per second

gwHealthCheckInterval: integer (int32)

Gateways health check intervals

virtualRouterID: integer (int32)

VRRP virtual router ID Value between 0 and 255 unique per site. Value should be randomized to increase probability that it's also unique between farms.

vrrpBroadcastInterval: integer (int32)

VRRP broadcast interval

vrrpHealthCheckInterval: integer (int32)

VRRP health script check interval

vrrpHealthCheckTimeout: integer (int32)

VRRP health script check timeout

osUpdate: boolean

Whether OS updates are enabled or not

vrrpAdvertInterval: integer (int32)

VRRP advertisement interval

keepLBProxyConfig: boolean

Keep exiting load balancing settings

keepVRRPConfig: boolean

Keep exiting VRRP/keepalived setting

clientManagementConfig: HALBClientManagerConfigSettings

HALB Device Manager configuration settings

gatewayConfig: HALBGWConfigSettings

HALB GW configuration settings

sslConfig: HALBSSLConfigSettings

HALB SSL configuration settings

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "enableGWPayload": "boolean",
  "enableSSLPayload": "boolean",
  "enableHALBInstance": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagement": "boolean",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "virtualIPV4": "string",
  "subNetMask": "string",
  "virtualIPV6": "string",
  "prefixIPV6": "integer (int32)",
  "devices": [
      "deviceIP": "string",
      "deviceId": "integer (int32)"
  "enableUDPTunneling": "boolean",
  "maxTCPConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "algorithm": "string",
  "clientIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gwConnectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "clientQueueTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gatewayIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionsRate": "integer (int32)",
  "gwHealthCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "virtualRouterID": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpBroadcastInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthCheckTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "osUpdate": "boolean",
  "vrrpAdvertInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "keepLBProxyConfig": "boolean",
  "keepVRRPConfig": "boolean",
  "clientManagementConfig": {
    "gateways": "object"
  "gatewayConfig": {
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "gateways": "object"
  "sslConfig": {
    "minSSLVersion": "string",
    "sslMode": "string",
    "sslCustomCipher": "string",
    "sslCipherStrength": "string",
    "sslCipherPreference": "boolean",
    "certID": "integer (int32)",
    "gatewayConfig": {
      "port": "integer (int32)",
      "gateways": "object"
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

HALBSSLConfigSettings: object

HALB SSL configuration settings

minSSLVersion: string 0 = SSLv2, 1 = SSLv3, 2 = TLSv1, 3 = TLSv1_1, 4 = TLSv1_2

Minimum accepted SSL version (SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, OR TLSv1_2)

sslMode: string 0 = SSLOffloading, 1 = SSLPassthrough

Load Balancing SSL Mode

sslCustomCipher: string

SSL Custom Cipher

sslCipherStrength: string 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Custom

SSL Cipher Strength (Low, Medium, High, or Custom)

sslCipherPreference: boolean

Enable or disable 'Use ciphers according to server preference'.

certID: integer (int32)

Certificate ID

gatewayConfig: HALBGWConfigSettings

HALB GW configuration settings

  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "sslMode": "string",
  "sslCustomCipher": "string",
  "sslCipherStrength": "string",
  "sslCipherPreference": "boolean",
  "certID": "integer (int32)",
  "gatewayConfig": {
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "gateways": "object"

HALBVirtualServerStatus: object

deviceID: integer (int32)
deviceIP: string
cpuLoad: integer (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoad: integer (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskRead: integer (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWrite: integer (int32)

Disk Write.

enabled: boolean

Whether the object is enabled or not.

id: string

ID of RAS Agent.

server: string

Server name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of Site.

agentVer: string

Agent Version.

serverOS: string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTime: string

Service start time.

systemBootTime: string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptions: integer (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineId: string

Id of the machine

agentState: string 0 = OK, 1 = EnumSessionsFailed, 2 = RDSRoleDisabled, 3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions, 4 = RASScheduleInProgress, 5 = ConnectionFailed, 6 = InvalidCredentials, 7 = NeedsSysprep, 8 = SysPrepInProgress, 9 = CloningFailed, 10 = Synchronising, 13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart, 14 = LogonDrain, 15 = LogonDisabled, 16 = ForcedDisconnect, 17 = CloningCanceled, 18 = RASprepInProgress, 20 = InstallingRDSRole, 21 = RebootPending, 22 = PortMismatch, 23 = NeedsDowngrade, 24 = NotApplied, 25 = CloningInProgress, 26 = MarkedForDeletion, 27 = StandBy, 28 = UnsupportedVDIType, 29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 30 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 31 = HotfixKB2580360NotInstalled, 32 = InvalidHostVersion, 33 = NotJoined, 35 = LicenseExpired, 36 = JoinBroken, 37 = InUse, 38 = NotInUse, 39 = Unsupported, 40 = BrokerNoAvailableGWs, 41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized, 42 = EnrollmentUnavailable, 43 = InvalidCAConfig, 44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials, 45 = InvalidESSettings, 46 = FSLogixNotAvail, 47 = NoDevices, 48 = NeedsAttention, 49 = ImageOptimizationPending, 50 = ImageOptimization, 51 = Unavailable, 52 = UnderConstruction, 53 = Broken, 54 = NonRAS, 55 = Provisioning, 56 = Invalid, 57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate, 58 = NoMembersAvailable, 59 = MembersNeedUpdate, -6 = Unknown, -5 = NeedsUpdate, -4 = NotVerified, -3 = ServerDeleted, -2 = DisabledFromSettings, -1 = Disconnected

Agent State.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All

Type of server.

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

Level of logging: 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard (Information), 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose (Trace).

  "deviceID": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceIP": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

HttpsDefaultCertConfig: object

The HTTPS default certificate configuration

url: string

URL of the configuration

certificate: CertificateConfig

The Certificate Policy

  "url": "string",
  "certificate": {
    "path": "string",
    "encryptedPassword": "string"

ImportExport: object

Control Settings Import Export Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Control Settings Import Export policy is enabled or not.

dontImportExport: boolean

Will not allow any importation or exportation of the connection settings.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "dontImportExport": "boolean"

InputPrompt: object

Theme HTML5 Input Prompt Setting

de_DE: LanguageInputPrompt

The German Language Input Prompt

en_US: LanguageInputPrompt

The English (US) Language Input Prompt

es_ES: LanguageInputPrompt

The Spanish Language Input Prompt

fr_FR: LanguageInputPrompt

The French Language Input Prompt

it_IT: LanguageInputPrompt

The Italian Language Input Prompt

ja_JP: LanguageInputPrompt

The Japanese Language Input Prompt

ko_KR: LanguageInputPrompt

The Korean Language Input Prompt

nl_NL: LanguageInputPrompt

The Dutch Language Input Prompt

pt_BR: LanguageInputPrompt

The Portuguese Language Input Prompt

ru_RU: LanguageInputPrompt

The Russian Language Input Prompt

zh_CN: LanguageInputPrompt

The Chinese Simplified Language Input Prompt

zh_TW: LanguageInputPrompt

The Chinese Traditional Language Input Prompt

  "de_DE": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "en_US": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "es_ES": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "fr_FR": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "it_IT": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "ja_JP": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "ko_KR": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "nl_NL": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "pt_BR": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "ru_RU": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "zh_CN": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"
  "zh_TW": {
    "loginHint": "string",
    "passwordHint": "string"

InvokeImportClientPolicy: object

To invoke import of client policy

filePath: string

File name and path containing a client policy. The standard filename extension for these files is '.xml'.

inputMethod: string 0 = AddNew, 1 = Overwrite, 2 = AddWithNewName

Overwrite the client policy if there is already another client policy with the same name.

  "filePath": "string",
  "inputMethod": "string"

InvokeLicActivate: object

To invoke license activation

email: string

The email address you use to log in to Parallels My Account.

password: string

Your Parallels account password.

key: string

Parallels RAS License Key. The key must be registered in Parallels My Account. To activate Parallels RAS as a trial version, omit this parameter.

macAddress: string

Bind the license activation with a specific MAC address. The MAC address should be in the format XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX. To select a MAC address automatically, omit this parameter.

  "email": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "key": "string",
  "macAddress": "string"

InvokeLicenseDeactivate: object

To invoke license deactivation

email: string

The email address you use to log in to Parallels My Account.

password: string

Your Parallels account password.

  "email": "string",
  "password": "string"

InvokePAPromote: object

Invoke promotion of a Publishing Agent to the Primary PA

paUsername: string

An administrator account for connecting with the new PA server (the one being promoted). If this parameter is omitted, your RAS admin username (and password) will be used.

paPassword: string

The password of the account specified in the PAUsername parameter.

  "paUsername": "string",
  "paPassword": "string"

InvokeRDSSession: object

Invoke a command to a Remote Desktop Session

msgTitle: string (1 to 255 chars)

The message title for the session message.

message: string (1 to 255 chars)

The session message to be sent.

  "msgTitle": "string",
  "message": "string"

InvokeVDISessionCmd: object

To invoke the VDI session

msgTitle: string (1 to 255 chars)

The message title for the session message.

message: string (1 to 255 chars)

The session message to be sent.

  "msgTitle": "string",
  "message": "string"

IP4Range: object

The IPv4 range

from: string
to: string
  "from": "string",
  "to": "string"

IP6Range: object

The IPv6 range

from: string
to: string
  "from": "string",
  "to": "string"

KestrelConfig: object

The Kestrel configuration

endPoints: EndPointsConfig

The endpoints configuration

  "endPoints": {
    "httpsDefaultCert": {
      "url": "string",
      "certificate": {
        "path": "string",
        "encryptedPassword": "string"

Keyboard: object

Sessions Keyboard Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Keyboard policy is enabled or not

keyboardWindow: string 0 = LocalComputer, 1 = RemoteComputer, 2 = FullScreenMode

Will allow window key combinations.

sendUnicodeChars: boolean

Allow Unicode characters if the box is checked.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "keyboardWindow": "string",
  "sendUnicodeChars": "boolean"

LanguageBar: object

Theme HTML5 Langugage Bar Settings

default: string 0 = Default, 1 = English, 2 = German, 3 = Japanese, 4 = Russian, 5 = French, 6 = Spanish, 7 = Italian, 8 = Portuguese, 9 = ChineseSimplified, 10 = ChineseTraditional, 11 = Korean, 12 = Dutch

The Default Language Type

de_DE: boolean

German Language bar

en_US: boolean

English (US) Language bar

es_ES: boolean

Spanish Language bar

fr_FR: boolean

French Language bar

it_IT: boolean

Italian Language bar

ja_JP: boolean

Japanese Language bar

ko_KR: boolean

Korean Language bar

nl_NL: boolean

Dutch Language bar

pt_BR: boolean

Portuguese Language bar

ru_RU: boolean

Russian Language bar

zh_CN: boolean

Chinese Simplified Language bar

zh_TW: boolean

Chinese Traditional Language bar

  "default": "string",
  "de_DE": "boolean",
  "en_US": "boolean",
  "es_ES": "boolean",
  "fr_FR": "boolean",
  "it_IT": "boolean",
  "ja_JP": "boolean",
  "ko_KR": "boolean",
  "nl_NL": "boolean",
  "pt_BR": "boolean",
  "ru_RU": "boolean",
  "zh_CN": "boolean",
  "zh_TW": "boolean"

LanguageInputPrompt: object

Theme HTML5 Language Input Prompt Settings

loginHint: string

The User Prompt

passwordHint: string

The Password Prompt

  "loginHint": "string",
  "passwordHint": "string"

Languages: object

Client Options Languages Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Language policy is enabled or not

lang: string 0 = Default, 1 = English, 2 = German, 3 = Japanese, 4 = Russian, 5 = French, 6 = Spanish, 7 = Italian, 8 = Portuguese, 9 = ChineseSimplified, 10 = ChineseTraditional, 11 = Korean, 12 = Dutch

The Chosen Language

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "lang": "string"

LBSettings: object

RAS Load-Balancer Settings

method: string 0 = ResourceBased, 1 = RoundRobin

Specifies the load balancing method (Round-robin or Resource based). Accepted values: ResourceBased [0], RoundRobin [1].

cpuCounter: boolean

Whether the CPU counter is enabled or disabled.

memoryCounter: boolean

Whether the Memory counter is enabled or disabled.

sessionsCounter: boolean

Whether the Sessions counter is enabled or disabled.

reconnectDisconnect: boolean

Whether the "Reconnect to disconnected sessions" option is enabled or disabled.

reconnectUsingIPOnly: boolean

Whether the "Reconnect sessions using client's IP address only" option is enabled or disabled.

reconnectUser: boolean

Whether the "Limit user to one session per desktop" option is enabled or disabled.

disableRDSLB: boolean

Whether the "Disable Microsoft RD Connection Broker" option is enabled or disabled.

deadTimeout: integer (int32)

The value (in number of seconds) of the "Declare Agent dead if not responding for" property.

refreshTimeout: integer (int32)

The value (in number of seconds) of the "Agent Refresh Time" property.

maxConnectionRequests: integer (int32)

Maximum number of connection requests for an Agent.

replicate: boolean

Whether the "Replicate settings" option (replicate settings to all sites) is enabled or disabled.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which the RAS LB settings refer.

  "method": "string",
  "cpuCounter": "boolean",
  "memoryCounter": "boolean",
  "sessionsCounter": "boolean",
  "reconnectDisconnect": "boolean",
  "reconnectUsingIPOnly": "boolean",
  "reconnectUser": "boolean",
  "disableRDSLB": "boolean",
  "deadTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "refreshTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "maxConnectionRequests": "integer (int32)",
  "replicate": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

LegalPolicies: object

Theme HTML5 Legal Policies Settings

allowCookieConsent: boolean

Whether to allow cookies or not

allowEULA: boolean

Whether to allow eula or not

  "allowCookieConsent": "boolean",
  "allowEULA": "boolean"

License: object

RAS License

licenseType: string

License Type (Permanent, PrePaid, PostPaid, ExtTrial, LegacyTrial, or NormalTrial)

expiryDate: string

Expiry date of License

installedUsers: string

Maximum number of licensed users

usersPeak: string

Maximum amount of connected users since the product was installed (calculated together with the Usage Today).

usersLicenseInfo: string

Amount of users currently connected

gracePeriodState: string

State of Grace period

gracePeriodDaysLeft: string

Days left for Grace period

type: string 1 = Permanent, 2 = PrePaid, 3 = PostPaid, 4 = ExtTrial, 5 = LegacyTrial, 6 = NormalTrial

License Type (Permanent, PrePaid, PostPaid, ExtTrial, LegacyTrial, or NormalTrial)

needsAttention: boolean

RAS licensing requires attention.

statusMessage: string

The current status message of the RAS License.

alertMessage: string

The alert message a RAS Administrator should be notificed about.

  "licenseType": "string",
  "expiryDate": "string",
  "installedUsers": "string",
  "usersPeak": "string",
  "usersLicenseInfo": "string",
  "gracePeriodState": "string",
  "gracePeriodDaysLeft": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "needsAttention": "boolean",
  "statusMessage": "string",
  "alertMessage": "string"

LocalProxyAddress: object

Local Proxy Address Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether the local proxy address is enabled or not

useLocalHostProxyIP: boolean

If the box is checked the IP address is used when using Gateway mode in VPN scenarios

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean"

Logging: object

Client Options Logging Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Advanced Logging policy is enabled or not.

logLevel: string 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose

The types of log levels (Extended, Standard, or Verbose).

loggingStartDateTime: string (date-time)

Logging Start DateTime.

loggingDuration: integer (int32)

Logging Duration (in seconds).

allowViewLog: boolean

Whether Allow View Log is enabled or not.

allowClearLog: boolean

Whether Allow Clear Log is enabled or not.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "logLevel": "string",
  "loggingStartDateTime": "string (date-time)",
  "loggingDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "allowViewLog": "boolean",
  "allowClearLog": "boolean"

LoggingSettings: object

  "WebAdmin": {
    "LogLevel": "object"

MaintenanceMessages: object

Contains a set of maintenance messages in various languages

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message in Korean.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message in German.

  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"

MovePubItem: object

Move a published item

parentId: integer (int32)

ID of a new published item parent. To obtain the published item ID, use the Get-PubItem command. For the root node, set ParentId to '0' (zero).

previousId: integer (int32)

ID of a sibling after which to place the specified published item. To obtain the sibling item ID, use the Get-PubItem command.

  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)"

MultiFactorAuthentication: object

Sessions Multi Factor Authentication Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether the multi factor authentication is enabled or not.

rememberLastUsedMethod: boolean

Remembers the last used method.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean"

MultiMonitor: object

Sessions Multi-Monitor Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether the Multi-Monitor policy is enabled or not.

useAllMonitors: boolean

If set to true, the session will use all available monitors if applicable.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "useAllMonitors": "boolean"

Network: object

Sessions Network Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Network policy is enabled or not

useProxyServer: boolean

Check the box if you want to use a proxy server

proxyHost: string

The proxy host

proxyPort: integer (int32)

The proxy port

proxyAuthentication: boolean

Check the box if the proxy requires any authentication

proxyUseLogonCredentials: boolean

Will use the user logon credentials

proxyUsername: string

The proxy username authentication

proxyType: string 0 = SOCKS4, 1 = SOCKS4A, 2 = SOCKS5, 3 = HTTP1_1

The Proxy Type

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "useProxyServer": "boolean",
  "proxyHost": "string",
  "proxyPort": "integer (int32)",
  "proxyAuthentication": "boolean",
  "proxyUseLogonCredentials": "boolean",
  "proxyUsername": "string",
  "proxyType": "string"

NewAdminAccount: object

To create a new RAS administrator account

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of a user or group to add to the farm as an administrator.

email: string (1 to 255 chars)

The user email address.

mobile: string (1 to 50 chars)

The user mobile phone number.

enabled: boolean

Enables or disables this administrator in the farm.

notify: string 0 = None, 1 = Email

Set the "Receive system notifications via" option. Possible values are: "None", "Email".

fullPermissions: boolean

Enable or disable the "Full Permissions" option.

permissions: string 0 = PowerAdmin, 1 = RootAdmin, 2 = CustomAdmin

Specifies the type of permission to use.

allowSiteChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Site changes" option.

allowPublishingChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Publishing changes" option.

allowConnectionChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Connection changes" option.

allowViewingReportingInfo: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of RAS Reporting" option.

allowViewingSiteInfo: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of Site Information" option.

allowViewingPolicyInfo: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of Policy Information" option.

allowSessionManagement: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Session Management" option.

allowDeviceManagementChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Device Management changes" option.

allowPolicyChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Policy changes" option.

allowAllSites: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "All Sites" option. If enabled, the administrator can manage all sites in the farm.

allowInSites: Site

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Specifies the list of site names (string array) which this administrator should be allowed to manage.

  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "notify": "string",
  "fullPermissions": "boolean",
  "permissions": "string",
  "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
  "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
  "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
  "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
  "allowAllSites": "boolean",
  "allowInSites": [
      "name": "string",
      "licensingSite": "boolean",
      "adminCreate": "string",
      "adminLastMod": "string",
      "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
      "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"

NewClientPolicy: object

Create a new client policy

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Name of the new client policy.

enabled: boolean

Whether the new client policy will be enabled or disabled.

description: string

Description for the new client policy.

gwRule: string 0 = AnyGW, 1 = ConnectedToGWs, 2 = NotConnectedToGWs

Gateway criteria. Use one of the following options: 0 = if Client is connected to any gateway 1 = if Client is connected to one of the following gateways 2 = if Client is not connected to one of the following gateways

macRule: string 0 = AnyMAC, 1 = AllowedMACs, 2 = NotAllowedMACs

MAC address criteria. Use one of the following options: 0 = to any MAC address 1 = if the Client's MAC address is one of the following 2 = if the Client's MAC address is not one of the following

allowClientChrome: boolean

Allow Chrome OS clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow Android clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow HTML5 clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow IOS clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow Linux clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow Mac clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow Web Portal clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow Windows clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow Wyse clients.

account: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the user/group account.

sid: string (1 to 255 chars)

The SID of the user/group account.

  "name": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "gwRule": "string",
  "macRule": "string",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"

NewCustomRoute: object

Create a new Custom Route

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the Custom Route.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID in which to add the specified Custom Route. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

description: string

A user-defined Custom Route description.

publicAddress: string (1 to 255 chars)

Public Address of the Custom Route

port: integer (int32)

Port of the Custom Route. Default: 80

sslPort: integer (int32)

SSL Port of the Custom Route. Default: 443

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)"

NewGW: object

Create a new Gateway

server: string

FQDN or IP address of the server to be added to a site as a RAS Secure Client Gateway.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which the Gateway should be added. To obtain the ID of a desired site, use the appropriate command to Get Sites. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

enableHTML5: boolean

Enable or disable HTML5 connectivity on the Gateway.

  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean"

NewHALB: object

Create a new HALB Virtual Server

name: string (1 to 127 chars)

The HALB Virtual Server name.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID where the HALB settings will be created.

ipVersion: string 0 = Version4, 1 = Version6, 2 = BothVersions

The supported IP versions of the HALB Virtual Server.

deviceIPs: string[]

The list of the HALB Device IPs.

enableGWPayload: boolean false

Enable/Disable the Non-SSL Gateway configuration of the HALB Virtual Server .

enableSSLPayload: boolean false

Enable/Disable the SSL Gateway configuration of the HALB Virtual Server.

enableDeviceManagement: boolean false

Enable/Disable the Device Management configuration of the HALB Virtual Server.

description: string (1 to 127 chars)

The HALB Virtual Server description.

publicAddress: string

The HALB Virtual Server Public Address.

virtualIPv4: string

The IPv4 of the HALB Virtual Server.

subnetMask: string

The Subnet Mask of the HALB Virtual Server.

virtualIPv6: string

The IPv6 of the HALB Virtual Server.

prefixIPV6: integer (int32)

The IPv6 Prefix of the HALB Virtual Server.

enableTunneling: boolean

Enable/Disable the RDP/UDP of the HALB Virtual Server.

maxTCPConnections: integer (int32)

The Maximum allowed TCP Connections to the HALB Virtual Server.

vrrpAuthenticationPassword: string

The VRRP Authentication password.

clientIdleTimeout: integer (int32)

The client inactivity timeout.

gwConnectionTimeout: integer (int32)

The Gateway connection timeout.

clientQueueTimeout: integer (int32)

The client queue timeout.

gatewayIdleTimeout: integer (int32)

The Gateway inactivity timeout.

sessionRate: integer (int32)

The amount of TCP connections per second.

gwHealthCheckIntervals: integer (int32)

The Gateway Health check intervals in seconds.

vrrpVirtualRouterID: integer (int32)

The Virtual Router ID of HALB Virtual Server (if not set, the router ID will be automatically computed).

vrrpBroadcastInterval: integer (int32)

The VRRP broadcast interval in minutes.

vrrpHealthScriptCheckInterval: integer (int32)

The VRRP health script check interval in seconds.

vrrpHealthScriptCheckTimeout: integer (int32)

The VRRP health script check timeout in seconds.

vrrpAdvertisementInterval: integer (int32)

The VRRP Advertisement interval in seconds.

enableOSUpdates: boolean

Enable/Disable OS updates.

keepLBProxyConfig: boolean

Enable/Disable keeping of existing loadbalancing settings.

keepVRRPConfig: boolean

Enable/Disable keeping of existing VRRP/keepalive settings.

lbGateways: string[]

The list of the Non-SSL Gateways for HALB Virtual Server.

lbGatewayPort: integer (int32)

The Non-SSL Gateway port.

sslMode: string 0 = SSLOffloading, 1 = SSLPassthrough

The SSL Mode to use for SSL Gateways.

lbsslGateways: string[]

The list of the SSL Gateways for HALB Virtual Server.

lbsslGatewayPort: integer (int32)

The SSL Gateway port.

acceptedSSLVersion: string 0 = SSLv2, 1 = SSLv3, 2 = TLSv1, 3 = TLSv1_1, 4 = TLSv1_2

The SSL version to be used for the SSL Gateways.

cipherStrength: string 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Custom

The Cipher strength to be used for the SSL Gateways.

cipherPreference: boolean

Enable or disable 'Use ciphers according to server preference'.

sslCustomCipher: string (1 to 512 chars)

The SSL custom cipher for SSL Gateways.

certificateID: integer (int32)

The certificate ID.

deviceManagerGateways: string[]

The list of the Device Management Gateways for HALB Virtual Server.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "deviceIPs": [
  "enableGWPayload": "boolean",
  "enableSSLPayload": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagement": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "virtualIPv4": "string",
  "subnetMask": "string",
  "virtualIPv6": "string",
  "prefixIPV6": "integer (int32)",
  "enableTunneling": "boolean",
  "maxTCPConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpAuthenticationPassword": "string",
  "clientIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gwConnectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "clientQueueTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gatewayIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionRate": "integer (int32)",
  "gwHealthCheckIntervals": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpVirtualRouterID": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpBroadcastInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthScriptCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthScriptCheckTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpAdvertisementInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableOSUpdates": "boolean",
  "keepLBProxyConfig": "boolean",
  "keepVRRPConfig": "boolean",
  "lbGateways": [
  "lbGatewayPort": "integer (int32)",
  "sslMode": "string",
  "lbsslGateways": [
  "lbsslGatewayPort": "integer (int32)",
  "acceptedSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "sslCustomCipher": "string",
  "certificateID": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceManagerGateways": [

NewNotificationEvent: object

type: string 16384 = Agent, 20480 = VDI, 24576 = PubItem, 28672 = License, 32768 = Authentication, 45056 = Tenant, 1097729 = FailedTunneledSess

Notification type.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID where notification event is setup. Current site ID is used if siteId is omitted.

gracePeriod: integer (int32)

Grace period after the notification was done.

enableGracePeriod: boolean

Enable/Disable grace period.

recipients: string[]

Recipients to notify of the event.

sendEmail: boolean

Enable/Disable email notification.

scriptId: integer (int32)

Script to execute which has this ID.

executeScript: boolean false
useDefaults: boolean

Use default settings.

interval: integer (int32)

Invocation interval (minutes).

enableInterval: boolean false

Enable/Disable notification intervals.

waitUntilRecovered: boolean false

Wait until recovered.

  "type": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "recipients": [
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"

NewNotificationResource: object

type: string 17829888 = CPUEvent, 17833984 = MemoryEvent, 17838081 = RDSHConnectedSessionEvent, 17838082 = DisconnectSessionEvent, 17862657 = TunneledSess, 34615299 = RDSHConnectSessionEvent, 34615300 = RDSHDisconnectSessionEvent

Resource notification type.

threshold: integer (int32)

Tolerance value which triggers notification.

direction: string 1 = RisesAbove, 2 = LowersBelow

Threshold direction.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID where notification event is setup. Current site ID is used if siteId is omitted.

gracePeriod: integer (int32)

Grace period after the notification was done.

enableGracePeriod: boolean

Enable/Disable grace period.

recipients: string[]

Recipients to notify of the event.

sendEmail: boolean

Enable/Disable email notification.

scriptId: integer (int32)

Script to execute which has this ID.

executeScript: boolean false
useDefaults: boolean

Use default settings.

interval: integer (int32)

Invocation interval (minutes).

enableInterval: boolean false

Enable/Disable notification intervals.

waitUntilRecovered: boolean false

Wait until recovered.

  "type": "string",
  "threshold": "integer (int32)",
  "direction": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "recipients": [
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"

NewNotificationScript: object

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Script name.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

command: string (1 to 255 chars)

Command to execute when invoked.

arguments: string (1 to 255 chars)


initialDirectory: string (1 to 255 chars)

Script base directory

username: string (1 to 255 chars)

Execute script as this system user.

password: string

System user password.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "command": "string",
  "arguments": "string",
  "initialDirectory": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string"

NewPA: object

Create a new Publishing Agent

server: string

FQDN or IP address of the server to add to a site as a RAS Publishing Agent.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID to which to add the RAS Publishing Agent server. If the parameter is omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.

  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

NewProvider: object

Create a new Provider

server: string

A Provider server FQDN or IP address. In case of Azure, it is a name under which this provider will be diplayed in list.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which to add the specified server. If the parameter is omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.

type: string 589824 = HyperVUnknown, 589835 = HyperVWin2012R2Std, 589836 = HyperVWin2012R2Dtc, 589837 = HyperVWin2012R2Srv, 589838 = HyperVWin2016Std, 589839 = HyperVWin2016Dtc, 589840 = HyperVWin2016Srv, 589841 = HyperVWin2019Std, 589842 = HyperVWin2019Dtc, 589843 = HyperVWin2019Srv, 589844 = HyperVWin2022Std, 589845 = HyperVWin2022Dtc, 655360 = VmwareESXUnknown, 655363 = VmwareESXi4_0, 655364 = VmwareESX4_0, 655365 = VmwareESXi4_1, 655366 = VmwareESX4_1, 655367 = VmwareESXi5_0, 655368 = VmwareESXi5_1, 655369 = VmwareESXi5_5, 655370 = VmwareESXi6_0, 655371 = VmwareESXi6_5, 655372 = VmwareESXi6_7, 655373 = VmwareESXi7_0, 983040 = VmwareVCenterUnknown, 983041 = VmwareVCenter4_0, 983042 = VmwareVCenter4_1, 983043 = VmwareVCenter5_0, 983044 = VmwareVCenter5_1, 983045 = VmwareVCenter5_5, 983046 = VmwareVCenter6_0, 983047 = VmwareVCenter6_5, 983048 = VmwareVCenter6_7, 983049 = VmwareVCenter7_0, 1048576 = HyperVFailoverClusterUnknown, 1048577 = HyperVFailoverClusterEnt, 1048578 = HyperVFailoverClusterDtc, 1048579 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2012, 1048580 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2012R2, 1048581 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2016, 1048582 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2019, 1048583 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2022, 1179648 = NutanixUnknown, 1179651 = Nutanix5_10, 1179652 = Nutanix5_15, 1179653 = Nutanix5_20, 1245184 = RemotePCUnknown, 1245185 = RemotePCStatic, 1245186 = RemotePCDynamic, 1310720 = ScaleUnknown, 1310722 = Scale8_6_5, 1310723 = Scale8_8, 1310724 = Scale8_9, 1376256 = Azure

The hypervisor type installed of the Provider. To get the list of available types, execute [System.Enum]::GetNames('RASAdminEngine.Core.OutputModels.HypervisorType') From the returned list, choose your hypervisor type and then use it as a value for this parameter.

vdiUsername: string

A user account to log in to the hypervisor management tool (e.g. VMware vCenter). In case of Azure, it is an ID of the application which will be used by VDI agent to manage Azure resources.

vdiPassword: string

The password of the account specified in the VDIUsername parameter. In case of Azure, it is a secret key of the application which will be used by VDI agent to manage Azure resources.

vdiAgent: string

FQDN or IP address of the server where the RAS VDI Agent is running. .

port: integer (int32)

The port to communicate with the Provider specified in Server parameter. In case of Azure, it is not required.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server ID.

  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "vdiUsername": "string",
  "vdiPassword": "string",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)"

NewPubFolder: object

Create a folder for published resources. Folders are used to organize published resources and to facilitate filtering options

adminOnly: boolean false

Use folder for administrative purposes only.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Published resource name.

parentId: integer (int32)

Parent publishing folder ID.

previousId: integer (int32)

Previous published ID.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of Sites IDs to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

  "adminOnly": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"

NewPubRDSApp: object

Create a new published application from a RD Session Host

publishFrom: string 0 = All, 1 = Group, 2 = Server

Specifies the 'Publish from' option. Acceptable values: All (All servers in the site), Group (Server Groups), Server (Individual Servers).

publishFromGroupIds: integer[]

Specifies one or multiple group Ids from which to publish the application. The PublishFrom parameter must specify 1 (Server groups).

integer (int32)
publishFromServerIds: integer[]

Specifies one or multiple RDS Host server Ids from which to publish a desktop. The PublishFrom parameter must specify 2 (Individual Servers).

integer (int32)
target: string

File name and path of a published application executable.

parameters: string

Optional parameters to pass to the published application executable.

startIn: string

Folder name in which to start a published application.

startOnLogon: boolean false

Enable or disable the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option.

winType: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Maximized, 2 = Minimized

Published application window type. Acceptable values: Normal, Maximized, Minimized

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Published resource name.

parentId: integer (int32)

Parent publishing folder ID.

previousId: integer (int32)

Previous published ID.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of Sites IDs to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

  "publishFrom": "string",
  "publishFromGroupIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromServerIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "target": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "winType": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"

NewPubRDSDesktop: object

Create a new published desktop from a RD Session Host

connectToConsole: boolean false

Enable or disable the 'Connect to console' option.

publishFrom: string 0 = All, 1 = Group, 2 = Server

Specifies the 'Publish from' option. Acceptable values: All (All servers in the site), Group (Server Groups), Server (Individual Servers).

publishFromGroupIds: integer[]

Specifies one or multiple group Ids from which to publish a desktop. The PublishFrom parameter must specify 1 (Server groups).

integer (int32)
publishFromServerIds: integer[]

Specifies one or multiple RDS Host server Ids from which to publish a desktop. The PublishFrom parameter must specify 2 (Individual Servers).

integer (int32)
startOnLogon: boolean false

Enable or disable the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option.

width: integer (int32)

Specifies a custom desktop width.

height: integer (int32)

Specifies a custom desktop height.

desktopSize: string 0 = UseAvailableArea, 1 = FullScreen, 2 = W640xH480, 3 = W800xH600, 4 = W854xH480, 5 = W1024xH576, 6 = W1024xH768, 7 = W1152xH864, 8 = W1280xH720, 9 = W1280xH768, 10 = W1280xH800, 11 = W1280xH960, 12 = W1280xH1024, 13 = W1360xH768, 14 = W1366xH768, 15 = W1400xH1050, 16 = W1440xH900, 17 = W1600xH900, 18 = W1600xH1024, 19 = W1600xH1200, 20 = W1680xH1050, 21 = W1920xH1080, 22 = W1920xH1200, 23 = W1920xH1440, 24 = W2048xH1152, 25 = Custom

Desktop Size. Possible values are: 0 (Use available area), 1 (Full screen), Custom = 25. Acceptable values: 640x480, 800x600, 854x480, 1024x576, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x720, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1366x768, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1440, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2048x1152

allowMultiMonitor: string 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = UseClientSettings

Specifies the "Multi-monitor" option. Acceptable values: Enabled, Disabled, UseClientSettings.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Published resource name.

parentId: integer (int32)

Parent publishing folder ID.

previousId: integer (int32)

Previous published ID.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of Sites IDs to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

  "connectToConsole": "boolean",
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "publishFromGroupIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromServerIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"

NewPubVDIApp: object

Create a new published application from a VDI Desktop

persistent: boolean

Specifies whether the connection is persistent or not.

connectTo: string 0 = AnyGuest, 3 = SpecificRASTemplate

Specifies the 'Matching Mode' option to connect with. Acceptable values: AnyGuest, SpecificRASTemplate. Default: AnyGuest.

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)

Specifies the VDI Pool ID from which to publish an application.

vdiTemplateId: integer (int32)

Specifies the VDI Template ID from which to publish an application.

target: string

File name and path of a published application executable.

parameters: string

Optional parameters to pass to the published application executable.

startIn: string

Folder name in which to start a published application.

startOnLogon: boolean false

Enable or disable the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option.

winType: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Maximized, 2 = Minimized

Published application window type. Acceptable values: Normal, Maximized, Minimized

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Published resource name.

parentId: integer (int32)

Parent publishing folder ID.

previousId: integer (int32)

Previous published ID.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of Sites IDs to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "target": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "winType": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"

NewPubVDIDesktop: object

Create a new published desktop from a VDI Desktop

persistent: boolean

Specifies whether the connection is persistent or not.

connectTo: string 0 = AnyGuest, 3 = SpecificRASTemplate

Specifies the 'Matching Mode' option to connect with. Acceptable values: AnyGuest, SpecificRASTemplate. Default: AnyGuest.

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)

Specifies the VDI Pool ID from which to publish a desktop.

vdiTemplateId: integer (int32)

Specifies the VDI Template ID from which to publish an application.

startOnLogon: boolean false

Enable or disable the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option.

width: integer (int32)

Specifies a custom desktop width.

height: integer (int32)

Specifies a custom desktop height.

desktopSize: string 0 = UseAvailableArea, 1 = FullScreen, 2 = W640xH480, 3 = W800xH600, 4 = W854xH480, 5 = W1024xH576, 6 = W1024xH768, 7 = W1152xH864, 8 = W1280xH720, 9 = W1280xH768, 10 = W1280xH800, 11 = W1280xH960, 12 = W1280xH1024, 13 = W1360xH768, 14 = W1366xH768, 15 = W1400xH1050, 16 = W1440xH900, 17 = W1600xH900, 18 = W1600xH1024, 19 = W1600xH1200, 20 = W1680xH1050, 21 = W1920xH1080, 22 = W1920xH1200, 23 = W1920xH1440, 24 = W2048xH1152, 25 = Custom

Desktop Size. Possible values are: 0 (Use available area), 1 (Full screen), Custom = 25. Acceptable values: 640x480, 800x600, 854x480, 1024x576, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x720, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1366x768, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1440, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2048x1152

allowMultiMonitor: string 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = UseClientSettings

Specifies the "Multi-monitor" option. Acceptable values: Enabled, Disabled, UseClientSettings.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Published resource name.

parentId: integer (int32)

Parent publishing folder ID.

previousId: integer (int32)

Previous published ID.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of Sites IDs to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean"

NewRDS: object

To create a new RD Session Host

server: string

An RD Session Host server FQDN or IP address.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which to add the specified server. If the parameter is omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.

addUsersToRDSUsers: string[]

Specifies the list of users or groups in UPN or SID format to be added to the RDSUsers Group in csv format.

  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "addUsersToRDSUsers": [

NewRDSGroup: object

Create a new RD Session Host group

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Group name.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID in which to create the group. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

description: string

A description of the specified group.

useRASTemplate: boolean false

Enable use of RAS Template.

rasTemplateId: integer (int32)

The RDSH RAS Template ID.

maxServersFromTemplate: integer (int32)

Max number of servers to be added to the group from the RAS Template. Default: 2

workLoadThreshold: integer (int32)

Send a request to the RAS template when the workload threshold is above the specified value. Default: 75

serversToAddPerRequest: integer (int32)

Number of servers to be added to the group per request. Default: 1

workLoadToDrain: integer (int32)

Drain and unassign servers from group when workload is below the specified value. Default: 20

drainRemainsBelowSec: integer (int32)

Drain and unassign servers from group when workload remains below the specified level for the below specified time (in seconds). Default: 0 (Immediate)

rdsIds: integer[]

A list of RD Session Host servers (an array of RDS Ids) to add to the group.

integer (int32)
inheritDefaultAgentSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default agent settings' option. This will inherit Global agent settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultPrinterSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default printer settings' option. This will inherit Global printer settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default user profile settings' option. This will inherit Global User Profile settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default desktop access settings' option. This will inherit Global Desktop Access settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

port: integer (int32)

Specifies the port number for the RD Session Host agent.

maxSessions: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Maximum Sessions' property.

sessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Sessions Disconnect Timeout' option (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'.

sessionLogoffTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Settings Reset Timeout' option (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'; 1 for 'Immediate'.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Specifies the 'Allow Client URL/Mail Redirection' option. Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled, EnabledWithAppRegistration (Enable with app registration).

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server.

allowRemoteExec: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option.

enableAppMonitoring: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Application Monitoring' option.

useRemoteApps: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Use RemoteApps if available' option.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead. Enable or disable the 'Allow file transfer' option. (deprecated)

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

File Transfer option. Possible values are: 0 (Disabled), 1 (client to Server only), 2 {Server To Client only), 3 (Bidirectional).

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

allowDragAndDrop: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow local to remote drag and drop' option. (deprecated)

dragAndDropMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies the mode the client server drag and drop feature will operate.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the 'Printer Name Format' option. Accepted values: PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove client name from printer name' option.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove session number from printer name' option.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

updMode: string 0 = DoNotChange, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled

Specifies the 'User Profile Disk Mode' option. Accepted values: DoNotChange, Enabled, Disabled.

updRoamingMode: string 0 = Exclude, 2 = Include

Specifies the 'UPD Roaming Mode' option. Accepted values: Exclude, Include.

upDiskPath: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the User Profile Disk path.

maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB: integer (int32)

Specifies the max user profile disk size (in GB).

includeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' folder paths.

includeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' file paths.

excludeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' folder paths.

excludeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' file paths.

restrictDesktopAccess: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Restrict direct desktop access to the following users' option. Use the RestrictedUsers parameter to specify the list of users.

restrictedUsers: string[]

Specifies the list of users for the RestrictDesktopAccess option (the option should be enabled). The list can contain user account names and user SIDs.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "useRASTemplate": "boolean",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "maxServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadThreshold": "integer (int32)",
  "serversToAddPerRequest": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadToDrain": "integer (int32)",
  "drainRemainsBelowSec": "integer (int32)",
  "rdsIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "updMode": "string",
  "updRoamingMode": "string",
  "upDiskPath": "string",
  "maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB": "integer (int32)",
  "includeFolderPath": [
  "includeFilePath": [
  "excludeFolderPath": [
  "excludeFilePath": [
  "restrictDesktopAccess": "boolean",
  "restrictedUsers": [

NewSession: object

Create a new administrator session

username: string (1 to 255 chars)

Parallels RAS administrator username.

password: string

Parallels RAS administrator password.

  "username": "string",
  "password": "string"

NewSite: object

Create a new Site

server: string

The target server FQDN or IP address.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name you want to use for the new site.

  "server": "string",
  "name": "string"

NewTheme: object

Create a new Theme

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

Name of the new Theme policy.

description: string

Description for the new Theme policy.

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string"

NewVDIPool: object

Create a new VDI Pool

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the target VDI Pool. This must be the actual VDI Pool name used in the RAS farm.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID in which to modify the specified VDI Pool. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

description: string

A user-defined VDI Pool description.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the VDI Pool upon creation. If the parameter is omitted, the VDI Pool is initialised as Disabled.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean"

NewVDITemplate: object

Create a new VDI Template

providerId: integer (int32)

The ID of a Provider on which the source guest VM resides.

vdiGuestId: string

The ID of the source guest VM.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

RAS Template name. If not specified, the VDI Guest name will be used.

templateType: string 0 = VDIDesktop, 1 = RDSH

VDI Template Type: VDIDesktop or RDSH. Default: VDIDesktop.

guestNameFormat: string

Guest VM name format. All guest VMs created from the template will have this name with %ID:N:S% replaced. If not specified, the Guest Name Format would be VDIGuestName-%ID:3%.

maxGuests: integer (int32)

The maximum number of guest VMs that can be created from the template. Default: VDIDesktop = 20 | RDSH = 10.

preCreatedGuests: integer (int32)

The number of pre-created guest VMs for the template. Default: VDIDesktop = 3 | RDSH = 1.

guestsToCreate: integer (int32)

The number of guest VMs that will be created after template creation process has finished. These guests are created only once. Default: VDIDesktop = 3 | RDSH = 1.

imagePrepTool: string 0 = RASPrep, 1 = SysPrep

Image preparation tool: RASPrep (default) or SysPrep.

ownerName: string

A guest VM owner name (assigned to a VM by RASprep or Sysprep).

organization: string

Organization name (assigned to a VM by RASprep or Sysprep).

domain: string

Domain or WorkGroup to join (assigned to a VM by RASprep or Sysprep).

administrator: string

The administrator specified in the Domain parameter.

domainPassword: string

The password of the domain administrator specified in the Administrator parameter.

adminPassword: string

The password of the administrator for the guest VM (assigned to a VM by RASprep or Sysprep).

cloneMethod: string 0 = FullClone, 1 = LinkedClone

Clone method: Full clone (default) or Linked clone.

folderId: string

The ID of a folder where guest VMs will be created.

folderName: string

Folder name where guest VMs will be created.

nativePoolId: string

The ID of a native pool where guest VMs will be created.

nativePoolName: string

The name of a native pool where guest VMs will be created.

physicalHostId: string

The ID of a physical host where guest VMs will be created

physicalHostName: string

The name of a physical host where guest VMs will be created.

targetOU: string

Target organization unit. Uses the domain password set by the DomainPassword parameter.

  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "templateType": "string",
  "guestNameFormat": "string",
  "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "guestsToCreate": "integer (int32)",
  "imagePrepTool": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "organization": "string",
  "domain": "string",
  "administrator": "string",
  "domainPassword": "string",
  "adminPassword": "string",
  "cloneMethod": "string",
  "folderId": "string",
  "folderName": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "nativePoolName": "string",
  "physicalHostId": "string",
  "physicalHostName": "string",
  "targetOU": "string"

NotificationDefaults: object

Notification Default

gracePeriod: integer (int32)
enableGracePeriod: boolean
interval: integer (int32)
enableInterval: boolean
waitUntilRecovered: boolean
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"

NotificationEvent: object

Notification Event

siteId: integer (int32)
enabled: boolean
hasThreshold: boolean
type: string 0 = Unknown, 4096 = CPU, 8192 = Memory, 12288 = RDSH, 16384 = Agent, 20480 = VDI, 24576 = PubItem, 28672 = License, 32768 = Authentication, 36864 = GW, 40960 = Disk, 45056 = Tenant, 1097729 = FailedTunneledSess, 1097730 = FailedTunneledSessTenantBroker, 17829888 = CPUEvent, 17833984 = MemoryEvent, 17838081 = RDSHConnectedSessionEvent, 17838082 = RDSHDisconnectedSessionEvent, 17862657 = TunneledSess, 34615299 = RDSHConnectedSessionEventPerc, 34615300 = RDSHDisconnectedSessionEventPerc
recipients: string
executeScript: boolean
scriptId: integer (int32)
sendEmail: boolean
useDefaults: boolean
enableGracePeriod: boolean
gracePeriod: integer (int32)
waitUntilRecovered: boolean
enableInterval: boolean
interval: integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "hasThreshold": "boolean",
  "type": "string",
  "recipients": "string",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

NotificationResource: object

Notification Resource

threshold: integer (int32)
direction: string 1 = RisesAbove, 2 = LowersBelow
siteId: integer (int32)
enabled: boolean
hasThreshold: boolean
type: string 0 = Unknown, 4096 = CPU, 8192 = Memory, 12288 = RDSH, 16384 = Agent, 20480 = VDI, 24576 = PubItem, 28672 = License, 32768 = Authentication, 36864 = GW, 40960 = Disk, 45056 = Tenant, 1097729 = FailedTunneledSess, 1097730 = FailedTunneledSessTenantBroker, 17829888 = CPUEvent, 17833984 = MemoryEvent, 17838081 = RDSHConnectedSessionEvent, 17838082 = RDSHDisconnectedSessionEvent, 17862657 = TunneledSess, 34615299 = RDSHConnectedSessionEventPerc, 34615300 = RDSHDisconnectedSessionEventPerc
recipients: string
executeScript: boolean
scriptId: integer (int32)
sendEmail: boolean
useDefaults: boolean
enableGracePeriod: boolean
gracePeriod: integer (int32)
waitUntilRecovered: boolean
enableInterval: boolean
interval: integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "threshold": "integer (int32)",
  "direction": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "hasThreshold": "boolean",
  "type": "string",
  "recipients": "string",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

NotificationScript: object

Notification Script

name: string
siteId: integer (int32)
command: string
arguments: string
initialDirectory: string
username: string
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "command": "string",
  "arguments": "string",
  "initialDirectory": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

ObjectPermission: object

The object permission

objId: integer (int32)
permissions: string 0 = None, 1 = View, 2 = Modify, 4 = ManageSessions, 8 = Add, 16 = Delete, 32 = Control

Flags for this global permission

  "objId": "integer (int32)",
  "permissions": "string"

PA: object

Publishing Agent

priority: integer (int32)

Priority of the specified RAS PA server.

ip: string

IP address of RAS PA server.

alternativeIPs: string

Alternative IPs to access the RAS PA server.

standby: boolean

Whether the RAS PA server is in standby mode or not.

markedForDeletion: boolean

Whether the RAS PA server is marked for deletion or not.

server: string

Server name.

enabled: boolean

Whether the server is enabled or not.

description: string

Description of the server.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of the site.

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "alternativeIPs": "string",
  "standby": "boolean",
  "markedForDeletion": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

PAAgentDiagnostic: object

PA Agent Diagnostic

state: string 0 = Connecting, 1 = Verified, 2 = NotVerified, 4 = InUse, 5 = CannotBeUsed, 6 = NeedUpdate, 8 = Disabled, 9 = NotFound, 10 = Standby, 11 = OSNotSupported

PA Agent Diagnostic State.

canTakeover: boolean

Whether the PA can be taken over or not.

ip: string


primaryServer: string

Primary Server.

server: string

Server name.

agentDiagnosticType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice

Type of agent diagnostic.

agentVersion: string

Agent Version.

osVersion: string

Operating System Version.

  "state": "string",
  "canTakeover": "boolean",
  "ip": "string",
  "primaryServer": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

Password: object

Control Settings Password Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Control Settings Password policy is enabled or not.

dontSavePwds: boolean

Will not be able to save the password.

dontChangePwds: boolean

Will not be able to change the password.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "dontSavePwds": "boolean",
  "dontChangePwds": "boolean"

PASysInfo: object

Publishing Agent System Information

cpuLoad: integer (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoad: integer (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskRead: integer (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWrite: integer (int32)

Disk Write.

enabled: boolean

Whether the object is enabled or not.

id: string

ID of RAS Agent.

server: string

Server name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of Site.

agentVer: string

Agent Version.

serverOS: string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTime: string

Service start time.

systemBootTime: string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptions: integer (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineId: string

Id of the machine

agentState: string 0 = OK, 1 = EnumSessionsFailed, 2 = RDSRoleDisabled, 3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions, 4 = RASScheduleInProgress, 5 = ConnectionFailed, 6 = InvalidCredentials, 7 = NeedsSysprep, 8 = SysPrepInProgress, 9 = CloningFailed, 10 = Synchronising, 13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart, 14 = LogonDrain, 15 = LogonDisabled, 16 = ForcedDisconnect, 17 = CloningCanceled, 18 = RASprepInProgress, 20 = InstallingRDSRole, 21 = RebootPending, 22 = PortMismatch, 23 = NeedsDowngrade, 24 = NotApplied, 25 = CloningInProgress, 26 = MarkedForDeletion, 27 = StandBy, 28 = UnsupportedVDIType, 29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 30 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 31 = HotfixKB2580360NotInstalled, 32 = InvalidHostVersion, 33 = NotJoined, 35 = LicenseExpired, 36 = JoinBroken, 37 = InUse, 38 = NotInUse, 39 = Unsupported, 40 = BrokerNoAvailableGWs, 41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized, 42 = EnrollmentUnavailable, 43 = InvalidCAConfig, 44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials, 45 = InvalidESSettings, 46 = FSLogixNotAvail, 47 = NoDevices, 48 = NeedsAttention, 49 = ImageOptimizationPending, 50 = ImageOptimization, 51 = Unavailable, 52 = UnderConstruction, 53 = Broken, 54 = NonRAS, 55 = Provisioning, 56 = Invalid, 57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate, 58 = NoMembersAvailable, 59 = MembersNeedUpdate, -6 = Unknown, -5 = NeedsUpdate, -4 = NotVerified, -3 = ServerDeleted, -2 = DisabledFromSettings, -1 = Disconnected

Agent State.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All

Type of server.

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

Level of logging: 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard (Information), 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose (Trace).

  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

PCKeyboard: object

Client Options PC Keyboard Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Client Options PCKeyboard policy is enabled or not.

forcePCKeybd: boolean

Will force to use the pc keyboard if applicable.

pcKeybd: string 1028 = ChineseTraditional, 1031 = German, 1033 = EnglishUS, 1034 = Spanish, 1036 = French, 1040 = Italian, 1041 = Japanese, 1042 = Korean, 1043 = Dutch, 1046 = PortugueseBrazil, 1049 = Russian, 1053 = Swedish, 1082 = Maltese, 2052 = ChineseSimplified, 2057 = EnglishUK, 2068 = NorwegianNynorsk, 2070 = Portuguese, 3084 = FrenchCanada

The chosen Language for the keyboard layout.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "forcePCKeybd": "boolean",
  "pcKeybd": "string"

Performance: object

Experience Perfomance Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether performance policy is enabled or not

netType: string 0 = Modem, 1 = LowSpeedBroadband, 2 = Satellite, 3 = HighSpeedBroadband, 4 = WAN, 5 = LAN, 6 = DetectConnectionQualityAuto

The type of connection speed which will optimize the performance

desktopBackground: boolean

If the box is checked allow the desktop background

fontSmoothing: boolean

If the box is checked allow font smoothing

windowMenuAnimation: boolean

If the box is checked allow for the window menu animation

desktopComposition: boolean

If the box is checked allow for the desktop composition

themes: boolean

If the box is checked allow for the themes setting

bitmapCaching: boolean

If the box is checked allow for bitmap caching.

moveSizeFullDrag: boolean

Allow the resizing of windows

showContent: boolean

Whether show contents of window while dragging is enabled or not

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "netType": "string",
  "desktopBackground": "boolean",
  "fontSmoothing": "boolean",
  "windowMenuAnimation": "boolean",
  "desktopComposition": "boolean",
  "themes": "boolean",
  "bitmapCaching": "boolean",
  "moveSizeFullDrag": "boolean",
  "showContent": "boolean"

PerformanceMonitorSettings: object

RAS Performance Settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable RAS Performance Monitor.

server: string

Server hosting RAS Performance Monitor database.

port: integer (int32)

Connection Port to the Server hosting RAS Performance Monitor database.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)"

Ports: object

Settings about the Ports of the Local Devices

enabled: boolean

Whether Ports policy is enabled or not

redirectCOMPorts: boolean

If box is checked allow the LPT and COM Redirection

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "redirectCOMPorts": "boolean"

PrimaryConnection: object

Sessions Primary Connection Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Primary Connection is enabled or not

name: string

The name of the connection

autoLogin: boolean

Allows the user to auto login

authenticationType: string 0 = Credentials, 1 = SingleSignOn, 2 = SmartCard, 3 = Web

The authentication type which the user will use

savePassword: boolean

Password will be saved when user successfully logs in

domain: string

The name of the domain

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "autoLogin": "boolean",
  "authenticationType": "string",
  "savePassword": "boolean",
  "domain": "string"

PrintingSettings: object

RAS Printing Settings

embedFonts: boolean

Whether Embed Fonts is enabled or not.

replicatePrinterFont: boolean

Whether the option "Replicate Printer Font Settings" is enabled or not..

replicatePrinterPattern: boolean

Whether the option "Replicate Printer Name Pattern Settings" is enabled or not.

replicatePrinterDrivers: boolean

Whether the option "Replicate Printer Drivers Settings" is enabled or not.

driverAllowMode: string 0 = AllowRedirUsingAnyDriver, 1 = AllowRedirUsingSpecifiedDriver, 2 = DoNotAllowRedirUsingSpecifiedDriver

Printer Drivers allow mode.

printerRetention: string 0 = Off, 1 = On

Printer Retention mode.

printerDriversArray: string[]

Printer Drivers string array.

excludedFontsArray: string[]

Excluded Fonts string array.

autoInstallFonts: string[]

Auto Installed Fonts.

printerNamePattern: string

Printer Name Pattern.

  "embedFonts": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterFont": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterPattern": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterDrivers": "boolean",
  "driverAllowMode": "string",
  "printerRetention": "string",
  "printerDriversArray": [
  "excludedFontsArray": [
  "autoInstallFonts": [
  "printerNamePattern": "string"

ProfileContainerAdvancedSettings: object

FSLogix Profile Container Advanced Settings

useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply: boolean

Specifies if the 'Delete local profile when loading from VHD' option is enabled or disabled.

deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Delete local profile when loading from VHD'.

useProfileDirSDDL: boolean

Specifies if the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory' option is enabled or disabled.

profileDirSDDL: string

Specifies the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory'.

useProfileType: boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile type' option is enabled or disabled.

profileType: string 0 = NormalProfile, 1 = OnlyRWProfile, 2 = OnlyROProfile, 3 = RWROProfile

Specifies the 'Profile type'.

useSetTempToLocalPath: boolean

Specifies if the 'Temporary folders redirection mode' option is enabled or disabled.

setTempToLocalPath: string 0 = TakeNoAction, 1 = RedirectTempAndTmp, 2 = RedirectINetCache, 3 = RedirectTempTmpAndINetCache

Specifies the 'Temporary folders redirection mode'.

useLockedRetryCount: boolean

Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.

lockedRetryCount: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.

useLockedRetryInterval: boolean

Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.

lockedRetryInterval: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.

useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject: boolean

Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.

accessNetworkAsComputerObject: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Access network as computer object'.

useAttachVHDSDDL: boolean

Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.

attachVHDSDDL: string

Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.

useDiffDiskParentFolderPath: boolean

Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.

diffDiskParentFolderPath: string

Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.

useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName: boolean

Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.

flipFlopProfileDirectoryName: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names'.

useKeepLocalDir: boolean

Specifies if the 'Keep local profiles' option is enabled or disabled.

keepLocalDir: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Keep local profiles'.

useNoProfileContainingFolder: boolean

Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.

noProfileContainingFolder: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles'.

useOutlookCachedMode: boolean

Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.

outlookCachedMode: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook'.

usePreventLoginWithFailure: boolean

Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.

preventLoginWithFailure: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Prevent logons with failures'.

usePreventLoginWithTempProfile: boolean

Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.

preventLoginWithTempProfile: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles'.

useReAttachRetryCount: boolean

Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.

reAttachRetryCount: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.

useReAttachIntervalSeconds: boolean

Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.

reAttachIntervalSeconds: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.

useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff: boolean

Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.

removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff'.

useRoamSearch: boolean

Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.

roamSearch: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Search roaming feature mode'.

useSIDDirNameMatch: boolean

Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirNameMatch: string

Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.

useSIDDirNamePattern: boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirNamePattern: string

Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.

useSIDDirSDDL: boolean

Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirSDDL: string

Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.

useVHDNameMatch: boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

vhdNameMatch: string

Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.

useVHDNamePattern: boolean

Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.

vhdNamePattern: string

Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.

useVHDXSectorSize: boolean

Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.

vhdxSectorSize: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'VHDX sector size'.

useVolumeWaitTimeMS: boolean

Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.

volumeWaitTimeMS: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.

  "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
  "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
  "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "profileDirSDDL": "string",
  "useProfileType": "boolean",
  "profileType": "string",
  "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
  "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
  "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
  "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
  "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
  "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
  "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
  "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
  "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
  "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
  "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
  "keepLocalDir": "string",
  "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
  "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
  "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
  "outlookCachedMode": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
  "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
  "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
  "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
  "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
  "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
  "roamSearch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
  "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
  "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
  "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "sidDirSDDL": "string",
  "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
  "vhdNameMatch": "string",
  "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
  "vhdNamePattern": "string",
  "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
  "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
  "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
  "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"

ProfileContainerSettings: object

FSLogix Profile Container Settings

advancedSettings: ProfileContainerAdvancedSettings

Specifies the 'Advanced Settings'.

locationType: string 0 = SMBLocation, 1 = CloudCache

Specifies the 'Location type'.

vhdLocations: string[]

Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.

ccdLocations: string[]

Specifies the 'CCDLocations'.

profileDiskFormat: string 0 = VHD, 1 = VHDX

Specifies the 'Profile disk format'.

allocationType: string 0 = Dynamic, 1 = Full

Specifies the 'Allocation type'.

defaultSize: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Default size'.

userInclusionList: UserFilter

Specifies the 'User Inclusion List'.

userExclusionList: UserFilter

Specifies the 'User Exclusion List'.

customizeProfileFolders: boolean

Specifies whether the 'Customize Profile Folders' is enabled or disabled.

excludeCommonFolders: string 1 = Contacts, 2 = Desktop, 4 = Documents, 8 = Links, 16 = MusicPodcasts, 32 = PicturesVideos, 64 = FoldersLowIntegProcesses

Specifies the 'Exclude Common Folders'.

folderInclusionList: string[]

Specifies the 'Folder Inclusion List'.

folderExclusionList: FolderExclusion

Specifies the 'Folder Exclusion List'.

  "advancedSettings": {
    "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
    "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
    "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "profileDirSDDL": "string",
    "useProfileType": "boolean",
    "profileType": "string",
    "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
    "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
    "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
    "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
    "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
    "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
    "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
    "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
    "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
    "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
    "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
    "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
    "keepLocalDir": "string",
    "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
    "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
    "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
    "outlookCachedMode": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
    "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
    "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
    "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
    "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
    "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
    "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
    "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
    "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
    "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
    "roamSearch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
    "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
    "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
    "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
    "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
    "sidDirSDDL": "string",
    "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
    "vhdNameMatch": "string",
    "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
    "vhdNamePattern": "string",
    "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
    "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
    "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
    "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
  "locationType": "string",
  "vhdLocations": [
  "ccdLocations": [
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "userInclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "userExclusionList": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "folderInclusionList": [
  "folderExclusionList": [
      "folder": "string",
      "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

Provider: object


directAddress: string

Specifies the Provider server direct address.

inheritDefaultAgentSettings: boolean

Whether the default Agent settings are inherited or not.

port: integer (int32)

Specifies the port number for the Provider.

sessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Disconnect Timeout'. 0 - No timeout.

sessionLogoffTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Reset Timeout'. 0 - No timeout.

type: string 589824 = HyperVUnknown, 589825 = HyperVWin2008Std, 589826 = HyperVWin2008Ent, 589827 = HyperVWin2008Dtc, 589828 = HyperV, 589829 = HyperVWin2012Std, 589830 = HyperVWin2012Dtc, 589831 = HyperVWin2012Srv, 589832 = HyperVWin2008R2Std, 589833 = HyperVWin2008R2Ent, 589834 = HyperVWin2008R2Dtc, 589835 = HyperVWin2012R2Std, 589836 = HyperVWin2012R2Dtc, 589837 = HyperVWin2012R2Srv, 589838 = HyperVWin2016Std, 589839 = HyperVWin2016Dtc, 589840 = HyperVWin2016Srv, 589841 = HyperVWin2019Std, 589842 = HyperVWin2019Dtc, 589843 = HyperVWin2019Srv, 589844 = HyperVWin2022Std, 589845 = HyperVWin2022Dtc, 655360 = VmwareESXUnknown, 655363 = VmwareESXi4_0, 655364 = VmwareESX4_0, 655365 = VmwareESXi4_1, 655366 = VmwareESX4_1, 655367 = VmwareESXi5_0, 655368 = VmwareESXi5_1, 655369 = VmwareESXi5_5, 655370 = VmwareESXi6_0, 655371 = VmwareESXi6_5, 655372 = VmwareESXi6_7, 655373 = VmwareESXi7_0, 720896 = CitrixXenUnknown, 720897 = CitrixXen5_0, 720898 = CitrixXen5_5, 720899 = CitrixXen5_6, 720900 = CitrixXen5_6_1, 720901 = CitrixXen6_0, 720902 = CitrixXen6_1, 720903 = CitrixXen6_2, 720904 = CitrixXen6_5, 720905 = CitrixXen7_0, 720906 = CitrixXen7_1, 720907 = CitrixXen7_2, 983040 = VmwareVCenterUnknown, 983041 = VmwareVCenter4_0, 983042 = VmwareVCenter4_1, 983043 = VmwareVCenter5_0, 983044 = VmwareVCenter5_1, 983045 = VmwareVCenter5_5, 983046 = VmwareVCenter6_0, 983047 = VmwareVCenter6_5, 983048 = VmwareVCenter6_7, 983049 = VmwareVCenter7_0, 1048576 = HyperVFailoverClusterUnknown, 1048577 = HyperVFailoverClusterEnt, 1048578 = HyperVFailoverClusterDtc, 1048579 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2012, 1048580 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2012R2, 1048581 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2016, 1048582 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2019, 1048583 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2022, 1114112 = QemuKvmUnknown, 1114113 = QemuKvm1_2_14, 1179648 = NutanixUnknown, 1179649 = Nutanix5_0, 1179650 = Nutanix5_5, 1179651 = Nutanix5_10, 1179652 = Nutanix5_15, 1179653 = Nutanix5_20, 1245184 = RemotePCUnknown, 1245185 = RemotePCStatic, 1245186 = RemotePCDynamic, 1310720 = ScaleUnknown, 1310721 = Scale7_4, 1310722 = Scale8_6_5, 1310723 = Scale8_8, 1310724 = Scale8_9, 1376256 = Azure

Specifies the Provider type.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Specifies the URL and Mail Redirection values.

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Whether the 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option is enabled or disabled.

allowRemoteExec: boolean

Whether remote execution is allowed or not.

enableAppMonitoring: boolean

Whether application monitoring is enabled or not.

useRemoteApps: boolean

Whether remote applications are used or not.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Whether the 'Allow file transfer' option is enabled or disabled (deprecated).

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

File Transfer option.

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

enablePrinting: boolean

Whether printing is enabled or not.

enableTWAIN: boolean

Whether TWAIN (Universal Scanning) is enabled or not.

enableWIA: boolean

Whether WIA (Universal Scanning) is enabled or not.

vdiUsername: string

A user account to log in to the hypervisor management tool (e.g. VMware vCenter).

vdiAgent: string

FQDN or IP address of the server where the RAS VDI Agent is running.

vdiPort: integer (int32)

The port to communicate with the dedicated VDIAgent specified in the VDIAgent parameter.

useDefaultPrinterSettings: boolean

Whether the default printer settings are used or not.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Specifies if 'Remove client name from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Specifies if 'Remove session number from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the Printer Name Format.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

ID of the preferred Publishing Agent server.

useDedicatedVDIAgent: boolean

Whether a dedicated VDI Agent server is used or not.

enableDriveRedirectionCache: boolean

Whether the Drive Redirection Cache is enabled or not.

azureInfo: VDIAzureInfo

VDI Azure information.

remotePCStaticList: RemotePCStatic

Remote PC Static.

server: string

Server name.

enabled: boolean

Whether the server is enabled or not.

description: string

Description of the server.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of the site.

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "directAddress": "string",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "enablePrinting": "boolean",
  "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
  "enableWIA": "boolean",
  "vdiUsername": "string",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "vdiPort": "integer (int32)",
  "useDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "useDedicatedVDIAgent": "boolean",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "azureInfo": {
    "authenticationURL": "string",
    "managementURL": "string",
    "resourceURI": "string",
    "subscriptionID": "string",
    "tenantID": "string"
  "remotePCStaticList": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "mac": "string",
      "subnet": "string"
  "server": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

ProviderAgentDiagnostic: object

Provider Agent Diagnostic

state: string 0 = StartCheck, 1 = NotVerified, 2 = Pending, 3 = Error, 4 = OK, 5 = NeedsUpdate, 6 = CheckCredentials, 7 = InvalidCredentials, 8 = CannotConnectToVDIAgent, 11 = UnsupportedVDI, 12 = VDITypeCheck, 16 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 17 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 20 = StartCheckUDP, 21 = NeedsKB2580360, 22 = InvalidProviderVersion, 23 = DisabledScheduler, 24 = ServerIsDisabled, 25 = SettingsNotApplied, 26 = InvalidVDIType, 27 = UnsupportedOS

Provider Agent Diagnostic State.

connectedPAIP: string

Connected PA IP.

providerPort: integer (int32)

Provider port.

version: integer (int32)


server: string

Server name.

agentDiagnosticType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice

Type of agent diagnostic.

agentVersion: string

Agent Version.

osVersion: string

Operating System Version.

  "state": "string",
  "connectedPAIP": "string",
  "providerPort": "integer (int32)",
  "version": "integer (int32)",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

ProviderGuest: object

Provider Guest

name: string

Provider name.

server: string

FQDN or IP address of the RAS Server.

state: string 0 = On, 1 = OnAgentConnected, 2 = Off, 3 = Paused, 4 = RASTemplate, 5 = MaintenanceMode, 6 = Cloning, 7 = Personalizing, 8 = FailedToCreate, -1 = Unknown

VDI Guest State.

connection: string 0 = Disconnected, 1 = Preparing, 2 = Waiting, 3 = Connected, 4 = RASTemplate, -1 = Unknown

VDI Guest Connection.

templateName: string

Template Name.

templateID: integer (int32)

Template ID.

templateType: string 0 = VDIDesktop, 1 = RDSH

VDI Template Type.

user: string

Provider user name.

ip: string

IP of the Provider.

vdiGuestID: string

VDI Guest ID.

providerID: integer (int32)

Provider ID.

serviceStartTime: string

Service start time.

systemBootTime: string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptions: integer (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

RAS Log Level for this Provider.

session: VDIRDPSession

VDI user session.

isMaintenance: boolean

Whether the Provider is in maintenance or not.

isTemplate: boolean

Whether the Provider is a template or not.

agentState: string 0 = OK, 1 = EnumSessionsFailed, 2 = RDSRoleDisabled, 3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions, 4 = RASScheduleInProgress, 5 = ConnectionFailed, 6 = InvalidCredentials, 7 = NeedsSysprep, 8 = SysPrepInProgress, 9 = CloningFailed, 10 = Synchronising, 13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart, 14 = LogonDrain, 15 = LogonDisabled, 16 = ForcedDisconnect, 17 = CloningCanceled, 18 = RASprepInProgress, 20 = InstallingRDSRole, 21 = RebootPending, 22 = PortMismatch, 23 = NeedsDowngrade, 24 = NotApplied, 25 = CloningInProgress, 26 = MarkedForDeletion, 27 = StandBy, 28 = UnsupportedVDIType, 29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 30 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 31 = HotfixKB2580360NotInstalled, 32 = InvalidHostVersion, 33 = NotJoined, 35 = LicenseExpired, 36 = JoinBroken, 37 = InUse, 38 = NotInUse, 39 = Unsupported, 40 = BrokerNoAvailableGWs, 41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized, 42 = EnrollmentUnavailable, 43 = InvalidCAConfig, 44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials, 45 = InvalidESSettings, 46 = FSLogixNotAvail, 47 = NoDevices, 48 = NeedsAttention, 49 = ImageOptimizationPending, 50 = ImageOptimization, 51 = Unavailable, 52 = UnderConstruction, 53 = Broken, 54 = NonRAS, 55 = Provisioning, 56 = Invalid, 57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate, 58 = NoMembersAvailable, 59 = MembersNeedUpdate, -6 = Unknown, -5 = NeedsUpdate, -4 = NotVerified, -3 = ServerDeleted, -2 = DisabledFromSettings, -1 = Disconnected

Agent state.

  "name": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "connection": "string",
  "templateName": "string",
  "templateID": "integer (int32)",
  "templateType": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "ip": "string",
  "vdiGuestID": "string",
  "providerID": "integer (int32)",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "logLevel": "string",
  "session": {
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
    "ip": "string",
    "serverID": "integer (int32)",
    "type": "string",
    "user": "string",
    "themeID": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionMode": "string",
    "authenticationType": "string",
    "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
    "mfaProvider": "string",
    "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
    "rfiInfoList": [
        "type": "string",
        "ip": "string"
    "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
    "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
    "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
    "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
    "userProfileType": "string",
    "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionQuality": "string",
    "latency": "integer (int32)",
    "protocol": "string",
    "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
    "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
    "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
    "disconnectReason": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
    "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
    "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
    "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
    "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
    "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
    "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
    "colourDepth": "string",
    "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
    "deviceName": "string",
    "clientIPAddress": "string",
    "clientOS": "string",
    "clientOSVersion": "string",
    "clientVersion": "string"
  "isMaintenance": "boolean",
  "isTemplate": "boolean",
  "agentState": "string"

ProviderSysInfo: object

Provider System Information

preferredPA: string

Specifies the preferred PA.

activeConnections: integer (int32)

Number of active connections.

vdiAgent: string

FQDN or IP address of the VDI Agent.

cpuLoad: integer (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoad: integer (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskRead: integer (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWrite: integer (int32)

Disk Write.

enabled: boolean

Whether the object is enabled or not.

id: string

ID of RAS Agent.

server: string

Server name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of Site.

agentVer: string

Agent Version.

serverOS: string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTime: string

Service start time.

systemBootTime: string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptions: integer (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineId: string

Id of the machine

agentState: string 0 = OK, 1 = EnumSessionsFailed, 2 = RDSRoleDisabled, 3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions, 4 = RASScheduleInProgress, 5 = ConnectionFailed, 6 = InvalidCredentials, 7 = NeedsSysprep, 8 = SysPrepInProgress, 9 = CloningFailed, 10 = Synchronising, 13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart, 14 = LogonDrain, 15 = LogonDisabled, 16 = ForcedDisconnect, 17 = CloningCanceled, 18 = RASprepInProgress, 20 = InstallingRDSRole, 21 = RebootPending, 22 = PortMismatch, 23 = NeedsDowngrade, 24 = NotApplied, 25 = CloningInProgress, 26 = MarkedForDeletion, 27 = StandBy, 28 = UnsupportedVDIType, 29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 30 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 31 = HotfixKB2580360NotInstalled, 32 = InvalidHostVersion, 33 = NotJoined, 35 = LicenseExpired, 36 = JoinBroken, 37 = InUse, 38 = NotInUse, 39 = Unsupported, 40 = BrokerNoAvailableGWs, 41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized, 42 = EnrollmentUnavailable, 43 = InvalidCAConfig, 44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials, 45 = InvalidESSettings, 46 = FSLogixNotAvail, 47 = NoDevices, 48 = NeedsAttention, 49 = ImageOptimizationPending, 50 = ImageOptimization, 51 = Unavailable, 52 = UnderConstruction, 53 = Broken, 54 = NonRAS, 55 = Provisioning, 56 = Invalid, 57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate, 58 = NoMembersAvailable, 59 = MembersNeedUpdate, -6 = Unknown, -5 = NeedsUpdate, -4 = NotVerified, -3 = ServerDeleted, -2 = DisabledFromSettings, -1 = Disconnected

Agent State.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All

Type of server.

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

Level of logging: 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard (Information), 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose (Trace).

  "preferredPA": "string",
  "activeConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

PubAppAttr: object

Published application attributes. Contains application settings per server

parameters: string

Application parameters.

startIn: string

Application working directory.

target: string

Application target file. (i.e. calc.exe, file.txt, etc.).

serverId: integer (int32)

ID of the server where the application is published.

  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "serverId": "integer (int32)"

PubDefaultSettings: object

Contains default settings for published resources

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of the Site.

startPath: string

Starting path of the settings.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Whether the 'Create shortcut on Desktop' option is enabled or not.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Whether the 'Create shortcut in Start Folder' option is enabled or not.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Whether the 'Create shortcut in Auto Start Folder' option is enabled or not.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Whether the 'Replicate Shortcut Settings' option is enabled or not.

replicateDisplaySettings: boolean

Whether the 'Replicate Display Settings' option is enabled or not.

waitForPrinters: boolean

Whether the option 'Wait until all RAS Universal Printers are redirected before showing the application' is enabled or not.

startMaximized: boolean

Whether the option 'Start Maximized' is enabled or not.

startFullscreen: boolean

Whether the option 'StartFullscreen' is enabled or not.

waitForPrintersTimeout: integer (int32)

Printer redirection timeout (in seconds). Works together with the WaitForPrinters parameter.

colorDepth: string 0 = Colors8Bit, 1 = Colors15Bit, 2 = Colors16Bit, 3 = Colors24Bit, 4 = Colors32Bit, 5 = ClientSpecified

Specifies the display color depth setting: 0=Colors8Bit, 1=Colors15Bit, 2=Colors16Bit, 3=Colors24Bit, 4=Colors32Bit, 5=ClientSpecified.

disableSessionSharing: boolean

Whether the option 'Disable Session Sharing' is enabled or not.

oneInstancePerUser: boolean

Whether the option 'Allow users to start only one instance of the application' is enabled or not.

conCurrentLicenses: integer (int32)

Specifies the number of concurrent licenses (the 'Concurrent licenses' option).

licenseLimitNotify: string 0 = WarnUserAndNoStart, 1 = WarnUserAndStart, 2 = NotifyAdminAndStart, 3 = NotifyUserAdminAndStart, 4 = NotifyUserAdminAndNoStart

Specifies an action to perform when the license limit is exceeded.: 0=Warn user and do not start, 1=Notify administrator and start, 2=Notify user, administrator and start, 3=Notify user, administrator and do not start.

replicateLicenseSettings: boolean

Whether the option 'Replicate license settings' is enabled or not.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Whether the option 'Replicate Maintenance' is enabled or not.

maintenanceMessages: MaintenanceMessages

Contains a set of maintenance messages in different languages.

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "startPath": "string",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"

PubFileExtSettings: object

Contains extension settings for published applications

extension: string

Name of the extension.

parameters: string

Parameters of extension settings.

enabled: boolean

Whether enabled or not.

