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Windows Device Groups

Windows Device Groups allow you to group managed Windows devices and administer them together. When a Windows device becomes managed, it automatically inherits settings from the default group.

Note: Specific devices within a group can be configured to override inherited settings from the group.

Creating a Windows Device Group

To create a Windows Device Group:

  1. Navigate to the Windows Devices Groups tab in the Client Manager category and click Tasks > Add .
  2. On the Main tab page, specify a group name and an optional description.
  3. On the OS Settings tab page:
    • Select the Replace desktop option to limit the interface of this groups devices. Specify the Admin Mode Password required to switch the device between user and admin modes.
    • Select the Enable Firewall option to add inbound ports. To add an inbound port, click Tasks > Add .
  4. On the Shadowing tab page, select the Request Authorization option to prompt a Windows device user before remotely controlling their desktop. If enabled, the user can choose to decline the connection.

Adding a Windows Device to a Group

To add a Windows device to a group:

  1. Navigate to the Client Manager / Devices tab page.
  2. Right-click a managed Windows device and then click Properties in the context menu.
  3. On the Main tab page, click the Member of Group drop-down list and select a group.
  4. Click OK .

The administrator can now perform power control actions such as Power On, Power Off, Reboot, and Logoff on groups of devices.