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Manage existing templates

Modify a template

To modify an existing template, right-click it and choose Properties. Some properties cannot be modified, while many can. For the description of individual properties and settings, please refer to instructions in Create a template.

To delete a template, select it in the list and click Tasks > Delete. Note that at the time of this writing, there's a known issue that if a template is deleted in the RAS Console, the template and associated hosts may not be completely removed from Microsoft Azure. To make sure that all such objects are removed, it is recommended to do it from the Azure portal.

Assign a template to a host pool

When you create a host pool and set its provisioning type as Template, you need to assign an existing template to it. This can be done when you create or modify a host pool, or you can assign a template to a host pool on the Templates tab.

To assign a template to a host pool:

  1. Select a template and click Tasks > Assign to host pool.
  2. The Assign to Host Pool dialog opens listing available host pools. The list contains all suitable host pools depending on the location and other relevant properties. Host pools that already have a template assign are not included in the list. To display those host pool as well, select the Show host pools with assigned template option. The currently assigned template is displayed in the Template column.
  3. Select one or more host pools and click OK.

To remove a template from a host pool:

  1. Select a template and click Tasks > Remove from host pool.
  2. The Remove from Host Pool dialog opens listing all host pools using the selected template.
  3. Select one or more host pools to remove the template from and click OK.
  4. Note that if a host pool has guest VMs, they will be removed. You will see a message and need to confirm the removal.
  5. If one or more host pools are being locked by another administrator, you will also see a message and will have to repeat the operation later when a pool is unlocked.