  "extension": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean"

PubFolder: object

Published Folder

adminOnly: boolean

Whether there are admin rights only for this folder or not.

maintenanceMessages: MaintenanceMessages

Contains a set of maintenance messages in different languages.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

name: string

Name of the published item.

type: string 0 = Any, 1 = Folder, 2 = RDSApp, 3 = RDSDesktop, 4 = VDIDesktop, 5 = PCDesktop, 6 = PCApp, 7 = VDIApp, 8 = WVDApp, 9 = WVDDesktop

Type of published item: 0=Any, 1=Folder, 2=RDSApp, 3=RDSDesktop, 4=VDIDesktop, 5=PCDesktop, 6=PCApp, 7=VDIApp.

parentId: integer (int32)

ID of the parent folder of the published item.

previousId: integer (int32)

ID of the previous published item.

description: string

Description of the published item.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Represents the availability status of the published resource.

enabled: boolean

Whether the published item is enabled or not.

publishToSite: integer[]

List of the IDs of all the sites this item is published to.

integer (int32)
userFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether User Filtering is enabled or not.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate User Filtering or not.

allowedUsers: UserFilter

Lists the allowed users.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Client Filtering is enabled or not.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate Client Filtering or not.

allowedClients: string[]

Lists the allowed clients.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether IP Filtering is enabled or not.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate IP Filtering or not.

allowedIP4s: IP4Range

Lists the allowed IPv4 addresses.

allowedIP6s: IP6Range

Lists the allowed IPV6 addresses.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether MAC address Filtering is enabled or not.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate MAC address Filtering or not.

allowedMACs: string[]

Lists the allowed MAC addresses.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Gateway Filtering is enabled or not.

allowedGWs: string[]

Lists the allowed Gateways.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether OS Filtering is enabled or not.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate OS Filtering or not.

allowedOSes: AllowedOperatingSystems

Allowed Operating Systems.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Whether Preferred Routing is enabled or not.

preferredRoutes: PubPreferredRoute

The list of Preferred Routes.

iconId: integer (int32)
hdIconId: integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "adminOnly": "boolean",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
  "iconId": "integer (int32)",
  "hdIconId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

PubItem: object

RAS Published Item

maintenanceMessages: MaintenanceMessages

Contains a set of maintenance messages in different languages.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

name: string

Name of the published item.

type: string 0 = Any, 1 = Folder, 2 = RDSApp, 3 = RDSDesktop, 4 = VDIDesktop, 5 = PCDesktop, 6 = PCApp, 7 = VDIApp, 8 = WVDApp, 9 = WVDDesktop

Type of published item: 0=Any, 1=Folder, 2=RDSApp, 3=RDSDesktop, 4=VDIDesktop, 5=PCDesktop, 6=PCApp, 7=VDIApp.

parentId: integer (int32)

ID of the parent folder of the published item.

previousId: integer (int32)

ID of the previous published item.

description: string

Description of the published item.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Represents the availability status of the published resource.

enabled: boolean

Whether the published item is enabled or not.

publishToSite: integer[]

List of the IDs of all the sites this item is published to.

integer (int32)
userFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether User Filtering is enabled or not.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate User Filtering or not.

allowedUsers: UserFilter

Lists the allowed users.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Client Filtering is enabled or not.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate Client Filtering or not.

allowedClients: string[]

Lists the allowed clients.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether IP Filtering is enabled or not.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate IP Filtering or not.

allowedIP4s: IP4Range

Lists the allowed IPv4 addresses.

allowedIP6s: IP6Range

Lists the allowed IPV6 addresses.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether MAC address Filtering is enabled or not.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate MAC address Filtering or not.

allowedMACs: string[]

Lists the allowed MAC addresses.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Gateway Filtering is enabled or not.

allowedGWs: string[]

Lists the allowed Gateways.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether OS Filtering is enabled or not.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate OS Filtering or not.

allowedOSes: AllowedOperatingSystems

Allowed Operating Systems.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Whether Preferred Routing is enabled or not.

preferredRoutes: PubPreferredRoute

The list of Preferred Routes.

iconId: integer (int32)
hdIconId: integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
  "iconId": "integer (int32)",
  "hdIconId": "integer (int32)",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

PubItemStatus: object

Status of Published Item

id: integer (int32)

App/Desktop ID.

name: string

App/Desktop name.

executablePath: string

Executable application path.

sessionType: string 0 = Desktop, 1 = PublishedApps, 2 = Application, 3 = VDI, 4 = VDIApp, 5 = PC, 6 = PCApp, 7 = Admin, 8 = Unknown, 9 = RemoteApps, 10 = DirectRDP, -1 = All

The type of Remote Desktop Session.

source: string 1 = RDS, 2 = VDI, 63 = WVDProvider, 81 = RPC, -1 = All

The source of the Remote Desktop Session.

sessionHostId: string

Session Host ID to which a Remote Desktp Session is connected to.

sessionHostName: string

Session Host Name to which a Remote Desktop Session is connected to.

poolName: string

Group/Pool Name.

user: string

User which is running the application/desktop.

parentProcessID: integer (int32)

ID of the parent process of the published item.

vdiGuestRuntimeId: integer (int32)

VDI Guest Runtime ID of the process.

ip: string

Session server IP.

themeID: integer (int32)

Theme ID.

sessionState: string 0 = Active, 1 = Connected, 2 = ConnectQuery, 3 = Shadow, 4 = Disconnected, 5 = Idle, 6 = Listen, 7 = Reset, 8 = Down, 9 = Init, -1 = All

State of Remote Desktop Session.

appName: string

Application name.

process: string

Process name.

pid: integer (int32)

Process ID.

session: integer (int32)

RAS session ID.

  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "executablePath": "string",
  "sessionType": "string",
  "source": "string",
  "sessionHostId": "string",
  "sessionHostName": "string",
  "poolName": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "parentProcessID": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestRuntimeId": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "themeID": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionState": "string",
  "appName": "string",
  "process": "string",
  "pid": "integer (int32)",
  "session": "integer (int32)"

PublishedApplications: object

Sessions Published Applications Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether the Published Applications policy is enabled or not.

usePrimaryMonitor: boolean

If set to true, will use the primary monitor only.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "usePrimaryMonitor": "boolean"

PubPreferredRoute: object

Publishing Preferred Route

name: string

The Name of the Publishing Route

description: string

Description of the Publishing Route

enabled: boolean

Whether the Publishing Route is enabled or not

referenceType: string 3 = Gateway, 51 = HALB, 83 = Custom

Reference Type of the Publishing Route

referenceId: integer (int32)

Reference ID of the Publishing Route

priority: integer (int32)

Priority of the object.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "referenceType": "string",
  "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

PubRDSApp: object

Published RDS Application

publishFromServer: integer[]

List of servers to publish from.

integer (int32)
publishFromGroup: integer[]

List of groups to publish from.

integer (int32)
perServerAttributes: PubAppAttr

Application settings per server.

publishFrom: string 0 = All, 1 = Group, 2 = Server

'Publish From' options for published applications: 0=All servers, 1=Server groups, 2=Individual servers.

enableFileExtensions: boolean

Whether file extensions option is enabled or not.

inheritDisplayDefaultSettings: boolean

Whether the 'Inherit default license settings' option is enabled or disabled.

replicateDisplaySettings: boolean

Whether the 'Replicate Display Settings' is enabled or not.

startMaximized: boolean

Whether the application will start as maximized or not.

startFullscreen: boolean

Whether the application will start as fullscreen for WYSE ThinOS clients or not.

waitForPrinters: boolean

Whether the application will wait for the printers or not.

waitForPrintersTimeout: integer (int32)

Timeout for waiting of the application for the printers.

colorDepth: string 0 = Colors8Bit, 1 = Colors15Bit, 2 = Colors16Bit, 3 = Colors24Bit, 4 = Colors32Bit, 5 = ClientSpecified

Depth of color: 0=Colors8Bit, 1=colors15Bit, 2=colors16Bit, 3=colors24Bit, 4=colors32Bit, 5=clientSpecified.

inheritLicenseDefaultSettings: boolean

Whether to inherit license default settings or not.

replicateLicenseSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate license settings or not.

replicateFileExtensionSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate file extension settings or not.

replicateDefaultServerSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate settings of the default server or not.

disableSessionSharing: boolean

Whether to disable session sharing or not.

oneInstancePerUser: boolean

Whether the option for one instance per user is enabled or not.

conCurrentLicenses: integer (int32)

Number of concurrent licenses.

licenseLimitNotify: string 0 = WarnUserAndNoStart, 1 = WarnUserAndStart, 2 = NotifyAdminAndStart, 3 = NotifyUserAdminAndStart, 4 = NotifyUserAdminAndNoStart

Style of notification about the license limit: 0=warnUserAndNoStart, 1=warnUserAndStart, 2=notifyAdminAndStart, 3=notifyUserAdminAndStart, 4=notifyUserAdminAndNoStart.

fileExtensions: PubFileExtSettings

Lists extension settings for published applications.

winType: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Maximized, 2 = Minimized

Window Type: 0=Normal, 1=Maximized, 2=Minimized.

parameters: string

Application parameters.

startIn: string

Application working directory.

target: string

Application target file.

startOnLogon: boolean

Whether the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option is enabled or disabled.

excludePrelaunch: boolean

Exclude application from prelaunch.

inheritShortcutDefaultSettings: boolean

Whether to inherit default shortcut settings or not.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate shortcut settings or not.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut on the desktop or not.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut in the start folder or not.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut in the startup folder or not.

startPath: string

Starting path of the published item.

maintenanceMessages: MaintenanceMessages

Contains a set of maintenance messages in different languages.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

name: string

Name of the published item.

type: string 0 = Any, 1 = Folder, 2 = RDSApp, 3 = RDSDesktop, 4 = VDIDesktop, 5 = PCDesktop, 6 = PCApp, 7 = VDIApp, 8 = WVDApp, 9 = WVDDesktop

Type of published item: 0=Any, 1=Folder, 2=RDSApp, 3=RDSDesktop, 4=VDIDesktop, 5=PCDesktop, 6=PCApp, 7=VDIApp.

parentId: integer (int32)

ID of the parent folder of the published item.

previousId: integer (int32)

ID of the previous published item.

description: string

Description of the published item.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Represents the availability status of the published resource.

enabled: boolean

Whether the published item is enabled or not.

publishToSite: integer[]

List of the IDs of all the sites this item is published to.

integer (int32)
userFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether User Filtering is enabled or not.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate User Filtering or not.

allowedUsers: UserFilter

Lists the allowed users.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Client Filtering is enabled or not.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate Client Filtering or not.

allowedClients: string[]

Lists the allowed clients.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether IP Filtering is enabled or not.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate IP Filtering or not.

allowedIP4s: IP4Range

Lists the allowed IPv4 addresses.

allowedIP6s: IP6Range

Lists the allowed IPV6 addresses.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether MAC address Filtering is enabled or not.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate MAC address Filtering or not.

allowedMACs: string[]

Lists the allowed MAC addresses.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Gateway Filtering is enabled or not.

allowedGWs: string[]

Lists the allowed Gateways.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether OS Filtering is enabled or not.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate OS Filtering or not.

allowedOSes: AllowedOperatingSystems

Allowed Operating Systems.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Whether Preferred Routing is enabled or not.

preferredRoutes: PubPreferredRoute

The list of Preferred Routes.

iconId: integer (int32)
hdIconId: integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "publishFromServer": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromGroup": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "perServerAttributes": [
      "parameters": "string",
      "startIn": "string",
      "target": "string",
      "serverId": "integer (int32)"
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "enableFileExtensions": "boolean",
  "inheritDisplayDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "inheritLicenseDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateFileExtensionSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDefaultServerSettings": "boolean",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "fileExtensions": [
      "extension": "string",
      "parameters": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean"
  "winType": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [

PubRDSDesktop: object

Published RDS Desktop

connectToConsole: boolean

Connect to console

publishFromServer: integer[]

List of servers to publish from.

integer (int32)
publishFromGroup: integer[]

List of groups to publish from.

integer (int32)
publishFrom: string 0 = All, 1 = Group, 2 = Server

'Publish From' options for published desktops: 0=All servers, 1=Server groups, 2=Individual servers.

desktopSize: string 0 = UseAvailableArea, 1 = FullScreen, 2 = W640xH480, 3 = W800xH600, 4 = W854xH480, 5 = W1024xH576, 6 = W1024xH768, 7 = W1152xH864, 8 = W1280xH720, 9 = W1280xH768, 10 = W1280xH800, 11 = W1280xH960, 12 = W1280xH1024, 13 = W1360xH768, 14 = W1366xH768, 15 = W1400xH1050, 16 = W1440xH900, 17 = W1600xH900, 18 = W1600xH1024, 19 = W1600xH1200, 20 = W1680xH1050, 21 = W1920xH1080, 22 = W1920xH1200, 23 = W1920xH1440, 24 = W2048xH1152, 25 = Custom

Desktop Size.

width: integer (int32)

Desktop width.

height: integer (int32)

Desktop height.

allowMultiMonitor: string 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = UseClientSettings

Specifies the Multi-monitor option. Acceptable values: Enabled, Disabled, UseClientSettings.

startOnLogon: boolean

Whether the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option is enabled or disabled.

excludePrelaunch: boolean

Exclude application from prelaunch.

inheritShortcutDefaultSettings: boolean

Whether to inherit default shortcut settings or not.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate shortcut settings or not.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut on the desktop or not.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut in the start folder or not.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut in the startup folder or not.

startPath: string

Starting path of the published item.

maintenanceMessages: MaintenanceMessages

Contains a set of maintenance messages in different languages.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

name: string

Name of the published item.

type: string 0 = Any, 1 = Folder, 2 = RDSApp, 3 = RDSDesktop, 4 = VDIDesktop, 5 = PCDesktop, 6 = PCApp, 7 = VDIApp, 8 = WVDApp, 9 = WVDDesktop

Type of published item: 0=Any, 1=Folder, 2=RDSApp, 3=RDSDesktop, 4=VDIDesktop, 5=PCDesktop, 6=PCApp, 7=VDIApp.

parentId: integer (int32)

ID of the parent folder of the published item.

previousId: integer (int32)

ID of the previous published item.

description: string

Description of the published item.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Represents the availability status of the published resource.

enabled: boolean

Whether the published item is enabled or not.

publishToSite: integer[]

List of the IDs of all the sites this item is published to.

integer (int32)
userFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether User Filtering is enabled or not.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate User Filtering or not.

allowedUsers: UserFilter

Lists the allowed users.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Client Filtering is enabled or not.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate Client Filtering or not.

allowedClients: string[]

Lists the allowed clients.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether IP Filtering is enabled or not.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate IP Filtering or not.

allowedIP4s: IP4Range

Lists the allowed IPv4 addresses.

allowedIP6s: IP6Range

Lists the allowed IPV6 addresses.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether MAC address Filtering is enabled or not.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate MAC address Filtering or not.

allowedMACs: string[]

Lists the allowed MAC addresses.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Gateway Filtering is enabled or not.

allowedGWs: string[]

Lists the allowed Gateways.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether OS Filtering is enabled or not.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate OS Filtering or not.

allowedOSes: AllowedOperatingSystems

Allowed Operating Systems.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Whether Preferred Routing is enabled or not.

preferredRoutes: PubPreferredRoute

The list of Preferred Routes.

iconId: integer (int32)
hdIconId: integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "connectToConsole": "boolean",
  "publishFromServer": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromGroup": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "referenceType": "string",
      "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"
  "iconId": "integer (int32)"

PubVDIApp: object

Published VDI Application

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)

ID of the VDI Pool

persistent: boolean

Specifies whether the connection is persistent or not

connectTo: string 0 = AnyGuest, 3 = SpecificRASTemplate

VDI Matching Mode (Any Guest or specific RAS Template)

selectedGuests: PubVDIGuestObj

List of selected guests

winType: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Maximized, 2 = Minimized

Window Type: 0=Normal, 1=Maximized, 2=Minimized.

parameters: string

Application parameters.

startIn: string

Application working directory.

target: string

Application target file.

startOnLogon: boolean

Whether the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option is enabled or disabled.

excludePrelaunch: boolean

Exclude application from prelaunch.

inheritShortcutDefaultSettings: boolean

Whether to inherit default shortcut settings or not.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate shortcut settings or not.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut on the desktop or not.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut in the start folder or not.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut in the startup folder or not.

startPath: string

Starting path of the published item.

maintenanceMessages: MaintenanceMessages

Contains a set of maintenance messages in different languages.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

name: string

Name of the published item.

type: string 0 = Any, 1 = Folder, 2 = RDSApp, 3 = RDSDesktop, 4 = VDIDesktop, 5 = PCDesktop, 6 = PCApp, 7 = VDIApp, 8 = WVDApp, 9 = WVDDesktop

Type of published item: 0=Any, 1=Folder, 2=RDSApp, 3=RDSDesktop, 4=VDIDesktop, 5=PCDesktop, 6=PCApp, 7=VDIApp.

parentId: integer (int32)

ID of the parent folder of the published item.

previousId: integer (int32)

ID of the previous published item.

description: string

Description of the published item.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Represents the availability status of the published resource.

enabled: boolean

Whether the published item is enabled or not.

publishToSite: integer[]

List of the IDs of all the sites this item is published to.

integer (int32)
userFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether User Filtering is enabled or not.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate User Filtering or not.

allowedUsers: UserFilter

Lists the allowed users.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Client Filtering is enabled or not.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate Client Filtering or not.

allowedClients: string[]

Lists the allowed clients.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether IP Filtering is enabled or not.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate IP Filtering or not.

allowedIP4s: IP4Range

Lists the allowed IPv4 addresses.

allowedIP6s: IP6Range

Lists the allowed IPV6 addresses.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether MAC address Filtering is enabled or not.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate MAC address Filtering or not.

allowedMACs: string[]

Lists the allowed MAC addresses.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Gateway Filtering is enabled or not.

allowedGWs: string[]

Lists the allowed Gateways.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether OS Filtering is enabled or not.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate OS Filtering or not.

allowedOSes: AllowedOperatingSystems

Allowed Operating Systems.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Whether Preferred Routing is enabled or not.

preferredRoutes: PubPreferredRoute

The list of Preferred Routes.

iconId: integer (int32)
hdIconId: integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "selectedGuests": [
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "vdiGuestName": "string",
      "providerId": "integer (int32)",
      "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
      "providerName": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "winType": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "target": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string"

PubVDIDesktop: object

Published VDI Desktop

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)

ID of the VDI Pool

persistent: boolean

Specifies whether the connection is persistent or not

connectTo: string 0 = AnyGuest, 3 = SpecificRASTemplate

VDI Matching Mode (Any Guest or specific RAS Template)

selectedGuests: PubVDIGuestObj

List of selected guests

desktopSize: string 0 = UseAvailableArea, 1 = FullScreen, 2 = W640xH480, 3 = W800xH600, 4 = W854xH480, 5 = W1024xH576, 6 = W1024xH768, 7 = W1152xH864, 8 = W1280xH720, 9 = W1280xH768, 10 = W1280xH800, 11 = W1280xH960, 12 = W1280xH1024, 13 = W1360xH768, 14 = W1366xH768, 15 = W1400xH1050, 16 = W1440xH900, 17 = W1600xH900, 18 = W1600xH1024, 19 = W1600xH1200, 20 = W1680xH1050, 21 = W1920xH1080, 22 = W1920xH1200, 23 = W1920xH1440, 24 = W2048xH1152, 25 = Custom

Desktop Size.

width: integer (int32)

Desktop width.

height: integer (int32)

Desktop height.

allowMultiMonitor: string 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = UseClientSettings

Specifies the Multi-monitor option. Acceptable values: Enabled, Disabled, UseClientSettings.

startOnLogon: boolean

Whether the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option is enabled or disabled.

excludePrelaunch: boolean

Exclude application from prelaunch.

inheritShortcutDefaultSettings: boolean

Whether to inherit default shortcut settings or not.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate shortcut settings or not.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut on the desktop or not.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut in the start folder or not.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Whether to create a shortcut in the startup folder or not.

startPath: string

Starting path of the published item.

maintenanceMessages: MaintenanceMessages

Contains a set of maintenance messages in different languages.

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance.

name: string

Name of the published item.

type: string 0 = Any, 1 = Folder, 2 = RDSApp, 3 = RDSDesktop, 4 = VDIDesktop, 5 = PCDesktop, 6 = PCApp, 7 = VDIApp, 8 = WVDApp, 9 = WVDDesktop

Type of published item: 0=Any, 1=Folder, 2=RDSApp, 3=RDSDesktop, 4=VDIDesktop, 5=PCDesktop, 6=PCApp, 7=VDIApp.

parentId: integer (int32)

ID of the parent folder of the published item.

previousId: integer (int32)

ID of the previous published item.

description: string

Description of the published item.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Represents the availability status of the published resource.

enabled: boolean

Whether the published item is enabled or not.

publishToSite: integer[]

List of the IDs of all the sites this item is published to.

integer (int32)
userFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether User Filtering is enabled or not.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate User Filtering or not.

allowedUsers: UserFilter

Lists the allowed users.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Client Filtering is enabled or not.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate Client Filtering or not.

allowedClients: string[]

Lists the allowed clients.

ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether IP Filtering is enabled or not.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate IP Filtering or not.

allowedIP4s: IP4Range

Lists the allowed IPv4 addresses.

allowedIP6s: IP6Range

Lists the allowed IPV6 addresses.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether MAC address Filtering is enabled or not.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate MAC address Filtering or not.

allowedMACs: string[]

Lists the allowed MAC addresses.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether Gateway Filtering is enabled or not.

allowedGWs: string[]

Lists the allowed Gateways.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether OS Filtering is enabled or not.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate OS Filtering or not.

allowedOSes: AllowedOperatingSystems

Allowed Operating Systems.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Whether Preferred Routing is enabled or not.

preferredRoutes: PubPreferredRoute

The list of Preferred Routes.

iconId: integer (int32)
hdIconId: integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "selectedGuests": [
      "vdiGuestId": "string",
      "vdiGuestName": "string",
      "providerId": "integer (int32)",
      "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
      "providerName": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "maintenanceMessages": {
    "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
    "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string"
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "parentId": "integer (int32)",
  "previousId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "publishToSite": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedUsers": [
      "account": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedClients": [
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedIP4s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "allowedIP6s": [
      "from": "string",
      "to": "string"
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedMACs": [
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "allowedGWs": [
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowedOSes": {
    "chrome": "boolean",
    "android": "boolean",
    "htmL5": "boolean",
    "iOS": "boolean",
    "linux": "boolean",
    "mac": "boolean",
    "webPortal": "boolean",
    "wyse": "boolean",
    "windows": "boolean"
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutes": [
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string"

PubVDIGuestObj: object

Published VDI guest

vdiGuestId: string

VDI Guest ID

vdiGuestName: string

Name of the VDI Guest

providerId: integer (int32)

Provider ID

vdiTemplateId: integer (int32)

VDI Template ID

providerName: string

Provider name

type: string 0 = VDIGuest, 1 = VDITemplate

Published VDI Guest type

  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "vdiGuestName": "string",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "providerName": "string",
  "type": "string"

RadiusAttrInfo: object

The RADIUS attribute information

vendorID: integer (int32)

RADIUS attribute vendor ID

attributeID: integer (int32)

RADIUS attribute ID

attributeType: string 0 = Number, 1 = String, 2 = IP, 3 = Time

RADIUS attribute type (number, string, IP, or time)

name: string

RADIUS attribute name

vendor: string

RADIUS attribute vendor name

value: string

RADIUS attribute Value

  "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
  "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
  "attributeType": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "vendor": "string",
  "value": "string"

RadiusAutoInfo: object

RADIUS Automation information

autoSend: boolean

Whether the RADIUS Automation autoSend is enabled or not

command: string

RADIUS Automation command

enabled: boolean

Whether RADIUS Automation is enabled/disabled

image: string 100 = Alert, 101 = Message, 102 = Email, 103 = Call, 104 = Chat, 105 = Flag

RADIUS Automation image

description: string

RADIUS Description

actionMessage: string

RADIUS Action Message

title: string

RADIUS Automation title

priority: integer (int32)

Priority of the object.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "autoSend": "boolean",
  "command": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "image": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "actionMessage": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

RadiusSettings: object

The RADIUS settings

server: string

The server of the second level authentication provider.

port: integer (int32)

The port number of the second level authentication provider.

passwordEncoding: string 0 = PAP, 1 = CHAP

The type of password encoding to be used.

retries: integer (int32)

Number of retries.

timeout: integer (int32)

Connection timeout (in seconds).

typeName: string

RADIUS type name.

usernameOnly: boolean

Specifies if forwarding of only the Username to RADIUS Server is enabled or not.

forwardFirstPwdToAD: boolean

Specifies if forwarding of first password to Windows authentication provider is enabled or not.

backupServer: string

The backup server of the second level authentication provider.

haMode: string 0 = Parallel, 1 = Serial

The type of high availability mode to be used.

attributeInfoList: RadiusAttrInfo

List of the RADIUS attribute information.

automationInfoList: RadiusAutoInfo

List of the RADIUS Automation information.

  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "passwordEncoding": "string",
  "retries": "integer (int32)",
  "timeout": "integer (int32)",
  "typeName": "string",
  "usernameOnly": "boolean",
  "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
  "backupServer": "string",
  "haMode": "string",
  "attributeInfoList": [
      "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
      "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
      "attributeType": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "vendor": "string",
      "value": "string"
  "automationInfoList": [
      "autoSend": "boolean",
      "command": "string",
      "enabled": "boolean",
      "image": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "actionMessage": "string",
      "title": "string",
      "priority": "integer (int32)",
      "id": "integer (int32)"

RASAgentInfo: object

RAS Agent Info

id: string

ID of RAS Agent.

server: string

Server name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of Site.

agentVer: string

Agent Version.

serverOS: string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTime: string

Service start time.

systemBootTime: string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptions: integer (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineId: string

Id of the machine

agentState: string 0 = OK, 1 = EnumSessionsFailed, 2 = RDSRoleDisabled, 3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions, 4 = RASScheduleInProgress, 5 = ConnectionFailed, 6 = InvalidCredentials, 7 = NeedsSysprep, 8 = SysPrepInProgress, 9 = CloningFailed, 10 = Synchronising, 13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart, 14 = LogonDrain, 15 = LogonDisabled, 16 = ForcedDisconnect, 17 = CloningCanceled, 18 = RASprepInProgress, 20 = InstallingRDSRole, 21 = RebootPending, 22 = PortMismatch, 23 = NeedsDowngrade, 24 = NotApplied, 25 = CloningInProgress, 26 = MarkedForDeletion, 27 = StandBy, 28 = UnsupportedVDIType, 29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 30 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 31 = HotfixKB2580360NotInstalled, 32 = InvalidHostVersion, 33 = NotJoined, 35 = LicenseExpired, 36 = JoinBroken, 37 = InUse, 38 = NotInUse, 39 = Unsupported, 40 = BrokerNoAvailableGWs, 41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized, 42 = EnrollmentUnavailable, 43 = InvalidCAConfig, 44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials, 45 = InvalidESSettings, 46 = FSLogixNotAvail, 47 = NoDevices, 48 = NeedsAttention, 49 = ImageOptimizationPending, 50 = ImageOptimization, 51 = Unavailable, 52 = UnderConstruction, 53 = Broken, 54 = NonRAS, 55 = Provisioning, 56 = Invalid, 57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate, 58 = NoMembersAvailable, 59 = MembersNeedUpdate, -6 = Unknown, -5 = NeedsUpdate, -4 = NotVerified, -3 = ServerDeleted, -2 = DisabledFromSettings, -1 = Disconnected

Agent State.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All

Type of server.

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

Level of logging: 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard (Information), 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose (Trace).

  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

RASAllowedDevicesSetting: object

RAS Allowed Devices Settings

allowClientWithSecurityPatchesOnly: boolean

Whether clients with security patches installed are only allowed to connect.

allowClient2XOS: boolean

Whether 2XOS clients are allowed or not.

allowClientBlackberry: boolean

Whether Blackberry clients are allowed or not

allowClientChromeApp: boolean

Whether ChromeApp clients are allowed or not

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Whether Android clients are allowed or not.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Whether HTML5 clients are allowed or not.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Whether IOS clients are allowed or not.

allowClientJava: boolean

Whether Java clients are allowed or not.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Whether Linux clients are allowed or not.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Whether MAC clients are allowed or not.

allowClientMode: string 0 = AllowAllClientsConnectToSystem, 1 = AllowSelectedClientsConnectToSystem, 2 = AllowSelectedClientsListPublishedItems

Permission mode for allowing types of clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Whether Web clients are allowed or not.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Whether Windows clients are allowed or not.

allowClientWinPhone: boolean

Whether WindowsPhone clients are allowed or not.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Whether Wyse clients are allowed or not.

replicateSettings: boolean

Whether replication of settings to other sites is enabled or not.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which the allowed device settings refer.

minBuild2XOS: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the 2XOS client.

minBuildBlackberry: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Blackberry client.

minBuildChromeApp: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the ChromeApp client.

minBuildAndroid: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Android client.

minBuildHTML5: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the HTML5 client.

minBuildIOS: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the IOS client.

minBuildJava: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Java client.

minBuildLinux: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Linux client.

minBuildMAC: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the MAC client.

minBuildWebPortal: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Web client.

minBuildWindows: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Windows client.

minBuildWinPhone: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Windows Phone client.

minBuildWyse: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Wyse client.

  "allowClientWithSecurityPatchesOnly": "boolean",
  "allowClient2XOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientBlackberry": "boolean",
  "allowClientChromeApp": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientJava": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientMode": "string",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWinPhone": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuild2XOS": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildBlackberry": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildChromeApp": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildAndroid": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildHTML5": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildIOS": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildJava": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildLinux": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildMAC": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWebPortal": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWindows": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWinPhone": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWyse": "integer (int32)"

RASAuthSettings: object

RAS Authentication Settings

authType: string 1 = UsernamePassword, 2 = SmartCard, 3 = UsernamePasswordOrSmartCard, 4 = Web

Represents the type of authentication.

allTrustedDomains: boolean

Whether to use all trusted domains.

domain: string

Domain name.

useClientDomain: boolean

Whether to use the client domain, if specified.

forceNetBIOSCreds: boolean

Whether to force clients to use NetBIOS credentials.

replicateSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate settings to other sites.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which the RAS authentication settings refer.

  "authType": "string",
  "allTrustedDomains": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "useClientDomain": "boolean",
  "forceNetBIOSCreds": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

RASMailboxSettings: object

RAS Mailbox

useTLS: string 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = YesIfAvailable
requireAuth: boolean
smtpServer: string
senderAddress: string
username: string
  "useTLS": "string",
  "requireAuth": "boolean",
  "smtpServer": "string",
  "senderAddress": "string",
  "username": "string"

RASPowerPermission: object

The RAS power administrator permissions

adminId: integer (int32)

Admin account ID

allowSiteChanges: boolean

Permission to do changes to RAS Site settings.

allowConnectionChanges: boolean

Permission to do changes to Connection settings.

allowSessionManagement: boolean

Permission to manage user sessions.

allowDeviceManagementChanges: boolean

Permission to manage client devices.

allowViewingReportingInfo: boolean

Permission for read mode access to RAS Reporting..

allowViewingSiteInfo: boolean

Permission for read mode access to RAS Site information.

allowPublishingChanges: boolean

Permission to manage published resources.

allowPolicyChanges: boolean

Permission to manage RAS client Policies.

allowViewingPolicyInfo: boolean

Permission for read mode to RAS client Policies.

allowAllSites: boolean

Permission to manage all Sites in the Farm.

allowInSiteIds: integer[]

A list of site IDs which the administrator should be allowed to manage.

integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

  "adminId": "integer (int32)",
  "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
  "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
  "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
  "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
  "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
  "allowAllSites": "boolean",
  "allowInSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)"

RASSerilazableObj: object

The RAS serializable object


RASServerConfig: object

The RAS server configuration

licenseServer: string

RAS Licensing server

secondaryServers: string[]

List of secondary servers

  "licenseServer": "string",
  "secondaryServers": [

RASSessionSetting: object

RAS Session Settings

fipsMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Allowed, 2 = Enforced

FIPS 140-2 encryption mode.

remoteIdleSessionTimeout: integer (int32)

The session idle timeout (in seconds).

logoffIdleSessionTimeout: integer (int32)

The client logoff timeout (in seconds).

cachedSessionTimeout: integer (int32)

The cached session timeout (in seconds).

replicateSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate settings to other sites.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of the Site.

  "fipsMode": "string",
  "remoteIdleSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "logoffIdleSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "cachedSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

RDPSession: object

Remote Desktop Session

sessionID: integer (int32)

RAS session ID.

ip: string

Session server IP.

serverID: integer (int32)

Session server ID.

type: string 0 = Desktop, 1 = PublishedApps, 2 = Application, 3 = VDI, 4 = VDIApp, 5 = PC, 6 = PCApp, 7 = Admin, 8 = Unknown, 9 = RemoteApps, 10 = DirectRDP, -1 = All

The type of Remote Desktop Session.

user: string

User to which the session belongs to.

themeID: integer (int32)

Theme ID.

connectionMode: string 0 = GatewayMode, 1 = DirectMode, 2 = GatewaySSLMode, 3 = DirectSSLMode, 4 = DirectRDPMode, 200 = Unknown

Connection Mode.

authenticationType: string 0 = None, 1 = Credentials, 2 = SCard, 3 = SAML

Authentication Type.

idleStartTime: string (date-time)

Session Idle Time.

mfaProvider: string 0 = None, 1 = Deepnet, 2 = SafeNet, 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius, 8 = GAuthTOTP

MFA Provider Type.

rfiCount: integer (int32)

Flow Information Count.

rfiInfoList: RouteFlowInfoEntry

Flow Information.

logonDuration: integer (int32)

Logon Duration.

connectionDuration: integer (int32)

Connection Duration (in seconds).

authenticationDuration: integer (int32)

Authentication Duration (in seconds).

rasPolicyLookup: integer (int32)

RAS Policy Lookup (in ms).

hostPreparation: integer (int32)

Host Preparation (in ms).

groupPolicyLoadTime: integer (int32)

Group Policy Load Time (in ms).

userProfileLoadTime: integer (int32)

User Profile Load Time (in ms).

desktopLoadTime: integer (int32)

Desktop Load Time (in ms).

logonOthersDuration: integer (int32)

Logon Others Duration (in seconds).

userProfileType: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = Others, 2 = UPD, 3 = FSLogix

User Profile Type.

uxEvaluator: integer (int32)

Round Trip Time.

connectionQuality: string 0 = None, 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent

Connection Quality.

latency: integer (int32)


protocol: string 0 = Console, 2 = RDP, 10 = RDP_UDP

Protocol used for session.

bandwidthAvailability: integer (int32)

Bandwidth Availability (in Kbps).

lastReconnects: integer (int32)

Last Reconnects.

reconnects: integer (int32)

Total Reconnects.

disconnectReason: string

Disconnect Reason.

state: string 0 = Active, 1 = Connected, 2 = ConnectQuery, 3 = Shadow, 4 = Disconnected, 5 = Idle, 6 = Listen, 7 = Reset, 8 = Down, 9 = Init, -1 = All

State of Remote Desktop Session.

logonTime: string (date-time)

Session Logon Time.

sessionLength: integer (int32)

Session Length (in seconds).

idleTime: integer (int32)

Idle Time (in seconds).

incomingData: integer (int32)

Incoming Data (in bytes).

outgoingData: integer (int32)

Outgoing Data (in bytes).

verticalResolution: integer (int32)

Session Vertical Resolution.

horizontalResolution: integer (int32)

Session Horizontal Resolution.


Session Resolution.

bandwidthUsage: integer (int32)

Bandwidth Usage.

deviceName: string

Client Device Name.

clientIPAddress: string

Client IP Address.

clientOS: string

Client OS.

clientOSVersion: string

Client OS Version.

clientVersion: string

Client Version.

  "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "themeID": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionMode": "string",
  "authenticationType": "string",
  "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
  "mfaProvider": "string",
  "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
  "rfiInfoList": [
      "type": "string",
      "ip": "string"
  "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
  "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
  "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileType": "string",
  "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionQuality": "string",
  "latency": "integer (int32)",
  "protocol": "string",
  "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
  "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "disconnectReason": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
  "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
  "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
  "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
  "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
  "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "colourDepth": "string",
  "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceName": "string",
  "clientIPAddress": "string",
  "clientOS": "string",
  "clientOSVersion": "string",
  "clientVersion": "string"

RDS: object

Remote Desktop Server

directAddress: string

The direct address of the target RD Session Host server.

rasTemplateId: integer (int32)

The RDSH RAS Template ID.

inheritDefaultAgentSettings: boolean

If true, default agent settings will be inherited.

inheritDefaultPrinterSettings: boolean

If true, default printer settings will be inherited.

inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings: boolean

If true, default User Profile settings will be inherited.

inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings: boolean

If true, default desktop access settings will be inherited.

port: integer (int32)

The port number of RD Session Host agent.

maxSessions: integer (int32)

Maximum number of session an RDS can have.

sessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Sessions Disconnect Timeout'. 0 - No timeout.

sessionLogoffTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Settings Reset Timeout'.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Specifies the 'Allow Client URL/Mail Redirection'.

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Specifies if 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option is enabled or disabled.

allowRemoteExec: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option is enabled or disabled.

enableAppMonitoring: boolean

Specifies if 'Application Monitoring' option is enabled or disabled.

useRemoteApps: boolean

Specifies if 'Use RemoteApps if available' option is enables or disabled.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow file transfer' option is enables or disabled. (deprecated)

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

allowDragAndDrop: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow local to remote drag and drop' option is enables or disabled. (deprecated)

dragAndDropMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies the mode the drag and drop feature will operate.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server ID.

enableDriveRedirectionCache: boolean

Specifies if the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option is enabled or disabled.

enablePrinting: boolean

Specifies if Universal Printing on the RD Session Host server is Enabled or disabled. In the RAS console, this option is toggled on the Universal Printing tab page in the Universal Printing category.

enableTWAIN: boolean

Specifies if TWAIN (Universal Scanning) on the RD Session Host server is enabled or disabled. In the RAS console, this option is toggled on the TWAIN tab page in the Universal Scanning category.

enableWIA: boolean

Specifies if WIA (Universal Scanning) on the RD Session Host server is enabled or disabled. In the RAS console, this options is toggled on the WIA tab page in the Universal Scanning category.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the 'Printer Name Format' option.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Specifies if 'Remove client name from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Specifies if 'Remove session number from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

fsLogix: FSLogixSettings

Specifies the 'FSLogix' object.

updMode: string 0 = DoNotChange, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled

Specifies the 'User Profile Disk Mode' option.

maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB: integer (int32)

Specifies the max user profile disk size (in GB).

diskPath: string

Specifies the User Profile Disk path.

roamingMode: string 0 = Exclude, 2 = Include

Specifies the 'UPD Roaming Mode' option.

includeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' folder paths.

includeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' file paths.

excludeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' folder paths.

excludeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' file paths.

restrictDesktopAccess: boolean

Specifies if 'Restrict direct desktop access to the following users' option is enabled or disabled.

restrictedUsers: string[]

Specifies the list of users for the RestrictDesktopAccess option (the option should be enabled). The list can contain user account names and user SIDs.

server: string

Server name.

enabled: boolean

Whether the server is enabled or not.

description: string

Description of the server.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of the site.

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "directAddress": "string",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "enablePrinting": "boolean",
  "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
  "enableWIA": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [

RDSAgentDiagnostic: object

RDS Agent Diagnostic

state: string 0 = StartCheck, 1 = NotVerified, 2 = Pending, 3 = Error, 4 = OK, 5 = NeedsUpdate, 6 = PortMismatch, 7 = Synchronising, 8 = TSDisabled, 9 = PreChecking, 10 = RebootPending, 11 = TSInstalling, 13 = Rebooting, 15 = LogonDrainUntilReboot, 16 = LogonDrain, 17 = LogonDisable, 18 = SchedRebootPending, 19 = DisabledScheduler, 20 = StartCheckUDP, 21 = Disabled, 22 = NotFound, 23 = FIPSModeFailed, 24 = FIPSModeUnsupported, 25 = FSLogixNotAvail, 26 = OSNotSupported, 256 = NotInstalled

RDS Agent Diagnostic State.

connectedPAIP: string

Connected PA IP.

logonStatus: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = DrainUntilReboot, 3 = Drain

Logon status.

pendingReboot: boolean

Whether the RDS is pending reboot or not.

terminalServicesInstalled: boolean

Whether Terminal Services are installed or not.

terminalServicesPort: integer (int32)

Terminal Services port.

updStatus: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = NotSupported, 3 = Unknown

UPD status.

version: integer (int32)


deInstalled: boolean

Whether Desktop Experience is installed or not.

wiaServiceEnabled: boolean

Whether the WIA Service is enabled or not.

server: string

Server name.

agentDiagnosticType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice

Type of agent diagnostic.

agentVersion: string

Agent Version.

osVersion: string

Operating System Version.

