Assessing Network PerformanceWhen users experience poor performance while working with remote applications or desktops in Parallels Client, the issue may not be related to back-end Parallels RAS components, but simply due to poor network conditions. Parallels Client provides you with the ability to assess network performance while an active session is running. To asses network performance, click Sessions > Session Information in the main menu. The Sessions dialog opens where you can view active session information.
The columns in the Sessions table are:
The Connection Quality , Latency , and Bandwidth column values should give you enough information to identify poor network conditions. If network performance is not as expected, you can address the issue from this perspective. You can also view the connection quality information on the Session Information dialog ( Connection Quality section). To open the dialog, select a session and click the Show Information button. The buttons in the Sessions dialog allow you to perform the following actions: