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Parallels Client Command Line Parameters

Parallels Client for Windows parameters are available when launching published application and published desktop from the command line.



s!='primary server'

Primary Server hostname or IP address.

b!='backup server'

Secondary Server hostname or IP address.

a!='application/desktop id'

Published Application/Desktop ID.

p!='override application params'



Port of the RAS Remote Application Serverconnection.


Username for the user to connect with.


Password for the user.

d!='domain' ignored if user name is in UPN format

Domain name.

l!='0/1' 0 use primary server, 1 user backup server

Specify value  in order to connect either to primary or backup server.

m!='connection mode' (gateway mode = 0, direct mode 1, gateway ssl mode = 2, direct ssl = 3, direct rdp=4)

Specify value for  the connection mode.

o!='0/1' if set to 1 credentials are overwritten with SSO information if available

When set to 1, credentials are overwritten with SSO credentials.

i!='connection alias'

Specify a connection Alias.


Always ask for credentials.


Reconnect if connection is dropped .


  1. In Command Prompt, go to the location were Parallels Client is installed and run the following command:

    TSClient.exe s!='2008ad1.2x.testing' a!='#50' t!='80' d!='2x.testing' u!='testerjm'q!='123456'  m!='0'

WinClient_CMD connection advanced settings

Running the above command will launch Published application with ID92, for user testerjm.