  "state": "string",
  "connectedPAIP": "string",
  "logonStatus": "string",
  "pendingReboot": "boolean",
  "terminalServicesInstalled": "boolean",
  "terminalServicesPort": "integer (int32)",
  "updStatus": "string",
  "version": "integer (int32)",
  "deInstalled": "boolean",
  "wiaServiceEnabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "agentDiagnosticType": "string",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "osVersion": "string"

RDSDefaultSettings: object

RDS Default Settings

port: integer (int32)

The port number of RD Session Host agent.

maxSessions: integer (int32)

Maximum number of session an RDS can have.

sessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Sessions Disconnect Timeout'. 0 - No timeout.

sessionLogoffTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Settings Reset Timeout'.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Specifies the 'Allow Client URL/Mail Redirection'.

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Specifies if 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option is enabled or disabled.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server ID.

enableDriveRedirectionCache: boolean

Specifies if the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option is enabled or disabled.

allowRemoteExec: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option is enabled or disabled.

enableAppMonitoring: boolean

Specifies if 'Application Monitoring' option is enabled or disabled.

useRemoteApps: boolean

Specifies if 'Use RemoteApps if available' option is enables or disabled.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow file transfer' option is enables or disabled. (deprecated)

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

allowDragAndDrop: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow local to remote drag and drop' option is enables or disabled. (deprecated)

dragAndDropMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies the mode the drag and drop feature will operate.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the 'Printer Name Format' option.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Specifies if 'Remove client name from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Specifies if 'Remove session number from printer name' optionis enabled or disabled.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

fsLogix: FSLogixSettings

Specifies the 'FSLogix' object.

updMode: string 0 = DoNotChange, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled

Specifies the 'User Profile Disk Mode' option.

maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB: integer (int32)

Specifies the max user profile disk size (in GB).

diskPath: string

Specifies the User Profile Disk path.

roamingMode: string 0 = Exclude, 2 = Include

Specifies the 'UPD Roaming Mode' option.

includeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' folder paths.

includeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' file paths.

excludeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' folder paths.

excludeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' file paths.

restrictDesktopAccess: boolean

Specifies if 'Restrict direct desktop access to the following users' option is enabled or disabled.

restrictedUsers: string[]

Specifies the list of users for the RestrictDesktopAccess option (the option should be enabled). The list can contain user account names and user SIDs.

  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"

RDSDefaultSiteSettings: object

RDS Default Site Settings

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

port: integer (int32)

The port number of RD Session Host agent.

maxSessions: integer (int32)

Maximum number of session an RDS can have.

sessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Sessions Disconnect Timeout'. 0 - No timeout.

sessionLogoffTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Settings Reset Timeout'.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Specifies the 'Allow Client URL/Mail Redirection'.

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Specifies if 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option is enabled or disabled.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server ID.

enableDriveRedirectionCache: boolean

Specifies if the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option is enabled or disabled.

allowRemoteExec: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option is enabled or disabled.

enableAppMonitoring: boolean

Specifies if 'Application Monitoring' option is enabled or disabled.

useRemoteApps: boolean

Specifies if 'Use RemoteApps if available' option is enables or disabled.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow file transfer' option is enables or disabled. (deprecated)

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

allowDragAndDrop: boolean

Specifies if 'Allow local to remote drag and drop' option is enables or disabled. (deprecated)

dragAndDropMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies the mode the drag and drop feature will operate.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the 'Printer Name Format' option.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Specifies if 'Remove client name from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Specifies if 'Remove session number from printer name' optionis enabled or disabled.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

fsLogix: FSLogixSettings

Specifies the 'FSLogix' object.

updMode: string 0 = DoNotChange, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled

Specifies the 'User Profile Disk Mode' option.

maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB: integer (int32)

Specifies the max user profile disk size (in GB).

diskPath: string

Specifies the User Profile Disk path.

roamingMode: string 0 = Exclude, 2 = Include

Specifies the 'UPD Roaming Mode' option.

includeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' folder paths.

includeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' file paths.

excludeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' folder paths.

excludeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' file paths.

restrictDesktopAccess: boolean

Specifies if 'Restrict direct desktop access to the following users' option is enabled or disabled.

restrictedUsers: string[]

Specifies the list of users for the RestrictDesktopAccess option (the option should be enabled). The list can contain user account names and user SIDs.

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string"

RDSession: object

User session type

source: string 1 = RDS, 2 = VDI, 63 = WVDProvider, 81 = RPC, -1 = All

The type of Remote Desktop Session.

vdiGuestId: string

Guest ID to which a VDI Remote Desktop Session is connected to.

vdiGuestName: string

Guest Name to which a VDI Remote Desktop Session is connected to.

sessionHostId: string

Session Host ID to which a Remote Desktop Session is connected to.

sessionHostName: string

Session Host Name to which a Remote Desktop Session is connected to.

poolName: string

Group/Pool Name.

templateName: string

Template Name.

fsLogixReasonCode: string 0 = ProfileAttached, 1 = NotInWhiteList, 2 = InBlackList, 3 = LocalProfileExists, 4 = ProfileShortSid, 5 = Unknown

FSLogix Reason Code.

fsLogixStatusCode: string 0 = Success, 1 = Error, 2 = VirtualDiskDLL, 3 = GetUser, 5 = Security, 6 = VHDPath, 7 = CreateDir, 8 = Impersonation, 9 = CreateVHD, 10 = CloseHandle, 11 = OpenVHD, 12 = AttachVHD, 13 = GetPhysicalPath, 14 = OpenDevice, 15 = InitializeDisk, 16 = GetVolumeGUID, 17 = FormatVolume, 18 = GetProfileDirectory, 19 = SetMountPoint, 20 = RegistryImport, 21 = CheckGroupMembership, 22 = HandleProfile, 23 = ProfileSubfolderRedirection, 100 = WaitingCreationOfUserProfile, 200 = InProgress, 300 = AlreadyAttached

FSLogix Status Code.

sessionID: integer (int32)

RAS session ID.

ip: string

Session server IP.

serverID: integer (int32)

Session server ID.

type: string 0 = Desktop, 1 = PublishedApps, 2 = Application, 3 = VDI, 4 = VDIApp, 5 = PC, 6 = PCApp, 7 = Admin, 8 = Unknown, 9 = RemoteApps, 10 = DirectRDP, -1 = All

The type of Remote Desktop Session.

user: string

User to which the session belongs to.

themeID: integer (int32)

Theme ID.

connectionMode: string 0 = GatewayMode, 1 = DirectMode, 2 = GatewaySSLMode, 3 = DirectSSLMode, 4 = DirectRDPMode, 200 = Unknown

Connection Mode.

authenticationType: string 0 = None, 1 = Credentials, 2 = SCard, 3 = SAML

Authentication Type.

idleStartTime: string (date-time)

Session Idle Time.

mfaProvider: string 0 = None, 1 = Deepnet, 2 = SafeNet, 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius, 8 = GAuthTOTP

MFA Provider Type.

rfiCount: integer (int32)

Flow Information Count.

rfiInfoList: RouteFlowInfoEntry

Flow Information.

logonDuration: integer (int32)

Logon Duration.

connectionDuration: integer (int32)

Connection Duration (in seconds).

authenticationDuration: integer (int32)

Authentication Duration (in seconds).

rasPolicyLookup: integer (int32)

RAS Policy Lookup (in ms).

hostPreparation: integer (int32)

Host Preparation (in ms).

groupPolicyLoadTime: integer (int32)

Group Policy Load Time (in ms).

userProfileLoadTime: integer (int32)

User Profile Load Time (in ms).

desktopLoadTime: integer (int32)

Desktop Load Time (in ms).

logonOthersDuration: integer (int32)

Logon Others Duration (in seconds).

userProfileType: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = Others, 2 = UPD, 3 = FSLogix

User Profile Type.

uxEvaluator: integer (int32)

Round Trip Time.

connectionQuality: string 0 = None, 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent

Connection Quality.

latency: integer (int32)


protocol: string 0 = Console, 2 = RDP, 10 = RDP_UDP

Protocol used for session.

bandwidthAvailability: integer (int32)

Bandwidth Availability (in Kbps).

lastReconnects: integer (int32)

Last Reconnects.

reconnects: integer (int32)

Total Reconnects.

disconnectReason: string

Disconnect Reason.

state: string 0 = Active, 1 = Connected, 2 = ConnectQuery, 3 = Shadow, 4 = Disconnected, 5 = Idle, 6 = Listen, 7 = Reset, 8 = Down, 9 = Init, -1 = All

State of Remote Desktop Session.

logonTime: string (date-time)

Session Logon Time.

sessionLength: integer (int32)

Session Length (in seconds).

idleTime: integer (int32)

Idle Time (in seconds).

incomingData: integer (int32)

Incoming Data (in bytes).

outgoingData: integer (int32)

Outgoing Data (in bytes).

verticalResolution: integer (int32)

Session Vertical Resolution.

horizontalResolution: integer (int32)

Session Horizontal Resolution.


Session Resolution.

bandwidthUsage: integer (int32)

Bandwidth Usage.

deviceName: string

Client Device Name.

clientIPAddress: string

Client IP Address.

clientOS: string

Client OS.

clientOSVersion: string

Client OS Version.

clientVersion: string

Client Version.

  "source": "string",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "vdiGuestName": "string",
  "sessionHostId": "string",
  "sessionHostName": "string",
  "poolName": "string",
  "templateName": "string",
  "fsLogixReasonCode": "string",
  "fsLogixStatusCode": "string",
  "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "themeID": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionMode": "string",
  "authenticationType": "string",
  "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
  "mfaProvider": "string",
  "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
  "rfiInfoList": [
      "type": "string",
      "ip": "string"
  "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
  "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
  "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileType": "string",
  "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionQuality": "string",
  "latency": "integer (int32)",
  "protocol": "string",
  "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
  "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "disconnectReason": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
  "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
  "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
  "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
  "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
  "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "colourDepth": "string",
  "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceName": "string",
  "clientIPAddress": "string",
  "clientOS": "string",
  "clientOSVersion": "string",
  "clientVersion": "string"

RDSGroup: object

RDS Group

name: string

RDS Group name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of the site.

enabled: boolean

Whether the RDS Group is enabled or not.

description: string

Description of the RDS Group.

useRASTemplate: boolean

Whether the RD session hosts are based on a template or not.

rasTemplateId: integer (int32)

The RDSH RAS Template ID.

minServersFromTemplate: integer (int32)

Min number of servers to be added to the group from the template.

maxServersFromTemplate: integer (int32)

Max number of servers to be added to the group from the template.

workLoadThreshold: integer (int32)

Send a request to the template when the threshold is above the specified value (%).

serversToAddPerRequest: integer (int32)

Number of servers to be added to the group per request.

workLoadToDrain: integer (int32)

Drain and unassign servers from group when workload is below the specified value (%).

drainRemainsBelowSec: integer (int32)

Drain and unassign servers from group when workload remains below the specified level for the specified time (in seconds).

inheritDefaultAgentSettings: boolean

If true, default agent settings will be inherited.

inheritDefaultPrinterSettings: boolean

If true, default printer settings will be inherited.

inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings: boolean

If true, default User Profile settings will be inherited.

inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings: boolean

If true, default desktop access settings will be inherited.

rdsDefSettings: RDSDefaultSettings

The RDS Settings.

rdsIds: integer[]

The Ids of the RDS that form part of the group.

integer (int32)
adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "useRASTemplate": "boolean",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "minServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "maxServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadThreshold": "integer (int32)",
  "serversToAddPerRequest": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadToDrain": "integer (int32)",
  "drainRemainsBelowSec": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "rdsDefSettings": {
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
    "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
    "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
    "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
    "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
    "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
    "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
    "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
    "fileTransferMode": "string",
    "fileTransferLocation": "string",
    "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
    "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
    "dragAndDropMode": "string",
    "printerNameFormat": "string",
    "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string",
          "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
          "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
          "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
          "outlookCachedMode": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
          "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
          "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
          "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
          "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
          "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
          "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
          "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
          "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
          "roamSearch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
          "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
          "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
          "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
          "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "sidDirSDDL": "string",
          "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
          "vhdNameMatch": "string",
          "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
          "vhdNamePattern": "string",
          "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
          "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
          "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
          "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
        "locationType": "string",
        "vhdLocations": [

RDSSysInfo: object

RDS System Information

preferredPA: string

Specifies the preferred PA.

activeSessions: integer (int32)

Number of active sessions.

disconnectedSessions: integer (int32)

Number of disconnected sessions.

activeConnections: integer (int32)

Number of active connections.

ip: string

The IP the agent is using.

loginStatus: string 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = DrainMode, 3 = DrainUntilReboot

The Session login status

updStatus: string 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = NotSupported

The Session UPD status

pendingSchedule: string 0 = None, 1 = DisabledState, 2 = Reboot

Pending schedule that can be canceled.

cpuLoad: integer (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoad: integer (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskRead: integer (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWrite: integer (int32)

Disk Write.

enabled: boolean

Whether the object is enabled or not.

id: string

ID of RAS Agent.

server: string

Server name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of Site.

agentVer: string

Agent Version.

serverOS: string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTime: string

Service start time.

systemBootTime: string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptions: integer (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineId: string

Id of the machine

agentState: string 0 = OK, 1 = EnumSessionsFailed, 2 = RDSRoleDisabled, 3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions, 4 = RASScheduleInProgress, 5 = ConnectionFailed, 6 = InvalidCredentials, 7 = NeedsSysprep, 8 = SysPrepInProgress, 9 = CloningFailed, 10 = Synchronising, 13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart, 14 = LogonDrain, 15 = LogonDisabled, 16 = ForcedDisconnect, 17 = CloningCanceled, 18 = RASprepInProgress, 20 = InstallingRDSRole, 21 = RebootPending, 22 = PortMismatch, 23 = NeedsDowngrade, 24 = NotApplied, 25 = CloningInProgress, 26 = MarkedForDeletion, 27 = StandBy, 28 = UnsupportedVDIType, 29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 30 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 31 = HotfixKB2580360NotInstalled, 32 = InvalidHostVersion, 33 = NotJoined, 35 = LicenseExpired, 36 = JoinBroken, 37 = InUse, 38 = NotInUse, 39 = Unsupported, 40 = BrokerNoAvailableGWs, 41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized, 42 = EnrollmentUnavailable, 43 = InvalidCAConfig, 44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials, 45 = InvalidESSettings, 46 = FSLogixNotAvail, 47 = NoDevices, 48 = NeedsAttention, 49 = ImageOptimizationPending, 50 = ImageOptimization, 51 = Unavailable, 52 = UnderConstruction, 53 = Broken, 54 = NonRAS, 55 = Provisioning, 56 = Invalid, 57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate, 58 = NoMembersAvailable, 59 = MembersNeedUpdate, -6 = Unknown, -5 = NeedsUpdate, -4 = NotVerified, -3 = ServerDeleted, -2 = DisabledFromSettings, -1 = Disconnected

Agent State.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All

Type of server.

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

Level of logging: 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard (Information), 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose (Trace).

  "preferredPA": "string",
  "activeSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "disconnectedSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "activeConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "loginStatus": "string",
  "updStatus": "string",
  "pendingSchedule": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

Reconnection: object

Sessions Reconnection Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Reconnection is enabled or not

enableReconnection: boolean

When the connection drops allows for automatic reconnection

connectionRetries: integer (int32)

The amount of connection retries

connectionBannerDelay: integer (int32)

If connection is not established after an amount of seconds given the banner will show

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enableReconnection": "boolean",
  "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)"

Redirection: object

Redirection Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Redirection policy is enabled or not

gateway: string

The gateway address

mode: string 0 = GatewayMode, 1 = GatewaySSLMode, 2 = DirectMode, 3 = DirectSSLMode

The Connection mode

serverPort: integer (int32)

The server port

altGateway: string

The alternative gateway address

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "gateway": "string",
  "mode": "string",
  "serverPort": "integer (int32)",
  "altGateway": "string"

RemoteFxUsbRedirection: object

Client Options Remote FX USB Redirection Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Remote FX USB Redirection policy is enabled or not.

remoteFXUSBRedir: boolean

Will allow redirection of other supported remoted FX USB devices.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "remoteFXUSBRedir": "boolean"

RemotePCStatic: object

Remote PC Static

id: string

The ID of the Remote PC Static

name: string

The Name of the Remote PC Static

mac: string

The MAC Address of the Remote PC Static

subnet: string

The Subnet of the Remote PC Static

  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "mac": "string",
  "subnet": "string"

Remove2FAExcludeGWIP: object

Remove a Gateway IP exclusion from Multi-factor authentication settings

ip: string (up to 255 chars)

Value that represents the Gateway IP address.

  "ip": "string"

Remove2FAExcludeIPList: object

Remove a Client IP exclusion from Multi-factor authentication settings

ip: string (up to 255 chars)

Value that represents the IP

ipType: string 0 = Version4, 1 = Version6, 2 = BothVersions

Represents the type of IP

  "ip": "string",
  "ipType": "string"

Remove2FAExcludeMACList: object

Remove a Client MAC exclusion from Multi-factor authentication settings

macAddress: string (up to 17 chars)

A string value representing a MAC address.

  "macAddress": "string"

Remove2FAExcludeUserGroupList: object

Remove a User/Group exclusion from Multi-factor authentication settings

account: string (1 to 255 chars)

A string value representing the ldap of a User/Group.

type: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = User, 2 = Group, 3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal

The type of account (User/Group) being excluded, defaults to User.

  "account": "string",
  "type": "string"

Remove2FARadiusAttr: object

Remove 2FA RADIUS attribute

vendorID: integer (int32)

RADIUS attribute vendor ID

attributeID: integer (int32)

RADIUS attribute ID

value: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS attribute value The value has many forms:IP, Number, String, and Time. When setting the time it is expected that the time value is in epoch time.

name: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS attribute name

vendor: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS attribute vendor name

attributeType: string 0 = Number, 1 = String, 2 = IP, 3 = Time

RADIUS attribute type. IP, string, number, or time

radiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius

RADIUS Type If the parameter is omitted, the RADIUS provider will be used by default.

  "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
  "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
  "value": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "vendor": "string",
  "attributeType": "string",
  "radiusType": "string"

RemoveClientPolicyConnection: object

Remove a connection from the secondary connections list

mode: string 0 = GatewayMode, 1 = GatewaySSLMode, 2 = DirectMode, 3 = DirectSSLMode

The mode type of connection.

server: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Server which the user is going to connect to.

serverPort: integer (int32)

The port of the Server.

  "mode": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "serverPort": "integer (int32)"

RemoveClientPolicyGW: object

Remove a Gateway criteria from the Client Policy

ip: string (1 to 255 chars)

The IP address of the Gateway to remove from the client policy list.

  "ip": "string"

RemoveClientPolicyMAC: object

Remove a MAC address criteria from the Client Policy

mac: string (1 to 255 chars)

The MAC address to remove from the client policy list.

  "mac": "string"

RemoveClientPolicyUserGroup: object

Remove a new User/Group criteria from the Client Policy

account: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the user/group account.

sid: string (1 to 255 chars)

The SID of the user/group account.

  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"

RemoveFSLogixCCDLocation: object

Remove a CCDLocation from the FSLogix CCDLocation list

ccdLocation: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'CCDLocation' path to remove from the CCDLocation List.

  "ccdLocation": "string"

RemoveFSLogixFolder: object

Remove a folder from the FSLogix folder inclusion list

folder: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Folder' path to remove to the Include/Exclude Folder List.

  "folder": "string"

RemoveFSLogixUser: object

Remove a user from the FSLogix user inclusion list

account: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.

sid: string (1 to 255 chars)

The SID of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.

  "account": "string",
  "sid": "string"

RemoveFSLogixVHDLocation: object

Remove a VHDLocation from the FSLogix VHDLocation list

vhdLocation: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'VHDLocation' path to remove from the VHDLocation List.

  "vhdLocation": "string"

RemovePrintingFont: object

Remove a font from the list of Universal Printing auto install fonts.

fontName: string (up to 255 chars)

Auto Install Font Name.

  "fontName": "string"

RemoveThemeFooterURL: object

Remove a footer URL from the RAS Theme

url: string (1 to 255 chars)


text: string (1 to 255 chars)

The text

tooltip: string (up to 255 chars)

The tooltip

  "url": "string",
  "text": "string",
  "tooltip": "string"

RemoveThemeGroupFilter: object

Add a group filter in the RAS Theme

groupName: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the group list

groupSID: string (1 to 255 chars)

The group SID

  "groupName": "string",
  "groupSID": "string"

RemoveVDITemplateLicenseKey: object

Remove a license key from the VDI Template license keys list

key: string (1 to 255 chars)

The license key to remove.

  "key": "string"

ReportingSettings: object

RAS Reporting Settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable RAS Reporting functionality.

deltaCpu: integer (int32)

Minimum CPU change required to track the counter.

deltaMemory: integer (int32)

Minimum Memory change required to track the counter.

enableCustomReports: boolean

Enable or disable custom report.

folderName: string

Custom report folder name.

port: integer (int32)

Port used by the service which receives data from the RAS Publishing Agent. The default port is 30008.

server: string

The FQDN or IP address of the server where RAS Reporting is installed.

useCredentials: boolean

Enable or disable Username/Password credentials to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting.

username: string

Username to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting (if UseCredentials is enabled).

trackServerTime: integer (int32)

How long the server counters information (such as CPU, Memory and number of sessions) are kept (in seconds).

trackServers: boolean

Enable or disable Server counters information tracking.

trackSessionTime: integer (int32)

How long information regarding the sessions opened on your servers are kept (in seconds).

trackSessions: boolean

Enable or disable Sessions information tracking.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "deltaCpu": "integer (int32)",
  "deltaMemory": "integer (int32)",
  "enableCustomReports": "boolean",
  "folderName": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "server": "string",
  "useCredentials": "boolean",
  "username": "string",
  "trackServerTime": "integer (int32)",
  "trackServers": "boolean",
  "trackSessionTime": "integer (int32)",
  "trackSessions": "boolean"

ResetTOTPUsers: object

Reset specific or all TOTP users

users: string[]

List of users for which to reset Google Authentication.

  "users": [

RESTConfig: object

The REST configuration

enable: boolean

Whether the REST configuration is enabled or not.

  "enable": "boolean"

Route: object

downstreamPathTemplate: string

The path that the server will request

downstreamScheme: string

Protocol to use

downstreamHostAndPorts: EndPoint

List of servers and ports where the RAS Performance Monitor is hosted.

upstreamPathTemplate: string

The URL on the RAS Web Admin service that will be redirected

  "downstreamPathTemplate": "string",
  "downstreamScheme": "string",
  "downstreamHostAndPorts": [
      "host": "string",
      "port": "integer (int32)"
  "upstreamPathTemplate": "string"

RouteFlowInfoEntry: object

Route Flow Information

type: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = HALBInst, 2 = Gateway, 3 = ForwardingGateway, 4 = HALBDevice, 5 = HTML5, 6 = Other, 7 = WVDGateway


ip: string


  "type": "string",
  "ip": "string"

SafeNetSettings: object

The SafeNet settings

authMode: string 0 = MandatoryForAllUsers, 1 = CreateTokenForDomainAuthenticatedUsers, 2 = UsersWithSafeNetAcc

SafeNet Authentication Mode

otpServiceURL: string

OTP Service URL

userRepository: string

A value representing User Store

tmsWebApiURL: string

The URL of the web service

  "authMode": "string",
  "otpServiceURL": "string",
  "userRepository": "string",
  "tmsWebApiURL": "string"

Scanning: object

Sessions Scanning Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Scanning policy is enabled or not

scanTech: string 0 = None, 1 = WIA, 2 = TWAIN, 3 = WIAandTWAIN

The scanning technology type used

scanRedirect: string 0 = All, 1 = SpecificOnly

The scanning redirection used

scanListTwain: string[]

The scanning TWAIN list

scanListWia: string[]

The scanning WIA list

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "scanTech": "string",
  "scanRedirect": "string",
  "scanListTwain": [
  "scanListWia": [

ScanningSettings: object

RAS Scanning Settings

twainNamePattern: string

TWAIN Name Pattern. Default pattern: %SCANNERNAME% for %USERNAME% by Parallels Valid pattern variables: %SCANNERNAME% | %USERNAME% | %CLIENTNAME% | %SESSIONID% Other valid pattern: 2X Universal Scanner

replicateTWAINPattern: boolean

Whether to Replicate TWAIN Pattern or not.

wiaNamePattern: string

WIA Name Pattern. Default pattern: %SCANNERNAME% for %USERNAME% by Parallels Valid pattern variables: %SCANNERNAME% | %USERNAME% | %CLIENTNAME% | %SESSIONID%

replicateWIAPattern: boolean

Whether to Replicate WIA Pattern or not.

twainApps: string[]

Specifies items in the TWAIN Applications list.

replicateTWAINApps: boolean

Whether to replicate TWAIN Applications or not.

  "twainNamePattern": "string",
  "replicateTWAINPattern": "boolean",
  "wiaNamePattern": "string",
  "replicateWIAPattern": "boolean",
  "twainApps": [
  "replicateTWAINApps": "boolean"

SecondaryConnection: object

Sessions Secondary Connection Policy

mode: string 0 = GatewayMode, 1 = GatewaySSLMode, 2 = DirectMode, 3 = DirectSSLMode

The mode type of connection

server: string

The Server which the user is going to connect to

serverPort: integer (int32)

The port of the server

  "mode": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "serverPort": "integer (int32)"

SecondaryConnections: object

Sessions Secondary Connections Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Secondary Connection is enabled or not

connectionList: SecondaryConnection

The Secondary Connection List

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "connectionList": [
      "mode": "string",
      "server": "string",
      "serverPort": "integer (int32)"

SectionPermission: object

The section permission policy

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

tenants: boolean

Permission to manage Tenants

rdpServers: boolean

Permission to manage Remote Desktop Servers

rdpGroups: boolean

Permission to manage Remote Desktop Groups

rdpScheduler: boolean

Permission to manage Remote Desktop Scheduler

rdpSessionMgmnt: boolean

Permission to manage Remote Desktop Sessions

providers: boolean

Permission to manage Providers

vdiPools: boolean

Permission to manage VDI Pools

vdiTemplates: boolean

Permission to manage VDI Templates

vdiDesktops: boolean

Permission to manage VDI Desktops

vdiSessionMgmnt: boolean

Permission to manage VDI Sessions

gateways: boolean

Permission to manage Gateways

tunnellingPolicies: boolean

Permission to manage Tunneling Policies

pCs: boolean

Permission to manage PCs

pubAgents: boolean

Permission to manage Publishing Agents

autoPromote: boolean

Permission to Auto Promote

halb: boolean

Permission to manage HALB

auditing: boolean

Permission to manage Auditing

globalLogging: boolean

Permission to manage Global Logging

redirURL: boolean

Permission to manage URL Redirection

notifications: boolean

Permission to manage Notifications

globalClientSetts: boolean

Permission to manage Global Client Settings

siteFeatures: boolean

Permission to manage Site Features

themes: boolean

Permission to manage Themes

certificates: boolean

Permission to manage Certificates

enrollmentServers: boolean

Permission to manage Enrollment Servers

adIntegration: boolean

Permission to manage AD Integration

loadBalancer: boolean

Permission to manage Load Balancer

publishing: boolean

Permission to manage Publishing

universalPrinting: boolean

Permission to manage Universal Printing

universalScanning: boolean

Permission to manage Universal Scanning

connection: boolean

Permission to manage Connection

connAuthenticate: boolean

Permission to manage Connection Authentication

connSettings: boolean

Permission to manage Connection Settings

connMFAuthenticate: boolean

Permission to manage Connection Multi-Factor Authentication

saml: boolean

Permission to manage SAML

connAllowedDevices: boolean

Permission to manage Connection Allowed Devices

deviceManager: boolean

Permission to manage Device Manager

devices: boolean

Permission to manage Devices

winDeviceGroups: boolean

Permission to manage Windows Device Groups

devicesOptions: boolean

Permission to manage Devices Options

devicesSchedule: boolean

Permission to manage Devices Schedule

administration: boolean

Permission to manage Administration

farmFeatures: boolean

Permission to manage Farm Features

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "tenants": "boolean",
  "rdpServers": "boolean",
  "rdpGroups": "boolean",
  "rdpScheduler": "boolean",
  "rdpSessionMgmnt": "boolean",
  "providers": "boolean",
  "vdiPools": "boolean",
  "vdiTemplates": "boolean",
  "vdiDesktops": "boolean",
  "vdiSessionMgmnt": "boolean",
  "gateways": "boolean",
  "tunnellingPolicies": "boolean",
  "pCs": "boolean",
  "pubAgents": "boolean",
  "autoPromote": "boolean",
  "halb": "boolean",
  "auditing": "boolean",
  "globalLogging": "boolean",
  "redirURL": "boolean",
  "notifications": "boolean",
  "globalClientSetts": "boolean",
  "siteFeatures": "boolean",
  "themes": "boolean",
  "certificates": "boolean",
  "enrollmentServers": "boolean",
  "adIntegration": "boolean",
  "loadBalancer": "boolean",
  "publishing": "boolean",
  "universalPrinting": "boolean",
  "universalScanning": "boolean",
  "connection": "boolean",
  "connAuthenticate": "boolean",
  "connSettings": "boolean",
  "connMFAuthenticate": "boolean",
  "saml": "boolean",
  "connAllowedDevices": "boolean",
  "deviceManager": "boolean",
  "devices": "boolean",
  "winDeviceGroups": "boolean",
  "devicesOptions": "boolean",
  "devicesSchedule": "boolean",
  "administration": "boolean",
  "farmFeatures": "boolean"

SectionPermissions: object

Section Permissions

sectionPermissionsList: SectionPermission

List of sections for which permissions to manage are granted.

  "sectionPermissionsList": [
      "siteId": "integer (int32)",
      "tenants": "boolean",
      "rdpServers": "boolean",
      "rdpGroups": "boolean",
      "rdpScheduler": "boolean",
      "rdpSessionMgmnt": "boolean",
      "providers": "boolean",
      "vdiPools": "boolean",
      "vdiTemplates": "boolean",
      "vdiDesktops": "boolean",
      "vdiSessionMgmnt": "boolean",
      "gateways": "boolean",
      "tunnellingPolicies": "boolean",
      "pCs": "boolean",
      "pubAgents": "boolean",
      "autoPromote": "boolean",
      "halb": "boolean",
      "auditing": "boolean",
      "globalLogging": "boolean",
      "redirURL": "boolean",
      "notifications": "boolean",
      "globalClientSetts": "boolean",
      "siteFeatures": "boolean",
      "themes": "boolean",
      "certificates": "boolean",
      "enrollmentServers": "boolean",
      "adIntegration": "boolean",
      "loadBalancer": "boolean",
      "publishing": "boolean",
      "universalPrinting": "boolean",
      "universalScanning": "boolean",
      "connection": "boolean",
      "connAuthenticate": "boolean",
      "connSettings": "boolean",
      "connMFAuthenticate": "boolean",
      "saml": "boolean",
      "connAllowedDevices": "boolean",
      "deviceManager": "boolean",
      "devices": "boolean",
      "winDeviceGroups": "boolean",
      "devicesOptions": "boolean",
      "devicesSchedule": "boolean",
      "administration": "boolean",
      "farmFeatures": "boolean"

SendSupportReport: object

reportId: string
  "reportId": "string"

SendTestEmail: object

email: string (1 to 255 chars)

Destination email address(es) for the test email. Can be a comma-separated list of multiple addresses.

  "email": "string"

ServerAppInfo: object

Information about applications running in Remote Session on a Server

serverID: integer (int32)

Server ID from where the application is hosted.

name: string

Published Item name.

appName: string

Application name.

process: string

Process name.

pid: integer (int32)

Process ID.

user: string

User which is running the application.

session: integer (int32)

RAS session ID.

  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "appName": "string",
  "process": "string",
  "pid": "integer (int32)",
  "user": "string",
  "session": "integer (int32)"

ServerAuthentication: object

Sessions Server Authentication Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Server Authentication policy is enabled or not

sessionAuthFailureAction: string 0 = Connect, 1 = DoNotConnect, 2 = Warn

If authentication fails do something.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "sessionAuthFailureAction": "string"

Session: object


authToken: string

The Authentication Token of the current session.

localAuth: boolean

Specifies if the user is Locally Authenticated or with RAS Publishing Agent.

userId: integer (int32)

The User ID connected to the current session.

applySettingsEnabled: boolean

Specifies if Settings need to be applied or not.

connectedSiteId: integer (int32)

The Site ID to which the current session is connected to.

settingsId: integer (int32)

The current Settings ID.

sessionId: integer (int32)

The ID of the current session.

connectedServer: string

The Server that the current session is connected to.

licensingServer: string

The Licensing Server.

primaryPAConnection: boolean

Specifies if the session is connected with the Primary PA of a Site.

licensingServerConnection: boolean

Specifies if the session is connected is with the Licensing Server.

domain: string

Specifies the Domain where the PA is installed.

farmName: string

Specifies the Farm Name.

farmGUID: string

Specifies the Farm GUID.

  "authToken": "string",
  "localAuth": "boolean",
  "userId": "integer (int32)",
  "applySettingsEnabled": "boolean",
  "connectedSiteId": "integer (int32)",
  "settingsId": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionId": "integer (int32)",
  "connectedServer": "string",
  "licensingServer": "string",
  "primaryPAConnection": "boolean",
  "licensingServerConnection": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "farmName": "string",
  "farmGUID": "string"

SessionConfig: object

Session Configuration

expire: integer (int32)

Session Expiry

disconnectDelay: integer (int32)

Session Disconnect Delay

  "expire": "integer (int32)",
  "disconnectDelay": "integer (int32)"

SessionPolicy: object

Session Policy

primaryConnection: PrimaryConnection

The Primary Connection policy

secondaryConnections: SecondaryConnections

The Secondary Connection List

reconnection: Reconnection

The Reconnection policy

computerName: ComputerName

The Computer Name policy

connectionAdvancedSettings: ConnectionAdvancedSettings

The Advanced Settings policy

webAuthentication: WebAuthentication

The Web Authentication policy

multiFactorAuthentication: MultiFactorAuthentication

The Multi Factor Authentication policy

sessionPreLaunch: SessionPrelaunch

The Session Pre Launch policy

localProxyAddress: LocalProxyAddress

The Local Proxy Address policy

settings: Settings

Display Settings

multiMonitor: MultiMonitor

Multi-Monitor settings

publishedApplications: PublishedApplications

The PublishedApplication policy

desktopOptions: DesktopOptions

The Desktop-Options policy

browser: Browser

The Browser Policy

printing: SessionsPrinting

The Printing Policy

scanning: Scanning

The Scanning Policy

audio: Audio

The Audio Policy

keyboard: Keyboard

The Keyboard Policy

clipboard: Clipboard

Settings about the Clipboard of the Local Devices

diskDrives: DiskDrives

Settings about the Disk Drives of the Local Devices

devices: Devices

Settings about the Devices of the Local Devices

ports: Ports

Settings about the Ports of the Local Devices

smartCards: SmartCards

Settings about the Smart Cards of the Local Devices

windowsTouchInput: WindowsTouchInput

Settings about the Windows Touch Input of the Local Devices

videoCaptureDevices: VideoCaptureDevices

Settings about the Video Capture Devices of the Local Devices

fileTransfer: FileTransfer

Settings about the File Transfer of the Local Devices

performance: Performance

The Experience, Performance Policy

compression: Compression

The Experience, Compression Policy

network: Network

The Network Policy

advancedSettings: AdvancedSettings

The Advanced Settings Policy

serverAuthentication: ServerAuthentication

The Server Authentication Policy

  "primaryConnection": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "name": "string",
    "autoLogin": "boolean",
    "authenticationType": "string",
    "savePassword": "boolean",
    "domain": "string"
  "secondaryConnections": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "connectionList": [
        "mode": "string",
        "server": "string",
        "serverPort": "integer (int32)"
  "reconnection": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "enableReconnection": "boolean",
    "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)"
  "computerName": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "overrideComputerName": "string"
  "connectionAdvancedSettings": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
    "connectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
    "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)"
  "webAuthentication": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
    "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean"
  "multiFactorAuthentication": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean"
  "sessionPreLaunch": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "preLaunchMode": "string",
    "preLaunchExclude": [
  "localProxyAddress": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean"
  "settings": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "colorDepths": "string",
    "graphicsAcceleration": "string"
  "multiMonitor": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "useAllMonitors": "boolean"
  "publishedApplications": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "usePrimaryMonitor": "boolean"
  "desktopOptions": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "smartSizing": "string",
    "embedDesktop": "boolean",
    "spanDesktops": "boolean",
    "fullScreenBar": "string"
  "browser": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "browserOpenIn": "string"
  "printing": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "defaultPrinterTech": "string",
    "redirectPrinters": "string",
    "redirectPrintersList": [
  "scanning": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "scanTech": "string",
    "scanRedirect": "string",
    "scanListTwain": [
    "scanListWia": [
  "audio": {
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "audioModes": "string",
    "audioQuality": "string",
    "audioRec": "boolean"

SessionPrelaunch: object

Sessions Prelaunch Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether the Session Prelaunch is enabled or not

preLaunchMode: string 0 = Off, 1 = Basic, 2 = MachineLearning

The mode of the session prelaunch

preLaunchExclude: string[]

The values of the session pre launch.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "preLaunchMode": "string",
  "preLaunchExclude": [

SessionsPrinting: object

Sessions Printing Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Printing Policy is enabled or not

defaultPrinterTech: string 0 = None, 1 = RasUniversalPrintingTechnology, 2 = MicrosoftBasicPrintingTechnology, 3 = RasUniversalPrintingAndMsBasicTechnologies

The default printing technology chosen

redirectPrinters: string 0 = All, 1 = DefaultOnly, 2 = SpecificOnly

Redirection method: To All, To Default Only or To Specific (printer) Only.

redirectPrintersList: string[]

List of names of printers that are used to redirect to

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "defaultPrinterTech": "string",
  "redirectPrinters": "string",
  "redirectPrintersList": [

Set2FADeepnetSett: object

Update 2FA Deepnet settings

restrictionMode: string 0 = Exclusion, 1 = Inclusion

Enable or disable MFA for all user connections.

excludeUserGroup: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the User/Group filter.

activateEmail: boolean

Deepnet setting. Enable or disable the activation Email.

activateSMS: boolean

Deepnet setting. Enable or disable the activation SMS.

app: string (up to 255 chars)

Deepnet setting. A value that represents the application name.

appID: string (up to 255 chars)

Deepnet setting. A value that represents the application ID.

deepnetAuthMode: string 0 = MandatoryForAllUsers, 1 = CreateTokenForDomainAuthenticatedUsers, 2 = UsersWithDeepnetAcc

Authentication mode which defines the type of user for which a token will be created.

deepnetAgent: string (up to 255 chars)

Deepnet setting. A value that represents the name of Deepnet Agent.

deepnetType: string 0 = DualShield, 1 = Deepnet

Deepnet setting. Represents the Deepnet type.

defaultDomain: string (up to 255 chars)

Deepnet setting. A value that represents the Default Domain.

enableSSL: boolean

Deepnet setting. Enable or disable SSL.

server: string

Deepnet/Radius setting. The server of the second level authentication provider.

port: integer (int32)

Deepnet/Radius setting. The port number of the second level authentication provider.

tokenType: string 0 = FlashID, 1 = MobileID, 2 = GridID, 3 = QuickID

Token Type.

