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Publishing a Web Application from a Guest VM

A web application is like any other application that you can publish using the standard application publishing functionality. However, to simplify publishing of straight URL links to web applications, a separate publishing item type is available that allows you to accomplish this task with minimal number of steps.

To publish a web application:

  1. In the RAS Console, select the Publishing category and then click the Add icon below the Published Resources tree (or right-click inside the Published Resources box and click Add in the context menu).  This will launch the publishing wizard.
  2. On the Select Item Type wizard page, select Web application and click Next.
  3. On the Select Server Type page, select Guest VM and click Next .
  4. On the Virtual Desktop Web Application wizard page that opens, specify the web application name, description, window state, and the URL. Select the Force to use Internet Explorer option if needed. To browse for a specific application icon, click Change Icon .
  5. Use the Guest VM settings section to specify from where the application should be published.

    The options are:

    • Any guest VM . Publish the application from any guest VM in the selected pool. Select this option and then select a pool in the from Pool drop-down list.
    • Specific guest VM. To select a guest VM, expand the Guest drop-down list. This opens the Guest VM List dialog. Please note that in order to select a guest VM, it must have RAS Guest Agent installed. To verify this, look at the Agent Status column, which should say "Agent Verified". If you select a guest VM that has any other value in the Agent Status column, you will be asked to install the RAS Guest Agent in the VM before you can proceed (note that if the selected guest VM was stopped, it will be automatically started).
    • Guest VM . Select this option and then select a pool in from Pool . In the where name equals drop-down list, select Username or IP . The application will be published from a guest VM from the selected pool whose name/IP matches the username/IP of the user connecting.
    • Specific RAS template . Publish the application from a specific RAS template. Select this option and then select a template in the RAS template drop-down list.

    Select the Persistent option to mark a guest VM as persistent the first time the user connects to it.

  6. When done, click Finish to publish the application.