Parallels RAS PowerShell - Status Info Example

#Establish a connection with Parallels RAS (Replace Administrator with your RAS root account). New-RASSession Administrator
###### RDS status info ######
#Adding a RAS RDS New-RDS -Server "" -Username administrator
#Apply all settings. This cmdlet performs the same action as the Apply button in the RAS console. Invoke-Apply
# Get RDS status info Get-RDSStatus -Server

ID      Site ID         Server               CPU Load         Memory Load       Agent State     
--      ------          ------               ----------       ------------      --------------           
1            1               8                 15                  OK 
###### GW status info ######
#Adding a RAS GW New-GW -Server "" -Username administrator
#Apply all settings. This cmdlet performs the same action as the Apply button in the RAS console. Invoke-Apply
# Get GW status info Get-GWStatus -Server

ID      Site ID         Server               CPU Load         Memory Load       Agent State     
--      ------          ------               ----------       ------------      --------------           
1            1               13                 47                  OK 
###### PA status info ######
#Adding a RAS PA New-PA -Server "" -Username administrator
#Apply all settings. This cmdlet performs the same action as the Apply button in the RAS console. Invoke-Apply
# Get PA status info Get-PAStatus -Server

ID      Site ID         Server               CPU Load         Memory Load       Agent State     
--      ------          ------               ----------       ------------      --------------           
1            1                2                 46                  OK 
###### Site status info ######
#Adding a RAS Site New-Site -Server "" -Name "MySite" -Username administrator
#Apply all settings. This cmdlet performs the same action as the Apply button in the RAS console. Invoke-Apply
# Get Site status info Get-SiteStatus -Server

ID      Site ID         Server               CPU Load         Memory Load       Agent State     
--      ------          ------               ----------       ------------      --------------           
1            1              0                  0                  OK 
###### VDI Host status info ######
#Add a VDI Host servers. $VDIHost = New-VDIHost -Server "" -VDIType VmwareESXi6_0 -VDIUsername root -VDIAgentOStype Appliance -VDIAgent "" -Username root
#Apply all settings. This cmdlet performs the same action as the Apply button in the RAS console. Invoke-Apply
# Get VDI Host status info Get-VDIHostStatus -Id $VDIHost.Id

ID      Site ID         Server               CPU Load         Memory Load       Agent State     
--      ------          ------               ----------       ------------      --------------           
1            1              18                 60                  OK 
#End the current RAS session. Remove-RASSession