  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "activateEmail": "boolean",
  "activateSMS": "boolean",
  "app": "string",
  "appID": "string",
  "deepnetAuthMode": "string",
  "deepnetAgent": "string",
  "deepnetType": "string",
  "defaultDomain": "string",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "tokenType": "string"

Set2FARadiusAuto: object

Update a 2FA RADIUS automation

id: integer (int32)

The ID of a RADIUS Automation item for which to modify information

autoSend: boolean

RADIUS Automation autoSend

enabled: boolean

Whether the RADIUS Automation is enabled/disabled

image: string 100 = Alert, 101 = Message, 102 = Email, 103 = Call, 104 = Chat, 105 = Flag

RADIUS Automation image

command: string (up to 100 chars)

RADIUS Automation command

title: string (up to 20 chars)

RADIUS Automation title

priority: string 0 = Up, 1 = Down

RADIUS Automation priority

actionMessage: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS Automation action message

description: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS Automation description

radiusType: string 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius

RADIUS Type If the parameter is omitted, the RADIUS provider will be used by default.

  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "autoSend": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "image": "string",
  "command": "string",
  "title": "string",
  "priority": "string",
  "actionMessage": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "radiusType": "string"

Set2FARadiusSett: object

Update 2FA RADIUS settings

restrictionMode: string 0 = Exclusion, 1 = Inclusion

Enable or disable MFA for all user connections.

excludeUserGroup: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the User/Group filter.

server: string

Deepnet/Radius setting. The server of the second level authentication provider.

port: integer (int32)

Deepnet/Radius setting. The port number of the second level authentication provider.

passwordEncoding: string 0 = PAP, 1 = CHAP

RADIUS setting. The type of password encoding to be used.

retries: integer (int32)

RADIUS setting. Number of retries.

secretKey: string (up to 200 chars)

RADIUS setting. The secret key.

timeout: integer (int32)

RADIUS setting. Connection timeout.

typeName: string (up to 200 chars)

RADIUS setting. RADIUS type name.

usernameOnly: boolean

RADIUS setting. Enable or disable forwarding of only the Username to RADIUS Server.

forwardFirstPwdToAD: boolean

RADIUS setting. Enable or disable forwarding of first password to Windows authentication provider.

backupServer: string (up to 255 chars)

RADIUS setting. The backup server of the second level authentication provider.

haMode: string 0 = Parallel, 1 = Serial

RADIUS setting. The type of high availability mode to be used.

  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "passwordEncoding": "string",
  "retries": "integer (int32)",
  "secretKey": "string",
  "timeout": "integer (int32)",
  "typeName": "string",
  "usernameOnly": "boolean",
  "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
  "backupServer": "string",
  "haMode": "string"

Set2FASafenetSett: object

Update 2FA SafeNet settings

restrictionMode: string 0 = Exclusion, 1 = Inclusion

Enable or disable MFA for all user connections.

excludeUserGroup: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the User/Group filter.

safeNetAuthMode: string 0 = MandatoryForAllUsers, 1 = CreateTokenForDomainAuthenticatedUsers, 2 = UsersWithSafeNetAcc

Authentication mode which defines the type of user for which a token will be created.

otpServiceURL: string

Safenet setting. OTP Service URL.

userRepository: string (up to 255 chars)

Safenet setting. A value representing User Store.

tmsWebApiURL: string

Safenet setting. The URL of the web service.

  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "safeNetAuthMode": "string",
  "otpServiceURL": "string",
  "userRepository": "string",
  "tmsWebApiURL": "string"

Set2FASett: object

Update 2FA settings

provider: string 0 = None, 1 = Deepnet, 2 = SafeNet, 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius, 8 = GAuthTOTP

Change the provider type used by second level authentication.

restrictionMode: string 0 = Exclusion, 1 = Inclusion

Enable or disable MFA for all user connections.

excludeClientIPs: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the IP filter.

excludeClientMAC: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the MAC address filter.

excludeClientGWIPs: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the Gateway IP filter.

excludeUserGroup: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the User/Group filter.

replicateSettings: boolean

Enable or disable replication of settings to other sites.

  "provider": "string",
  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeClientIPs": "boolean",
  "excludeClientMAC": "boolean",
  "excludeClientGWIPs": "boolean",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean"

Set2FATOTPSett: object

Update 2FA TOTP settings

restrictionMode: string 0 = Exclusion, 1 = Inclusion

Enable or disable MFA for all user connections.

excludeUserGroup: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the User/Group filter.

totpType: string (up to 255 chars)

TOTP setting. Set the authentication method type name.

userEnrollment: string 0 = Allow, 1 = AllowUntil, 2 = DoNotAllow

TOTP setting. The state of user enrollment.

untilDateTime: string (date-time)

TOTP setting. The allow user enrollment until date/time.

tolerance: integer (int32)

TOTP setting. TOTP tolerance in seconds. Accepted values are 0 (None), 30, 60, 90 and 120.

  "restrictionMode": "string",
  "excludeUserGroup": "boolean",
  "totpType": "string",
  "userEnrollment": "string",
  "untilDateTime": "string (date-time)",
  "tolerance": "integer (int32)"

SetAdminAccount: object

Update a RAS administrator account

email: string (up to 255 chars)

Parallels RAS administrator email address.

mobile: string (up to 50 chars)

Parallels RAS administrator mobile phone number.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified administrator account.

notify: string 0 = None, 1 = Email

Specifies a method for system notifications. Possible values are: "None", "Email".

permissions: string 0 = PowerAdmin, 1 = RootAdmin, 2 = CustomAdmin

Type of Permission

fullPermissions: boolean

Whether to grant the specified administrator full permissions in the farm. If set to False, permissions can be set individually.

allowSiteChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Site changes" option.

allowPublishingChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Publishing changes" option.

allowConnectionChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Connection changes" option.

allowViewingReportingInfo: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of RAS Reporting" option.

allowViewingSiteInfo: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of Site Information" option.

allowViewingPolicyInfo: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of Policy Information" option.

allowSessionManagement: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Session Management" option.

allowDeviceManagementChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Device Management changes" option.

allowPolicyChanges: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "Allow Policy changes" option.

allowAllSites: boolean

Deprecated: use 'Set-RASPowerPermission' to set power admin permissions. Enable or disable the "All Sites" option. If enabled, the administrator can manage all sites in the farm. Otherwise, sites can be specified individually.

  "email": "string",
  "mobile": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "notify": "string",
  "permissions": "string",
  "fullPermissions": "boolean",
  "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
  "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
  "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
  "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
  "allowAllSites": "boolean"

SetAgentLogLevel: object

Update the Log Level of an Agent

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

The new Log Level value.

durationInSec: integer (int32)

RAS Log Level Duration The duration before the log level is reset back to Standard level (in seconds). Only applies for 'Extended' and 'Verbose' levels (Default: 43200 (12 hours), Max: 259200 (72 hours), Never: 0).

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 7 = PA, 25 = HALBDevice, -1 = All

Specifies the server type for which to retrieve the information. Acceptable values: ALL (Default), RDS, Provider, Gateway, PA, HALB Device.

server: string

The name of the RAS agent server. The name can be either FQDN or IP address, but you have to enter the actual name this server has in the RAS farm.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID in which to modify the specified server. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

  "logLevel": "string",
  "durationInSec": "integer (int32)",
  "serverType": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetAllowedDeviceSetting: object

Update allowed devices settings

allowClientWithSecurityPatchesOnly: boolean

Allow clients with security patches only.

allowClientMode: string 0 = AllowAllClientsConnectToSystem, 1 = AllowSelectedClientsConnectToSystem, 2 = AllowSelectedClientsListPublishedItems

Set the permission mode for allowing types of clients.

allowClient2XOS: boolean

Allow 2XOS clients.

allowClientBlackberry: boolean

Allow Blackberry clients.

allowClientChromeApp: boolean

Allow ChromeApp clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow Droid clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow HTML5 clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow IOS clients.

allowClientJava: boolean

Allow Java clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow Linux clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow Mac clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow Web clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow Windows clients.

allowClientWinPhone: boolean

Allow WindowsPhone clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow Wyse clients.

replicateSettings: boolean

Enable/disable replication of settings to other sites.

minBuild2XOS: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the 2XOS client.

minBuildBlackberry: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Blackberry client.

minBuildChromeApp: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Chromeapp client.

minBuildAndroid: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Droid client.

minBuildHTML5: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the HTML5 client.

minBuildIOS: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the IOS client.

minBuildJava: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Java client.

minBuildLinux: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Linux client.

minBuildMAC: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Mac client.

minBuildWebPortal: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Web client.

minBuildWindows: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Windows client.

minBuildWinPhone: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Windows Phone client.

minBuildWyse: integer (int32)

Represents the minimum build required for the Wyse client.

  "allowClientWithSecurityPatchesOnly": "boolean",
  "allowClientMode": "string",
  "allowClient2XOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientBlackberry": "boolean",
  "allowClientChromeApp": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientJava": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWinPhone": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean",
  "minBuild2XOS": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildBlackberry": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildChromeApp": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildAndroid": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildHTML5": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildIOS": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildJava": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildLinux": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildMAC": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWebPortal": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWindows": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWinPhone": "integer (int32)",
  "minBuildWyse": "integer (int32)"

SetAuthSettings: object

Update the authentication settings

authType: string 1 = UsernamePassword, 2 = SmartCard, 3 = UsernamePasswordOrSmartCard, 4 = Web

Represents the type of authentication.

allTrustedDomains: boolean

Whether to use all trusted domains.

domain: string (1 to 64 chars)

Domain name.

useClientDomain: boolean

Whether to use the client domain, if specified.

forceNetBIOSCreds: boolean

Whether to force clients to use NetBIOS credentials.

replicateSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate settings to other sites.

  "authType": "string",
  "allTrustedDomains": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "useClientDomain": "boolean",
  "forceNetBIOSCreds": "boolean",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean"

SetCertificate: object

Update a certificate

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The new name of the target Certificate.

description: string

A user-defined Certificate description.

usage: string 0 = None, 2 = Gateway, 4 = HALB

Change the Usage for the Certificate.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified Certificate in a site.

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "usage": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean"

SetClientPolicy: object

Update a RAS Client Policy

newName: string (1 to 255 chars)

The new name of the specified client policy.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified client policy.

description: string

A user-defined description for the client policy.

order: integer (int32)

The order of the client policy.

gwRule: string 0 = AnyGW, 1 = ConnectedToGWs, 2 = NotConnectedToGWs

Gateway criteria. Use one of the following options: 0 = if Client is connected to any gateway 1 = if Client is connected to one of the following gateways 2 = if Client is not connected to one of the following gateways

macRule: string 0 = AnyMAC, 1 = AllowedMACs, 2 = NotAllowedMACs

MAC address criteria. Use one of the following options: 0 = to any MAC address 1 = if the Client's MAC address is one of the following 2 = if the Client's MAC address is not one of the following

allowClientChrome: boolean

Allow Chrome OS clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow Android clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow HTML5 clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow IOS clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow Linux clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow Mac clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow Web Portal clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow Windows clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow Wyse clients.

primaryConnectionEnabled: boolean

Primary Connection: Whether Primary Connection is enabled or not.

connectionName: string (1 to 255 chars)

Primary Connection: The name of the primary connection.

autoLogin: boolean

Primary Connection: Allow the user to auto login.

authenticationType: string 0 = Credentials, 1 = SingleSignOn, 2 = SmartCard, 3 = Web

Primary Connection: The authentication type which the user will use.

savePassword: boolean

Primary Connection: Password will be saved when user successfully logs in.

domain: string (1 to 255 chars)

Primary Connection: The name of the domain.

secondaryConnectionsEnabled: boolean

Secondary Connection: If Secondary Connection is enabled or not.

reconnectIfDropped: boolean

Reconnection: If Reconnection Flag is enabled or not.

reconectionEnabled: boolean

Reconnection: When the connection drops allows for automatic reconnection.

connectionRetries: integer (int32)

Reconnection: The amount of connection retries.

reconnectionConnectionBannerDelay: integer (int32)

Reconnection: If connection is not established after an amount of seconds given, the banner will show.

computerNameEnabled: boolean

Computer Name: Whether Computer Name is enabled or not.

overrideComputerName: string (1 to 255 chars)

Computer Name: The computer name which can be overridden.

connectionAdvancedSettEnabled: boolean

Connection Advanced Settings: Whether Connection Advanced Settings is enabled or not.

connectionTimeout: integer (int32)

Connection Advanced Settings: The total number of seconds where the connection will timeout.

connectionAdvancedSettConnectionBannerDelay: integer (int32)

Connection Advanced Settings: If connection is not established after an amount of seconds given, the banner will show.

showDesktopTimeout: integer (int32)

Connection Advanced Settings: If published application does not start after several seconds this will show.

webAuthenticationEnabled: boolean

Web Authentication: Whether the web authentication is enabled or not.

defaultOsBrowser: boolean

Web Authentication: If the box is checked the os will use the default browser.

openBrowserOnLogout: boolean

Web Authentication: Whether the browser is shown when logging out of web authentication with the internal browser.

multiFactorAuthenticationEnabled: boolean

Multi Factor Authentication: Whether Multi factor authentication is enabled or not.

rememberLastUsedMethod: boolean

Multi Factor Authentication: Will remember the last used method.

sessionPreLaunchEnabled: boolean

Session Prelaunch: Whether Session PreLaunch was enabled or not.

preLaunchMode: string 0 = Off, 1 = Basic, 2 = MachineLearning

Session Prelaunch: The Session Prelaunch prelaunch mode.

localProxyAddressEnabled: boolean

Local Proxy Address: Whether Local Proxy Address is enabled or not.

useLocalHostProxyIP: boolean

Local Proxy Address: Whether the IP address is used when using Gateway mode in VPN scenarios or not.

preLaunchExclude: string[]

Session Prelaunch: The list of the session prelaunch.

browserEnabled: boolean

Browser: Whether Display Settings Browser is enabled or not.

browserOpenIn: string 0 = SameTab, 1 = NewTab

Browser: Will open the applications depending on what the client selected

desktopOptionsEnabled: boolean

Desktop Options: Whether Display Settings Options is enabled or not.

smartSizing: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Scale, 2 = Resize

Desktop Options: The smart-sizing mode.

embedDesktop: boolean

Desktop Options: If box is checked the desktop will always be fixed.

spanDesktops: boolean

Desktop Options: If box is checked the desktop will spanned across all other monitors.

fullScreenBar: string 0 = DoNotShow, 1 = ShowPinned, 2 = ShowUnPinned

Desktop Options: Show the connection bar in fullscreen.

multiMonitorEnabled: boolean

Multi Monitor: Whether Display Settings is enabled or not.

useAllMonitors: boolean

Multi Monitor: If box is checked the session will use all desktop monitors if it is applicable.

publishedApplicationsEnabled: boolean
usePrimaryMonitor: boolean

Published Applications: Use the primary monitor only.

settingsEnabled: boolean

Settings: Whether Display Settings is enabled or not.

colorDepths: string 0 = Colors256, 1 = HighColor15Bit, 2 = HighColor16Bit, 3 = TrueColor24Bit, 4 = HighestQuality32Bit

Settings: The display color depth.

graphicsAcceleration: string 0 = None, 1 = Basic, 2 = RemoteFx, 3 = RemoteFxAdaptive, 4 = AVCAdaptive

Settings: The Chosen mode for the graphics accelerator.

printingEnabled: boolean

Printing: Whether Printing Policy is enabled or not.

defaultPrinterTech: string 0 = None, 1 = RasUniversalPrintingTechnology, 2 = MicrosoftBasicPrintingTechnology, 3 = RasUniversalPrintingAndMsBasicTechnologies

Printing: The default printing technology chosen.

redirectPrinters: string 0 = All, 1 = DefaultOnly, 2 = SpecificOnly

Printing: Redirection method: To All, To Default Only or To Specific (printer) Only.

redirectPrintersList: string[]

Printing: List of names of printers that are used to redirect to.

scanningEnabled: boolean

Scanning: Whether Scanning policy is enabled or not.

scanTech: string 0 = None, 1 = WIA, 2 = TWAIN, 3 = WIAandTWAIN

Scanning: The scanning technology type used.

scanRedirect: string 0 = All, 1 = SpecificOnly

Scanning: The scanning redirection used.

scanListTwain: string[]

Scanning: The TWAIN scanning List.

scanListWia: string[]

Scanning: The WIA scanning List.

audioEnabled: boolean

Audio: Whether Audio policy is enabled or not.

audioModes: string 0 = BringToThisComputer, 1 = DoNotPlay, 2 = LeaveAtRemoteComputer

Audio: The Audio Mode Chosen.

audioQuality: string 0 = AdjustDynamically, 1 = UseMediumQuality, 2 = UseUncompressedQuality

Audio: The Audio quality which was chosen.

audioRec: boolean

Audio: Allow Audio Recording if box is ticked.

keyboardEnabled: boolean

Keyboard: Whether Keyboard policy is enabled or not.

keyboardWindow: string 0 = LocalComputer, 1 = RemoteComputer, 2 = FullScreenMode

Keyboard: Will allow window key combinations.

sendUnicodeChars: boolean

Keyboard: Allow Unicode characters if the box is checked.

clipboardEnabled: boolean

Clipboard: Whether Local Devices and resources clipboard policy is enabled or not.

redirectClipboard: boolean

Clipboard: Allow Clipboard redirection if the box is checked (deprecated).

clipboardDirection: string 0 = None, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Clipboard: State of clipboard direction.

devicesEnabled: boolean

Devices: Whether Local Devices and resources Devices policy is enabled or not.

redirectDevices: boolean

Devices: If box is checked allow devices redirection.

dynamicDevices: boolean

Devices: If box is checked allow the use of other devices that are plugged in later.

useAllDevices: boolean

Devices: Use all devices that are available.

redirectToDevices: string[]

Devices: Redirect to all available devices.

diskDrivesEnabled: boolean

Disk Drives: Whether Disk Drives policy is enabled or not.

redirectDrives: boolean

Disk Drives: Allow Drives Redirection.

dynamicDrives: boolean

Disk Drives: Allow Drives that are plugged in later on.

redirectToDrives: string[]

Disk Drives: The drives to redirect to.

useAllDrives: boolean

Disk Drives: Will use all the drives that are available.

fileTransferEnabled: boolean

File Transfer: Whether File Transfer policy is enabled or not.

redirectFileTrans: boolean

Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead. File Transfer: If box is checked allow the File transfer command.

portsEnabled: boolean

Ports: Whether Ports policy is enabled or not.

redirectCOMPorts: boolean

Ports: If box is checked allow the LPT and COM Redirection.

smartCardsEnabled: boolean

Smart Cards: Smart Card policy is enabled or not.

redirectSmartCards: boolean

Smart Cards: If box is checked allow the Smart Card Redirection.

windowsTouchInputEnabled: boolean

Windows Touch Input: Whether Windows Touch Input policy is enabled or not.

touchInput: boolean

Windows Touch Input: If box is checked allow the window touch redirection.

videoCaptureDevicesEnabled: boolean

Whether Video Capture Devices policy is enabled or not

enableCameras: boolean

If box is checked allow devices redirection

dynamicCameras: boolean

If box is checked allow the use of other devices that are plugged in later

videoCaptureUseAllDevices: boolean

Use all devices that are available

camerasIds: string[]

Redirect to all available devices

performanceEnabled: boolean

Performance: Whether performance policy is enabled or not.

netType: string 0 = Modem, 1 = LowSpeedBroadband, 2 = Satellite, 3 = HighSpeedBroadband, 4 = WAN, 5 = LAN, 6 = DetectConnectionQualityAuto

Performance: The type of connection speed which will optimize the performance.

desktopBackground: boolean

Performance: If the box is checked allow the desktop background.

fontSmoothing: boolean

Performance: If the box is checked allow font smoothing.

windowMenuAnimation: boolean

Performance: If the box is checked allow for the window menu animation.

desktopComposition: boolean

Performance: If the box is checked allow for the desktop composition.

themes: boolean

Performance: If the box is checked allow for the themes setting.

bitmapCaching: boolean

Performance: If the box is checked allow for bitmap caching.

moveSizeFullDrag: boolean

Performance: Allow the resizing of windows.

showContent: boolean

Performance: Whether show contents of window while dragging is enabled or not.

compressionEnabled: boolean

Compression: Whether Compression policy is enabled or not.

compress: boolean

Compression: Allow for RDP compression.

scanningCompression: string 0 = CompressionDisabled, 1 = BestSpeed, 2 = BestSize, 3 = BasedOnConnectionSpeed

Compression: Allow for scanning compression.

printingCompression: string 0 = CompressionDisabled, 1 = BestSpeed, 2 = BestSize, 3 = BasedOnConnectionSpeed

Compression: Allow for printing compression.

networkEnabled: boolean

Network: Whether Network policy is enabled or not.

useProxyServer: boolean

Network: Check the box if you want to use a proxy server.

proxyType: string 0 = SOCKS4, 1 = SOCKS4A, 2 = SOCKS5, 3 = HTTP1_1

Network: The type of proxy used.

proxyHost: string (1 to 255 chars)

Network: The proxy host.

proxyPort: integer (int32)

Network: The proxy port.

proxyAuthentication: boolean

Network: Check the box if the proxy requires any authentication.

proxyUseLogonCredentials: boolean

Network: Will use the user logon credentials.

proxyUsername: string (1 to 255 chars)

Network: The proxy username authentication.

serverAuthenticationEnabled: boolean

Server Authentication: Whether Server Authentication policy is enabled or not.

sessionAuthFailureAction: string 0 = Connect, 1 = DoNotConnect, 2 = Warn

Server Authentication: If authentication fails, perform action.

advancedSettingsEnabled: boolean

Advanced Settings: Whether Advanced Settings policy is enabled or not.

useClientColors: boolean

Advanced Settings: Make use of the system client colours.

useClientSettings: boolean

Advanced Settings: Make use of the system client settings.

createShrtCut: boolean

Advanced Settings: Creates the shortcuts on the configured server.

registerExt: boolean

Advanced Settings: Register file extensions associated from the server.

urlRedirection: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will redirect url to the client device.

mailRedirection: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will redirect the mail to the client devices.

credAlwaysAsk: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will always ask for the credentials.

allowSrvCmd: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will allow server commands to be executed by the client.

promptSrvCmd: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will confirm the server commands before executing them.

credSSP: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will allow for network level authentication.

redirPOS: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will redirect POS devices.

pre2000Cred: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will use pre windows 2000 format.

disableRUDP: boolean

Advanced Settings: Will disable rdp-udp gateway connections.

doNotShowDriveRedirectionDlg: boolean

Advanced Settings: Does not show the redirection drive dialog.

clientOptionsConnEnabled: boolean

Client Options Connection: Whether Client Options Connection policy is enabled or not.

connectionBannerType: string 0 = SplashWindow, 1 = TaskBarToastWindow, 2 = None

Client Options Connection: The type of connection banner used.

autoRefreshFarms: boolean

Client Options Connection: Will automatically refresh the farm every given minutes.

autoRefreshTime_Mins: integer (int32)

Client Options Connection: The given minutes to refresh the farm.

clientOptionsUpdateEnabled: boolean

Client Options Update: Whether Client Options Update policy is enabled or not.

checkForUpdateOnLaunch: boolean

Client Options Update: Will check updates on startup.

updateClientXmlUrl: string (1 to 255 chars)

Client Options Update: The url to update the client.

clientOptionsPCKeyboardEnabled: boolean

Client Options PCKeyboard: Whether Client Options PCKeyboard policy is enabled or not.

forcePCKeybd: boolean

Client Options PCKeyboard: Will force to use the pc keyboard if applicable.

pcKeybd: string 1028 = ChineseTraditional, 1031 = German, 1033 = EnglishUS, 1034 = Spanish, 1036 = French, 1040 = Italian, 1041 = Japanese, 1042 = Korean, 1043 = Dutch, 1046 = PortugueseBrazil, 1049 = Russian, 1053 = Swedish, 1082 = Maltese, 2052 = ChineseSimplified, 2057 = EnglishUK, 2068 = NorwegianNynorsk, 2070 = Portuguese, 3084 = FrenchCanada

Client Options PCKeyboard: The chosen Language for the keyboard layout.

ssoEnabled: boolean

Client Options SSO: Whether Client Options SSO policy is enabled or not.

forceThirdPartySSO: boolean

Client Options SSO: Will wrap third party SSO Component.

ssoProvGUID: string (1 to 255 chars)

Client Options SSO: The third party credientials.

loggingEnabled: boolean

Advanced Logging: Whether Advanced Logging policy is enabled or not.

logLevel: string 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose

Advanced Logging: The log level type.

loggingStartDateTime: string (date-time)

Advanced Logging: Logging Start DateTime.

loggingDuration: integer (int32)

Advanced Logging: Logging Duration (in seconds).

allowViewLog: boolean

Advanced Logging: Whether Allow View Log is enabled or not.

allowClearLog: boolean

Advanced Logging: Whether Allow Clear Log is enabled or not.

globalEnabled: boolean

Advanced Global: Whether Advanced Global policy is enabled or not

alwaysOnTop: boolean

Advanced Global: The client is always on top

showFolders: boolean

Advanced Global: Show the connection trees

minimizeToTrayOnClose: boolean

Advanced Global: Minimize to tray on close or escape

graphicsAccel: boolean

Advanced Global: Enable the graphics acceleration for the chrome client

clientWorkAreaBackground: boolean

Advanced Global: Enable the work area background for the chrome client

sslNoWarning: boolean

Advanced Global: Do not warn if the server certificate is not verified

swapMouse: boolean

Advanced Global: Swap the mouse buttons

dpiAware: boolean

Advanced Global: Enable the dpi aware

autoAddFarm: boolean

Advanced Global: Add the RAS Connections automatically when starting web or shortcut items

dontPromptAutoAddFarm: boolean

Advanced Global: No messages are prompted when auto adding ras connections

suppErrMsgs: boolean

Advanced Global: Close any errors automatically

clearCookies: boolean

Advanced Global: Clear session cookies on exit.

languageEnabled: boolean

Language: Whether Language policy is enabled or not

lang: string 0 = Default, 1 = English, 2 = German, 3 = Japanese, 4 = Russian, 5 = French, 6 = Spanish, 7 = Italian, 8 = Portuguese, 9 = ChineseSimplified, 10 = ChineseTraditional, 11 = Korean, 12 = Dutch

Language: The Chosen Language

clientOptionsPrintingEnabled: boolean

Client Options Printing: Whether Printing policy is enabled or not.

printInstallFonts: boolean

Client Options Printing: Will install any missing fonts automatically.

printAddCustomPapers: boolean

Client Options Printing: Will redirect custom paper sizes when a server preference is selected.

printRawSupport: boolean

Client Options Printing: Will allow for raw printing support.

allowEMFRasterization: boolean

Client Options Printing: Will convert non distributable fonts data to images.

printUseCache: boolean

Client Options Printing: Will cache printer hardware information.

printRefreshCache: boolean

Client Options Printing: Will refresh printer hardware information every 30 days.

printUseFontsCache: boolean

Client Options Printing: Will allow for the RAS universal printing embedded fonts.

windowsClientEnabled: boolean

Windows Client: Whether Windows Client policy is enabled or not.

autoHide: boolean

Windows Client: Will hide the launcher when an application is opened.

autoLaunch: boolean

Windows Client: Will launch automatically at windows startup.

remoteFxUsbRedirEnabled: boolean

Windows Client: Whether Remote Fx Usb Redirection policy is enabled or not.

remoteFXUSBRedir: boolean

Windows Client: Will allow redirection of other supported remotedfx usb devices.

controlSettingsConnectionEnabled: boolean

Control Settings Connection: Whether Control Settings Connections policy is enabled or not.

dontAddNewASXGConns: boolean

Control Settings Connection: Will not be able to add a new ras connection.

dontAddNewStdConns: boolean

Control Settings Connection: Will not be able to add a new rdp connection.

controlSettingsPasswordEnabled: boolean

Control Settings Password: Whether Control Settings Password policy is enabled or not.

dontSavePwds: boolean

Control Settings Password: Will not be able to save the password.

dontChangePwds: boolean

Control Settings Password: Will not be able to change the password.

controlSettingsImportExportEnabled: boolean

Control Settings Import Export: Whether Control Settings Import Export policy is enabled or not.

dontImportExport: boolean

Control Settings Import Export: Will not allow any importation or exportation of the connection settings.

redirectionEnabled: boolean

Redirection: Whether Redirection policy is enabled or not

gateway: string (1 to 255 chars)

Redirection: The gateway address

mode: string 0 = GatewayMode, 1 = GatewaySSLMode, 2 = DirectMode, 3 = DirectSSLMode

Redirection: The Connection mode

serverPort: integer (int32)

Redirection: The server port

altGateway: string (1 to 255 chars)

Redirection: The alternative gateway address

  "newName": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "order": "integer (int32)",
  "gwRule": "string",
  "macRule": "string",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "primaryConnectionEnabled": "boolean",
  "connectionName": "string",
  "autoLogin": "boolean",
  "authenticationType": "string",
  "savePassword": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "secondaryConnectionsEnabled": "boolean",
  "reconnectIfDropped": "boolean",
  "reconectionEnabled": "boolean",
  "connectionRetries": "integer (int32)",
  "reconnectionConnectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
  "computerNameEnabled": "boolean",
  "overrideComputerName": "string",
  "connectionAdvancedSettEnabled": "boolean",
  "connectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionAdvancedSettConnectionBannerDelay": "integer (int32)",
  "showDesktopTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "webAuthenticationEnabled": "boolean",
  "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
  "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean",
  "multiFactorAuthenticationEnabled": "boolean",
  "rememberLastUsedMethod": "boolean",
  "sessionPreLaunchEnabled": "boolean",
  "preLaunchMode": "string",
  "localProxyAddressEnabled": "boolean",
  "useLocalHostProxyIP": "boolean",
  "preLaunchExclude": [
  "browserEnabled": "boolean",
  "browserOpenIn": "string",
  "desktopOptionsEnabled": "boolean",
  "smartSizing": "string",
  "embedDesktop": "boolean",
  "spanDesktops": "boolean",
  "fullScreenBar": "string",
  "multiMonitorEnabled": "boolean",
  "useAllMonitors": "boolean",
  "publishedApplicationsEnabled": "boolean",
  "usePrimaryMonitor": "boolean",
  "settingsEnabled": "boolean",
  "colorDepths": "string",
  "graphicsAcceleration": "string",
  "printingEnabled": "boolean",
  "defaultPrinterTech": "string",
  "redirectPrinters": "string",
  "redirectPrintersList": [
  "scanningEnabled": "boolean",
  "scanTech": "string",
  "scanRedirect": "string",
  "scanListTwain": [
  "scanListWia": [
  "audioEnabled": "boolean",
  "audioModes": "string",
  "audioQuality": "string",
  "audioRec": "boolean",
  "keyboardEnabled": "boolean",
  "keyboardWindow": "string",
  "sendUnicodeChars": "boolean",
  "clipboardEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "devicesEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectDevices": "boolean",
  "dynamicDevices": "boolean",
  "useAllDevices": "boolean",
  "redirectToDevices": [
  "diskDrivesEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectDrives": "boolean",
  "dynamicDrives": "boolean",
  "redirectToDrives": [
  "useAllDrives": "boolean",
  "fileTransferEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectFileTrans": "boolean",
  "portsEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectCOMPorts": "boolean",
  "smartCardsEnabled": "boolean",
  "redirectSmartCards": "boolean",
  "windowsTouchInputEnabled": "boolean",
  "touchInput": "boolean"

SetClientPolicyOrder: object

Update the priority order of a client policy

direction: string 0 = Up, 1 = Down

The direction to move the Client Policy object: Up or Down (changes the order of the Client Policy accordingly).

  "direction": "string"

SetCPUOptimizationSettings: object

Update CPU Optimization Settings

cpuExcludeList: string[]

Specifies items in the CPUExclude list.

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which the RAS CPU Optimization settings refer.

startUsage: integer (int32)

The CPU usage percentage above which the CPU Optimization will start working.

criticalUsage: integer (int32)

The CPU usage percentage above which a process will be set to idle priority.

idleUsage: integer (int32)

The CPU usage percentage below which a process will be set to realtime priority.

enableCPUOptimization: boolean

Enables or disables the "CPU Optimization" option.

replicate: boolean

Enables or disables the "Replicate settings" option (replicate settings to all sites).

  "cpuExcludeList": [
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "startUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "criticalUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "idleUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "enableCPUOptimization": "boolean",
  "replicate": "boolean"

SetCustomPermission: object

Update custom administrator permissions

objId: integer (int32)

ID of a particular RAS Farm object to assign permissions for.

objectType: string 1 = RDSHosts, 3 = Gateways, 5 = RemotePCs, 7 = PublishingAgents, 16 = RDSHGroups, 26 = WinDevices, 31 = Themes, 40 = Publishing, 44 = Certificate, 51 = HALB, 83 = CustomRoutes, 2003 = Monitoring, 2004 = Reporting, 2012 = Connection, 2023 = WVD

Permission Type.

permissions: string 0 = None, 1 = View, 2 = Modify, 4 = ManageSessions, 8 = Add, 16 = Delete, 32 = Control

A set of permissions to assign. To form a set of permissions 'OR' individual permission enum IDs.

  "objId": "integer (int32)",
  "objectType": "string",
  "permissions": "string"

SetCustomRoute: object

Update a Custom Route settings

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The new name of the Custom Route.

description: string

A user-defined Custom Route description.

publicAddress: string (1 to 255 chars)

Public Address of the Custom Route

port: integer (int32)

Port of the Custom Route

sslPort: integer (int32)

SSL Port of the Custom Route

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)"

SetFSLogixFolderExclusion: object

Change folder configuration in the FSLogix folder exclusion list

folder: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Folder' path to modify within Exclude Folder List.

excludeFolderCopy: string 0 = None, 1 = CopyBase, 2 = CopyBack

Specifies the 'Exclude Folder Copy' value.

  "folder": "string",
  "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

SetFSLogixProfile: object

Update FSLogix profile configuration of a Sessions Host

locationType: string 0 = SMBLocation, 1 = CloudCache

Specifies the 'Location type'.

profileDiskFormat: string 0 = VHD, 1 = VHDX

Specifies the 'Profile disk format'.

allocationType: string 0 = Dynamic, 1 = Full

Specifies the 'Allocation type'.

defaultSize: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Default size'.

customizeProfileFolders: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Customize Profile Folders' option.

excludeCommonFolders: string 1 = Contacts, 2 = Desktop, 4 = Documents, 8 = Links, 16 = MusicPodcasts, 32 = PicturesVideos, 64 = FoldersLowIntegProcesses

Specifies the 'Exclude Common Folders'.

useLockedRetryCount: boolean

Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.

lockedRetryCount: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.

useLockedRetryInterval: boolean

Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.

lockedRetryInterval: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.

useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject: boolean

Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.

accessNetworkAsComputerObject: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Access network as computer object'.

useAttachVHDSDDL: boolean

Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.

attachVHDSDDL: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.

useDiffDiskParentFolderPath: boolean

Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.

diffDiskParentFolderPath: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.

useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName: boolean

Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.

flipFlopProfileDirectoryName: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names'.

useKeepLocalDir: boolean

Specifies if the 'Keep local profiles' option is enabled or disabled.

keepLocalDir: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Keep local profiles'.

useNoProfileContainingFolder: boolean

Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.

noProfileContainingFolder: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles'.

useOutlookCachedMode: boolean

Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.

outlookCachedMode: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook'.

usePreventLoginWithFailure: boolean

Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.

preventLoginWithFailure: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Prevent logons with failures'.

usePreventLoginWithTempProfile: boolean

Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.

preventLoginWithTempProfile: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles'.

useReAttachRetryCount: boolean

Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.

reAttachRetryCount: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.

useReAttachIntervalSeconds: boolean

Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.

reAttachIntervalSeconds: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.

useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff: boolean

Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.

removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff'.

useRoamSearch: boolean

Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.

roamSearch: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Search roaming feature mode'.

useSIDDirNameMatch: boolean

Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirNameMatch: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.

useSIDDirNamePattern: boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirNamePattern: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.

useSIDDirSDDL: boolean

Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirSDDL: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.

useVHDNameMatch: boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

vhdNameMatch: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.

useVHDNamePattern: boolean

Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.

vhdNamePattern: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.

useVHDXSectorSize: boolean

Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.

vhdxSectorSize: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'VHDX sector size'.

useVolumeWaitTimeMS: boolean

Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.

volumeWaitTimeMS: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.

useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply: boolean

Specifies if the 'Delete local profile when loading from VHD' option is enabled or disabled.

deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply: string 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable

Specifies the 'Delete local profile when loading from VHD'.

useProfileDirSDDL: boolean

Specifies if the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory' option is enabled or disabled.

profileDirSDDL: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory'.

useProfileType: boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile type' option is enabled or disabled.

profileType: string 0 = NormalProfile, 1 = OnlyRWProfile, 2 = OnlyROProfile, 3 = RWROProfile

Specifies the 'Profile type'.

useSetTempToLocalPath: boolean

Specifies if the 'Temporary folders redirection mode' option is enabled or disabled.

setTempToLocalPath: string 0 = TakeNoAction, 1 = RedirectTempAndTmp, 2 = RedirectINetCache, 3 = RedirectTempTmpAndINetCache

Specifies the 'Temporary folders redirection mode'.

  "locationType": "string",
  "profileDiskFormat": "string",
  "allocationType": "string",
  "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
  "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
  "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
  "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
  "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
  "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
  "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
  "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
  "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
  "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
  "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
  "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
  "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
  "keepLocalDir": "string",
  "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
  "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
  "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
  "outlookCachedMode": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
  "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
  "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
  "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
  "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
  "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
  "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
  "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
  "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
  "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
  "roamSearch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
  "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
  "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
  "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
  "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "sidDirSDDL": "string",
  "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
  "vhdNameMatch": "string",
  "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
  "vhdNamePattern": "string",
  "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
  "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
  "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
  "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)",
  "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
  "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
  "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
  "profileDirSDDL": "string",
  "useProfileType": "boolean",
  "profileType": "string",
  "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
  "setTempToLocalPath": "string"

SetFSLogixSettings: object

Update FSLogix feature settings in the RAS Site

installType: string 0 = Manually, 1 = Online, 2 = NetworkDrive, 3 = UploadInstall

Specifies the 'Install type'.

installOnlineURL: string

Specifies the 'Install Online URL Online'.

networkDrivePath: string

Specifies the 'Network Drive Path'.

installerFilePath: string

Specifies the 'Installer File Path'.

replicate: boolean

Enable or disable replication of settings to other sites.

