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Specifying Icon Settings

Setting icon resolution

Published resources are displayed in Parallels Client as icons or as a list. You can specify which resolution should be used when the resources are displayed as icons.

To specify the icon resolution, navigate to Farm / Site / Settings > Client Settings (tab page) and then select one of the following options:

  • Send standard resolution icons . Standard resolution icons will be displayed.
  • Send high resolution icons . High resolution icons. Please note that this option will use more network bandwidth.

Enabling or disabling an overlay icon

The Enable overlay icon option allows you to enable or disable an overlay icon on an RD Session host. When a user launches a remote application, it's hard to tell whether the application is run by a local or a remote user on the host. When the overlay icon option is enabled (it is by default), the native application icon is replaced with the Parallels RAS icon (you can see how the icon looks next to the Enable overlay icon option). The icon is replaced in the upper left-hand corner of the application window and the taskbar. To disable the icon, clear the Enable overlay icon option.