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To configure display settings, select the Display node and then configure the groups of settings described below.


Select the desired video acceleration mode and color depth.


Specify whether all monitors should be used for a desktop session if more than one monitor is connected to the user's computer.

Published applications

Select the Use primary monitor only option to start published applications on the primary monitor. Other monitors connected to a user's computer will not be used.

Desktop options

Specify the desktop options as follows:

  • Smart-sizing. Desktop smart sizing will scale a remote desktop to fit the connection window.
  • Embed desktop in launcher. Enable this option to access a published desktop inside Parallels Client.
  • Span desktop across all monitors. Enable this option to span published desktops across all connected monitors.
  • Connection bar in full screen. Specify whether the connection bar should be pinned, unpinned, or hidden when connecting in full screen mode.


This section applies to Parallels HTML5 client only. Specify whether a remote application should open in the same or a new tab in a web browser by default.