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Publishing a Desktop from a Guest VM

To publish a remote desktop from a guest VM, follow the below procedure:

  1. In the RAS Console, select the Publishing category and click the Add icon below the Published Resources tree. This will launch the publishing wizard.
  2. In the first step of the wizard select Desktop and click Next.
  3. On the Select Desktop Type page, select Virtual Desktop and click Next.
  4. On the Virtual Desktop page, enter a desktop name, an optional description, and change the icon if needed.
  5. In the Guest VM settings section, specify from where the desktop should be published. First, you need to select an option in the Connect to drop-down list and then specify an additional parameter in the field below it as follows:
    • Any guest VM. Use the from Pool drop-down list to specify a pool.
    • Specific Template. Select a template by expanding the template drop-down list.
  6. Select the Persistent option to mark a guest VM as persistent the first time a user connects to it.
  7. In the Desktop Size section, specify the desktop screen resolution and size.
  8. In the Multi-Monitor field, select the desired option (enable, disable, use client settings).
  9. If needed, select the Persistent option (lower right) to make a guest VM persistent. For more information, see Persistent Guest VMs.
  10. Click Finish when done.