  "installType": "string",
  "installOnlineURL": "string",
  "networkDrivePath": "string",
  "installerFilePath": "string",
  "replicate": "boolean"

SetGW: object

Update a Gateway settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified Gateway.

server: string (1 to 255 chars)

The new Gateway name. The name must be either a valid FQDN or a valid IP address.

description: string

A user-defined Gateway description.

publicAddress: string

The Public Address of the Gateway.

ipVersion: string 0 = Version4, 1 = Version6, 2 = BothVersions

The IP version for the Gateway to use. Accepted values: Version4 (IPv4), Version6 (IPv6), BothVersions (both IPv4 and IPv6).

iPs: string (1 to 255 chars)

One or multiple (separated by comma) IP addresses.

bindV4Addresses: string (1 to 255 chars)

IPv4 address to bind to. If '' is passed, will bind to all available addresses. When using a specific address, it has to be available in the IPv4 address list.

optimizeConnectionIPv4: string (up to 255 chars)

Optimize connection for the list of IPv4 (comma separated values).

bindV6Addresses: string (1 to 255 chars)

IPv6 address to bind to. If '::' is passed, will bind to all available addresses. When using a specific address, it has to be available in the IPv6 address list.

optimizeConnectionIPv6: string (up to 255 chars)

Optimize connection for the list of IPv6 (comma separated values).

inheritDefaultModeSettings: boolean

Enable or disable default mode settings.

inheritDefaultNetworkSettings: boolean

Enable or disable default network settings.

inheritDefaultSslTlsSettings: boolean

Enable or disable default SSL/TLS setting.

inheritDefaultHTML5Settings: boolean

Enable or disable default HTML5 settings.

inheritDefaultWyseSettings: boolean

Enable or disable default wyse settings.

inheritDefaultSecuritySettings: boolean

Enable or disable default security settingsd.

inheritDefaultWebSettings: boolean

Enable or disable default web settings.

gwMode: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Forwarding

Gateway Mode. Accepted values: Normal, Forwarding.

normalModeForwarding: boolean

Forward requests to HTTP server.

forwardGatewayServers: string (up to 255 chars)

One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding Gateway Servers. E.g. localhost:80, web1

autoPreferredPA: boolean false

Set preferred PA Automatically.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred PA server ID.

forwardHttpServers: string (up to 255 chars)

One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding HTTP Servers. E.g. localhost:81, web1

enableGWPort: boolean

Enable or disable a custom RAS Secure Client Gateway port. To specify a custom port, set this parameter to True and use the GWPort parameter to specify the port number.

gwPort: integer (int32)

A custom Gateway port number. For this port to take effect, the EnableGWPort parameters must be set to $True.

enableRDP: boolean

Enable or disable a custom RDP port. To specify a custom port number, use the RDPPort parameter.

rdpPort: integer (int32)

A custom RDP port number. For this port to take effect, the EnableRDPPort parameter must be set to True.

broadcast: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Broadcast RAS Secure Client Gateway Address' option.

enableRDPUDP: boolean

Enable or disable the 'RDP UDP Data Tunneling' option.

enableDeviceManagerPort: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Device Manager Port' option.

dosPro: boolean

Enable or disable the 'RDP DOS Attack Filter' option.

enableSSL: boolean

Enable or disable SSL on the port specified in the SSLPort parameter.

sslPort: integer (int32)

SSL port number. To enable the port, set the EnableSSL port parameter to True.

minSSLVersion: string 0 = SSLv2, 1 = SSLv3, 2 = TLSv1, 3 = TLSv1_1, 4 = TLSv1_2

Minimum SSL version. Accepted values: TLSv1_2 (TLS v1.2 only, strong), TLSv1_1 (TLS v1.1 - TLS v1.2), TLSv1 (TLS v1 - TLS v1.2), SSLv3 (SSL v3 - TLS v1.2), SSLv2 (SSL v2 - TLS v1.2).

cipherStrength: string 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Custom

Cipher strength. Accepted values: Low, Medium, High, Custom.

cipher: string (up to 255 chars)

Cipher string.

cipherPreference: boolean

Enable or disable Use ciphers according to server preference.

autoCertificate: boolean false

Set Certificate Automatically.

certificateId: integer (int32)

The Certificate ID. Certificate Set Priority 2. This value will be ignored if a CertificateObj is specified.

enableHSTS: boolean

Enable or disable HSTS. To specify a custom HSTS Age, set this parameter to True and use the HSTSMaxAge parameter to specify the HSTS maximum age.

hstsMaxAge: integer (int32)

Specifies the HSTS maximum age.

hstsIncludeSubdomains: boolean

Enable or disable the HSTS sub-domains.

hstsPreload: boolean

Enable or disable the HSTS preload.

enableHTML5: boolean

Enable or disable HTML5 connectivity on the Gateway.

htmL5Port: integer (int32)

A custom HTML5 port number.

launchMethod: string 0 = ParallelsClientAndHTML5, 1 = ParallelsClient, 2 = HTML5

Launch method. Accepted values: ParallelsClientAndHTML5 (Parallels Client and fallback to HTML5), ParallelsClient (Parallels Client only), HTML5 (HTML5 Client only).

allowLaunchMethod: boolean

Allow users to select a resource launch method.

allowAppsInNewTab: boolean

Allow users to start applications in a new browser tab.

usePreWin2000LoginFormat: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Use Pre Windows 2000 Login Format' option.

allowEmbed: boolean

Allow embedding of Web Client into other web pages.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead. Enable or disable the 'Allow file transfer' option.

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

File Transfer option. Possible values are: 0 (Disabled), 1 (client to Server only), 2 {Server To Client only), 3 (Bidirectional)..

allowClipboard: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow Clipboard' option.

clipboardDirection: string 0 = None, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

State of clipboard direction.

allowCORS: boolean

Allow cross-origin resource sharing.

allowedDomainsForCORS: string[]

Allowed domains for cross-origin resource sharing.

browserCacheTimeInMonths: integer (int32)

How long should the browser preserve the cache (in months).

enableAlternateNLBHost: boolean

Enable or disable Alternate NLB host name specified in the EnableAlternateNLBHost parameter.

alternateNLBHost: string (1 to 255 chars)

Alternate NLB host name. To enable the host name, set the EnableAlternateNLBHost port parameter to True.

enableAlternateNLBPort: boolean

Enable or disable Alternate NLB on the port specified in the AlternateNLBPort parameter.

alternateNLBPort: integer (int32)

Alternate NLB port number. To enable the port, set the EnableAlternateNLBPort port parameter to True.

enableWyseSupport: boolean

Enable or disable Wyse ThinOS support.

disableWyseCertWarn: boolean

Enable or disable the warning if server certificate is not verified.

securityMode: string 0 = AllowAllExcept, 1 = AllowOnly

Security Mode. Accepted values: AllowAllExcept, AllowOnly.

macAllowExcept: string[]

Specifies the Security 'MAC Allow Except' MAC addresses.

macAllowOnly: string[]

Specifies the Security 'MAC Allow Only' MAC addresses.

webRequestsURL: string (up to 255 chars)

Set a URL for Web requests. This is the URL that will open when a user enters the IP address of the RAS Secure Client Gateway server in a web browser. For the URL to work, the gateway mode must be set to Normal.

webCookie: string (up to 255 chars)

Set the Web Cookie Name used by RAS.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "iPs": "string",
  "bindV4Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv4": "string",
  "bindV6Addresses": "string",
  "optimizeConnectionIPv6": "string",
  "inheritDefaultModeSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultNetworkSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSslTlsSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultHTML5Settings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWyseSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultSecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultWebSettings": "boolean",
  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "autoCertificate": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string"

SetGWDefaultSettings: object

Update Gateway default settings

gwMode: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Forwarding

Gateway Mode. Accepted values: Normal, Forwarding.

normalModeForwarding: boolean

Forward requests to HTTP server.

forwardGatewayServers: string (up to 255 chars)

One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding Gateway Servers. E.g. localhost:80, web1

autoPreferredPA: boolean false

Set preferred PA Automatically.

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred PA server ID.

forwardHttpServers: string (up to 255 chars)

One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding HTTP Servers. E.g. localhost:81, web1

enableGWPort: boolean

Enable or disable a custom RAS Secure Client Gateway port. To specify a custom port, set this parameter to True and use the GWPort parameter to specify the port number.

gwPort: integer (int32)

A custom Gateway port number. For this port to take effect, the EnableGWPort parameters must be set to $True.

enableRDP: boolean

Enable or disable a custom RDP port. To specify a custom port number, use the RDPPort parameter.

rdpPort: integer (int32)

A custom RDP port number. For this port to take effect, the EnableRDPPort parameter must be set to True.

broadcast: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Broadcast RAS Secure Client Gateway Address' option.

enableRDPUDP: boolean

Enable or disable the 'RDP UDP Data Tunneling' option.

enableDeviceManagerPort: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Device Manager Port' option.

dosPro: boolean

Enable or disable the 'RDP DOS Attack Filter' option.

enableSSL: boolean

Enable or disable SSL on the port specified in the SSLPort parameter.

sslPort: integer (int32)

SSL port number. To enable the port, set the EnableSSL port parameter to True.

minSSLVersion: string 0 = SSLv2, 1 = SSLv3, 2 = TLSv1, 3 = TLSv1_1, 4 = TLSv1_2

Minimum SSL version. Accepted values: TLSv1_2 (TLS v1.2 only, strong), TLSv1_1 (TLS v1.1 - TLS v1.2), TLSv1 (TLS v1 - TLS v1.2), SSLv3 (SSL v3 - TLS v1.2), SSLv2 (SSL v2 - TLS v1.2).

cipherStrength: string 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Custom

Cipher strength. Accepted values: Low, Medium, High, Custom.

cipher: string (up to 255 chars)

Cipher string.

cipherPreference: boolean

Enable or disable Use ciphers according to server preference.

autoCertificate: boolean false

Set Certificate Automatically.

certificateId: integer (int32)

The Certificate ID.

enableHSTS: boolean

Enable or disable HSTS. To specify a custom HSTS Age, set this parameter to True and use the HSTSMaxAge parameter to specify the HSTS maximum age.

hstsMaxAge: integer (int32)

Specifies the HSTS maximum age.

hstsIncludeSubdomains: boolean

Enable or disable the HSTS sub-domains.

hstsPreload: boolean

Enable or disable the HSTS preload.

enableHTML5: boolean

Enable or disable HTML5 connectivity on the Gateway.

htmL5Port: integer (int32)

A custom HTML5 port number.

launchMethod: string 0 = ParallelsClientAndHTML5, 1 = ParallelsClient, 2 = HTML5

Launch method. Accepted values: ParallelsClientAndHTML5 (Parallels Client and fallback to HTML5), ParallelsClient (Parallels Client only), HTML5 (HTML5 Client only).

allowLaunchMethod: boolean

Allow users to select a resource launch method.

allowAppsInNewTab: boolean

Allow users to start applications in a new browser tab.

usePreWin2000LoginFormat: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Use Pre Windows 2000 Login Format' option.

allowEmbed: boolean

Allow embedding of Web Client into other web pages.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead. Enable or disable the 'Allow file transfer' option.

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

File Transfer option. Possible values are: 0 (Disabled), 1 (client to Server only), 2 {Server To Client only), 3 (Bidirectional).

allowClipboard: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow Clipboard' option.

clipboardDirection: string 0 = None, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

State of clipboard direction.

allowCORS: boolean

Allow cross-origin resource sharing.

allowedDomainsForCORS: string[]

Allowed domains for cross-origin resource sharing.

browserCacheTimeInMonths: integer (int32)

How long should the browser preserve the cache (in months).

enableAlternateNLBHost: boolean

Enable or disable Alternate NLB host name specified in the EnableAlternateNLBHost parameter.

alternateNLBHost: string (1 to 255 chars)

Alternate NLB host name. To enable the host name, set the EnableAlternateNLBHost port parameter to True.

enableAlternateNLBPort: boolean

Enable or disable Alternate NLB on the port specified in the AlternateNLBPort parameter.

alternateNLBPort: integer (int32)

Alternate NLB port number. To enable the port, set the EnableAlternateNLBPort port parameter to True.

enableWyseSupport: boolean

Enable or disable Wyse ThinOS support.

disableWyseCertWarn: boolean

Enable or disable the warning if server certificate is not verified.

securityMode: string 0 = AllowAllExcept, 1 = AllowOnly

Security Mode. Accepted values: AllowAllExcept, AllowOnly.

macAllowExcept: string[]

Specifies the Security 'MAC Allow Except' MAC addresses.

macAllowOnly: string[]

Specifies the Security 'MAC Allow Only' MAC addresses.

webRequestsURL: string (up to 255 chars)

Set a URL for Web requests. This is the URL that will open when a user enters the IP address of the RAS Secure Client Gateway server in a web browser. For the URL to work, the gateway mode must be set to Normal.

webCookie: string (up to 255 chars)

Set the Web Cookie Name used by RAS.

  "gwMode": "string",
  "normalModeForwarding": "boolean",
  "forwardGatewayServers": "string",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "forwardHttpServers": "string",
  "enableGWPort": "boolean",
  "gwPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableRDP": "boolean",
  "rdpPort": "integer (int32)",
  "broadcast": "boolean",
  "enableRDPUDP": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagerPort": "boolean",
  "dosPro": "boolean",
  "enableSSL": "boolean",
  "sslPort": "integer (int32)",
  "minSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipher": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "autoCertificate": "boolean",
  "certificateId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableHSTS": "boolean",
  "hstsMaxAge": "integer (int32)",
  "hstsIncludeSubdomains": "boolean",
  "hstsPreload": "boolean",
  "enableHTML5": "boolean",
  "htmL5Port": "integer (int32)",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "usePreWin2000LoginFormat": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "allowClipboard": "boolean",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "enableAlternateNLBHost": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBHost": "string",
  "enableAlternateNLBPort": "boolean",
  "alternateNLBPort": "integer (int32)",
  "enableWyseSupport": "boolean",
  "disableWyseCertWarn": "boolean",
  "securityMode": "string",
  "macAllowExcept": [
  "macAllowOnly": [
  "webRequestsURL": "string",
  "webCookie": "string"

SetHALB: object

Update a HALB Virtual Server

name: string (1 to 127 chars)

The new name for the HALB Virtual Server.

enabled: boolean

Enable/Disable HALB Virtual Server.

ipVersion: string 0 = Version4, 1 = Version6, 2 = BothVersions

The supported IP versions of the HALB Virtual Server.

enableGWPayload: boolean

Enable/Disable the Non-SSL Gateway configuration of the HALB Virtual Server .

enableSSLPayload: boolean

Enable/Disable the SSL Gateway configuration of the HALB Virtual Server.

enableDeviceManagement: boolean

Enable/Disable the Device Management configuration of the HALB Virtual Server.

description: string (1 to 127 chars)

The HALB Virtual Server description.

publicAddress: string

The HALB Virtual Server Public Address.

virtualIPv4: string

The IPv4 of the HALB Virtual Server.

subnetMask: string

The Subnet Mask of the HALB Virtual Server.

virtualIPv6: string

The IPv6 of the HALB Virtual Server.

prefixIPV6: integer (int32)

The IPv6 Prefix of the HALB Virtual Server.

enableTunneling: boolean

Enable/Disable the RDP/UDP of the HALB Virtual Server.

maxTCPConnections: integer (int32)

The Maximum allowed TCP Connections to the HALB Virtual Server.

vrrpAuthenticationPassword: string

The VRRP Authentication password.

clientIdleTimeout: integer (int32)

The client inactivity timeout.

gwConnectionTimeout: integer (int32)

The Gateway connection timeout.

clientQueueTimeout: integer (int32)

The client queue timeout.

gatewayIdleTimeout: integer (int32)

The Gateway inactivity timeout.

sessionRate: integer (int32)

The amount of TCP connections per second.

gwHealthCheckIntervals: integer (int32)

The Gateway Health check intervals in seconds.

vrrpVirtualRouterID: integer (int32)

The Virtual Router ID of HALB Virtual Server (if not set, the router ID will be automatically computed).

vrrpBroadcastInterval: integer (int32)

The VRRP broadcast interval in minutes.

vrrpHealthScriptCheckInterval: integer (int32)

The VRRP health script check interval in seconds.

vrrpHealthScriptCheckTimeout: integer (int32)

The VRRP health script check timeout in seconds.

vrrpAdvertisementInterval: integer (int32)

The VRRP Advertisement interval in seconds.

enableOSUpdates: boolean

Enable/Disable OS updates.

keepLBProxyConfig: boolean

Enable/Disable keeping of existing loadbalancing settings.

keepVRRPConfig: boolean

Enable/Disable keeping of existing VRRP/keepalive settings.

lbGateways: string[]

The list of the Non-SSL Gateways for HALB Virtual Server.

lbGatewayPort: integer (int32)

The Non-SSL Gateway port.

sslMode: string 0 = SSLOffloading, 1 = SSLPassthrough

The SSL Mode to use for SSL Gateways.

lbsslGateways: string[]

The list of the SSL Gateways for HALB Virtual Server.

lbsslGatewayPort: integer (int32)

The SSL Gateway port.

acceptedSSLVersion: string 0 = SSLv2, 1 = SSLv3, 2 = TLSv1, 3 = TLSv1_1, 4 = TLSv1_2

The SSL version to be used for the SSL Gateways.

cipherStrength: string 0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Custom

The Cipher strength to be used for the SSL Gateways.

cipherPreference: boolean

Enable or disable 'Use ciphers according to server preference'.

sslCustomCipher: string (1 to 512 chars)

The SSL custom cipher for SSL Gateways.

certificateID: integer (int32)

The certificate ID.

deviceManagerGateways: string[]

The list of the Device Management Gateways for HALB Virtual Server.

  "name": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "ipVersion": "string",
  "enableGWPayload": "boolean",
  "enableSSLPayload": "boolean",
  "enableDeviceManagement": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "publicAddress": "string",
  "virtualIPv4": "string",
  "subnetMask": "string",
  "virtualIPv6": "string",
  "prefixIPV6": "integer (int32)",
  "enableTunneling": "boolean",
  "maxTCPConnections": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpAuthenticationPassword": "string",
  "clientIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gwConnectionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "clientQueueTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "gatewayIdleTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionRate": "integer (int32)",
  "gwHealthCheckIntervals": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpVirtualRouterID": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpBroadcastInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthScriptCheckInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpHealthScriptCheckTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "vrrpAdvertisementInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableOSUpdates": "boolean",
  "keepLBProxyConfig": "boolean",
  "keepVRRPConfig": "boolean",
  "lbGateways": [
  "lbGatewayPort": "integer (int32)",
  "sslMode": "string",
  "lbsslGateways": [
  "lbsslGatewayPort": "integer (int32)",
  "acceptedSSLVersion": "string",
  "cipherStrength": "string",
  "cipherPreference": "boolean",
  "sslCustomCipher": "string",
  "certificateID": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceManagerGateways": [

SetHALBDevicePriority: object

Update the piority of a HALB Device

direction: string 0 = Up, 1 = Down

Specifies in which direction to move the specified HALB Device.

  "direction": "string"

SetLBSettings: object

Update the RAS Load Balancing settings

siteId: integer (int32)

The site ID to which the RAS LB settings refer.

method: string 0 = ResourceBased, 1 = RoundRobin

Specifies the load balancing method (Round-robin or Resource based). Accepted values: ResourceBased [0], RoundRobin [1].

cpuCounter: boolean

Enable or disable the CPU counter.

memoryCounter: boolean

Enable or disable the Memory counter.

sessionsCounter: boolean

Enable or disable the Sessions counter.

reconnectDisconnect: boolean

Enable or disable the "Reconnect to disconnected sessions" option.

reconnectUsingIPOnly: boolean

Enable or disable the "Reconnect sessions using client's IP address only" option.

reconnectUser: boolean

Enable or disable the "Limit user to one session per desktop" option.

disableRDSLB: boolean

Enable or disable the "Disable Microsoft RD Connection Broker" option.

deadTimeout: integer (int32)

Set the value (number of seconds) of the "Declare Agent dead if not responding for" property.

refreshTimeout: integer (int32)

Set the value (number of seconds) of the "Agent Refresh Time" property.

replicate: boolean

Enable or disable the "Replicate settings" option (replicate settings to all sites).

enableCPULB: boolean

Enable or disable the "CPU Load Balancer" option. Deprecated: use 'Set-RASCPUOptimizationSettings -EnableCPUOptimization $true' to enable CPU Load Balancer.

maxConnectionRequests: integer (int32)

Maximum number of connection requests for an Agent.

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "method": "string",
  "cpuCounter": "boolean",
  "memoryCounter": "boolean",
  "sessionsCounter": "boolean",
  "reconnectDisconnect": "boolean",
  "reconnectUsingIPOnly": "boolean",
  "reconnectUser": "boolean",
  "disableRDSLB": "boolean",
  "deadTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "refreshTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "replicate": "boolean",
  "enableCPULB": "boolean",
  "maxConnectionRequests": "integer (int32)"

SetMailboxSettings: object

smtpServer: string (up to 255 chars)

SMTP server name. Example: ""

senderAddress: string (up to 255 chars)

Sender email address.

username: string (up to 255 chars)

SMTP server user name.

password: string

SMTP server password.

requireAuth: boolean

Set whether SMTP server requires authentication.

useTLS: string 0 = No, 1 = Yes, 2 = YesIfAvailable

Set whether to use TLS/SSL. Accepted values: No (Do not use), Yes (Use TLS/SSL), YesIfAvailable (Use TLS/SSL if available).

  "smtpServer": "string",
  "senderAddress": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "requireAuth": "boolean",
  "useTLS": "string"

SetNotificationDefaults: object

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

gracePeriod: integer (int32)

Grace period after the notification was done.

enableGracePeriod: boolean


interval: integer (int32)

Invoke notification interval (minutes).

enableInterval: boolean

Enable/Disable interval.

waitUntilRecovered: boolean

Wait until recovered.

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"

SetNotificationEvent: object

enabled: boolean

Enable/Disable notification.

gracePeriod: integer (int32)

Notification grace period.

enableGracePeriod: boolean

> Enable/Disable grace period.

recipients: string[]

Notification recipients.

sendEmail: boolean

Enable/Disable email notification.

scriptId: integer (int32)

Use script of given ID.

executeScript: boolean

Enable/Disable notification scripts.

useDefaults: boolean

Use default notification settings.

interval: integer (int32)

Notification interval (minutes).

enableInterval: boolean

Enable/Disable notification intervals.

waitUntilRecovered: boolean

Wait until recovered.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "recipients": [
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"

SetNotificationResource: object

threshold: integer (int32)

Tolerance value which triggers notification.

direction: string 1 = RisesAbove, 2 = LowersBelow

Threshold direction.

enabled: boolean

Enable/Disable notification.

gracePeriod: integer (int32)

Notification grace period.

enableGracePeriod: boolean

> Enable/Disable grace period.

recipients: string[]

Notification recipients.

sendEmail: boolean

Enable/Disable email notification.

scriptId: integer (int32)

Use script of given ID.

executeScript: boolean

Enable/Disable notification scripts.

useDefaults: boolean

Use default notification settings.

interval: integer (int32)

Notification interval (minutes).

enableInterval: boolean

Enable/Disable notification intervals.

waitUntilRecovered: boolean

Wait until recovered.

  "threshold": "integer (int32)",
  "direction": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "gracePeriod": "integer (int32)",
  "enableGracePeriod": "boolean",
  "recipients": [
  "sendEmail": "boolean",
  "scriptId": "integer (int32)",
  "executeScript": "boolean",
  "useDefaults": "boolean",
  "interval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableInterval": "boolean",
  "waitUntilRecovered": "boolean"

SetNotificationScript: object

id: integer (int32)

Script ID.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new script name to assign.

command: string (1 to 255 chars)

Command to execute when invoked.

arguments: string (1 to 255 chars)

Command arguments.

initialDirectory: string (1 to 255 chars)

Script base directory.

username: string (1 to 255 chars)

Execute script as this system user.

password: string

System user password.

  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "command": "string",
  "arguments": "string",
  "initialDirectory": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string"

SetPA: object

Update a Publishing Agent settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified RAS Publishing Agent.

description: string

A user-defined RAS Publishing Agent description.

ip: string (up to 255 chars)

An IP address of the RAS Publishing Agent server.

alternativeIPs: string (up to 255 chars)

A list of alternative IP addresses separated by a comma.

standby: boolean

Set the specified RAS Secondary PA in Standby (or vice versa).

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "description": "string",
  "ip": "string",
  "alternativeIPs": "string",
  "standby": "boolean"

SetPAPriority: object

Update the priority of a Publishing Agent

direction: string 0 = Up, 1 = Down

The direction to move the PA object: Up or Down (changes the priority of the Publishing Agent accordingly).

  "direction": "string"

SetPerformanceMonitorSettings: object

Update performance monitor settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable RAS Performance Monitor.

server: string

Server hosting RAS Performance Monitor database.

port: integer (int32)

Connection Port to the Server hosting RAS Performance Monitor database.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)"

SetPowerPermission: object

Update RAS power administrator permissions

allowSiteChanges: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow Site changes" option.

allowPublishingChanges: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow Publishing changes" option.

allowConnectionChanges: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow Connection changes" option.

allowViewingReportingInfo: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of RAS Reporting" option.

allowViewingSiteInfo: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of Site Information" option.

allowViewingPolicyInfo: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow viewing of Policy Information" option.

allowSessionManagement: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow Session Management" option.

allowDeviceManagementChanges: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow Device Management changes" option.

allowPolicyChanges: boolean

Enable or disable the "Allow Policy changes" option.

allowAllSites: boolean

Enable or disable the "All Sites" option. If enabled, the administrator can manage all sites in the farm. Otherwise, sites can be specified individually.

allowInSiteIds: integer[]

A list of site ids (an integer array) which the administrator should be allowed to manage.

integer (int32)
  "allowSiteChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPublishingChanges": "boolean",
  "allowConnectionChanges": "boolean",
  "allowViewingReportingInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingSiteInfo": "boolean",
  "allowViewingPolicyInfo": "boolean",
  "allowSessionManagement": "boolean",
  "allowDeviceManagementChanges": "boolean",
  "allowPolicyChanges": "boolean",
  "allowAllSites": "boolean",
  "allowInSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"

SetPrintingSettings: object

Update RAS Universal Printing settings

printerDriversArray: string[]

Printer Drivers string array.

excludedFontsArray: string[]

Excluded Fonts string array.

printerNamePattern: string (up to 255 chars)

Printer Name Pattern. Default pattern: %PRINTERNAME% for %USERNAME% by Parallels Valid pattern variables: %PRINTERNAME% | %USERNAME% | %CLIENTNAME% | %SESSIONID% Other valid pattern: 2X Universal Printer

embedFonts: boolean

Embed Fonts.

replicatePrinterFont: boolean

Replicate Printer Font Settings.

replicatePrinterPattern: boolean

Replicate Printer Name Pattern Settings.

replicatePrinterDrivers: boolean

Replicate Printer Drivers Settings.

driverAllowMode: string 0 = AllowRedirUsingAnyDriver, 1 = AllowRedirUsingSpecifiedDriver, 2 = DoNotAllowRedirUsingSpecifiedDriver

Printer Drivers allow mode.

printerRetention: string 0 = Off, 1 = On

Printer Retention mode.

  "printerDriversArray": [
  "excludedFontsArray": [
  "printerNamePattern": "string",
  "embedFonts": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterFont": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterPattern": "boolean",
  "replicatePrinterDrivers": "boolean",
  "driverAllowMode": "string",
  "printerRetention": "string"

SetProvider: object

Update an existing Provider settings

enabled: boolean

Enables or disables the specified Provider server in a site.

server: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new server name. This must be the server FQDN or IP address.

description: string

A user-defined Provider server description.

directAddress: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the Provider server direct address.

port: integer (int32)

Specifies the port number for the RAS VDI Agent.

type: string 589824 = HyperVUnknown, 589835 = HyperVWin2012R2Std, 589836 = HyperVWin2012R2Dtc, 589837 = HyperVWin2012R2Srv, 589838 = HyperVWin2016Std, 589839 = HyperVWin2016Dtc, 589840 = HyperVWin2016Srv, 589841 = HyperVWin2019Std, 589842 = HyperVWin2019Dtc, 589843 = HyperVWin2019Srv, 589844 = HyperVWin2022Std, 589845 = HyperVWin2022Dtc, 655360 = VmwareESXUnknown, 655363 = VmwareESXi4_0, 655364 = VmwareESX4_0, 655365 = VmwareESXi4_1, 655366 = VmwareESX4_1, 655367 = VmwareESXi5_0, 655368 = VmwareESXi5_1, 655369 = VmwareESXi5_5, 655370 = VmwareESXi6_0, 655371 = VmwareESXi6_5, 655372 = VmwareESXi6_7, 655373 = VmwareESXi7_0, 983040 = VmwareVCenterUnknown, 983041 = VmwareVCenter4_0, 983042 = VmwareVCenter4_1, 983043 = VmwareVCenter5_0, 983044 = VmwareVCenter5_1, 983045 = VmwareVCenter5_5, 983046 = VmwareVCenter6_0, 983047 = VmwareVCenter6_5, 983048 = VmwareVCenter6_7, 983049 = VmwareVCenter7_0, 1048576 = HyperVFailoverClusterUnknown, 1048577 = HyperVFailoverClusterEnt, 1048578 = HyperVFailoverClusterDtc, 1048579 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2012, 1048580 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2012R2, 1048581 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2016, 1048582 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2019, 1048583 = HyperVFailoverClusterWin2022, 1179648 = NutanixUnknown, 1179651 = Nutanix5_10, 1179652 = Nutanix5_15, 1179653 = Nutanix5_20, 1245184 = RemotePCUnknown, 1245185 = RemotePCStatic, 1245186 = RemotePCDynamic, 1310720 = ScaleUnknown, 1310722 = Scale8_6_5, 1310723 = Scale8_8, 1310724 = Scale8_9, 1376256 = Azure

Specifies the Provider type. To get the list of available types, execute [System.Enum]::GetNames('RASAdminEngine.Core.OuputModels.HypervisorType') From the returned list, choose a hypervisor type and then use it as a value for this parameter.

vdiUsername: string

A user account to log in to the hypervisor management tool (e.g. VMware vCenter).

vdiPassword: string

The password of the account specified in the VDIUsername parameter.

vdiAgent: string

FQDN or IP address of the server where the RAS VDI Agent is running. You only need to specify this parameter if the RAS VDI Agent is dedicated.

vdiPort: integer (int32)

The port to communicate with the dedicated VDIAgent specified in the VDIAgent parameter.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Set the URL and Mail Redirection option. Possible values: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled with application registration.

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead. Enable or disable the 'Allow file transfer' option.

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

File Transfer option. Possible values are: 0 (Disabled), 1 (client to Server only), 2 {Server To Client only), 3 (Bidirectional).

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove client name from printer name' option.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove session number from printer name' option.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the 'RDP Printer Name Format' option.

autoPreferredPA: boolean false
Set the 'Preferred Publishing Agent' option to 'Automatically". If number of PAs is less than 3 then preferred PA is not allowed to choose automatic.
preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server ID.

enableDriveRedirectionCache: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "directAddress": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "vdiUsername": "string",
  "vdiPassword": "string",
  "vdiAgent": "string",
  "vdiPort": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean"

SetProviderRemotePCStatic: object

Set a Remote PC Static within a Provider

remotePCStaticName: string (1 to 255 chars)

Remote PC Static Name

mac: string (1 to 17 chars)

Remote PC Static MAC Address

subnet: string (1 to 255 chars)

Remote PC Static Subnet

  "remotePCStaticName": "string",
  "mac": "string",
  "subnet": "string"

SetPubAppFileExt: object

Update a file extension of the published application

enabled: boolean

Whether the file extension should be enabled or disabled for the specified published app.

parameters: string

File extension parameters for the specified published app.

extension: string

The file extension that will be added/modified.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "parameters": "string",
  "extension": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetPubDefaultSettings: object

Update default settings of published resources

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Create shortcut on Desktop' option.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Replicate settings' option.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Create shortcut in Start folder' option.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Create shortcut in Auto Start folder' option.

startPath: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies a path in the Start folder.

replicateDisplaySettings: boolean

Enable or disable the "Replicate settings option'. This will replicate display settings to all sites.

startMaximized: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Start the application as maximized when using mobile clients" option.

startFullscreen: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Start in fullscreen mode for WYSE ThinOS clients" option.

waitForPrinters: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Wait until all RAS Universal Printers are redirected before showing the application" option.

waitForPrintersTimeout: integer (int32)

Printer redirection timeout (in seconds). Works together with the WaitForPrinters parameter.

colorDepth: string 0 = Colors8Bit, 1 = Colors15Bit, 2 = Colors16Bit, 3 = Colors24Bit, 4 = Colors32Bit, 5 = ClientSpecified

Specifies the display color depth setting. Possible values are: Colors8Bit, Colors15Bit, Colors16Bit, Colors24Bit, Colors32Bit, ClientSpecified

replicateLicenseSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Replicate settings' option. This will replicate license settings to all sites.

disableSessionSharing: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Disable session sharing' option.

oneInstancePerUser: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow users to start only one instance of the application' option.

conCurrentLicenses: integer (int32)

Specifies the number of concurrent licenses (the 'Concurrent licenses' option).

licenseLimitNotify: string 0 = WarnUserAndNoStart, 1 = WarnUserAndStart, 2 = NotifyAdminAndStart, 3 = NotifyUserAdminAndStart, 4 = NotifyUserAdminAndNoStart

Specifies an action to perform when the license limit is exceeded. Possible values are: 0 (Warn user and do not start), 1 (Warn user and start), 2 (Notify administrator and start), 3 (Notify user, administrator and start), 4 (Notify user, administrator and do not start).

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Replicate Maintenance' option.

  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean"

SetPubFolder: object

Update a folder for published resources settings

adminOnly: boolean

Use folder for administrative purposes only.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new name to assign to the published resource.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of sites to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable the OS filter.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not OS filter settings to all sites.

allowClientChrome: boolean

Allow or not Chrome OS Clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow or not Android Clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow or not HTML5 Clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow or not IOS Clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow or not Linux Clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow or not MAC Clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow or not Web Portal Clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow or not Windows Clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow or not Wyse Clients.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable Preferred Routing.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "adminOnly": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetPubItemClientOSFilter: object

Add an OS filter for the specified published resource

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Whether to enable or disable the filter for the specified published resource.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Whether to replicate filter settings to all sites.

allowClientChrome: boolean

Allow Chrome OS clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow Android clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow HTML5 clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow IOS clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow Linux clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow Mac clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow Web Portal clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow Windows clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow Wyse clients.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetPubItemExtension: object

Update a file extension of the published resource

extension: string

The file extension that will be added/modified.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "extension": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetPubItemPreferredRoute: object

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Name of the Preferred Route

description: string (up to 255 chars)

Description of the Preferred Route

enabled: boolean

Whether the Preferred Route is enabled or not

referenceType: string 3 = Gateway, 51 = HALB, 83 = Custom

Reference Type of the Preferred Route

referenceId: integer (int32)

Reference ID of the Preferred Route

priority: string 0 = Up, 1 = Down

The direction to move the Publishing Route object: Up or Down (changes the priority of the Publishing Route accordingly)

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "referenceType": "string",
  "referenceId": "integer (int32)",
  "priority": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetPubRDSApp: object

Update settings of an application published from an RD Session Host

publishFrom: string 0 = All, 1 = Group, 2 = Server

Specifies the 'Publish from' option. Acceptable values: All (All servers in the site), Group (Server Groups), Server (Individual Servers).

publishFromGroupIds: integer[]

Specifies one or multiple group Ids from which to publish the application. The PublishFrom parameter must specify 1 (Server groups).

integer (int32)
publishFromServerIds: integer[]

One or multiple RDS Host server Ids from which to publish the application. The PublishFrom parameter must specify 2 (Individual Servers).

integer (int32)
replicateDisplaySettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Replicate settings' option (replicates display settings to all sites).

startMaximized: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Start the application as maximized when using mobile clients" option.

startFullscreen: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Start in fullscreen mode for WYSE ThinOS clients" option.

waitForPrinters: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Wait until all RAS universal printers are redirected before showing the application" option.

waitForPrintersTimeout: integer (int32)

Printer redirection timeout (in seconds). Set this option when enabling the WaitForPrinters option.

colorDepth: string 0 = Colors8Bit, 1 = Colors15Bit, 2 = Colors16Bit, 3 = Colors24Bit, 4 = Colors32Bit, 5 = ClientSpecified

Specifies the display color depth setting. Possible values are: Colors8Bit, Colors15Bit, Colors16Bit, Colors24Bit, Colors32Bit, ClientSpecified

inheritDisplayDefaultSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default settings" option for display properties.

replicateLicenseSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Replicate licensing settings" (settings are replicated to all sites).

disableSessionSharing: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Disable session sharing' option (licenses).

oneInstancePerUser: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow users to start only one instance of the application' option.

conCurrentLicenses: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Concurrent licenses' option (the number of concurrent licenses).

licenseLimitNotify: string 0 = WarnUserAndNoStart, 1 = WarnUserAndStart, 2 = NotifyAdminAndStart, 3 = NotifyUserAdminAndStart, 4 = NotifyUserAdminAndNoStart

Specifies the "If license limit is exceeded' option. Acceptable values: WarnUserAndNoStart, WarnUserAndStart, NotifyAdminAndStart, NotifyUserAdminAndStart, NotifyUserAdminAndNoStart

inheritLicenseDefaultSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default license settings' option.

enableFileExtensions: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Enable File Extensions' option.

replicateFileExtensionSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Replicate settings' option (replicates extension settings to all sites).

replicateDefaultServerSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Replicate settings' option (replicates default server settings to all sites).

fileExtensions: string

List of file extensions to be added to the current list, if doesn't exist(comma separated values).

serverId: integer (int32)
target: string

File name and path of a published application executable.

parameters: string

Optional parameters to pass to the published application executable.

startIn: string

Folder name in which to start a published application.

winType: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Maximized, 2 = Minimized

Published application window type. Acceptable values: Normal, Maximized, Minimized.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Replicate shortcut settings to all sites.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Create a shortcut on a client's desktop.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Create a shortcut in the client's Start folder.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Create a shortcut in the client's Auto Start folder.

startPath: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the path in the Start folder where the shortcut will be created.

inheritShortcutDefaultSettings: boolean

Inherit default shortcut settings.

startOnLogon: boolean

Start a resource automatically when a user logs on.

excludePrelaunch: boolean

Exclude application from prelaunch.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new name to assign to the published resource.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of sites to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable the OS filter.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not OS filter settings to all sites.

allowClientChrome: boolean

Allow or not Chrome OS Clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow or not Android Clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow or not HTML5 Clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow or not IOS Clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow or not Linux Clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow or not MAC Clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow or not Web Portal Clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow or not Windows Clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow or not Wyse Clients.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable Preferred Routing.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "publishFrom": "string",
  "publishFromGroupIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromServerIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "replicateDisplaySettings": "boolean",
  "startMaximized": "boolean",
  "startFullscreen": "boolean",
  "waitForPrinters": "boolean",
  "waitForPrintersTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "colorDepth": "string",
  "inheritDisplayDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateLicenseSettings": "boolean",
  "disableSessionSharing": "boolean",
  "oneInstancePerUser": "boolean",
  "conCurrentLicenses": "integer (int32)",
  "licenseLimitNotify": "string",
  "inheritLicenseDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "enableFileExtensions": "boolean",
  "replicateFileExtensionSettings": "boolean",
  "replicateDefaultServerSettings": "boolean",
  "fileExtensions": "string",
  "serverId": "integer (int32)",
  "target": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "winType": "string",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetPubRDSAppServerAttr: object

Update a list of individual servers the published application is published from

target: string (up to 255 chars)

Application target file. (i.e. calc.exe, file.txt, etc.)

startIn: string (up to 255 chars)

Application working directory.

parameters: string (up to 255 chars)

Application parameters.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "target": "string",
  "startIn": "string",
  "parameters": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetPubRDSDesktop: object

Update settings of a desktop published from an RD Session Host

connectToConsole: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Connect to console' option.

publishFrom: string 0 = All, 1 = Group, 2 = Server

Specifies the 'Publish from' option. Acceptable values: All (All servers in the site), Group (Server Groups), Server (Individual Servers).

publishFromGroupIds: integer[]

Specifies one or multiple group Ids from which to publish a desktop. The PublishFrom parameter must specify 1 (Server groups).

integer (int32)
publishFromServerIds: integer[]

Specifies one or multiple RDS Host server Ids from which to publish a desktop. The PublishFrom parameter must specify 2 (Individual Servers).

integer (int32)
width: integer (int32)

Desktop width.

height: integer (int32)

Desktop height.

desktopSize: string 0 = UseAvailableArea, 1 = FullScreen, 2 = W640xH480, 3 = W800xH600, 4 = W854xH480, 5 = W1024xH576, 6 = W1024xH768, 7 = W1152xH864, 8 = W1280xH720, 9 = W1280xH768, 10 = W1280xH800, 11 = W1280xH960, 12 = W1280xH1024, 13 = W1360xH768, 14 = W1366xH768, 15 = W1400xH1050, 16 = W1440xH900, 17 = W1600xH900, 18 = W1600xH1024, 19 = W1600xH1200, 20 = W1680xH1050, 21 = W1920xH1080, 22 = W1920xH1200, 23 = W1920xH1440, 24 = W2048xH1152, 25 = Custom

Desktop Size. Possible values are: 0 (Use available area), 1 (Full screen), Custom = 25. Specific sizes are specified by numbers in the 2 to 24 range: 2 (640x480), 3 (800x600), ... 24 (2048 x 1152) Listed in that order: 640x480, 800x600, 854x480, 1024x576, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x720, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1366x768, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1440, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2048x1152

allowMultiMonitor: string 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = UseClientSettings

Specifies the Multi-monitor option. Acceptable values: Enabled, Disabled, UseClientSettings.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Replicate shortcut settings to all sites.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Create a shortcut on a client's desktop.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Create a shortcut in the client's Start folder.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Create a shortcut in the client's Auto Start folder.

startPath: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the path in the Start folder where the shortcut will be created.

inheritShortcutDefaultSettings: boolean

Inherit default shortcut settings.

startOnLogon: boolean

Start a resource automatically when a user logs on.

excludePrelaunch: boolean

Exclude application from prelaunch.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new name to assign to the published resource.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of sites to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable the OS filter.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not OS filter settings to all sites.

allowClientChrome: boolean

Allow or not Chrome OS Clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow or not Android Clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow or not HTML5 Clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow or not IOS Clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow or not Linux Clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow or not MAC Clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow or not Web Portal Clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow or not Windows Clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow or not Wyse Clients.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable Preferred Routing.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "connectToConsole": "boolean",
  "publishFrom": "string",
  "publishFromGroupIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "publishFromServerIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetPubVDIApp: object

Update settings of an application published from VDI Desktop

persistent: boolean

Specifies whether the connection is persistent or not.

connectTo: string 0 = AnyGuest, 3 = SpecificRASTemplate

Specifies the 'Matching Mode' option to connect with. Acceptable values: AnyGuest, SpecificRASTemplate.

