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Configure logging

To configure logging and retrieve or clear existing log files, right-click a VDI provider, choose Troubleshooting > Logging in the context menu, and then click one of the following, depending on what you would like to do: Configure, Retrieve, or Clear. For the information on how to perform these tasks, see the Logging section. Please also read the important information below.

Note that logging of VDI provider operations is performed on the RAS VDI Agent level. When you configure logging for a VDI provider, you are essentially configuring it for the RAS VDI Agent that services this VDI provider. This means that if you are using the built-in RAS VDI Agent, its logging configuration applies to all VDI providers that it services. Consider the following scenarios:

  • When you retrieve log files for a specific VDI provider serviced by the built-in VDI Agent, the files will contain logs for all VDI providers serviced by the same agent.
  • If you clear log files for a particular VDI provider, you should be careful because the logs will be cleared for all VDI providers if they are serviced by the same built-in VDI agent. The RAS Console will prompt you if you try to delete such a shared log.

If a VDI provider has a dedicated VDI Agent, which services this host only, none of the above applies.