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Configure HTML5 Client Themes

A theme is a combination of colors, title, icons, display language, and some other items that users will experience when they open the Parallels HTML5 Client in their web browsers.

To manage themes, navigate to Farm / Site / Themes in the Parallels RAS Console. The Themes view in the right pane displays the available themes. The list contains at least one default theme. This theme cannot be removed but you can customize it as needed. In addition to the default theme, you can create your own themes.

To create a new or modify an existing theme:

  • Click Tasks > New Theme (or click the [+] icon) to create a new theme.
  • Double-click an existing theme (or right-click it and choose Properties ).

The Theme Properties dialog opens. Use the dialog to create a new or modify an existing theme. The instructions below apply to both scenarios.


On the General tab page of the Theme Properties dialog, specify the following theme properties:

  • Enable Theme: Enable or disable the theme. Note that you cannot disable the default theme.
  • Name: Specify a theme name. This field is mandatory.
  • Description: Specify an optional theme description.
  • Theme login page: This field is populated automatically with the theme name, but you can replace it with a name of your choice. The complete name (including the read-only https://FQDN/RASHTML5Gateway/?theme= part) forms a URL of the theme login page. Users will enter this URL in their web browsers and see the customized Parallels HTML5 Client login page.

    For example, if you enter MyTheme in this field, the complete URL becomes https://FQDN/RASHTML5Gateway/?theme=MyTheme . When you give the URL to end users, replace the "FQDN" part with the actual FQDN or IP address of the RAS Secure Client Gateway server where you have HTML5 connectivity enabled.

    Note that the https://FQDN/RASHTML5Gateway part is the same as the URL found on the HTML5 tab page of the RAS Secure Client Gateway Properties dialog .

  • Limit access to this theme to members of these Active Directory groups: If this option is cleared, any Parallels RAS user can access the theme if they know its URL. To limit access to a particular group (or groups), select this option and then click Tasks > Add (or click the [+] icon) and select the desired group(s).


On the Appearance tab page, specify the following options:

  • Colors . Select this option in the left pane and then specify the desired colors for the HTML5 login page header and footer.
  • Company . Select this option and then enter your company name. Click Browse and select the company logo file (a picture 158x35 pixels in PNG format ). Click the other Browse button and select the favicon file (the icon must be 32x32 pixes in PNG format; it will appear in front of the HTML5 client page name in a web browser).
  • Messages . Specify the pre-logon and post log-on messages. The max length of a message is 500 characters. The pre-logon message appears on the Log in page. The post-logon message appears as a message box immediately after the user successfully logs in.
  • Language Bar . Select the languages that will appear in the language selector on the Parallels HTML5 Client page. The selector appears as a language flag icon on the page header to the right of the user name.
  • Footer URLs . This option allows you to specify custom URLs that will be placed in the Parallels HTML5 Client footer. To add a URL, click Tasks > Add and specify a URL, a text that will appear on the page footer, and a tooltip text. When entering similar URLs, you can duplicate an existing one by right-clicking it and choosing Duplicate (or select an entry and click the "duplicate" icon next to the [-] icon).
  • Preview . Click the button to see how the theme will look in a web browser.

When done customizing the theme, click the Preview button to see a preview of the Parallels HTML5 Client app launcher. If satisfied, click the OK button to save the theme and close the dialog.

You can also perform the following actions on the Themes tab page in the Parallels RAS Console:

  • Duplicate a theme — right-click a theme and choose Duplicate (or select a theme and click Tasks > Duplicate ).
  • Preview a theme — right-click a theme and choose Preview (or Tasks > Preview ).
  • Delete a theme — right-click a theme and choose Delete (or Tasks > Delete ).

When done creating or modifying themes, click Apply in the Parallels RAS Console to commit the changes to Parallels RAS. You can now test a theme by opening its URL in am HTML5-enabled web browser.