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)

Specifies the VDI Pool from which to publish an application.

vdiPool: VDIPool

Specifies the VDI Pool from which to publish an application.

vdiTemplate: VDITemplate

Specifies the RAS template from which to publish an application.

target: string

File name and path of a published application executable.

parameters: string

Optional parameters to pass to the published application executable.

startIn: string

Folder name in which to start a published application.

winType: string 0 = Normal, 1 = Maximized, 2 = Minimized

Published application window type. Acceptable values: Normal, Maximized, Minimized.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Replicate shortcut settings to all sites.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Create a shortcut on a client's desktop.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Create a shortcut in the client's Start folder.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Create a shortcut in the client's Auto Start folder.

startPath: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the path in the Start folder where the shortcut will be created.

inheritShortcutDefaultSettings: boolean

Inherit default shortcut settings.

startOnLogon: boolean

Start a resource automatically when a user logs on.

excludePrelaunch: boolean

Exclude application from prelaunch.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new name to assign to the published resource.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of sites to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable the OS filter.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not OS filter settings to all sites.

allowClientChrome: boolean

Allow or not Chrome OS Clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow or not Android Clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow or not HTML5 Clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow or not IOS Clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow or not Linux Clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow or not MAC Clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow or not Web Portal Clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow or not Windows Clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow or not Wyse Clients.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable Preferred Routing.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiPool": {
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "description": "string",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "poolMemberIndex": "integer (int32)",
    "wildCard": "string",
    "members": [
        "id": "integer (int32)",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string"
    "adminCreate": "string",
    "adminLastMod": "string",
    "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
    "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
    "id": "integer (int32)"
  "vdiTemplate": {
    "name": "string",
    "siteId": "integer (int32)",
    "enabled": "boolean",
    "templateType": "string",
    "providerId": "integer (int32)",
    "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
    "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
    "guestsToCreate": "integer (int32)",
    "unusedGuestDurationMins": "integer (int32)",
    "vdiGuestId": "string",
    "physicalHostId": "string",
    "physicalHostName": "string",
    "folderId": "string",
    "folderName": "string",
    "subFolderName": "string",
    "guestNameFormat": "string",
    "nativePoolId": "string",
    "nativePoolName": "string",
    "cloneMethod": "string",
    "linkedClone": "boolean",
    "useDefAgentSettings": "boolean",
    "deleteUnusedGuests": "boolean",
    "licenseKeyType": "string",
    "isMAK": "boolean",
    "licKeys": [
        "licenseKey": "string",
        "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"
    "imagePrepTool": "string",
    "isRASPrep": "boolean",
    "computerName": "string",
    "ownerName": "string",
    "organization": "string",
    "administrator": "string",
    "domain": "string",
    "domainOrgUnit": "string",
    "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
    "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
    "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
    "sessionAction": "string",
    "performAction": "string",
    "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
    "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
    "groupType": "string",
    "technology": "string",
    "fsLogix": {
      "profileContainer": {
        "advancedSettings": {
          "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
          "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
          "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
          "profileDirSDDL": "string",
          "useProfileType": "boolean",
          "profileType": "string",
          "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
          "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
          "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
          "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
          "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
          "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
          "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
          "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
          "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
          "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
          "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
          "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
          "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
          "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
          "keepLocalDir": "string"

SetPubVDIDesktop: object

Update settings of a desktop published from a VDI Desktop

persistent: boolean

Defines whether the connection is persistent or not.

connectTo: string 0 = AnyGuest, 3 = SpecificRASTemplate

Specifies the 'Matching Mode' option to connect with. Acceptable values: AnyGuest, SpecificRASTemplate.

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)

Specifies the VDI Pool from which to publish a desktop.

width: integer (int32)

Desktop width.

height: integer (int32)

Desktop height.

desktopSize: string 0 = UseAvailableArea, 1 = FullScreen, 2 = W640xH480, 3 = W800xH600, 4 = W854xH480, 5 = W1024xH576, 6 = W1024xH768, 7 = W1152xH864, 8 = W1280xH720, 9 = W1280xH768, 10 = W1280xH800, 11 = W1280xH960, 12 = W1280xH1024, 13 = W1360xH768, 14 = W1366xH768, 15 = W1400xH1050, 16 = W1440xH900, 17 = W1600xH900, 18 = W1600xH1024, 19 = W1600xH1200, 20 = W1680xH1050, 21 = W1920xH1080, 22 = W1920xH1200, 23 = W1920xH1440, 24 = W2048xH1152, 25 = Custom

Desktop Size. Possible values are: 0 (Use available area), 1 (Full screen), Custom = 25. Specific sizes are specified by numbers in the 2 to 24 range: 2 (640x480), 3 (800x600), ... 24 (2048 x 1152) Listed in that order: 640x480, 800x600, 854x480, 1024x576, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x720, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1366x768, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1440, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2048x1152

allowMultiMonitor: string 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = UseClientSettings

Specifies the Multi-monitor option. Acceptable values: Enabled, Disabled, UseClientSettings.

replicateShortcutSettings: boolean

Replicate shortcut settings to all sites.

createShortcutOnDesktop: boolean

Create a shortcut on a client's desktop.

createShortcutInStartFolder: boolean

Create a shortcut in the client's Start folder.

createShortcutInStartUpFolder: boolean

Create a shortcut in the client's Auto Start folder.

startPath: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the path in the Start folder where the shortcut will be created.

inheritShortcutDefaultSettings: boolean

Inherit default shortcut settings.

startOnLogon: boolean

Start a resource automatically when a user logs on.

excludePrelaunch: boolean

Exclude application from prelaunch.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new name to assign to the published resource.

replicateMaintenance: boolean

Replicate Maintenance

inheritMaintenance: boolean

Inherit Maintenance

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable a published resource.

enabledMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Maintenance

Changes the availability status of the published resource.

maintenanceMessage_en_US: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in English.

maintenanceMessage_ja_JP: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.

maintenanceMessage_ru_RU: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Russian.

maintenanceMessage_fr_FR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in French.

maintenanceMessage_es_ES: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.

maintenanceMessage_it_IT: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.

maintenanceMessage_pt_BR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.

maintenanceMessage_nl_NL: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.

maintenanceMessage_de_DE: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in German.

maintenanceMessage_zh_TW: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).

maintenanceMessage_zh_CN: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).

maintenanceMessage_ko_KR: string

Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.

description: string

Published resource description.

publishToSiteIds: integer[]

An array of sites to which to publish a resource.

integer (int32)
ipFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable IP filters.

ipFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not IP filters.

clientFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable client filters.

clientFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not client filters.

macFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable mac filters.

macFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not mac filters.

userFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable user filters.

userFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not user filters.

gwFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable GW filters.

osFilterEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable the OS filter.

osFilterReplicate: boolean

Replicate or not OS filter settings to all sites.

allowClientChrome: boolean

Allow or not Chrome OS Clients.

allowClientAndroid: boolean

Allow or not Android Clients.

allowClientHTML5: boolean

Allow or not HTML5 Clients.

allowClientIOS: boolean

Allow or not IOS Clients.

allowClientLinux: boolean

Allow or not Linux Clients.

allowClientMAC: boolean

Allow or not MAC Clients.

allowClientWebPortal: boolean

Allow or not Web Portal Clients.

allowClientWindows: boolean

Allow or not Windows Clients.

allowClientWyse: boolean

Allow or not Wyse Clients.

preferredRoutingEnabled: boolean

Enable or disable Preferred Routing.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID.

  "persistent": "boolean",
  "connectTo": "string",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "width": "integer (int32)",
  "height": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopSize": "string",
  "allowMultiMonitor": "string",
  "replicateShortcutSettings": "boolean",
  "createShortcutOnDesktop": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartFolder": "boolean",
  "createShortcutInStartUpFolder": "boolean",
  "startPath": "string",
  "inheritShortcutDefaultSettings": "boolean",
  "startOnLogon": "boolean",
  "excludePrelaunch": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "replicateMaintenance": "boolean",
  "inheritMaintenance": "boolean",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enabledMode": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_en_US": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ja_JP": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ru_RU": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_fr_FR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_es_ES": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_it_IT": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_pt_BR": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_nl_NL": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_de_DE": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_TW": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_zh_CN": "string",
  "maintenanceMessage_ko_KR": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "publishToSiteIds": [
    "integer (int32)"
  "ipFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "ipFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "clientFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "clientFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "macFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "macFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "userFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "userFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "gwFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterEnabled": "boolean",
  "osFilterReplicate": "boolean",
  "allowClientChrome": "boolean",
  "allowClientAndroid": "boolean",
  "allowClientHTML5": "boolean",
  "allowClientIOS": "boolean",
  "allowClientLinux": "boolean",
  "allowClientMAC": "boolean",
  "allowClientWebPortal": "boolean",
  "allowClientWindows": "boolean",
  "allowClientWyse": "boolean",
  "preferredRoutingEnabled": "boolean",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)"

SetRDS: object

Update RD Session Host settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified RD Session Host server in a site.

server: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new server name. This must be either the server's FQDN or IP address.

description: string

A user-defined RD Session Host server description.

directAddress: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the RD Session Host server direct address.

inheritDefaultAgentSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default agent settings' option. This will inherit RD Session Host agent settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultPrinterSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default printer settings' option. This will inherit RD Session Host printer settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default user profile settings' option. This will inherit RD Session Host User Profile settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default desktop access settings' option. This will inherit RD Session Host Desktop Access settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

port: integer (int32)

Specifies the port number for the RD Session Host agent.

maxSessions: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Maximum Sessions' property.

sessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Sessions Disconnect Timeout' option (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'.

sessionLogoffTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Settings Reset Timeout' option (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'; 1 for 'Immediate'.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Specifies the 'Allow Client URL/Mail Redirection' option. Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled, EnabledWithAppRegistration (Enable with app registration).

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option.

allowRemoteExec: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option.

enableAppMonitoring: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Application Monitoring' option.

useRemoteApps: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Use RemoteApps if available' option.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead. Enable or disable the 'Allow file transfer' option.

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

File Transfer option. Possible values are: 0 (Disabled), 1 (client to Server only), 2 {Server To Client only), 3 (Bidirectional).

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

allowDragAndDrop: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow local to remote drag and drop' option. (deprecated)

dragAndDropMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies the mode the client server drag and drop feature will operate.

enablePrinting: boolean

Enables or disables Universal Printing on the RD Session Host server. In the RAS console, this option is toggled on the Universal Printing tab page in the Universal Printing category.

enableTWAIN: boolean

Enable or disable TWAIN (Universal Scanning) on the RD Session Host server. In the RAS console, this option is toggled on the TWAIN tab page in the Universal Scanning category.

enableWIA: boolean

Enable or disable WIA (Universal Scanning) on the RD Session Host server. In the RAS console, this options is toggled on the WIA tab page in the Universal Scanning category.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the 'Printer Name Format' option. Accepted values: PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove client name from printer name' option.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove session number from printer name' option.

autoPreferredPA: boolean false

Set the 'Preferred Publishing Agent' option to 'Automatically".

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server ID.

enableDriveRedirectionCache: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

updMode: string 0 = DoNotChange, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled

Specifies the 'User Profile Disk Mode' option. Accepted values: DoNotChange, Enabled, Disabled.

updRoamingMode: string 0 = Exclude, 2 = Include

Specifies the 'UPD Roaming Mode' option. Accepted values: Exclude, Include.

upDiskPath: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the User Profile Disk path.

maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB: integer (int32)

Specifies the max user profile disk size (in GB).

includeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' folder paths.

includeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' file paths.

excludeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' folder paths.

excludeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' file paths.

restrictDesktopAccess: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Restrict direct desktop access to the following users' option. Use the RestrictedUsers parameter to specify the list of users.

restrictedUsers: string[]

Specifies the list of users for the RestrictDesktopAccess option (the option should be enabled). The list can contain user account names and user SIDs.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "server": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "directAddress": "string",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "enablePrinting": "boolean",
  "enableTWAIN": "boolean",
  "enableWIA": "boolean",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "updMode": "string",
  "updRoamingMode": "string",
  "upDiskPath": "string",
  "maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB": "integer (int32)",
  "includeFolderPath": [
  "includeFilePath": [
  "excludeFolderPath": [
  "excludeFilePath": [
  "restrictDesktopAccess": "boolean",
  "restrictedUsers": [

SetRDSDefaultSettings: object

Update RD Session Hosts default settings

port: integer (int32)

Specifies the RD Session Host agent port number.

maxSessions: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Maximum Sessions' option.

sessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Settings Disconnect Timeout' option (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'.

sessionLogoffTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Settings Reset Timeout' option (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'; 1 for 'Immediate'.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Specifies the 'Allow mail and URL redirection' option. Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled, EnabledWithAppRegistration (Enable with app registration).

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option.

autoPreferredPA: boolean false

Set the 'Preferred Publishing Agent' option to 'Automatically".

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server.

enableDriveRedirectionCache: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option.

allowRemoteExec: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option.

enableAppMonitoring: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Enable application monitoring' option.

useRemoteApps: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Use RemoteApps if available' option.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead. Enable or disable the 'Allow file transfer' option.

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

File Transfer option. Possible values are: 0 (Disabled), 1 (client to Server only), 2 {Server To Client only), 3 (Bidirectional).

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

allowDragAndDrop: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow local to remote drag and drop' option. (deprecated)

dragAndDropMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies the mode the client server drag and drop feature will operate.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the 'Printer Name Format' option. Accepted values: PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove client name from printer name' option.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove session number from printer name' option.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

updMode: string 0 = DoNotChange, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled

Specifies the 'User Profile Disk Mode' option. Accepted values: DoNotChange, Enabled, Disabled.

updRoamingMode: string 0 = Exclude, 2 = Include

Specifies the 'UPD Roaming Mode' option. Accepted values: Exclude, Include.

upDiskPath: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the User Profile Disk path.

maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB: integer (int32)

Specifies the max user profile disk size (in GB).

includeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' folder paths.

includeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' file paths.

excludeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' folder paths.

excludeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' file paths.

restrictDesktopAccess: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Restrict direct desktop access to the following users' option. To specify the list of users, use the RestrictedUsers parameter.

restrictedUsers: string[]

Specifies the list of users for the RestrictDesktopAccess option (the option should be enabled). The list can contain User account names and User SIDs.

  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "updMode": "string",
  "updRoamingMode": "string",
  "upDiskPath": "string",
  "maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB": "integer (int32)",
  "includeFolderPath": [
  "includeFilePath": [
  "excludeFolderPath": [
  "excludeFilePath": [
  "restrictDesktopAccess": "boolean",
  "restrictedUsers": [

SetRDSGroup: object

Update RD Session Host group settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified group(s) in a site.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new name to assign to the specified group.

description: string

A description of the specified group.

useRASTemplate: boolean

Enable or disable the use of RAS Template.

rasTemplateId: integer (int32)

The RDSH RAS Template ID.

maxServersFromTemplate: integer (int32)

Max number of servers to be added to the group from the RAS Template.

workLoadThreshold: integer (int32)

Send a request to the RAS template when the workload threshold is above the specified value.

serversToAddPerRequest: integer (int32)

Number of servers to be added to the group per request.

workLoadToDrain: integer (int32)

Drain and unassign servers from group when workload is below the specified value.

drainRemainsBelowSec: integer (int32)

Drain and unassign servers from group when workload remains below the specified level for the below specified time (in seconds).

inheritDefaultAgentSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default agent settings' option. This will inherit Global agent settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultPrinterSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default printer settings' option. This will inherit Global printer settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default user profile settings' option. This will inherit Global User Profile settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Inherit default desktop access settings' option. This will inherit Global Desktop Access settings from the default profile. If you would like to specify custom settings, you need to disable this option and specify the desired parameters.

port: integer (int32)

Specifies the port number for the RD Session Host agent.

maxSessions: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Maximum Sessions' property.

sessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Sessions Disconnect Timeout' option (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'.

sessionLogoffTimeout: integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Publishing Settings Reset Timeout' option (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'; 1 for 'Immediate'.

allowURLAndMailRedirection: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration

Specifies the 'Allow Client URL/Mail Redirection' option. Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled, EnabledWithAppRegistration (Enable with app registration).

supportShellURLNamespaceObjects: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option.

autoPreferredPA: boolean false

Set the 'Preferred Publishing Agent' option to 'Automatically".

preferredPAId: integer (int32)

The preferred Publishing Agent server.

enableDriveRedirectionCache: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option.

allowRemoteExec: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option.

enableAppMonitoring: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Application Monitoring' option.

useRemoteApps: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Use RemoteApps if available' option.

allowFileTransfer: boolean

Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead. Enable or disable the 'Allow file transfer' option.

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

File Transfer option. Possible values are: 0 (Disabled), 1 (client to Server only), 2 {Server To Client only), 3 (Bidirectional).

fileTransferLocation: string

Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

fileTransferLockLocation: boolean

Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.

allowDragAndDrop: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Allow local to remote drag and drop' option. (deprecated)

dragAndDropMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies the mode the client server drag and drop feature will operate.

printerNameFormat: string 0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, 1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, 2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES

Specifies the 'Printer Name Format' option. Accepted values: PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES.

removeClientNameFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove client name from printer name' option.

removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Remove session number from printer name' option.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

updMode: string 0 = DoNotChange, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled

Specifies the 'User Profile Disk Mode' option. Accepted values: DoNotChange, Enabled, Disabled.

updRoamingMode: string 0 = Exclude, 2 = Include

Specifies the 'UPD Roaming Mode' option. Accepted values: Exclude, Include.

upDiskPath: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the User Profile Disk path.

maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB: integer (int32)

Specifies the max user profile disk size (in GB).

includeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' folder paths.

includeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Include' file paths.

excludeFolderPath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' folder paths.

excludeFilePath: string[]

Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' file paths.

restrictDesktopAccess: boolean

Enable or disable the 'Restrict direct desktop access to the following users' option. Use the RestrictedUsers parameter to specify the list of users.

restrictedUsers: string[]

Specifies the list of users for the RestrictDesktopAccess option (the option should be enabled). The list can contain user account names and user SIDs.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "useRASTemplate": "boolean",
  "rasTemplateId": "integer (int32)",
  "maxServersFromTemplate": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadThreshold": "integer (int32)",
  "serversToAddPerRequest": "integer (int32)",
  "workLoadToDrain": "integer (int32)",
  "drainRemainsBelowSec": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefaultAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultPrinterSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings": "boolean",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "maxSessions": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionLogoffTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "allowURLAndMailRedirection": "string",
  "supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": "boolean",
  "autoPreferredPA": "boolean",
  "preferredPAId": "integer (int32)",
  "enableDriveRedirectionCache": "boolean",
  "allowRemoteExec": "boolean",
  "enableAppMonitoring": "boolean",
  "useRemoteApps": "boolean",
  "allowFileTransfer": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "fileTransferLocation": "string",
  "fileTransferLockLocation": "boolean",
  "allowDragAndDrop": "boolean",
  "dragAndDropMode": "string",
  "printerNameFormat": "string",
  "removeClientNameFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": "boolean",
  "technology": "string",
  "updMode": "string",
  "updRoamingMode": "string",
  "upDiskPath": "string",
  "maxUserProfileDiskSizeGB": "integer (int32)",
  "includeFolderPath": [
  "includeFilePath": [
  "excludeFolderPath": [
  "excludeFilePath": [
  "restrictDesktopAccess": "boolean",
  "restrictedUsers": [

SetReportingSettings: object

Update RAS Reporting settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable RAS Reporting functionality.

deltaCpu: integer (int32)

Minimum CPU change required to track the counter.

deltaMemory: integer (int32)

Minimum Memory change required to track the counter.

enableCustomReports: boolean

Enable or disable custom report.

folderName: string

Custom report folder name.

port: integer (int32)

Port used by the service which receives data from the RAS Publishing Agent. The default port is 30008.

server: string

The FQDN or IP address of the server where RAS Reporting is installed.

useCredentials: boolean

Enable or disable Username/Password credentials to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting.

username: string (1 to 255 chars)

Username to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting (if UseCredentials is enabled).

password: string

Password to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting (if UseCredentials is enabled).

trackServerTime: integer (int32)

How long the server counters information (such as CPU, Memory and number of sessions) are kept (in seconds).

trackServers: boolean

Enable or disable Server counters information tracking.

trackSessionTime: integer (int32)

How long information regarding the sessions opened on your servers are kept (in seconds).

trackSessions: boolean

Enable or disable Sessions information tracking.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "deltaCpu": "integer (int32)",
  "deltaMemory": "integer (int32)",
  "enableCustomReports": "boolean",
  "folderName": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "server": "string",
  "useCredentials": "boolean",
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "trackServerTime": "integer (int32)",
  "trackServers": "boolean",
  "trackSessionTime": "integer (int32)",
  "trackSessions": "boolean"

SetScanningSettings: object

Update RAS Universal Scanning settings

wiaNamePattern: string (up to 255 chars)

WIA Name Pattern. Default pattern: %SCANNERNAME% for %USERNAME% by Parallels Valid pattern variables: %SCANNERNAME% | %USERNAME% | %CLIENTNAME% | %SESSIONID%

replicateWIAPattern: boolean

Replicate WIA pattern.

twainNamePattern: string (up to 255 chars)

TWAIN Name Pattern. Default pattern: %SCANNERNAME% for %USERNAME% by Parallels Valid pattern variables: %SCANNERNAME% | %USERNAME% | %CLIENTNAME% | %SESSIONID% Other valid pattern: 2X Universal Scanner

replicateTWAINPattern: boolean

Replicate TWAIN Pattern.

twainApps: string[]

Specifies items in the TWAIN Applications list.

replicateTWAINApps: boolean

Replicate TWAIN Applications.

  "wiaNamePattern": "string",
  "replicateWIAPattern": "boolean",
  "twainNamePattern": "string",
  "replicateTWAINPattern": "boolean",
  "twainApps": [
  "replicateTWAINApps": "boolean"

SetSessionSetting: object

Update user session settings

remoteIdleSessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Set the session idle timeout (in seconds).

logoffIdleSessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Set the client logoff timeout (in seconds).

cachedSessionTimeout: integer (int32)

Set the cached session timeout (in seconds).

fipsMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = Allowed, 2 = Enforced

FIPS 140-2 encryption mode.

replicateSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate settings to other sites.

  "remoteIdleSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "logoffIdleSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "cachedSessionTimeout": "integer (int32)",
  "fipsMode": "string",
  "replicateSettings": "boolean"

SetSite: object

Update Site settings

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new name to assign to the site.

  "name": "string"

SetTheme: object

Update a RAS Theme

newName: string (1 to 255 chars)

The new name of the specified Theme

description: string (up to 255 chars)

Description of the Theme

enabled: boolean

Whether Theme is enabled or not

overrideAuthenticationDomain: boolean

Whether to override the authentication domain

domain: string (1 to 255 chars)

The domain used

groupEnabled: boolean

Whether to limit Themes to a certain group

postLogonMessage: string (up to 500 chars)

The post-logon message

loginPageURLPath: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Theme login page URL Path following protocol and domain such as ' https://FQDN/path'.

showDownloadURL: boolean

Whether to show the download URL

overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL: string (up to 255 chars)

The Override download URL for branded Parallels Client (Windows)

webpageTitle: string (up to 255 chars)

The Webpage Title

loginTo: string (1 to 255 chars)

Change the Login To message in the HTML5 Client login screen. The message can consist of any text and may include RAS variables: %FARM%, %SITE% or %THEME%.

headerBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The header background color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

subHeaderBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The sub header background color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

subHeaderTextColor: integer (int32)

The sub header text color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

workAreaBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The work area background color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

workAreaTextColor: integer (int32)

The work area text color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

buttonsBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The buttons background and link color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

buttonsTextColor: integer (int32)

The buttons text color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

selectionHighlightingColor: integer (int32)

The selection highlighting color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

alertBackgroundColor: integer (int32)

The alert background color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

alertTextColor: integer (int32)

The alert text color. Accepts a sRGB value. E.g. Red - 0xFF0000, Green - 0x00FF00, Blue - 0x0000FF.

languageBar_Default: string 0 = Default, 1 = English, 2 = German, 3 = Japanese, 4 = Russian, 5 = French, 6 = Spanish, 7 = Italian, 8 = Portuguese, 9 = ChineseSimplified, 10 = ChineseTraditional, 11 = Korean, 12 = Dutch

The Default Language Bar Type

languageBar_de_DE: boolean

Whether to enable the German Language Bar or not

languageBar_en_US: boolean

Whether to enable the English (US) Language Bar or not

languageBar_es_ES: boolean

Whether to enable the Spanish Language Bar or not

languageBar_fr_FR: boolean

Whether to enable the French Language Bar or not

languageBar_it_IT: boolean

Whether to enable the Italian Language Bar or not

languageBar_ja_JP: boolean

Whether to enable the Japanese Language Bar or not

languageBar_ko_KR: boolean

Whether to enable the Korean Language Bar or not

languageBar_nl_NL: boolean

Whether to enable the Dutch Language Bar or not

languageBar_pt_BR: boolean

Whether to enable the Portuguese Language Bar or not

languageBar_ru_RU: boolean

Whether to enable the Russian Language Bar or not

languageBar_zh_CN: boolean

Whether to enable the Chinese Simplified Language Bar or not

languageBar_zh_TW: boolean

Whether to enable the Chinese Traditional Language Bar or not

preLogonMessage: string (up to 500 chars)

The Pre-Logon message

htmL5PostLogonMessage: string (up to 500 chars)

The Post-Logon message

overridePostLogonMessage: boolean

Whether to override the post-logon message

loginHint_de_DE: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: German

passwordHint_de_DE: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: German

loginHint_en_US: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: English (US)

passwordHint_en_US: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: English (US)

loginHint_es_ES: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Spanish

passwordHint_es_ES: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Spanish

loginHint_fr_FR: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: French

passwordHint_fr_FR: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: French

loginHint_it_IT: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Italian

passwordHint_it_IT: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Italian

loginHint_ja_JP: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Japanese

passwordHint_ja_JP: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Japanese

loginHint_ko_KR: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Korean

passwordHint_ko_KR: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Korean

loginHint_nl_NL: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Dutch

passwordHint_nl_NL: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Dutch

loginHint_pt_BR: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Portuguese

passwordHint_pt_BR: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Portuguese

loginHint_ru_RU: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Russian

passwordHint_ru_RU: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Russian

loginHint_zh_CN: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Chinese Simplified

passwordHint_zh_CN: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Chinese Simplified

loginHint_zh_TW: string (1 to 255 chars)

The User Prompt: Chinese Traditional

passwordHint_zh_TW: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Password Prompt: Chinese Traditional

overrideGWSettings: boolean

Whether to override the gateway settings for the Theme

launchMethod: string 0 = Launch_Applications_with_Parallels_Client_Fallback_to_HTML_5, 1 = Launch_Applications_with_Parallels_Client, 2 = Launch_Applications_with_Browser_HTML5

The Launch session method

allowLaunchMethod: boolean

Whether to allow the user to launch session using a particular method

allowAppsInNewTab: boolean

Whether to allow applications in a new tab

pre2000Cred: boolean

Whether to use the pre windows 2000 format

allowEmbed: boolean

Whether to allow embed

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

clipboardDirection: string 0 = None, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if Clipboard Direction option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

allowCORS: boolean

Whether to allow cross-origin resource sharing

allowedDomainsForCORS: string[]

Allowed domains for cross-origin resource sharing.

browserCacheTimeInMonths: integer (int32)

How long should the browser preserve the cache (in months).

allowCookieConsent: boolean

Whether to allow cookies or not

allowEULA: boolean

Whether to allow EULA

companyName: string (up to 255 chars)

The Company Name

applicationName: string (1 to 255 chars)

The Application Name

windowsClientOverridePostLogonMessage: boolean

Whether to allow the override post-logon message

windowsClientPostLogonMessage: string (up to 500 chars)

The post-logon message

menuItem: string (up to 255 chars)

The Menu Item

command: string (up to 255 chars)

The Command

  "newName": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "overrideAuthenticationDomain": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "groupEnabled": "boolean",
  "postLogonMessage": "string",
  "loginPageURLPath": "string",
  "showDownloadURL": "boolean",
  "overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL": "string",
  "webpageTitle": "string",
  "loginTo": "string",
  "headerBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "subHeaderBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "subHeaderTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "workAreaBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "workAreaTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "buttonsBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "buttonsTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "selectionHighlightingColor": "integer (int32)",
  "alertBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
  "alertTextColor": "integer (int32)",
  "languageBar_Default": "string",
  "languageBar_de_DE": "boolean",
  "languageBar_en_US": "boolean",
  "languageBar_es_ES": "boolean",
  "languageBar_fr_FR": "boolean",
  "languageBar_it_IT": "boolean",
  "languageBar_ja_JP": "boolean",
  "languageBar_ko_KR": "boolean",
  "languageBar_nl_NL": "boolean",
  "languageBar_pt_BR": "boolean",
  "languageBar_ru_RU": "boolean",
  "languageBar_zh_CN": "boolean",
  "languageBar_zh_TW": "boolean",
  "preLogonMessage": "string",
  "htmL5PostLogonMessage": "string",
  "overridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
  "loginHint_de_DE": "string",
  "passwordHint_de_DE": "string",
  "loginHint_en_US": "string",
  "passwordHint_en_US": "string",
  "loginHint_es_ES": "string",
  "passwordHint_es_ES": "string",
  "loginHint_fr_FR": "string",
  "passwordHint_fr_FR": "string",
  "loginHint_it_IT": "string",
  "passwordHint_it_IT": "string",
  "loginHint_ja_JP": "string",
  "passwordHint_ja_JP": "string",
  "loginHint_ko_KR": "string",
  "passwordHint_ko_KR": "string",
  "loginHint_nl_NL": "string",
  "passwordHint_nl_NL": "string",
  "loginHint_pt_BR": "string",
  "passwordHint_pt_BR": "string",
  "loginHint_ru_RU": "string",
  "passwordHint_ru_RU": "string",
  "loginHint_zh_CN": "string",
  "passwordHint_zh_CN": "string",
  "loginHint_zh_TW": "string",
  "passwordHint_zh_TW": "string",
  "overrideGWSettings": "boolean",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "pre2000Cred": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)",
  "allowCookieConsent": "boolean",
  "allowEULA": "boolean",
  "companyName": "string",
  "applicationName": "string",
  "windowsClientOverridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
  "windowsClientPostLogonMessage": "string",
  "menuItem": "string",
  "command": "string"

Settings: object

Sessions Display Settings Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Display Settings is enabled or not.

colorDepths: string 0 = Colors256, 1 = HighColor15Bit, 2 = HighColor16Bit, 3 = TrueColor24Bit, 4 = HighestQuality32Bit

The display color depth.

graphicsAcceleration: string 0 = None, 1 = Basic, 2 = RemoteFx, 3 = RemoteFxAdaptive, 4 = AVCAdaptive

Currently set color depth displayed by the graphics accelerator.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "colorDepths": "string",
  "graphicsAcceleration": "string"

SetVDIGuest: object

Update a VDI Guest settings

ignoreGuest: boolean

Ignore the specified guest VM in a site.

computerName: string (1 to 255 chars)

A computer name.

port: integer (int32)

Specifies the port number for the RAS Guest Agent.

inheritDefVDIActionSettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI Action Settings for the specified guest VM.

inheritDefVDISecuritySettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI Security Settings for the specified guest VM.

inheritDefVDIUserProfileSettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI User Profile Settings for the specified guest VM.

sessionResetTimeoutSec: integer (int32)

Reset session after (in seconds).

sessionAction: string 0 = Disconnect, 1 = Logoff

Session change state.

performAction: string 0 = DoNothing, 2 = Shutdown, 3 = Restart, 4 = Suspend, 7 = Delete, 8 = Unassign, 9 = Recreate

Perform action on session change.

performActionAfterSec: integer (int32)

Perform action after (in seconds).

isUsersGrantedRDPermissions: boolean

Grant users RD permission.

groupType: string 0 = RDUsers, 1 = Administrators

Group type that will get RD premission.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

  "ignoreGuest": "boolean",
  "computerName": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDIUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string"

SetVDIGuestDefSett: object

Update VDI Guest default settings

sessionResetTimeoutSec: integer (int32)

Reset session after (in seconds).

sessionAction: string 0 = Disconnect, 1 = Logoff

Session change state.

performAction: string 0 = DoNothing, 2 = Shutdown, 3 = Restart, 4 = Suspend, 7 = Delete, 8 = Unassign, 9 = Recreate

Perform action on session change.

performActionAfterSec: integer (int32)

Perform action after (in seconds).

isUsersGrantedRDPermissions: boolean

Grant users RD permission.

groupType: string 0 = RDUsers, 1 = Administrators

Group type that will get RD premission.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string"

SetVDIPersistentGuest: object

Update persistence configuration of the VDI Guest

user: string (1 to 255 chars)

The name of the user account to which to assign the Guest.

sid: string (1 to 255 chars)

The SID of the user account to which to assign the Guest.

  "user": "string",
  "sid": "string"

SetVDIPool: object

Update a VDI Pool settings

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

The new name of the target VDI Pool.

description: string

A user-defined VDI Pool description.

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified VDI Pool in a site.

wildCard: string (1 to 255 chars)

A user-defined VDI Pool wildcard.

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "wildCard": "string"

SetVDITemplate: object

Update a VDI Template settings

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the specified RAS Template.

name: string (1 to 255 chars)

A new RAS Template name.

maxGuests: integer (int32)

The maximum number of guest VMs that can be created from the template.

preCreatedGuests: integer (int32)

The maximum pre-created guest VMs that can be created.

guestNameFormat: string

The guest VM name format. All guest VMs created from the template will have this name with %ID:N:S% replaced.

deleteUnusedGuests: boolean

Delete unused guest VMs (deprecated). If this value is set to true, UnusedGuestDurationMins will be set to 1 week.

unusedGuestDurationMins: integer (int32)

The duration after which unused guest VMs should be deleted (in minutes), 0 means never.

imagePrepTool: string 0 = RASPrep, 1 = SysPrep

Image Preparation tool.

licenseKeyType: string 0 = KMS, 1 = MAK

License Key Type: KMS or MAK.

ownerName: string (1 to 255 chars)

The guest VM owner name.

organization: string (1 to 255 chars)

The guest VM organization name.

domain: string (1 to 255 chars)

The guest VM domain/workgroup name.

domainPassword: string

The password of the domain specified in the Domain parameter.

administrator: string (1 to 255 chars)

The guest VM administrator name.

adminPassword: string

The password of the administrator specified in the Administrator parameter.

folderId: string

The ID of a folder where guest VMs will be created.

folderName: string

The name of a folder where guest VMs will be created.

nativePoolId: string

The ID of the native pool where guest VMs will be created.

nativePoolName: string

The name of a native pool where guest VMs will be created.

physicalHostId: string

The ID of a physical host where guest VMs will be created.

physicalHostName: string

The name of a physical host where guest VMs will be created.

targetOU: string

Target organization unit.

inheritDefVDIActionSettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI Action Settings for the specified guest VM.

inheritDefVDISecuritySettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI Security Settings for the specified guest VM.

inheritDefVDIUserProfileSettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI User Profile Settings for the specified guest VM.

sessionResetTimeoutSec: integer (int32)

Reset session after (in seconds).

sessionAction: string 0 = Disconnect, 1 = Logoff

Session change state.

performAction: string 0 = DoNothing, 2 = Shutdown, 3 = Restart, 4 = Suspend, 7 = Delete, 8 = Unassign, 9 = Recreate

Perform action on session change.

performActionAfterSec: integer (int32)

Perform action after (in seconds).

isUsersGrantedRDPermissions: boolean

Grant users RD permission.

groupType: string 0 = RDUsers, 1 = Administrators

Group type that will get RD premission.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "guestNameFormat": "string",
  "deleteUnusedGuests": "boolean",
  "unusedGuestDurationMins": "integer (int32)",
  "imagePrepTool": "string",
  "licenseKeyType": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "organization": "string",
  "domain": "string",
  "domainPassword": "string",
  "administrator": "string",
  "adminPassword": "string",
  "folderId": "string",
  "folderName": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "nativePoolName": "string",
  "physicalHostId": "string",
  "physicalHostName": "string",
  "targetOU": "string",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDIUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string"

SetWebAdminSett: object

Update RAS Web Administration Service settings

allowedHosts: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the Allowed Hosts.

httpsUrl: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the HTTPS URL.

enableWebConsole: boolean

Specifies whether to enable/disable Web Console.

webConsoleBasePath: string (1 to 255 chars)

Specifies the Web Console Base Path.

webConsolePollingInterval: integer (int32)

Specifies the Web Console Polling Interval.

enableREST: boolean

Specifies whether to enable/disable REST.

rasLicensingServer: string (up to 255 chars)

Specifies the RAS Licensing Server.

rasSecondaryServers: string[]

Specifies the RAS Secondary Servers.

sessionExpire: integer (int32)

Specifies the Session Expiry time in minutes.

sessionDisconnectDelay: integer (int32)

Specifies the Session Disconnect Delay in seconds.

