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Viewing Parallels RAS Configuration Changes

The information about any modifications to the Parallels RAS farm configuration is stored in a database, so it can be reviewed later. The information is stored in the master database but is replicated in a local database on the computer where Parallels RAS Console is running.

To view the list of all configuration changes, do the following:

  1. In the Parallels RAS Console, select the Administration category and then click the Settings Audit tab.
  2. The sync process checks that the local audit database is in sync with the master database and will do an update if necessary, during which you will see a message box with the progress indicator.
  3. Once the syncing is complete, the Settings Audit tab page will be populated with data. Each entry in the list corresponds to a modification performed in the RAS Console by a Parallels RAS administrator.

To refresh the list, click the "recycle" icon (top right).

To view details for an entry, double-click it (or select an entry and click Tasks > View entry ).

To search for a specific entry (or entries), click the magnifying glass icon (top right). An extra row is added at the top of the list allowing you to enter the search criteria. You can type a string to search for in one or multiple columns. The search is performed as you type and the list is filtered to include only the matching entries. To cancel filtering and display the complete list, click the magnifying glass icon again.