  "allowedHosts": "string",
  "httpsUrl": "string",
  "enableWebConsole": "boolean",
  "webConsoleBasePath": "string",
  "webConsolePollingInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "enableREST": "boolean",
  "rasLicensingServer": "string",
  "rasSecondaryServers": [
  "sessionExpire": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionDisconnectDelay": "integer (int32)"

SingleSignOn: object

Client Options Single Sign-On Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Client Options SSO policy is enabled or not.

forceThirdPartySSO: boolean

Will wrap third party SSO Component.

ssoProvGUID: string

The third party credientials.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "forceThirdPartySSO": "boolean",
  "ssoProvGUID": "string"

Site: object


name: string

Name of the site.

licensingSite: boolean

Whether this is a licensing site or not.

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "licensingSite": "boolean",
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

SitePermission: object

Site Permissions

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

rdsHosts: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage RD Session Hosts.

rdshGroups: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage RD Session Hosts Groups.

remotePCs: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Remote PCs.

gateways: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Gateways.

publishingAgents: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Publishing Agents.

halb: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage HALB.

themes: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Themes.

publishing: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Publishing.

connection: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Connection.

certificate: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Certificate.

winDevices: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Windows Devices.

customRoutes: SiteTypePermission

Permission to manage Custom Routes.

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "rdsHosts": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "rdshGroups": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "remotePCs": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "gateways": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "publishingAgents": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "halb": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "themes": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "publishing": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "connection": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [
        "objId": "integer (int32)",
        "permissions": "string"
  "certificate": {
    "sitePermission": {
      "permissions": "string"
    "objectPermissions": [

SiteSysInfo: object

Site System Information

priority: integer (int32)

Priority of the Site

name: string

Site Name

cpuLoad: integer (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoad: integer (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskRead: integer (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWrite: integer (int32)

Disk Write.

enabled: boolean

Whether the object is enabled or not.

id: string

ID of RAS Agent.

server: string

Server name.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of Site.

agentVer: string

Agent Version.

serverOS: string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTime: string

Service start time.

systemBootTime: string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptions: integer (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineId: string

Id of the machine

agentState: string 0 = OK, 1 = EnumSessionsFailed, 2 = RDSRoleDisabled, 3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions, 4 = RASScheduleInProgress, 5 = ConnectionFailed, 6 = InvalidCredentials, 7 = NeedsSysprep, 8 = SysPrepInProgress, 9 = CloningFailed, 10 = Synchronising, 13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart, 14 = LogonDrain, 15 = LogonDisabled, 16 = ForcedDisconnect, 17 = CloningCanceled, 18 = RASprepInProgress, 20 = InstallingRDSRole, 21 = RebootPending, 22 = PortMismatch, 23 = NeedsDowngrade, 24 = NotApplied, 25 = CloningInProgress, 26 = MarkedForDeletion, 27 = StandBy, 28 = UnsupportedVDIType, 29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported, 30 = ManagedESXNotSupported, 31 = HotfixKB2580360NotInstalled, 32 = InvalidHostVersion, 33 = NotJoined, 35 = LicenseExpired, 36 = JoinBroken, 37 = InUse, 38 = NotInUse, 39 = Unsupported, 40 = BrokerNoAvailableGWs, 41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized, 42 = EnrollmentUnavailable, 43 = InvalidCAConfig, 44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials, 45 = InvalidESSettings, 46 = FSLogixNotAvail, 47 = NoDevices, 48 = NeedsAttention, 49 = ImageOptimizationPending, 50 = ImageOptimization, 51 = Unavailable, 52 = UnderConstruction, 53 = Broken, 54 = NonRAS, 55 = Provisioning, 56 = Invalid, 57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate, 58 = NoMembersAvailable, 59 = MembersNeedUpdate, -6 = Unknown, -5 = NeedsUpdate, -4 = NotVerified, -3 = ServerDeleted, -2 = DisabledFromSettings, -1 = Disconnected

Agent State.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All

Type of server.

logLevel: string 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard, 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose, -1 = None

Level of logging: 0 = Critical, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Standard (Information), 4 = Extended, 5 = Verbose (Trace).

  "priority": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "cpuLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "memLoad": "integer (int32)",
  "diskRead": "integer (int32)",
  "diskWrite": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "id": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "serverOS": "string",
  "serviceStartTime": "string",
  "systemBootTime": "string",
  "unhandledExceptions": "integer (int32)",
  "machineId": "string",
  "agentState": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "logLevel": "string"

SiteTypePermission: object

Site type permission

sitePermission: GlobalPermission

The global permission for this site

objectPermissions: ObjectPermission

List of object permissions for this site

  "sitePermission": {
    "permissions": "string"
  "objectPermissions": [
      "objId": "integer (int32)",
      "permissions": "string"

SmartCards: object

Settings about the Smart Cards of the Local Devices

enabled: boolean

Whether Smart Card policy is enabled or not

redirectSmartCards: boolean

If box is checked allow the Smart Card Redirection

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "redirectSmartCards": "boolean"

Theme: object

RAS Theme

name: string

Theme name.

description: string

Description of the theme policy.

enabled: boolean

Whether Theme is enabled or not.

overrideAuthenticationDomain: boolean

Whether to override the authentication domain.

domain: string

The domain used.

groupEnabled: boolean

Whether to limit themes to a certain group

groupFilters: GroupFilter

The Group Filters

postLogonMessage: string

The post-logon message

htmL5Client: ThemeHTML5Client

The Theme HTML5 client

windowsClient: ThemeWindowsClient

The Theme HTML5

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "overrideAuthenticationDomain": "boolean",
  "domain": "string",
  "groupEnabled": "boolean",
  "groupFilters": [
      "name": "string",
      "sid": "string"
  "postLogonMessage": "string",
  "htmL5Client": {
    "url": {
      "loginPageURLPath": "string",
      "showDownloadURL": "boolean",
      "overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL": "string",
      "footerURLs": [
          "url": "string",
          "text": "string",
          "tooltip": "string"
    "branding": {
      "webpageTitle": "string",
      "loginTo": "string"
    "color": {
      "headerBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "subHeaderBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "subHeaderTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "workAreaBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "workAreaTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "buttonsBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "buttonsTextColor": "integer (int32)",
      "selectionHighlightingColor": "integer (int32)",
      "alertBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
      "alertTextColor": "integer (int32)"
    "languageBar": {
      "default": "string",
      "de_DE": "boolean",
      "en_US": "boolean",
      "es_ES": "boolean",
      "fr_FR": "boolean",
      "it_IT": "boolean",
      "ja_JP": "boolean",
      "ko_KR": "boolean",
      "nl_NL": "boolean",
      "pt_BR": "boolean",
      "ru_RU": "boolean",
      "zh_CN": "boolean",
      "zh_TW": "boolean"
    "message": {
      "preLogonMessage": "string",
      "overridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
      "htmL5PostLogonMessage": "string"
    "inputPrompt": {
      "de_DE": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "en_US": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "es_ES": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "fr_FR": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "it_IT": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "ja_JP": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "ko_KR": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "nl_NL": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"
      "pt_BR": {
        "loginHint": "string",
        "passwordHint": "string"

ThemeHTML5Branding: object

Theme HTML5 Branding Settings

webpageTitle: string

The Webpage Title

loginTo: string

The Login To

  "webpageTitle": "string",
  "loginTo": "string"

ThemeHTML5Client: object

RAS Theme - HTML5 Client

url: Url


branding: ThemeHTML5Branding

HTML5 Branding

color: Colors

HTML5 Color

languageBar: LanguageBar

HTML5 Language Bar

message: ThemeHTML5Messages

HTML5 Messages

inputPrompt: InputPrompt

HTML5 Input Prompt

gateway: ThemeHTML5Gateway

HTML5 Gateway

legalPolicies: LegalPolicies

HTML5 Legal Policies

  "url": {
    "loginPageURLPath": "string",
    "showDownloadURL": "boolean",
    "overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL": "string",
    "footerURLs": [
        "url": "string",
        "text": "string",
        "tooltip": "string"
  "branding": {
    "webpageTitle": "string",
    "loginTo": "string"
  "color": {
    "headerBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
    "subHeaderBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
    "subHeaderTextColor": "integer (int32)",
    "workAreaBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
    "workAreaTextColor": "integer (int32)",
    "buttonsBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
    "buttonsTextColor": "integer (int32)",
    "selectionHighlightingColor": "integer (int32)",
    "alertBackgroundColor": "integer (int32)",
    "alertTextColor": "integer (int32)"
  "languageBar": {
    "default": "string",
    "de_DE": "boolean",
    "en_US": "boolean",
    "es_ES": "boolean",
    "fr_FR": "boolean",
    "it_IT": "boolean",
    "ja_JP": "boolean",
    "ko_KR": "boolean",
    "nl_NL": "boolean",
    "pt_BR": "boolean",
    "ru_RU": "boolean",
    "zh_CN": "boolean",
    "zh_TW": "boolean"
  "message": {
    "preLogonMessage": "string",
    "overridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
    "htmL5PostLogonMessage": "string"
  "inputPrompt": {
    "de_DE": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "en_US": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "es_ES": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "fr_FR": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "it_IT": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "ja_JP": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "ko_KR": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "nl_NL": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "pt_BR": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "ru_RU": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "zh_CN": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
    "zh_TW": {
      "loginHint": "string",
      "passwordHint": "string"
  "gateway": {}

ThemeHTML5Gateway: object

Theme HTML5 Gateway Settings

overrideGWSettings: boolean

Whether to override the gateway settings for the theme

launchMethod: string 0 = Launch_Applications_with_Parallels_Client_Fallback_to_HTML_5, 1 = Launch_Applications_with_Parallels_Client, 2 = Launch_Applications_with_Browser_HTML5

The Launch session method

allowLaunchMethod: boolean

Whether to allow the user to launch session using a particular method

allowAppsInNewTab: boolean

Whether to allow applications in a new tab

pre2000Cred: boolean

Whether to use the pre windows 2000 format

allowEmbed: boolean

Whether to allow embed or not

fileTransferMode: string 0 = Disabled, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which directions are allowed.

clipboardDirection: string 0 = None, 1 = ClientToServer, 2 = ServerToClient, 3 = Bidirectional

Clipboard direction.

allowCORS: boolean

Whether to allow cross-origin resource sharing

allowedDomainsForCORS: string[]

Allowed domains for cross-origin resource sharing.

browserCacheTimeInMonths: integer (int32)

How long should the browser preserve the cache (in months).

  "overrideGWSettings": "boolean",
  "launchMethod": "string",
  "allowLaunchMethod": "boolean",
  "allowAppsInNewTab": "boolean",
  "pre2000Cred": "boolean",
  "allowEmbed": "boolean",
  "fileTransferMode": "string",
  "clipboardDirection": "string",
  "allowCORS": "boolean",
  "allowedDomainsForCORS": [
  "browserCacheTimeInMonths": "integer (int32)"

ThemeHTML5Messages: object

Theme HTML5 Messages Settings

preLogonMessage: string

The Pre-Logon message

overridePostLogonMessage: boolean

Whether to override the post-logon message

htmL5PostLogonMessage: string

The Overridden Post-Logon message

  "preLogonMessage": "string",
  "overridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
  "htmL5PostLogonMessage": "string"

ThemeWindowsBranding: object

Theme Windows Client Branding Settings

companyName: string

The Company Name

applicationName: string

The Application Name

  "companyName": "string",
  "applicationName": "string"

ThemeWindowsClient: object

RAS Theme - Windows Client

branding: ThemeWindowsBranding


messages: ThemeWindowsMessages


customMenu: CustomMenu

Custom Menu

  "branding": {
    "companyName": "string",
    "applicationName": "string"
  "messages": {
    "windowsClientOverridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
    "windowsClientPostLogonMessage": "string"
  "customMenu": {
    "menuItem": "string",
    "command": "string"

ThemeWindowsMessages: object

Theme Windows Client Messages Settings

windowsClientOverridePostLogonMessage: boolean

Whether to allow the override post-logon message

windowsClientPostLogonMessage: string

The post-logon message

  "windowsClientOverridePostLogonMessage": "boolean",
  "windowsClientPostLogonMessage": "string"

TOTPSettings: object

TOTP settings

type: string

Authentication method type

userEnrollment: string 0 = Allow, 1 = AllowUntil, 2 = DoNotAllow

Use of Enrollment

untilDateTime: string (date-time)

Allow User Enrollment until date/time

tolerance: integer (int32)

TOTP tolerance in seconds. Accepted values are 0 (None), 30, 60, 90 and 120

  "type": "string",
  "userEnrollment": "string",
  "untilDateTime": "string (date-time)",
  "tolerance": "integer (int32)"

TwoFactorAuthSetting: object

Two Factor Authentication Settings

deepnetSettings: DeepnetSettings

Deepnet settings

safeNetSettings: SafeNetSettings

SafeNet settings

radiusSettings: RadiusSettings

RADIUS settings

azureRadiusSettings: RadiusSettings

Azure RADIUS settings

duoRadiusSettings: RadiusSettings

Duo RADIUS settings

fortiRadiusSettings: RadiusSettings

Forti RADIUS settings

tekRadiusSettings: RadiusSettings

Tek RADIUS settings

gAuthTOTPSettings: TOTPSettings

TOTP settings

restrictionMode: string 0 = Exclusion, 1 = Inclusion

Restriction mode for Two Factor Authentication

provider: string 0 = None, 1 = Deepnet, 2 = SafeNet, 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius, 8 = GAuthTOTP

Provider Type

excludeClientIPs: boolean

Whether to exclude Client IPs or not

excludeClientMAC: boolean

Whether to exclude Client MAC addresses or not

excludeClientGWIPs: boolean

Whether to exclude Client Gateway IPs or not

excludeClientMACList: string[]

List of Client MAC addresses to exclude

excludeClientGWIPList: string[]

List of Client MAC Gateway IPs to exclude

replicateSettings: boolean

Whether to replicate settings or not

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

excludeClientIPList: IP4Range

List of Client IPs to exclude

excludeClientIPv6List: IP6Range

List of Client IPs of Version 6 to exclude

excludeUserGroup: boolean

Whether to exclude Users/Groups or not

excludeUserGroupList: UserFilter

List of Users/Groups to exclude

  "deepnetSettings": {
    "activateEmail": "boolean",
    "activateSMS": "boolean",
    "app": "string",
    "appID": "string",
    "authMode": "string",
    "deepnetAgent": "string",
    "deepnetType": "string",
    "defaultDomain": "string",
    "ssl": "boolean",
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "tokenType": "string"
  "safeNetSettings": {
    "authMode": "string",
    "otpServiceURL": "string",
    "userRepository": "string",
    "tmsWebApiURL": "string"
  "radiusSettings": {
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"
  "azureRadiusSettings": {
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [
        "vendorID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeID": "integer (int32)",
        "attributeType": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "vendor": "string",
        "value": "string"
    "automationInfoList": [
        "autoSend": "boolean",
        "command": "string",
        "enabled": "boolean",
        "image": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "actionMessage": "string",
        "title": "string",
        "priority": "integer (int32)",
        "id": "integer (int32)"
  "duoRadiusSettings": {
    "server": "string",
    "port": "integer (int32)",
    "passwordEncoding": "string",
    "retries": "integer (int32)",
    "timeout": "integer (int32)",
    "typeName": "string",
    "usernameOnly": "boolean",
    "forwardFirstPwdToAD": "boolean",
    "backupServer": "string",
    "haMode": "string",
    "attributeInfoList": [

Update: object

Client Options Update Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Client Options Update policy is enabled or not.

checkForUpdateOnLaunch: boolean

Will check updates on startup.

updateClientXmlUrl: string

The url to update the client.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "checkForUpdateOnLaunch": "boolean",
  "updateClientXmlUrl": "string"

Url: object

Theme HTML5 Url Settings

loginPageURLPath: string

The Theme login page URL path following protocol and domain such as https://FQDN/path The default URL path is RASHTML5Gateway ie. https://FQDN/RASHTML5Gateway

showDownloadURL: boolean

Whether to show the download URL

overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL: string

The Override download URL for branded Parallels Client (Windows)

footerURLs: FooterURL

The footer URL list

  "loginPageURLPath": "string",
  "showDownloadURL": "boolean",
  "overrideWindowsClientDownloadURL": "string",
  "footerURLs": [
      "url": "string",
      "text": "string",
      "tooltip": "string"

UserFilter: object

User filter

account: string

The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.

type: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = User, 2 = Group, 3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal

The type of the account (user or group) the filter is added to.

sid: string

The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.

  "account": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "sid": "string"

VDIAzureInfo: object

VDI Azure Information

authenticationURL: string

Azure authentication URL

managementURL: string

Azure management URL

resourceURI: string

Azure resource URI

subscriptionID: string

Azure subscription ID

tenantID: string

Azure tenant ID

  "authenticationURL": "string",
  "managementURL": "string",
  "resourceURI": "string",
  "subscriptionID": "string",
  "tenantID": "string"

VDIGuest: object

VDI Guest

computerName: string

The FQDN or IP address of the target VM.

ignoreGuest: boolean

Ignore the specified guest VM in a site.

osVersion: string

Operating System Version

osType: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = Windows, 2 = Linux

Operating System Type

port: integer (int32)

Specifies the port number for the RAS Guest Agent.

agentVersion: string

Agent Version

templateId: integer (int32)

VDI Template ID

vdiPoolId: integer (int32)

VDI Pool ID.

inheritDefVDIActionSettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI Action Settings for the specified guest VM.

inheritDefVDISecuritySettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI Security Settings for the specified guest VM.

inheritDefUserProfileSettings: boolean

Inherit Default User Profile Settings for the specified guest VM.

sessionResetTimeoutSec: integer (int32)

Reset session after (in seconds).

sessionAction: string 0 = Disconnect, 1 = Logoff

Session change state.

performAction: string 0 = DoNothing, 2 = Shutdown, 3 = Restart, 4 = Suspend, 7 = Delete, 8 = Unassign, 9 = Recreate

Perform action on session change.

performActionAfterSec: integer (int32)

Perform action after (in seconds).

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

fsLogix: FSLogixSettings

Specifies the 'FSLogix' object.

isUsersGrantedRDPermissions: boolean

Grant users RD permission.

groupType: string 0 = RDUsers, 1 = Administrators

Group type that will get RD premission.

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

id: string

ID of the VM

providerId: integer (int32)

Provider ID

name: string

Name of the VM

user: string

VM User

server: string

FQDN or IP address of the RAS Server

state: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = On, 2 = Off, 3 = Paused, 9 = CloningFailed, 17 = CloningCanceled

VM State

nativePoolId: string

ID of Native Pool

isGuest: boolean

Whether the VM is guest or not

isTemplate: boolean

Whether the VM is template or not

ip: string

IP of the VM

  "computerName": "string",
  "ignoreGuest": "boolean",
  "osVersion": "string",
  "osType": "string",
  "port": "integer (int32)",
  "agentVersion": "string",
  "templateId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiPoolId": "integer (int32)",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
      "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
      "folderInclusionList": [
      "folderExclusionList": [

VDIGuestDefaultSettings: object

VDI Guest Default Settings

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

sessionResetTimeoutSec: integer (int32)

Reset session after (in seconds).

sessionAction: string 0 = Disconnect, 1 = Logoff

Session change state.

performAction: string 0 = DoNothing, 2 = Shutdown, 3 = Restart, 4 = Suspend, 7 = Delete, 8 = Unassign, 9 = Recreate

Perform action on session change.

performActionAfterSec: integer (int32)

Perform action after (in seconds).

isUsersGrantedRDPermissions: boolean

Grant users RD permission.

groupType: string 0 = RDUsers, 1 = Administrators

Group type that will get RD premission.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

fsLogix: FSLogixSettings

Specifies the 'FSLogix' object.

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string",
        "useVHDNamePattern": "boolean",
        "vhdNamePattern": "string",
        "useVHDXSectorSize": "boolean",
        "vhdxSectorSize": "integer (int32)",
        "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": "boolean",
        "volumeWaitTimeMS": "integer (int32)"
      "locationType": "string",
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": "string",
      "allocationType": "string",
      "defaultSize": "integer (int32)",
      "userInclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "userExclusionList": [
          "account": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "sid": "string"
      "customizeProfileFolders": "boolean",
      "excludeCommonFolders": "string",
      "folderInclusionList": [
      "folderExclusionList": [
          "folder": "string",
          "excludeFolderCopy": "string"

VDIPool: object

VDI Pool

name: string

Name of the VDI Pool

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

description: string

Description of the VDI Pool

enabled: boolean

Whether the VDI Pool is enabled or not>

poolMemberIndex: integer (int32)

ID of the VDI Pool member used as index

wildCard: string

A user-defined VDI Pool wildcard

members: VDIPoolMember

List of VDI Pool members

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "poolMemberIndex": "integer (int32)",
  "wildCard": "string",
  "members": [
      "id": "integer (int32)",
      "name": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "adminCreate": "string",
  "adminLastMod": "string",
  "timeCreate": "string (date-time)",
  "timeLastMod": "string (date-time)",
  "id": "integer (int32)"

VDIPoolMember: object

VDI Pool Member

id: integer (int32)

ID of the VDI Pool member

name: string

Name of the VDI Pool member


Type of the VDI Pool member

  "id": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "type": "string"

VDIRDPSession: object

VDI user session

vdiGuestId: string

Guest ID to which Remote Desktop Session is connected to.

sessionID: integer (int32)

RAS session ID.

ip: string

Session server IP.

serverID: integer (int32)

Session server ID.

type: string 0 = Desktop, 1 = PublishedApps, 2 = Application, 3 = VDI, 4 = VDIApp, 5 = PC, 6 = PCApp, 7 = Admin, 8 = Unknown, 9 = RemoteApps, 10 = DirectRDP, -1 = All

The type of Remote Desktop Session.

user: string

User to which the session belongs to.

themeID: integer (int32)

Theme ID.

connectionMode: string 0 = GatewayMode, 1 = DirectMode, 2 = GatewaySSLMode, 3 = DirectSSLMode, 4 = DirectRDPMode, 200 = Unknown

Connection Mode.

authenticationType: string 0 = None, 1 = Credentials, 2 = SCard, 3 = SAML

Authentication Type.

idleStartTime: string (date-time)

Session Idle Time.

mfaProvider: string 0 = None, 1 = Deepnet, 2 = SafeNet, 3 = Radius, 4 = AzureRadius, 5 = DuoRadius, 6 = FortiRadius, 7 = TekRadius, 8 = GAuthTOTP

MFA Provider Type.

rfiCount: integer (int32)

Flow Information Count.

rfiInfoList: RouteFlowInfoEntry

Flow Information.

logonDuration: integer (int32)

Logon Duration.

connectionDuration: integer (int32)

Connection Duration (in seconds).

authenticationDuration: integer (int32)

Authentication Duration (in seconds).

rasPolicyLookup: integer (int32)

RAS Policy Lookup (in ms).

hostPreparation: integer (int32)

Host Preparation (in ms).

groupPolicyLoadTime: integer (int32)

Group Policy Load Time (in ms).

userProfileLoadTime: integer (int32)

User Profile Load Time (in ms).

desktopLoadTime: integer (int32)

Desktop Load Time (in ms).

logonOthersDuration: integer (int32)

Logon Others Duration (in seconds).

userProfileType: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = Others, 2 = UPD, 3 = FSLogix

User Profile Type.

uxEvaluator: integer (int32)

Round Trip Time.

connectionQuality: string 0 = None, 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent

Connection Quality.

latency: integer (int32)


protocol: string 0 = Console, 2 = RDP, 10 = RDP_UDP

Protocol used for session.

bandwidthAvailability: integer (int32)

Bandwidth Availability (in Kbps).

lastReconnects: integer (int32)

Last Reconnects.

reconnects: integer (int32)

Total Reconnects.

disconnectReason: string

Disconnect Reason.

state: string 0 = Active, 1 = Connected, 2 = ConnectQuery, 3 = Shadow, 4 = Disconnected, 5 = Idle, 6 = Listen, 7 = Reset, 8 = Down, 9 = Init, -1 = All

State of Remote Desktop Session.

logonTime: string (date-time)

Session Logon Time.

sessionLength: integer (int32)

Session Length (in seconds).

idleTime: integer (int32)

Idle Time (in seconds).

incomingData: integer (int32)

Incoming Data (in bytes).

outgoingData: integer (int32)

Outgoing Data (in bytes).

verticalResolution: integer (int32)

Session Vertical Resolution.

horizontalResolution: integer (int32)

Session Horizontal Resolution.


Session Resolution.

bandwidthUsage: integer (int32)

Bandwidth Usage.

deviceName: string

Client Device Name.

clientIPAddress: string

Client IP Address.

clientOS: string

Client OS.

clientOSVersion: string

Client OS Version.

clientVersion: string

Client Version.

  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "sessionID": "integer (int32)",
  "ip": "string",
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "type": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "themeID": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionMode": "string",
  "authenticationType": "string",
  "idleStartTime": "string (date-time)",
  "mfaProvider": "string",
  "rfiCount": "integer (int32)",
  "rfiInfoList": [
      "type": "string",
      "ip": "string"
  "logonDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "authenticationDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "rasPolicyLookup": "integer (int32)",
  "hostPreparation": "integer (int32)",
  "groupPolicyLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "desktopLoadTime": "integer (int32)",
  "logonOthersDuration": "integer (int32)",
  "userProfileType": "string",
  "uxEvaluator": "integer (int32)",
  "connectionQuality": "string",
  "latency": "integer (int32)",
  "protocol": "string",
  "bandwidthAvailability": "integer (int32)",
  "lastReconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "reconnects": "integer (int32)",
  "disconnectReason": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "logonTime": "string (date-time)",
  "sessionLength": "integer (int32)",
  "idleTime": "integer (int32)",
  "incomingData": "integer (int32)",
  "outgoingData": "integer (int32)",
  "verticalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "horizontalResolution": "integer (int32)",
  "colourDepth": "string",
  "bandwidthUsage": "integer (int32)",
  "deviceName": "string",
  "clientIPAddress": "string",
  "clientOS": "string",
  "clientOSVersion": "string",
  "clientVersion": "string"

VDIServerAppInfo: object

Information about applications running in Remote Session on a VDI Server

vdiGuestId: string

Guest VM ID

serverID: integer (int32)

Server ID from where the application is hosted.

name: string

Published Item name.

appName: string

Application name.

process: string

Process name.

pid: integer (int32)

Process ID.

user: string

User which is running the application.

session: integer (int32)

RAS session ID.

  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "serverID": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "appName": "string",
  "process": "string",
  "pid": "integer (int32)",
  "user": "string",
  "session": "integer (int32)"

VDITemplate: object

RAS VDI Template

name: string

VDI Template Name

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

enabled: boolean

Whether the VDI Template is enabled or not

templateType: string 0 = VDIDesktop, 1 = RDSH

VDI Template Type (VDI Desktop or RDSH)

providerId: integer (int32)

Provider ID

maxGuests: integer (int32)

The maximum number of guest VMs that can be created from the template.

preCreatedGuests: integer (int32)

The maximum pre-created guest VMs that can be created.

guestsToCreate: integer (int32)

The number of guest VMs that will be created after template creation process has finished. These guests are created only once.

unusedGuestDurationMins: integer (int32)

The duration after which unused guest VMs should be deleted (in minutes), 0 means never.

vdiGuestId: string

The ID of the source guest VM.

physicalHostId: string

The ID of a physical host where guest VMs will be created.

physicalHostName: string

The name of a physical host where guest VMs will be created.

folderId: string

The ID of a folder where guest VMs will be created.

folderName: string

Folder name where guest VMs will be created.

subFolderName: string

Subfolder name where guest VMs will be created.

guestNameFormat: string

The guest VM name format. All guest VMs created from the template will have this name with %ID:N:S% replaced.

nativePoolId: string

The ID of the native pool where guest VMs will be created.

nativePoolName: string

The name of the native pool where guest VMs will be created.

cloneMethod: string 0 = FullClone, 1 = LinkedClone

Clone method: Full clone (default) or Linked clone.

linkedClone: boolean

Whether Linked clone is selected or not.

useDefAgentSettings: boolean

Whether default Agent settings are used or not.

deleteUnusedGuests: boolean

Delete unused guest VMs (deprecated). If this value is set to true, UnusedGuestDurationMins will be set to 1 week. When UnusedGuestDurationMins is 0, it means that the guestsVMs are never deleted.

licenseKeyType: string 0 = KMS, 1 = MAK

VDI License Type (KMS or MAK)

isMAK: boolean

Whether License Type is MAK or not.

licKeys: VDITemplateLicKey

List of VDI template license keys.

imagePrepTool: string 0 = RASPrep, 1 = SysPrep

Image preparation tool: RASPrep (default) or SysPrep.

isRASPrep: boolean

Whether the image preparation tool is RASPrep or not.

computerName: string

The FQDN or IP address of the target VM.

ownerName: string

A guest VM owner name (assigned to a VM by RASprep or Sysprep).

organization: string

Organization name (assigned to a VM by RASprep or Sysprep).

administrator: string

The administrator of the domain specified in the JoinDomain parameter.

domain: string

Domain or WorkGroup to join (assigned to a VM by RASprep or Sysprep).

domainOrgUnit: string

Domain Organization unit

inheritDefVDIActionSettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI Action Settings.

inheritDefVDISecuritySettings: boolean

Inherit Default VDI Security Settings.

inheritDefUserProfileSettings: boolean

Inherit Default User Profile Settings.

sessionResetTimeoutSec: integer (int32)

Reset session after (in seconds).

sessionAction: string 0 = Disconnect, 1 = Logoff

Session change state.

performAction: string 0 = DoNothing, 2 = Shutdown, 3 = Restart, 4 = Suspend, 7 = Delete, 8 = Unassign, 9 = Recreate

Perform action on session change.

performActionAfterSec: integer (int32)

Perform action after (in seconds).

isUsersGrantedRDPermissions: boolean

Grant users RD permission.

groupType: string 0 = RDUsers, 1 = Administrators

Group type that will get RD premission.

technology: string 0 = DoNotManage, 1 = UPD, 2 = FSLogixProfileContainer

Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.

fsLogix: FSLogixSettings

Specifies the 'FSLogix' object.

adminCreate: string

User who created the object.

adminLastMod: string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreate: string (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastMod: string (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

id: integer (int32)

ID of the object.

  "name": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "enabled": "boolean",
  "templateType": "string",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "maxGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "preCreatedGuests": "integer (int32)",
  "guestsToCreate": "integer (int32)",
  "unusedGuestDurationMins": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "physicalHostId": "string",
  "physicalHostName": "string",
  "folderId": "string",
  "folderName": "string",
  "subFolderName": "string",
  "guestNameFormat": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "nativePoolName": "string",
  "cloneMethod": "string",
  "linkedClone": "boolean",
  "useDefAgentSettings": "boolean",
  "deleteUnusedGuests": "boolean",
  "licenseKeyType": "string",
  "isMAK": "boolean",
  "licKeys": [
      "licenseKey": "string",
      "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"
  "imagePrepTool": "string",
  "isRASPrep": "boolean",
  "computerName": "string",
  "ownerName": "string",
  "organization": "string",
  "administrator": "string",
  "domain": "string",
  "domainOrgUnit": "string",
  "inheritDefVDIActionSettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefVDISecuritySettings": "boolean",
  "inheritDefUserProfileSettings": "boolean",
  "sessionResetTimeoutSec": "integer (int32)",
  "sessionAction": "string",
  "performAction": "string",
  "performActionAfterSec": "integer (int32)",
  "isUsersGrantedRDPermissions": "boolean",
  "groupType": "string",
  "technology": "string",
  "fsLogix": {
    "profileContainer": {
      "advancedSettings": {
        "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "boolean",
        "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": "string",
        "useProfileDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "profileDirSDDL": "string",
        "useProfileType": "boolean",
        "profileType": "string",
        "useSetTempToLocalPath": "boolean",
        "setTempToLocalPath": "string",
        "useLockedRetryCount": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useLockedRetryInterval": "boolean",
        "lockedRetryInterval": "integer (int32)",
        "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": "boolean",
        "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": "string",
        "useAttachVHDSDDL": "boolean",
        "attachVHDSDDL": "string",
        "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": "boolean",
        "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "string",
        "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "boolean",
        "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": "string",
        "useKeepLocalDir": "boolean",
        "keepLocalDir": "string",
        "useNoProfileContainingFolder": "boolean",
        "noProfileContainingFolder": "string",
        "useOutlookCachedMode": "boolean",
        "outlookCachedMode": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithFailure": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithFailure": "string",
        "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": "boolean",
        "preventLoginWithTempProfile": "string",
        "useReAttachRetryCount": "boolean",
        "reAttachRetryCount": "integer (int32)",
        "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": "boolean",
        "reAttachIntervalSeconds": "integer (int32)",
        "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "boolean",
        "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": "string",
        "useRoamSearch": "boolean",
        "roamSearch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNameMatch": "boolean",
        "sidDirNameMatch": "string",
        "useSIDDirNamePattern": "boolean",
        "sidDirNamePattern": "string",
        "useSIDDirSDDL": "boolean",
        "sidDirSDDL": "string",
        "useVHDNameMatch": "boolean",
        "vhdNameMatch": "string"

VDITemplateLicKey: object

VDI template license key

licenseKey: string

The license key.

keyLimit: integer (int32)

The max limit for the license key.

  "licenseKey": "string",
  "keyLimit": "integer (int32)"

VDITemplateStatus: object

VDI Template Status

id: string

Template ID.

name: string

Template name.

serverType: string 1 = RDS, 2 = Provider, 3 = Gateway, 4 = Guest, 5 = PC, 6 = VDITemplate, 7 = PA, 9 = Site, 25 = HALBDevice, 46 = Enrollment, 51 = HALB, -1 = All

Type of server.

siteId: integer (int32)

ID of Site.

providerId: integer (int32)

Provider ID.

vdiGuestId: string

Guest ID.

status: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = CreatingVM, 2 = CreateVMFailed, 3 = PushingAgent, 4 = PushAgentFailed, 5 = Configuring, 6 = ConfigureFailed, 7 = Converting, 8 = ConvertFailed, 9 = Creating, 10 = Created, 11 = Deleting, 12 = DeleteFailed, 13 = Deleted, 14 = Failed, 15 = EnteringMaintenance, 16 = ExitingMaintenance, 17 = Maintenance, 18 = CloningInProgress, 19 = NeedsUpdate, 20 = Broken

VDI Template Status.

agentVer: string

Last known Agent Version.

templateHasClones: boolean

Whether the template has clones.

templateVMExist: boolean

Whether the template has VM.

  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "serverType": "string",
  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "vdiGuestId": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "agentVer": "string",
  "templateHasClones": "boolean",
  "templateVMExist": "boolean"

VideoCaptureDevices: object

Settings about the Video Capture Devices

enabled: boolean

Whether Devices policy is enabled or not

enableCameras: boolean

If box is checked allow devices redirection

dynamicCameras: boolean

If box is checked allow the use of other devices that are plugged in later

videoCaptureUseAllDevices: boolean

Use all devices that are available

camerasIDs: string[]

Redirect to all available devices

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "enableCameras": "boolean",
  "dynamicCameras": "boolean",
  "videoCaptureUseAllDevices": "boolean",
  "camerasIDs": [

VM: object

Virtual Machine

siteId: integer (int32)

Site ID

id: string

ID of the VM

providerId: integer (int32)

Provider ID

name: string

Name of the VM

user: string

VM User

server: string

FQDN or IP address of the RAS Server

state: string 0 = Unknown, 1 = On, 2 = Off, 3 = Paused, 9 = CloningFailed, 17 = CloningCanceled

VM State

nativePoolId: string

ID of Native Pool

isGuest: boolean

Whether the VM is guest or not

isTemplate: boolean

Whether the VM is template or not

ip: string

IP of the VM

  "siteId": "integer (int32)",
  "id": "string",
  "providerId": "integer (int32)",
  "name": "string",
  "user": "string",
  "server": "string",
  "state": "string",
  "nativePoolId": "string",
  "isGuest": "boolean",
  "isTemplate": "boolean",
  "ip": "string"

WebAdminLoggingProviderSettings: object

LogLevel: object
  "LogLevel": "object"

WebAdminServiceConfig: object

RAS Web Administration Service configuration

webConsole: WebConsoleConfig

Web Console configuration

rest: RESTConfig

The REST configuration

rasServer: RASServerConfig

The RAS server configuration

session: SessionConfig

Session Configuration

  "webConsole": {
    "enable": "boolean",
    "basePath": "string",
    "pollingInterval": "integer (int32)",
    "logLevel": "integer (int32)"
  "rest": {
    "enable": "boolean"
  "rasServer": {
    "licenseServer": "string",
    "secondaryServers": [
  "session": {
    "expire": "integer (int32)",
    "disconnectDelay": "integer (int32)"

WebAdminSettings: object

RAS Web Administration Service settings

allowedHosts: string

Specifies the Allowed Hosts

kestrel: KestrelConfig

The Kestrel configuration

webAdminService: WebAdminServiceConfig

RAS Web Administration Service configuration

Logging: LoggingSettings
reRoutes: Route

RAS Ocelot routing configuration

  "allowedHosts": "string",
  "kestrel": {
    "endPoints": {
      "httpsDefaultCert": {
        "url": "string",
        "certificate": {
          "path": "string",
          "encryptedPassword": "string"
  "webAdminService": {
    "webConsole": {
      "enable": "boolean",
      "basePath": "string",
      "pollingInterval": "integer (int32)",
      "logLevel": "integer (int32)"
    "rest": {
      "enable": "boolean"
    "rasServer": {
      "licenseServer": "string",
      "secondaryServers": [
    "session": {
      "expire": "integer (int32)",
      "disconnectDelay": "integer (int32)"
  "Logging": {
    "WebAdmin": {
      "LogLevel": "object"
  "reRoutes": [
      "downstreamPathTemplate": "string",
      "downstreamScheme": "string",
      "downstreamHostAndPorts": [
          "host": "string",
          "port": "integer (int32)"
      "upstreamPathTemplate": "string"

WebAuthentication: object

Sessions Web Authentication Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether the web authentication is enabled or not

defaultOsBrowser: boolean

If the box is checked the OS will use the default browser

openBrowserOnLogout: boolean

Whether the browser is shown when logging out of web authentication with the internal browser

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "defaultOsBrowser": "boolean",
  "openBrowserOnLogout": "boolean"

WebConsoleConfig: object

Web Console configuration

enable: boolean

Whether the configuration is enabled or not.

basePath: string

Specifies the Web Console Base Path.

pollingInterval: integer (int32)

Specifies the Web Console Polling Interval.

logLevel: integer (int32)

Specifies the Web Console Log Level.

  "enable": "boolean",
  "basePath": "string",
  "pollingInterval": "integer (int32)",
  "logLevel": "integer (int32)"

WindowsClient: object

Client Options Windows Client Policy

enabled: boolean

Whether Windows Client policy is enabled or not.

autohide: boolean

Will hide the launcher when an application is opened.

autoLaunch: boolean

Will launch automatically at windows startup.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "autohide": "boolean",
  "autoLaunch": "boolean"

WindowsTouchInput: object

Settings about the Windows Touch Input of the Local Devices

enabled: boolean

Whether Windows Touch Input policy is enabled or not

touchInput: boolean

If box is checked allow the window touch redirection.

  "enabled": "boolean",
  "touchInput": "boolean"

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